AirLoc® Isolation Pads & Levelers PDF - Acorn Industrial Products Co

AirLoc® Isolation Pads & Levelers PDF - Acorn Industrial Products Co

AirLoc® Isolation Pads & Levelers PDF - Acorn Industrial Products Co


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A convincing comprehensive concept!T H EC O M P A N YAirLoc – for innovations in leveling and vibration engineeringFor more than 50 years the name AirLoc has stood for high-quality products in the areas of vibration engineering,impact sound insulation and machine setup technology. When it comes to foundation isolation for newspaper rotaryprinting presses and machine foundations, we are one of the world’s leading suppliers of complete solutions. Thequality of our products is ensured by our modern machinery, production depth and our own test laboratory. A worldwidesales network guarantees the availability of our products and services everywhere, anytime.AirLoc – custom solutions for your ideasWe produce and market efficient and safe products at a fair price-performance ratio. A broad range of productsavailable from stock is the basis for an economical product selection, high delivery reliability and an excellentreputation with our customers.AirLoc – for complete one-stop serviceWe are a system supplier that offers our customers all-around service. From the planning phase of a project to theinstallation, we are your one-stop supplier. Our customers profit from our many years of experience because weoffer efficient and complete solutions that increase our customers’ competitiveness.P R O D U C T S A N D S E R V I C E SMeasurementsWith our modern measurement devices we offer our customers vibration measurements using FFT analyzers. Weare able to determine the natural frequencies of buildings and disturbing frequencies of machines of all kinds. Themeasurement results serve as the basis for a problem analysis from which recommendations for improvementcan be derived. Our Dynometer measurement system permits us to measure static loads in order to determinethe exact load distribution of a machine.Foundation vibration isolationOne of our key know-how areas is designing custom vibration isolations for any kind of machine foundation.We have designed several hundred foundation isolation systems, even for large-scale foundation blocks ofseveral thousand tons. The vibration isolation systems that we designed were manufactured in-house andproperly installed at customer premises under our supervision.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

What is vibration isolation?Vibrations generated by machines and equipment are disturbing. The need to reduce vibration transmissions places increasingdemands on machine engineers and operators. Targeted vibration prevention is therefore a must.F This is where the considerable practical experience of AirLoc Schrepfer Ltd. comes into play to find the rightR 1+(2Dη)V 2K = — = ————————F custom solution.E (1-η 2 ) 2 +(2Dη) 2 V I B R A T I O N E N G I N E E R I N GFigure 1 shows a sinusodial, undampened vibration. The most important terms in vibration engineering arefrequency f, amplitude A and damping factor D. Natural frequency as well as resonance are also importantfigures when considering isolation systems.Frequency f is a measure of the number of complete vibration cycles per second.1 1f=— [— = Hz]T sStructure-borne noise are vibrations that are conveyed in a solid body. Low frequencies are generally what we callFigure 1: Harmonic vibration mechanical vibrations.F E fThe amplitude is the vibration wave range around its equilibrium. It determines the severity of vibration and isEusually expressed in terms of acceleration or displacement.Damping D designates the measure of amplitude reduction of the vibration of a freely oscillating spring-mass systemthrough friction. Damping refers to the conversion of energy to heat.f 0Natural frequency f 0 of a body is the frequency with which the body freely oscillates around its equilibrium withoutexternal influence. Each body has it own natural frequency, which however can only be calculated in the simplestof cases. Usually it can be easily measured using impact or impulse triggering. If this natural frequency isF Rclose to a vibration forcing frequency f E, resonance is the result. In this case the amplitude increases, which couldFigure 2: Vibration isolation of a lead to the destruction of the system.dynamic systemm = massc = spring constantV I B R A T I O N I S O L A T I O Nf 0D = dampingcore sizeThe vibration isolation of a dynamic system consists of isolating from the environment by means of an elastic bodyf 0 = naturalwhich has a considerably lower natural frequency f 0 from the system forcing frequency f E .frequency ofthe isolationf Figure 2 schematically shows such a system with isolation. Of practical interest is the transmitted force F R outputf E = vibration η = E Frequency—f0ratio and ratio of this force to the original input force. This ratio, called force transmission factor V K , is shown ingeneratorFigure 3 as a function of the frequency ratio.frequencyf η E =—f0F E = generator force F R force transmissionfactor For η = √2 the V K becomes 1 again and above η = √2 the result is isolation. The greater the ratio of vibration gener-F V K = — R = remaining force FEator frequency f E to natural f 0 , the better the degree of isolation J = 1 – V K .V KJWhen elastic materials are used, it has been determined that below the resonance range of about η = 0,53 D=001020the vibration acceleration values are reduced and therefore isolation is provided.302,540D=0,2The natural frequency as a function of the specific load must be determined for elastomers in laboratory measurements.50602The measurable reduction in thickness of the plates is designated compressive static deflection.70801,58510,590V I B R A T I O N I S O L A T E D M A C H I N E S E T U P002 2 3 4 615Figure 3: Force transmission factoras a function of the frequency rationThe demands for machine setup are nearly always contradictory. The machine should be firmly fixed and stablebut well isolated against vibration. It should be quickly and easily assembled (and disassembled ) but it shouldnot move. And it should also be able to be leveled and re-leveled with great precision, but not displaced.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Selection tableThe AirLoc selection table is designed to help you find the right AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> or AirLoc Wedgmount ®Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> for your machine.Is your machine or your specific application not listed?Please contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax. Our experienced team will help you with your selection. You will find the contactdetails on the last page of this catalogue.Areas of applicationJacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>pages 14 – 23Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>pages 24 – 35Engineeringsolutionspages 12 – 13GLV, GLR and GLRIGLRN and GLPPRSBolted ontothe machinePRGPGRIPRPFree standingBolted ontothe machineBolt-through anchoredin the floorRigid clamp withoutisolation liningPad setsFoundationisolationMetal processingMachining centersDrilling machinesBoring machinesLathesLathes, long bedMilling machinesPumps and compressorsPresses, mechanicalPresses, hydraulicSawsShears and folding pressesGrinding machinesForging machinesStamping and nibbling machineTransfer linesPlastic processingGranulatorsMills and calendersHandling devicesInjection moulding machinePrinting and paper industryBook-binding machinesPrinting pressesFoldersPaper cuttersPackaging machineryOther machinesChemical installations (INOX stainless steel)Woodworking machinesAir conditionersMeasuring instrumentsFood industry (INOX stainless steel)Optical devicesWeb machinesThe leveler is optimally suited for this application.On the catalogue page of the selected machine element, please look for a suitable element to matchyour application and machine weight.For light-weight machines only<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog IfBoulevard, you are notKing certain, of Prussia, please ask PA us 19406 or use| PRG 800-523-5474 and PRGI elements. | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Product overviewPageAirLoc isolation pads 6400 series 7700 series 8900F series 9<strong>Co</strong>mposite pads series 10Non-skid and shim pads 11Multi layered pads 12Foundation isolation 13AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> 14PRG 15PRS and PRSK 16PRP 17GLV and GLR 18GLRN 19PRGI and GLRI – INOX stainless steel 20PR – thermoplastic 21Custom designs 22AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> 24VRC – free standing 26VRC – free standing, 4-wedge system 27VRC – bolt-on 28VRKC – bolt-on, spherical seat 29VRC – bolt-through 30VRKC – bolt-through, spherical seat 31KSC – rigid clamp 32KSKC – rigid clamp, spherical seat 33KaBloc 34Fastening systems and studs 35– Stud type P and TA/SL heavy duty dowel– Stud type RGM and RM chemical dowel– Isolating washers– Stud type S (see page 19)– Stud type S INOX stainless steel (see page 21)Custom designs – precision levelers 36Accessories 37– Spacer for Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>– Mounting Wedgmount ® MSC– Leveling screw extensionHorizontal supports 38Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler VC <strong>Co</strong>mpact and L2 bracket support 38HZA – W and H series 39<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

