OLED Display, Graphics 128x64 - 3.3V, SPI Features - Sunrom ...

OLED Display, Graphics 128x64 - 3.3V, SPI Features - Sunrom ... OLED Display, Graphics 128x64 - 3.3V, SPI Features - Sunrom ...


PinoutsPin# Pin Name Details1 GND Power Ground2 3V3 +3.3V Power Input Provide regulated 3.3V supply3 CS Chip Select Input Standard SPI Chip Select pin.To be made low beforesending any serial SPI byte.Once byte is sent, CS to bemade high again.4 RST LCD Reset Input Active low reset. When keptlow it is in reset mode. Neededto reset 5ms at startup withexternal MCU. Keep it high fornormal operation.5 D/C# Register SelectInputIf RS=1(High) pin the serialbyte is consider data byteIf RS=0(Low) pin the serial byteis consider command byte6 SCK Serial Clock Input Standard SPI Interface Clockpin7 MOSI Master Out, Slave In In Standard SPI interface it isMOSI(Master Output and SlaveInput) Pin, Here MCU is masterand LCD is slave.Back side of LCD2Sunrom Technologies Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at www.sunrom.com

Sample Application with Source CodeWe have created a demo application using Atmel AVR ATMega32 in C language. It is wellcommented and can be ported to other microcontrollers easily. Next page has link to downloadsource code. Note that the MCU and LCD both are operated in 3.3V mode only in following image.Operating LCD on 5V will damage it permenantely, so take care while powering on.3V3U2LCD 128x64MCU 3.3V OperationLCD 3.3V Operation128x64 DOTS,SPIOLED GRAPHICS LCDSUNROM.COM 1258GND 1+3.3V 23CS4RST5D/C#6SCK7MOSI3V33V3C2100nR110KC433pC633pU1ATMega3212PB0/(XCK/T0)3PB1/(T1)4PB2/(INT2/AIN0)5PB3/(OC0/AIN1)6PB4/(SS)7PB5/(MOSI)8PB6/(MISO)PB7/(SCK)912Y18 Mhz131415161718192021RESETXTAL2XTAL1PD0/(RXD)PD1/(TXD)PD2/(INT0)PD3/(INT1)PD4/(OC1B)PD5/(OC1A)PD6/(ICP)PD7/(OC2)VCC 10GNDGND1131PA0/(ADC0)PA1/(ADC1)PA2/(ADC2)PA3/(ADC3)PA4/(ADC4)PA5/(ADC5)PA6/(ADC6)PA7/(ADC7)AREFAVCCPC7/(TOSC2)PC6/(TOSC1)PC5/(TDI)PC4/(TDO)PC3/(TMS)PC2/(TCK)PC1/(SDA)PC0/(SCL)4039383736353433323029282726252423223V3Some demo screens from the code run.3Sunrom Technologies Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at www.sunrom.com

Sample Application with Source CodeWe have created a demo application using Atmel AVR ATMega32 in C language. It is wellcommented and can be ported to other microcontrollers easily. Next page has link to downloadsource code. Note that the MCU and LCD both are operated in <strong>3.3V</strong> mode only in following image.Operating LCD on 5V will damage it permenantely, so take care while powering on.3V3U2LCD <strong>128x64</strong>MCU <strong>3.3V</strong> OperationLCD <strong>3.3V</strong> Operation<strong>128x64</strong> DOTS,<strong>SPI</strong><strong>OLED</strong> GRAPHICS LCDSUNROM.COM 1258GND 1+<strong>3.3V</strong> 23CS4RST5D/C#6SCK7MOSI3V33V3C2100nR110KC433pC633pU1ATMega3212PB0/(XCK/T0)3PB1/(T1)4PB2/(INT2/AIN0)5PB3/(OC0/AIN1)6PB4/(SS)7PB5/(MOSI)8PB6/(MISO)PB7/(SCK)912Y18 Mhz131415161718192021RESETXTAL2XTAL1PD0/(RXD)PD1/(TXD)PD2/(INT0)PD3/(INT1)PD4/(OC1B)PD5/(OC1A)PD6/(ICP)PD7/(OC2)VCC 10GNDGND1131PA0/(ADC0)PA1/(ADC1)PA2/(ADC2)PA3/(ADC3)PA4/(ADC4)PA5/(ADC5)PA6/(ADC6)PA7/(ADC7)AREFAVCCPC7/(TOSC2)PC6/(TOSC1)PC5/(TDI)PC4/(TDO)PC3/(TMS)PC2/(TCK)PC1/(SDA)PC0/(SCL)4039383736353433323029282726252423223V3Some demo screens from the code run.3<strong>Sunrom</strong> Technologies Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at www.sunrom.com

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