VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria

VRIOGS 010.7 RevA - Public Transport Victoria


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<strong>VRIOGS</strong> <strong>010.7</strong> Revision A 7the two tracks are on different rights of way and even if the rights of waynever actually join. These effects can continue to follow the right of way for adistance well beyond the actual electrification infrastructure.4.4.1 Transverse limit of Immunised AreaFor the purpose of this specification the entire rail corridor under and between anyelectrified tracks and extending on each side to the rail corridor boundary isconsidered to be the Immunised Area.4.4.2 Longitudinal limit of Immunised AreaThe limit of the Immunised Area should be sufficiently remote from the effects of theelectric traction that non-immune signalling equipment can safely be installed. Thelimit of the Immunised Area therefore extends beyond the extent of the electrificationinfrastructure.1. Where the non-electrified track extends directly from the end of the electrifiedarea then a line perpendicular to all tracks at the last electrification supplystructure (mast, tension anchor, substation enclosure or end of traction supplyconductor) is considered the point of separation. Immunisation precautionsshould be implemented for a distance of at least 3000 m from the point ofseparation.2. Where non-electrified track diverges laterally from an electrified rail corridorthe point of separation is taken as being a line at right angles to the centrelineof the non-electrified track from the point where its structure gauge is clear ofthe boundary of the electrified area. Immunisation precautions should beimplemented for a distance of at least 3000 m from the point of separation.4.4.3 Same Rail CorridorWhere an electrified track shares a common rail corridor with a non-electrified trackbut the electrification terminates whilst the non-electrified track continues then allimmunisation precautions should be implemented on all infrastructure within theelectrified area and for a distance of at least 3000 m from the point of separation.4.4.4 Adjacent Rail Corridors1. Where an electrified track runs adjacent to a non-electrified track even wherethis is on a physically isolated right of way, immunisation precautions shouldbe considered whenever the centrelines of the two tracks come within 100 mand should definitely be implemented if the two centrelines come within 30 m.2. In this instance the point of separation shall be the taken as the point 15 mfrom the centreline of the electrified track along the shortest straight linebetween electrified and non-electrified tracks. The remaining distance alongthis straight line shall count towards calculating the required extent ofimmunisation provision.3. Where the separate rail corridors cross above / below one another thecrossing is considered to be an electrified area on the non-electrified track.The points of separation shall be lines at right angles to the centreline of thenon-electrified track 15 m from where the centrelines of the tracks cross.NOTE: This document is controlled only when viewed on the DOT Engineering Standards website.Any other copy of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may not be current.

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