<strong>Isolation</strong> padAirLoc is the only manufacturer offering conventional laminated pad materials and the new generation of advanced isolation pads.Of course all AirLoc pad materials are RoHS certified.Today’s machines generate dynamic forces that were unthinkable a few years ago. AirLoc’s new generation of isolationpads are highly developed materials for preventing problems due to vibrations and structure-borne noise.This new generation of pads effectively combats these problems. The technical and physical values are in line withthe latest state of elastomer development and today cover application areas that were not possible a few years ago.Improved compression set and coefficient of friction maintain your machine’s stability in the specified position foryears, even when the dynamic load is high. Excellent resistance to all coolants, cleaning agents and lubricants usedin modern machine engineering operations means that these products can be reliably used trouble-free (e.g. inoil troughs).AirLoc pad materials can be easily cut with a ribbon saw, keyhole saw or disk saw to the desired shape. And ofcourse all AirLoc pad materials are RoHS certified.With our vibration isolation pads, all vibration-caused problems common to today’s machine engineering operationscan be solved economically and efficiently.400 Series – the best for outstanding vibration isolationAirLoc vibration pads of the 400 series have been specially developed for low-frequency applications. Provides verygood resistance to many chemicals, lubricants and fuels guarantees long service life. A high coefficient of frictionand very narrow production tolerances offer a high level of application security and the best protection for yourvaluable equipment.700 Series – universal use for excellent dampingAirLoc vibration pads of the 700 series are the result of 50 years of development and application experience in vibrationengineering. Thanks to the high level of damping, the application is secure and extremely effective, even whenused in critical operational conditions. Very good resistance to oils, lubricants and fuels makes the 700 series isolationpads ideal for modern, cost-effective production machines and machine tools.900F Series – dynamic for greatest load-bearing capacityAirLoc vibration isolation pads of the 900F series were developed for all applications with high static and dynamicforces and for the greatest leveling stability. The very high load-bearing capacity and very good resistance to manychemicals, lubricants and fuels guarantee long service life. This makes the 900F series isolation pads the ideal materialfor modern, cost-effective production machines and machine tools.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

400 Series – the best for outstanding vibration isolationAirLoc vibration isolation pads of the 400 series have been specially developed for low-frequency applications. Provides verygood resistance to many chemicals, lubricants and fuels guarantees long service life. A high coefficient of friction and very narrowproduction tolerances offer a high level of application security and the best protection for your valuable equipment.Order no. =article no. + indexArea of applicationTypeArticle no.PadthicknessLoadNatural frequency,medium load (Hz)mmpsiverticalhorizontalSensitive devices that are affectedby vibrations. Low structure height.410without profile2.00100.__1036 – 145506.5Highly effective isolation forsensitive devices that are affectedby vibrations.425without profile2.00425.__2536 – 109224.5Production machines on multistoried buildings, measuringmachines.B1 profileboth sides2.00132.__1314.5 – 72.5216Passive isolation for sensitivedevices, e.g. laboratory instrumentsand weighing equipment.B2 profileboth sides2.04202.__2614.5 – 72.5145Foundation isolations, passiveisolation for very sensitive devicesand systems.B3 profileboth sidesB4 profile2.04203.__2.04204.__395214.5 – 72.514.5 – 72.510943.5both sidesTemperature range –20 °C to +80 °C<strong>Co</strong>efficient of friction 0.9Shore hardness 40 – 45° Shore AStandard pad sizes400 seriesOther dimensions in all shapesavailable from stock upon request.Index_._____.70_._____.71_._____.72_._____.76_._____.80_._____.85_._____.86Lmm1000500500250200125100Wmm500500250250200125100Only types 410 and 425Multi-layered pads, see page 12, pad sets. For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

700 Series – universal use for excellent dampingAirLoc vibration pads of the 700 series are the result of 50 years of development and application experience in vibration engineering.Thanks to the high level of damping, the application is secure and extremely effective, even when used in critical operationalconditions. Very good resistance to oils, lubricants and fuels makes the 700 series isolation pads ideal for modern,cost-effective production machines and machine tools.Order no. =article no. + indexArea of applicationTypeArticle no.PadthicknessLoadNatural frequency,medium load (Hz)mmpsiverticalhorizontalEconomical isolation pad with highdamping. Low structure height.Suitable for production systems,general machine engineering.710without profile7113.07100.__3.07101.__101072.5 – 29072.5 – 29092771918profile one side7123.07102.__1072.5 – 2907117profile bothsidesUniversally usable isolation padwith high damping effect. Manyyears of proven performance in allprinting presses, paper and textilemachines.715without profile716profile one side3.07150.__3.07151.__151572.5 – 29072.5 – 290816713167173.07152.__1572.5 – 2905815profile bothsidesHighly effective isolation padespecially developed for machineswith high dynamic force, such aspresses, sheering machines andstamping machines.725without profile726profile one side3.07250.__3.07251.__252572.5 – 29072.5 – 29044331087273.07252.__2572.5 – 290338profile bothsidesTemperature range –15 °C to +100 °C<strong>Co</strong>efficient of friction 0.8Shore hardness 70 – 75° Shore AStandard pad sizes700 seriesOther dimensions in all shapesavailable from stock upon request.Index_._____.70_._____.71_._____.72_._____.76_._____.80_._____.85_._____.86Lmm1000500500250200125100Wmm500500250250200125100Multi-layered pads, see page 12, pad sets. For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

900F Series – dynamic for greatest load-bearing capacityAirLoc vibration isolation pads in the 900F series have been developed for all applications with high static and dynamic forcesand for the greatest leveling stability. The very high load-bearing capacity and very good resistance to many chemicals,lubricants and fuels guarantee long service life. This makes the 900F series isolation pads the ideal material for modern, costeffectiveproduction machines and machine tools.Order no. =article no. + indexArea of applicationTypeArticle no.PadthicknessLoadNatural frequency,medium load (Hz)mmpsiverticalhorizontalEconomical isolation pad for highstatic loads. Low structure height.For machining centers, machinetools with the highest level ofconstancy.910Fwithout profile3.09100.__10109 – 5807021High load capacity isolation pads,especially for transfer lines andlong-bed machines.915Fwithout profile3.09150.__15109 – 5806218<strong>Isolation</strong> pad for machines withhigh dynamic force, such aspresses, sheering machines andstamping machines.925Fwithout profile927F3.09250.__3.09252.__2525109 – 580109 – 43542391412profile bothsidesTemperature range –20 °C to +80 °C<strong>Co</strong>efficient of friction 0.8Shore hardness 90 – 95° Shore AStandard pad sizes900F seriesOther dimensions in all shapesavailable from stock upon request.Index_._____.70F_._____.71F_._____.72F_._____.76F_._____.80F_._____.85F_._____.86FLmm1000500500250200125100Wmm500500250250200125100Multi-layered pads, see page 12, pad sets. For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

