Fighting New Battles - Arkansas National Guard

Fighting New Battles - Arkansas National Guard

Fighting New Battles - Arkansas National Guard


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atic exerciseThe <strong>Arkansas</strong> MinutemanThe <strong>Arkansas</strong> Minuteman. Members of the <strong>Arkansas</strong>in a hostage situation exerciseite to watch the <strong>Guard</strong> in action.1st Battalion of the 153rd to thean embedded journalist. Thecompound.position, and the Soldiers thensounds and smells of real comeralprisoners while rescuing.e terrorists took her hostageinside of their compound.showdown was imminent.echniques that help Soldierswhatever obstacles theyintegral parts of their localknow everybody, and I thinkxplained. “These are ourIraqi Freedom. The brigadeined their combat skills with14-year-olds from Prescott, saidn the sniper’s work. “I’d like to jointhing that I could look forward to.”der, guarding his “hostage” Wendy Lede153rd waits for fellow troops to arriveahr, 119th Mobile Public Affairs Detach-. (Photo by 1st Sgt. Bob Barnett, 119thard Soldiers storm an abandoned buildingobile Public Affairs Detachment.) Bottomtion Brigade’s 1st Battalion, 114th Air Assault,f the mock hostage situation in Prescott. Theuminsky, 119th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.)xercise added to the realism of the training after betheshow. The full blown exercise provided the troops(Photo by 1st Lt.Summer 2006 Page 21Spring 2006 Page 21

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