VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria


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<strong>VRIOGS</strong> <strong>010.7</strong> Revision A 41with a suitable adhesive and cables fastened within this plate.11. The Constructor shall supply and install all track circuit and traction bondingcables in accordance with the <strong>VRIOGS</strong> and the Infrastructure Manager’sSignalling Cable Specifications.12. Track wires and track connection points are to be accessible at all times andnot covered by paths, access tracks or road, pedestrian walkways, etc. Allcables are to be kept clear of access pathways during installation and uponfinal construction.13. Where level crossing predictors are used, the track wires shall be inaccordance with Figure 9- Typical HXP and GCP Track Circuit Connections.The Combined Transmitter/Receiver track wire length shall not exceed152 metres. Transmitter track wires shall not exceed 60 metres. Fifty percentand one hundred per cent points are to be identified and marked on a metalplate attached to a track sleeper or timber (refer to plan STD G0049 PointTrackside Labelling for Control Number and “N&R” Labels to Indicate Lay ofPoints).14. All cables are to have heavy duty or thick wall glue lined heat shrink tubingapplied over cable ends where they are connected to lugs and links so thatthe heat shrink extends over the lug stem and over the cable to prevent theingress of water. Heat shrink length is approximately 100 mm.15. Track wires from different track circuits are to be routed independently fromthe track connection to the nearest pit, trunking or housing enclosure toprevent any means of incorrect identification and/or connection to theincorrect track circuit.16. All signalling cross bonding jumper cables are to be kept to a minimum lengthand are to be connected to the rail web on the nearest side of the rail from thedirection of the incoming cable.17. Bonding for track continuity shall be by means of rail head bonding utilisingtwo flexible copper bonds welded to the rail head.18. All in-line cable joints shall be staggered. The in-line joint is to be enclosed inheavy duty glued heat shrinkable tubing.19. In-line cable joints shall have both conductors of each cable crossing overeach other within the jointing link and the ends of each conductor protrudingfrom the end of the jointing crimp link. The link shall be crimped in fourpositions along the length of the link.20. All track circuit leads and signal cross bond jumpers are to be enclosed inorange Heavy Duty flexible PVC tubing for their complete length.21. Where shunts or coupling capacitors are installed they are to be located tothe nearest timber or concrete bearer ; and have a galvanised three (3) mmsteel cover plate installed by an approved method to the bearer , such that itcovers the entire exposed area of the coupler or capacitor and that is fixed tothe bearer.22. All signal and traction head of rail bonds are to be installed by the electricbrazing method or to an alternative method as approved by the InfrastructureManager.NOTE: This document is controlled only when viewed on the DOT Engineering Standards website.Any other copy of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may not be current.

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