<strong>Co</strong>mposite pads series – tried and provenAirLoc vibration isolation pads in composite quality for all applications have been tried and proven for over 50 years. Manyyears of experience and thousands of successful applications make these pads the ideal material for any kind of machine setup.Order no. =article no. + indexArea of applicationTypeArticle no.PadthicknessLoadNatural frequency,medium load (Hz)mmpsiverticalhorizontalUniversally applied. Well suited formachine tools and printing presses.4.17.4profile1.00402.__15.543.5 – 1165313both sides<strong>Isolation</strong> pads with very high levelstability, especially for transfer linesand machining centers.610without profile1.00610.__14140 – 4355912High load capacity isolation padsfor heavy-duty transfer lines andlong-bed machines.4.17.6without profile1.00600.__14.5140 – 4356116High load capacity isolation padsfor machines with high dynamicforce.4.17.50without profile1.00500.__25.587 – 290459Soft isolation pads for highlyeffective vibration isolation ofpresses and stamping machines,also on multi storied buildings.32profileboth sides1.00302.__2214.5 – 43.53111Temperature range 0 °C to +70 °C<strong>Co</strong>efficient of friction 0.6 – 0.8Standard compositepad sizesIndexLmmWmmOther dimensions in all shapesavailable from stock upon request._._____.70_._____.71_._____.72_._____.76_._____.80_._____.85_._____.861000500500250200125100500500250250200125100Multi-layered pads, see page 12, pad sets. For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Pad setsIf the properties of the individual isolation pads are insufficient for optimal vibration isolation, isolation pads can be layeredfor additional adjustment. By layering 2 to 4 isolation pads to a set, the vertical natural frequency is reduced and effectivevibration isolation is achieved.Order no. =article no. + indexArea of applicationTypeArticle no.PadthicknessLoadNatural frequency,medium load (Hz)mmpsiverticalhorizontalSoft quality for low-frequencyisolation jobs, passive isolation ofbuilding vibrations, tiered machinesetup, laboratory instruments,microscopes, EDP systems, analysisscales, foundation isolation.B2 profileboth sidesB3 profileboth sides2.04202.__2.04203.__263914.5 – 72.514.5 – 72.51410––B4 profile2.04204.__5214.5 – 72.59–both sidesThis 70° shore A material ischaracterised by very high dampingand is therefore especially suitablefor isolating setups of presses andsimilar machines. No profile, goodnon-skid properties.K813without profile3.04813.__5072.5 – 29031–Well suited as soft foundationisolation material.It is primarily used underfoundations of presses and largemachine tools of all kinds.K975profileboth sides1.04975.__4414.5 – 43.520–Well suited as standard quality forfoundation isolations. It is primarilyused under large foundations ofnewspaper printing presses andother heavy machines with bigdimensions.K905profileboth sides1.04905.__36.543.5 – 11627–Temperature range 0 °C to +70 °C<strong>Co</strong>efficient of friction 0.6 – 0.8Standard pad sizesfor pad setsIndexLmmWmmOther dimensions in all shapesavailable from stock upon request._._____.70_._____.71_._____.72_._____.76_._____.80_._____.85_._____.861000500500250200125100500500250250200125100Only types K813, K975, K905For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Foundation isolationFoundations are for making a machine rigid or for gathering several machine components onto a common load-bearing ground.The additional weight of the foundation has a positive effect on the vibration behaviour. However, there are limits to this positiveeffect. Only by using vibration isolation and the resulting decoupling from the building ground can the area be reliably protectedagainst disturbing vibrations.AirLoc has many years of experience in designing foundation isolations. From the first vibration analysis to the site inspectionof the laid foundation, we are your one-stop supplier.Figure 1:Foundation tank before installingthe vibration isolation padsFigure 2:After installing the isolation (green)Figure 3:Block preparation for pouring thefoundationFigure 4:Web rotary pressThe basic principle of foundation isolationThe machine foundation is placed in a concrete tank for vibration isolation.Between foundation block and tank there is a layer of vibration isolation material.The calculation of this isolation layer requires considerable know-howand many years of experience in the vibration engineering.Key parameters are:– Total weight of foundation and machine– Dynamic forces and moments of the machine– Natural frequencies of the system– Vibration isolation efficiency.AirLoc isolation system for foundation isolationThe AirLoc foundation isolation has the following characteristic properties:– <strong>Co</strong>mplete isolation of the machine block in vertical and horizontaldirections– Tuning the isolation frequency through project-specific design(number and distribution of the isolation pads) based on the effectiveload bearing mass, i.e. the customer-specific conditions.In contrast to full surface isolations, the AirLoc isolation pads are adaptedin terms of variable dimensions and number to the particular project. TheAirLoc foundation isolation is calculated based on the effective load and laidaccording to the specific area. This permits tuning the full area of the installedfoundation isolation to the current conditions.Implementation exampleThe implementation of a foundation isolation system for a web rotary pressdocuments the large-scale dimensions that are involved. Figure 1 shows thefoundation tank before laying the isolation pads. In Figure 2 they are alreadylaid. The actual vibration isolation elements are the green pads. Between themare the systems we have developed. This protects the covered vibration isolationmaterial from the reinforcement and foundation concrete (Figure 3).After completion of the machine installation, the foundation can hardly beseen (Figure 4).<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> For | 520 more Hertzog information Boulevard, pleaseKing refer of toPrussia, our foundation PA 19406 brochure | 800-523-5474 or visit our| website. E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are characterised by their simple and effective construction. <strong>Co</strong>ntinuous inspection ofthe raw materials by our in-house laboratory and our own production facilities ensure the highest possible quality withoutsacrificing cost-efficiency.A broad range of products makes it easy to select the elements to suit your needs and helps you keep costs down without havingto compromise quality.Of course all AirLoc Jacmount® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are RoHS certified.PRG elements are designed to make it easy, economical and reliable to set up your machine or system. The patentedconnection between the levelers and the leveling screws is permanent, has a high load capacity, and can automaticallycompensate ground unevenness of up to 4°. The anchor-free setup and the simple leveling with great leveling rangeguarantee maximum flexibility of your machinery.PRS and PRSK levelers are a new development from AirLoc, especially for machines with high dynamic horizontalforce. The robustly designed base plate is permanently connected to a pressure plate by means of precisionguide. This design principle enables the greatest possible horizontal rigidity over the entire leveling range.PRP levelers are excellently suited to quick and precise machine setups of up to 10 tons per foot. The is an easyand reliable connection between floor surface and your machine. The special construction of the pressure platemakes it possible to compensate ground unevenness of up to 4° while ensuring outstanding horizontal stability.GLV and GLR levelers are proven-performance economical products from AirLoc. They are deployed when dependablevibration and impact sound isolation is required for machines that have suitable leveling screws in the machinefoot. The mounting sink for the leveling screw is shaped so that skewing is not possible and ground unevennessis balanced.GLRN levelers with interchangeable leveling sockets can be economically and flexibly deployed. The levelers canbe raised up to +13 mm in height. Depending on the leveler socket in use, the connection to your machine can bebolted, anchored or custom designed as you require.Stainless steel PRGI levelers are permanently attached to the leveling screw by means of a patented lock and yetare flexible enough that ground unevenness up to 4° can be leveled. When used with no-profile damping pads,they are ideally suited for the food and chemical industries.PR levelers are made of reinforced thermoplastic. They are excellently suited to light machinery and applicationsrequiring a high level of cost-efficiency. The studs of the PR levelers are quickly mounted and permanently anchoredin the leveler, yet so flexible that ground unevenness up to 4° can be balanced.If you have not found the optimal leveling elements despite the large selection range, please ask about our customdesigns. We would gladly provide you with custom-made products based on your requirements. Phone usor send us your ideas as a sketch or drawing.Your color is important to you! To us too!This is why we can deliver in any color. Ask us – we’ll make it possible.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

