VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria


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<strong>VRIOGS</strong> <strong>010.7</strong> Revision A 3TermPermit to WorkPTDPower Supply AuthoritySpark GapSignal EngineerSection HutsTouch PotentialTramway SquareTraction SystemEngineer“Up” Track or “Up”DirectionVRIOGDescriptionA permit issued by an Authority to allow work to beperformed under a set of controlled safety conditions.The <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> Division of the Department of<strong>Transport</strong>.The Authority that supplies electrical power to theInfrastructure.A protective device installed to all overhead tractionstructures to ensure a return path for dangerous faultcurrents, in the event of a breakdown of a 1500 volt DCoverhead traction insulator on the overhead tractionstructure.The person nominated by the ARO Infrastructure Manageror Others as the Engineer responsible for Signalling.Same definition as Tie Station.The voltage difference between an item (in the context ofthis standard it is the rail) and ground. Touch potential is thevoltage you would be exposed to if you were standing on theground and touched the item.The area of a intersection where both tram and rail vehicleshave passage and where all rails within the actual squareare electrically bonded together and are then isolated fromeither side of the actual square by means of insulated railjoints.The person nominated by the ARO Infrastructure Manageras qualified and responsible for the installation andmaintenance of the traction current supply and distributioninfrastructure as its representative for the works in hand.The direction or section of rail track that allows rail traffic totravel in a direction towards the Flinders Street RailwayStation.The <strong>Victoria</strong>n Rail Industry Operators’ Group comprising thefollowing members:• VicTrack• V/Line Passenger• Metro Trains Melbourne• Yarra Trams• Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC)• <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> Division of the Department of <strong>Transport</strong>(PTD)NOTE: This document is controlled only when viewed on the DOT Engineering Standards website.Any other copy of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may not be current.

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