PRG Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>PRG Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are designed to make it easy, economical and reliable to set up your machine or system.The patented connection between leveler and leveling screw is permanent, has a high load capacity, and can automatically compensateground unevenness of up to 4°. The anchor-free setup and the simple leveling with great leveling range guaranteemaximum flexibility of your machinery.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Silver grey RAL 7001Other colorsupon requestThe BestExtremely stable.Best suited for lightmachines and systemsfor which thereis permanently definedground contact.The UniversalApplication securethanks to high level ofdamping. Very goodstability due to highground adhesion.The Load BearerFor applications withhigh static load. Excellentleveling stabilityand high overall stability.Very economical.Pad typeIndex405_._____.43705_._____.58905_._____.73Dimension4°øh max.TypeArticle no.Max. loadlbsh max.mmMax. loadlbsh max.mmMax. loadlbsh max.mmØmmLevelingscrewPRG 85PRG 125PRG 170PRG 2301.16085.__1.16125.__1.16170.__1.16230.__10002250450085003851515120004500900013500385151513000660010000135003851515185125170230G1G2G2G2Special studs G1 and G2 for PRG Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>Blue zinc-plated. Delivery including 1 self-locking collar + 1 nut + 1 washer for M10, M12, M16 or 2 nuts + 2 washers for M20, M24MetricthreadM10M12M16M16M20M24Order no.G19.551029.551229.551621Order no.G29.5516229.552029.55242Lmm100100100100100100Hmm404149526374SWmm131317192224SWLHDidn’t find the right thread? Ask about our low-priced custom M10 – M30 screws in lengths of 75 to 500 mm.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

PRS and PRSK Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>PRS Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are a new development from AirLoc, especially for machines with high dynamic horizontalforce. The robustly designed base plate is permanently connected to a pressure plate by means of precision guide. This designprinciple enables the greatest possible horizontal rigidity over the entire leveling range. When using the high damping AirLocisolation pads, the machine remains stable even when there are great disturbing forces.PRSK Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> with spherical seat top parts are ideal for compensating ground unevenness of up to 3°.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Silver grey RAL 7001Other colorsupon requestThe EconomiserFor secure non-skidmachine fixationwithout vibration isolation.Extremely highdegree of horizontalstability.The Dynamic OneFor presses, stampingand injection mouldingmachines, machineswith high dynamicvertical force. Fast andeffective movementdamping.The StabiliserFor injection mouldingmachines, machineswith high dynamicvertical force.Extremely high degreeof horizontal stability.Pad typeIndex705_._____.58725_._____.68910_._____.75DimensionhøTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadØmmAdjust.rangemmPRS 130-16PRS 130-20PRS 240-20PRS 240-241.17130-16.__1.17130-20.__1.17240-20.__1.17240-24.__490049001350013500555575754900490013500135007575959567006700157001570060608080M16 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M24 x 2.0130130240240+20+20+30+30Other threadsizes uponrequest3°høTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadØmmAdjust.rangemmPRSK 130-16PRSK 130-20PRSK 240-20PRSK 240-241.17131-16.__1.17131-20.__1.17241-20.__1.17241-24.__49004900135001350063638989490049001350013500838310910967006700157001570068689494M16 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M24 x 2.0130130240240+20+20+30+30Other threadsizes uponrequestYou will find the matching leveling screws on page 17.For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

PRP Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>PRP levelers are excellently suited for quick and precise machine setups. The selected AirLoc types cover a broad range of machinesetups. The special construction of the pressure plate makes it possible to compensate ground unevenness of up to 4° whileensuring outstanding horizontal stability.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Zinc chrome RAL 1018Other colorsupon requestThe BestFor stamping andnibbling machinesand compressors.Best isolation effect,high stability andgood damping.The Dynamic OneFor presses, stampingand injection mouldingmachines, machineswith high dynamicvertical force. Fast andeffective movementdamping.The StabiliserFor injection mouldingmachines, machineswith high dynamicvertical force, fast runningpresses.Pad typeIndex425_._____.48725_._____.68925_._____.64Dimension4°høTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadØmmAdjust.rangemmPRP 90PRP 120PRP 160PRP 200PRP 250HDPRP 300HD1.15091.__1.15120.__1.15160.__1.15200.__1.15253.__1.15302.__9001200250040007000100005050525460732200330066008800175002200050505254607333004000770088001750022000505052546073M12 x 1.5M16 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M24 x 2.0M27 x 2.0M30 x 2.0101123168205260305+20+25+25+25+25+25Leveling screwsBlue zinc-plated. Deliveryincludes 1 nut + 1 washerPRPbolt-through R1PRPwith largehexagon R2PRS and PRSKSWSWSWLLLMetricthreadOrder no.L 125 mmOrder no.L 175 mmSWmmOrder no.L 125 mmOrder no.L 175 mmSWmmOrder no.L 150 mmOrder no.L 175 mmSWmmM12 x 1.5M16 x 1.5M20 x 1.5M24 x 2.0M27 x 2.0M30 x 2.09.051239.051639.052039.052439.052739.053039.051659.052059.052459.052759.05305810131719229.061239.061639.062039.062439.062739.063039.061659.062059.062459.062759.063051317242727369.601649.602049.602159.60245121517Didn’t find the right thread? Ask about our low-priced custom M10 – M30 screws in lengths of 75 to 500 mm.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

GLV and GLR Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>The economical, tried and proven AirLoc GLV and GLR Jacmount® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are deployed when dependable vibrationand impact sound isolation is required for machines that have suitable fastening holes in the machine foot. The mountingsink for the leveling screw is shaped so that ground unevenness is leveled.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe BestFor laboratory instruments,passive placementof sensitivedevices and machineplacement in tiers.Best vibration isolationdespite lowinstallation height.The StabiliserFor transport linesand special machines.Excellent constantleveling stability andoverall stability. Verylow installation height.The UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor machines withhigh static load. Excellentleveling stabilityand high overall stabilityeven with greatdisturbance forces.Pad typeIndexB1_._____.50711_._____.92716_._____.56915_._____.65DimensionLbhTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmLmmbmmGLV 50GLV 75GLV 100GLV 110GLV 115GLV 150GLV 165GLV 1751.10050.__1.10075.__1.10100.__1.10110.__1.10115.__1.10150.__1.10165.__1.10175.__20056011001400124020002250380020232525272830314501700340038004700610085009700172022222425272845017003400380047006100850097002225272729303233450170034003800470061008500970022252727293032335081108123148145199243508110812391145123163øhTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmØmmGLR 50GLR 75GLR 1101.11050.__1.11075.__1.11110.__16050010702022253801700380017192238017003800222427380170038002224275084123You will find matching studs on page 19.For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

GLRN Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>These interchangeable leveling sockets make AirLoc GLRN levelers can be economically and flexibly deployed. The levelerscan be raised up to +13 mm in height. Depending on the leveler socket in use, the connection to your machine can be bolted,anchored or custom designed as you require.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe BestFor laboratory instruments,passive placementof sensitivedevices and machineplacement in tiers.Best vibration isolationdespite lowinstallation height.The StabiliserFor transport linesand special machines.Excellent constantleveling stability andoverall stability. Verylow installation height.The UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor machines withhigh static load. Excellentleveling stabilityand high overall stabilityeven with greatdisturbance forces.Pad typeIndexB1_._____.50711_._____.92716_._____.56915_._____.65DimensionSW 46høTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmØmmLevelingsocketGLRN 115GLRN 155GLRN 235GLRN 116GLRN 156GLRN 236GLRN 117GLRN 157GLRN 2371.14115.__1.14155.__1.14235.__1.14116.__1.14156.__1.14236.__1.14117.__1.14157.__1.14237.__800170043008001700430080017004300474955474955474955340069701120034006970112003400697011200444652444652444652340069701120034006970112003400697011200495157495157495157670011200112006700112001120067001120011200495157495157495157121162248121162248121162248ø23M20Stud type S for GLV, GLR, and GLRN Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> and for TA/SL heavy duty dowels, page 35.Blue zinc-plated. Delivery with 2 nuts + 2 washersMetricthreadOrder no.L100 mmOrder no.L125 mmOrder no.L150 mmOrder no.L200 mmOrder no.L250 mmOrder no.L300 mmSWmmSWM10M12M16M20M249.001029.001229.001629.002029.001239.001639.002039.001049.001249.001649.002049.002449.001269.001669.002069.002469.002479.0024878101317L90°Didn’t find the right thread? Ask about our low-priced custom M10 – M30 screws in lengths of 75 to 500 mm.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

PRGI and GLRI Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> – INOX stainless steelThe stainless steel AirLoc PRGI Jacmount® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are permanently attached to the leveling screw by means ofa patented lock and yet are flexible enough that ground unevenness up to 4° can be leveled. Ideally suited to the food and chemicalindustries.The economical, stainless steel AirLoc GLRI Jacmount® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are deployed when dependable vibration and impactsound isolation is required for machines that have suitable fastening holes in the machine foot. The mounting sink is shaped so thatground unevenness is leveled.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + indexStainless steelINOX 1.4301The BestPassive placement ofsensitive devices andmachine placement inmulti storied buildings.Best vibrationisolation despite lowinstallation height.The UniversalFor tool, production,plastic and textilemachines. Superiorisolation and dampingproperties. Excellentnon-skid properties.The StabiliserFor transport linesand special machines.Excellent constantleveling stability andoverall stability.Pad typeIndex410_._____.45710_._____.91910_._____.75Dimension4°øh max.TypeArticle no.Max. loadlbsh max.mmMax. loadlbsh max.mmMax. loadlbsh max.mmØmmLevelingscrewPRGI 50PRGI 70PRGI 100PRGI 1201.19141.__1.19142.__1.19144.__1.19146.__225675135022503848484838010002100330038484848900225045006700384848485176107132G1G2G2G2øhTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmØmmGLRI 50GLRI 70GLRI 100GLRI 1201.19111.__1.19112.__1.19114.__1.19116.__225675135022501717192138010002100325017171921900225045006750171719215176107132On request, the stainless steel PRGI and GLRI type Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> can also be delivered in acid-resistant quality, material no. 1.4435.We would<strong>Acorn</strong> be pleased <strong>Industrial</strong> to advise <strong>Products</strong> you. <strong>Co</strong> You | 520 will find Hertzog the matching Boulevard, special King of studs Prussia, and studs PA 19406 on page | 800-523-5474 21. | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.comFor more information please visit our website.

PR Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> – thermoplasticThe PR series of AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are made of reinforced thermoplastic. They are excellently suited tolight machinery and applications requiring a high level of cost-efficiency. The studs of the PR levelers are quickly mounted andpermanently anchored in the leveler, yet so flexible that ground unevenness up to 4° can be balanced. The damping pads canbe individually selected to meet your requirements.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Jet black RAL 9005The BestFor light-weightsystems and laboratoryinstrumentswhich require a veryhigh level of effectiveisolation.The UniversalFor light-weightmachines whichdemand excellentdamping properties.The StabiliserFor light-weightmachines andsystems requiringsuperior levelingstability and verygood overall stability.Pad typeIndexB1_._____.50710_._____.91910_._____.75Dimension4°øhTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmØmmPR 50 1.13050-9005.__PR 75-2 1.13076-9005.__225500333822511253035225112530355782Special studs type U for PR Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>Blue zinc-plated. Delivery includes nut + washerMetricthreadOrder no. for PR 50 Order no. for PR 75-2L 100 mm L 150 mm L 100 mm L 150 mmM10M12M169.041029.041229.041049.041249.04102.029.04122.029.041629.04104.029.04124.029.04164LINOX stainless steel special studs G1 and G2 forPRGI Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>INOX 1.4305. Delivery with 2 nuts + 2 washersINOX stainless steel stud type S forGLRI Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>INOX 1.4305. Delivery with 2 nuts + 2 washersMetricthreadM10M12M16M16M20M24Order no.G19.561029.561229.561621Order no.G29.5616229.562029.56242Lmm100100100100100100Hmm404149526374SWmm131317192224SWLHOrder no.GLRI9.091029.091229.091629.091649.092029.09244Lmm100100100150100150Upon request, also available in acid-resistant quality, material no. 1.4435. We would be pleased to advise you.Ask about <strong>Acorn</strong> our low-priced <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> custom M10 <strong>Co</strong> – | M30 520 screws Hertzog inBoulevard, lengths ofKing 75 toof 500 Prussia, mm. PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.comFor more information please visit our website.

Custom designed Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>AirLoc offers its customers the largest selection of Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> that can be delivered on short notice. Thisgives our customers a technically optimal and economical choice of Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> for different applications.If there are advantages to be gained for our customers in having a custom-tailored solution, our experienced team of engineerscan develop a custom Jacmount ® Adjustable Leveler that perfectly suits the application or machine.Here you see just a few examples of Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> that have been successfully implemented for specific customerrequirements or based on our recommendations.Area Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> GLP and GLP-SGLP and GLP-S Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> enable wide area load distribution for floors with low load bearingcapacity or when large loads have to be set down softly. This is a very efficient solution which is available usingstandard components in many variations.GLP-S element without fastening screws, only with non-skid, can be freely placed under the machine.This leveling element with large adjustment range can be used for all switch cabinet supports of various heights.Machine installations are made easier since only one uniform leveling element is necessary for the different switchcabinet versions.Leveling can be performed very quickly and easily. The floor surface is fitted with a non-skid layer.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Custom designed Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>GLRN 100 – M42 x 1.5This leveling element was developed for a customer who did not need vibration isolation. Top priority was a lowcost,precise installation of his machine. Both development objectives were optimally achieved with this levelingelement.GLR 130, GLR 135 and GLR 136These special round elements have particularly large centring holes specified by the customer. They enable theuse of special machine screws (e.g. hollow screws) of the customer and increase flexibility when setting up themachine.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>AirLoc offers the world’s largest selection of Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>. The large, even surface ensures optimalsupport of the machine bed. Heavy loads of up to 100 t per Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler can be quickly aligned to within of1/100 mm accuracy using little force. This shortens the setup time of a machine considerably.Of course all AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are RoHS certified.We manufacture Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> in our main plant. Modern manufacturing methods, such as thecomplete processing in one clamping operation, mean the maximum precision and tight tolerances. Our Wedgmount ®Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> can therefore be easily leveled even with the heaviest loads. We do not compromise when itcomes to the dependability and long service life of our products. This is why all Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>designed for heavy loads are manufactured from modular cast iron. Guide bolts and leveling spindles are madeof high-strength steels. The patented top and bottom part lock provides optimal locking adhesion. The Wedgmount ®Precision Leveler always remains a cohesive unit and never falls apart into single elements even when lifted.Precision Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – free standingIdeal for machines without fastening holes and for free placement under the machine bed. Available in differentversions, even for especially heavy loads for special bed constructions.Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – bolt-onThese are used where a permanent connection to the machine bed is necessary, e.g. machines with high dynamicforce, such as stamping and injection moulding machines. The milled surface guarantees a precise and longlastingconnection to the machine bed. Also available in a spherical seat version for compensating angle differencesof up to 3°.Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – bolt-throughFor machines which, due to low rigidity of the machine bed, have to be anchored to the ground, e.g. long-bed machines,boring machines, milling and machining centers. The milled surfaces guarantee a precise and long-lastingconnection to the machine bed. Also available in a spherical seat version for compensating angle differences ofup to 3°, e.g. for long-bed machines and uneven floors.Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – rigid clampFor machines for which geometry is essential and, due to the low rigidity of the machine bed, have to be anchoredin the ground without vibration isolation. The milled surfaces guarantee a precise and long-lasting connection tothe machine bed. Also available in a spherical seat version for compensating angle differences of up to 3°.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>AirLoc offers different fastening systems for its Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>. The systems can be delivered for our bolt-onand bolt-through Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with or without spherical seat compensation. The materials and design ofthe systems are optimally tuned to the Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> and the isolation pads. This results in a complete systemthat fixes your machine securely and dependably to the floor.Fastening system – bolt-onStud type P (see page 35)Machine footWedgmount ® Precision Leveler<strong>Isolation</strong> padFloorFastening system – bolt-throughStud type S (see page 19) or RGM (see page 35)Disk spring (optional)<strong>Isolation</strong> washer (optional)<strong>Isolation</strong> tube (optional)Machine footWedgmount ® Precision Leveler<strong>Isolation</strong> padHeavy-duty dowel TA/SL or chemical dowel RM (see page 35)FloorFastening system – bolt-on with spherical seatStud type P (see page 35)Spherical seat disk (optional)Machine footWedgmount ® Precision Leveler with spherical seat<strong>Isolation</strong> padFloorFastening system – bolt-through with spherical seatStud type S (see page 19) or RGM (see page 35)Disk spring (optional)Spherical seat disk (optional)<strong>Isolation</strong> washer (optional)<strong>Isolation</strong> tube (optional)Machine footWedgmount ® Precision Leveler with spherical seat<strong>Isolation</strong> padHeavy-duty dowel TA/SL or chemical dowel RM (see page 35)Floor<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRC Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – free standingAirLoc precision Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with patented spring tensioning of top and bottom part achieve a unique lateraland longitudinal stability. Fast and easy adjustment to within 1 /100 mm accuracy is possible with full machine load. This isyour competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe BestFor passive placementof sensitive devicesand machine placementin multi storiedbuildings. Bestvibration isolation.The UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant levelingstability and overallstability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boring machines,transport linesand special machines.Ideal stability andnon-skid properties.Without vibrationisolation.Pad typeIndexNF_._____.61Top903bottomB1NA_._____.56Top706bottom716NK_._____.65Top903bottom915NS_._____.73Top902bottom902DimensionhLbTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmLmmbmm+/- hmm1-VRC2-VRC3-VRC3-VRC-724-VRC4-VRC-726-VRC7-VRC302-VRC303-VRC304-VRC306-VRC406-VRC407-VRC410-VRC414-VRC450-VRC1.30001.__1.30002.__1.30003.__1.30003-72.__1.30004.__1.30004-72.__1.30006.__1.30007.__1.30302.__1.30303.__1.30304.__1.30306.__1.30406.__1.30407.__1.30410.__1.30414.__1.30450.__56012402250225045004500310045001400225029001400310056008400840013500545462886288868656616883708196100100250049008300830017500175001240018000560085001200056001240022500340003400053000585866926692909061667388748510010410445009000146001460031000310001800022000100001460018000900018000360005600066000110000565664906490888859647186728398102102550011000165001650031000310001800022000100001460018000900018000360005600066000110000424250765076747445505772586984888810515020020020020011517511514017011511525030030030055759595200200250230115140170115250200250250400+2.5+5+6+6+6+6+6+8+4+6+5+8+5.5+11+11+9+9-7-5-6-6-6-6-10-10-5-6-8-10-6-10-11-9-9For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRC Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – free standing, 4-wedge systemAirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with 4-wedge system (types 5-VRC to 12-VRC) are constructed for heavy loads. The patentedadjustment mechanism permits leveling heavy loads to within 1 /100 mm accuracy and with a minimum of applied force.AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with eccentric leveling screw (types 2006-VRC to 2024-VRC) complete our programme.This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe BestFor passive placementof sensitive devicesand machine placementin multi storiedbuildings. Bestvibration isolation.The UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant levelingstability and overallstability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boring machines,transport linesand special machines.Ideal stability andnon-skid properties.Without vibrationisolation.Pad typeIndexNF_._____.61Top903bottomB1NA_._____.56Top706bottom716NK_._____.65Top903bottom915NS_._____.73Top902bottom902DimensionhLbTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmLmmbmm+/- hmm5-VRC8-VRC10-VRC11-VRC12-VRC1.30005.__1.30008.__1.30010.__1.30011.__1.30012.__31005600940017000290008686868914612400225003800067000112000909090931502100034000560001120002250008888889114821000340005600011200022500074747477134250255370502650115205230302400+8+8+13+12+16-7-7-7-4-4hLbTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmLmmbmm+/- hmm2006-VRC2012-VRC2024-VRC1.30106.__1.30112.__1.30124.__20002700450076681068300110001800080721101350022000360007870108135002200036000645694160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRC Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – bolt-onAirLoc bolt-on precision Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with patented spring tensioning of top and bottom part. TheWedgmount ® Precision Leveler is bolted permanently onto the machine, but it can move freely on the ground and is set up withvibration isolation. The 2000 series permits bolting on centrically. The milled surface and the fast and easy adjustment to within1 /100 mm accuracy make your machinery flexible and cost-efficient. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precisionand quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant leveling stabilityand overall stability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boringmachines, transportlines and special machines.Ideal stabilityand non-skid properties.Withoutvibration isolation.Pad typeIndex716_._____.56915_._____.65902_._____.59DimensionLchaad1bTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadd1cmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm202-VRC203-VRC204-VRC205-VRC206-VRC407.1-VRC410.1-VRC414.1-VRC450.1-VRC1.31202.__1.31203.__1.31204.__1.31205.__1.31206.__1.31407.__1.31410.__1.31414.__1.31450.__5600850012400180001800022500340003400053000566168777780959999900013500180002250027000360005600066000110000566168777780959999900013500180002250027000360005600066000110000434855646467828686M16M16M20M20M20M24M24M24M245870689090125143143143272727272732414142115140170180205250300300300115140170230230200250250400+4+6+5+9+9+11+11+9+9-5-6-8-9-9-10-11-9-9Other threadsizes upon requestLchd1abTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadd1cmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm2006.1-VRC2012.1-VRC2024.1-VRC1.31106.__1.31112.__1.31124.__8300110001800075671051350022000360007567105135002200036000625492M16M16M2480100125586080160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7Other threadsizes upon requestFastening systems suited to our Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are found on page 35.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRKC Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – bolt-on, spherical seatAirLoc bolt-on Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> in the spherical seat version with patented spring tensioning of top andbottom part. The Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler is bolted permanently onto the machine, but it can move freely on theground and is set up with vibration isolation. The 2000 series permits bolting on centrically. For machine supports that are notmachined or for uneven ground, the spherical seat version guarantees a fixed connection to a slope of up to 3°. This is yourcompetitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant leveling stabilityand overall stability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boringmachines, transportlines and special machines.Ideal stabilityand non-skid properties.Withoutvibration isolation.Pad typeIndex716_._____.56915_._____.65902_._____.59Dimensionh3°aaLcbd1TypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadd1cmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm202-VRKC203-VRKCV204-VRKC205-VRKC206-VRKC407.1-VRKC410.1-VRKC414.1-VRKC450.1-VRKC1.36202.__1.36243.__1.36204.__1.36205.__1.36206.__1.36407.__1.36410.__1.36414.__1.36450.__5600850012400180001800022500340003400053000687784939396130134134900013500180002250027000360005600066000110000687784939396130134134900013500180002250027000360005600066000110000556471808083117121121M16M16M20M20M20M24M24M24M245870689090125143143143272727272732414142115140170180205250300300300115140170230230200250250400+4+6+5+9+9+11+11+9+9-5-6-8-9-9-10-11-9-9Other threadsizes upon requestLchd13° baTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMetricthreadd1cmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm2006.1-VRKCV 1.36106V.__2012.1-VRKCV 1.36112V.__2024.1-VRKC 1.36124V.__83001100018000918312113500220003600091831211350022000360007870108M16M16M2480100125586080160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7Other threadsizes upon requestFastening systems suited to our Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are found on page 35.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRC Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – bolt-throughAirLoc bolt-through precision Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> with patented spring tensioning of top and bottom part.The right choice for machines with changing loads, one-sided load bias or high dynamic disturbance forces. The 2000 seriespermits bolt-ing on centrically. The Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler is permanently anchored to the machine and ground andnevertheless offers highly effective vibration isolation and impact isolation. The flat surface plus fast and precise adjustment towithin 1 /100 mm make your machinery setup easy and economical. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precisionand quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant levelingstability and overallstability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boringmachines, transportlines and special machines.Ideal stabilityand non-skid properties.Withoutvibration isolation.Pad typeIndex716_._____.56915_._____.65902_._____.59DimensionLchaad1bTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm212-VRC213-VRC214-VRC215-VRC216-VRC407.2-VRC410.2-VRC414.2-VRC450.2-VRC1.32212.__1.32213.__1.32214.__1.32215.__1.32216.__1.32407.__1.32410.__1.32414.__1.32450.__56008500124001800018000225003400034000530005661687777809599999000135001800022500270003600056000660001100005661687777809599999000135001800022500270003600056000660001100004348556464678286862222262626282828285870689090125143143143272727272732414142115140170180205250300300300115140170230230200250250400+4+6+5+9+9+11+11+9+9-5-6-8-9-9-10-11-9-9Lchd1baTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm2006.2-VRC2012.2-VRC2024.2-VRC1.32106.__1.32112.__1.32124.__830011000180007567105135002200036000756710513500220003600062549221212780100125586080160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7Fastening systems suited to our Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are found on page 35.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

VRKC Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – bolt-through, spherical seatAirLoc bolt-through Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> in the spherical seat version with patented spring tensioning of top andbottom part. The right choice for machines with changing loads, one-sided load bias or high dynamic disturbance forces. The2000 series permits bolting on centrically. The Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler is permanently anchored to the machine and groundand nevertheless offers highly effective vibration isolation and impact isolation. For machine supports that are notmachined or for uneven ground, the spherical seat version guarantees a fixed connection to a slope of up to 3°. This is yourcompetitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality of your products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe UniversalFor tool, plastic andtextile machines,graphic and generalproduction machines.Superior isolation anddamping properties.Excellent non-skidproperties.The Dynamic OneFor transport lines,special machines andtool machines. Highload capacity, excellentconstant levelingstability and overallstability.The StabiliserFor lathes, grindingmachines, boringmachines, transportlines and special machines.Ideal stabilityand non-skid properties.Withoutvibration isolation.Pad typeIndex716_._____.56915_._____.65902_._____.59DimensionLch3°aad1bTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm212-VRKC213-VRKCV214-VRKC215-VRKC216-VRKC407.2-VRKC410.2-VRKC414.2-VRKC450.2-VRKC1.37212.__1.37243.__1.37214.__1.37215.__1.37216.__1.37407.__1.37410.__1.37414.__1.37450.__56008500124001800018000225003400034000530006877849393961301341349000135001800022500270003600056000660001100006877849393961301341349000135001800022500270003600056000660001100005564718080831171211212222262626282828285870689090125143143143272727272732414142115140170180205250300300300115140170230230200250250400+4+6+5+9+9+11+11+9+9-5-6-8-9-9-10-11-9-9h3°Lcad1bTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm2006.2-VRKCV 1.37106V.__2012.2-VRKCV 1.37112V.__2024.2-VRKC 1.37124V.__8300110001800091831211350022000360009183121135002200036000787010821212780100125586080160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7Fastening systems suited to our Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are found on page 35.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

KSKC Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – rigid clamp, spherical seatAirLoc rigid clamp precision Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> in the spherical seat version with patented spring tensioning oftop and bottom part. The best choice when machines do not require vibration isolation and have to be connected to the groundor foundation prestressed. For machine supports that are not machined or for uneven ground, the spherical seat version guaranteesa fixed connection to a slope of up to 3°. This is your competitive edge when it comes to the precision and quality ofyour products.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe InterlockerFor boring, milling andlong-bed machineswith unmachinedsupports and for machinesthat have to bealigned extremelyprecisely in all spatialaxes.Pad typewithoutDimensionLh3°d1caabTypeOrder no.Max. levelingloadlbsMax. levelingload + preloadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmmSphericalseatØmm2120-KSKC 1.472122130-KSKCV 1.47213.12140-KSKC 1.472142150-KSKC 1.472152160-KSKC 1.47216414-KSKC 1.47414450-KSKC 1.474501125015750180002250045000900001125002250031500360004500090000135000180000536269787811911922222626262828587068909014314327272727274142115140170180205300300115140170230230250400+4+6+5+9+9+9+9-5-6-8-9-9-9-9115140140140140190190h3°Lcad1bTypeOrder no.Max. levelingloadlbsMax. levelingload + preloadlbshmmBored1mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmmSphericalseatØmm2006-KSKCV2012-KSKCV2024-KSKC1.47106.11.47112.11.47124.11350027000540002700054000108000766810621212780100125586080160200250115120160+6+6+8-6-6-7113113140Fastening systems suited to our Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are found on page 35.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler – KaBlocYou know the problem with machines and systems that are interconnected with each other. The exact anchor position is painstakinglymeasured, and expensive machine seat templates have to be made. The AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> inthe KaBloc series permit subsequent anchoring where it is necessary once the system or machine interconnection is completelyset up. This means an 80 to 90% reduction in anchoring costs. Secure this competitive advantage today and talk withus about your individual application.Ask us also about our custom solutions for your specific machine.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe <strong>Co</strong>st SaverFor all interconnectedmachines and systems.Ideal interlockability,excellent constantleveling stability andoverall stability.Pad typeIndex903_._____.60DimensionLch3°aad2d1bTypeArticle no.Max. levelingloadlbsMax. levelingload + preloadlbshmm<strong>Co</strong>nnectiond1mm<strong>Co</strong>nnectiond2mmcmmammLmmbmm+/- hmm203.51V203.52V203.53V203.54V1.34951.__1.34952.__1.34953.__1.34954.__157501575015750157503150031500315003150080808080M2022M202222M20M20227070707027272727140140140140140140140140+6+6+6+6-6-6-6-6KaBloc brackets, complete, with fastening materialPreload force 4500 lbs15°15°TypeOrder no.<strong>Co</strong>nsisting of:TypeOrder no.<strong>Co</strong>nsisting of:AP31.34903– 2 brackets AP3AP41.34904– 2 brackets AP4– 2 fastening screws– 2 fixing screws– 1 bracket stretcher with 2 M12 nuts– 1 bracket stretcher with 2 M12 nuts– 2 spherical washer sets M20– 2 spherical washer sets M20– 2 chemical dowels RM20– 2 chemical dowels RM20– 2 studs RGM20 x 260 mm complete– 2 studs RGM20 x 260 mm completeFor more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Fastening systems for Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>AirLoc fastening systems are adjusted to your AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> or your AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable<strong>Levelers</strong>. High-quality material from the best suppliers guarantee easy, secure mounting, reliable functioning, and long-life evenunder severe conditions.Fastening system with stud type P for bolt-on Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>Stud type PBlue zinc-plated. Delivery includes 2 nuts + 1 washerStud type S (see page 19) and heavy-duty dowelHeavy-duty dowel TA/SLShape TA = M12 SL = M16 – M24MetricthreadOrder no.L125 mmOrder no.L150 mmOrder no.L200 mmSWmmSWFormetricthreadOrder no.ØmmHoletmmM12M16M20M249.011239.011639.012039.011249.011649.012049.011269.011669.012069.012468101317LM12M16M20M249.411129.410169.410209.4102418243035105110120150Other thread lengths upon requestFastening system stud RGM and chemical dowel RMStud RGMZinc-plated. Delivery includes 1 nut + 1 washer (M12 – M20)Chemical dowel RMType andmetricthreadOrder no.LmmWorkinglengthmmSWmmType andmetricthreadOrder no.ØmmHoletmmExtractionforceconcrete B25RGM12RGM12RGM16RGM16RGM20RGM20RGM24*9.431269.431279.431659.431689.432079.432099.43248220250165300260350300901201314865155658812121212RM12RM16RM20RM249.42012.19.42016.19.42020.19.42024.1141825281101251702102250 lbs3600 lbs5625 lbs6975 lbs*withoutOther threadhexagonallengths upon+ 2 nutsrequest+1 washerIsolating washersTypeF905N915G915Order no.9.20040.739.20060.659.20070.65FormetricthreadM10 – M12M16 – M20M20 – M24Dmm406070dmm132226hmm81818hdDhdDOther threadlengths uponrequestF905N915G915Disk springs are designed by our application engineers and offered with the system.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>, custom designs, accessoriesAirLoc offers its customers the largest selection of Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> that can be delivered on short notice. Thisgives our customers a technically optimal and economical choice of Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> for different applications.If there are advantages to be gained for our customers in having a custom-tailored solution, our experienced team of engineerscan develop a custom Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler that perfectly suits your application or machine. Here you see just a fewexamples of Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> that have been successfully implemented for specific customer requirements orbased on our recommendations and help our customers to remain successful in an increasingly competitive market.Area Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler VAPVAP Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> enable wide area load distribution for floors with low load bearingcapacity or when large loads have to be set down softly. This is a very efficient solution which is available usingstandard components in many variations.Socket Wedgmount ® Precision LevelerSocket Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> were developed for customers whose machines have a closed machinefoot without the possibility of tightening a fastening screw. To fix the AirLoc socket Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>only a blind thread is necessary in the machine foot. A sleeve is screwed in there and the leveler is simply mountedon it. This creates a strong and secure connection between Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler and machine foot.And of course the leveling capability remains completely intact. Also the spherical seat variant for unevenness of upto 3° can be reliably compensated – another clever solution of our team to give our customers the competitive edge.KSU 3100The Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler KSU was developed for customers who needed a centrical fastening hole anda centrical adjusting screw. The leveler is constructed very robustly with a cast housing. Despite the compact andvery flat construction, the leveler can level up to 5 tons. If requested, it can be added to the floor pad of each AirLocisolation layer for optimal vibration isolation.Spacer for Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>For Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> typesØmmhmmOrder no.ø202-VRKC, 212-VRKC, 2120-KSKC115612189.33115.069.33115.129.33115.18h203-VRKC, 213-VRKC, 2130-KSKC, 203.5_V KaBloc,204-VRKC, 214-VRKC, 2140-KSKC, 407-VRKC,205-VRKC, 215-VRKC, 2150-KSKC, 2024 VRKC + KSKC206-VRKC, 216-VRKC, 2160-KSKC140612189.33140.069.33140.129.33140.182006.1-VRKCV, 2006.2-VRKCV, 2006-KSKCV2012.1-VRKCV, 2012.2-VRKCV, 2012-KSKCV1136129.33116.069.33116.12For more information please visit our website.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

AccessoriesMounting Wedgmount ® MSCThe mounting Wedgmounts ® are for taking heavy machines or machine groups from a crane or other handling equipment. The mountingWedgmounts ® have a large leveling range.The equipment can be easily aligned on the machined surface of the mounting shoes in the X and Y axes and then lowered onto the intended AirLocWedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> and leveled in the Z axis. This is followed by the precision leveling of the machine. Now the machine is ready for use,is fixed in place and cannot be displaced, thanks to AirLoc’s non-skid pads or isolation pads with their high adhesive coefficients.LhbSWpSWTypeOrder no.Max. loadlbshmmpmmSWmmLmmbmm+/- hmm10-MSC20-MSC1.900101.900202250045000628318122019*17/3013015080110+10+14-10-15*only outerhexagonLeveling screw extension for hexagon socketThe leveling screw extension permits you to level difficult to reach Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> that are not positioned on the outer periphery butrather far under a machine. The choice is based on the size of the hexagon socket of the concerned leveling Wedgmount ® .LSW1IøSW2TypeOrder no.L500 mmOrder no.L750 mmOrder no.L1000 mmOrder no.L1250 mmOrder no.L1500 mmOrder no.L1750 mmOrder no.L2000 mmØmmSW1mmSW2mmlmm6101214179.90006.05009.90010.05009.90012.05009.90014.05009.90017.05009.90006.07509.90010.07509.90012.07509.90014.07509.90017.07509.90006.10009.90010.10009.90012.10009.90014.10009.90017.10009.90006.12509.90010.12509.90012.12509.90014.12509.90017.12509.90006.15009.90010.15009.90012.15009.90014.15009.90017.15009.90006.17509.90010.17509.90012.17509.90014.17509.90017.17509.90006.20009.90010.20009.90012.20009.90014.20009.90017.2000152020202461012141713171717191314141416Appropriate solutions are also available for outer hexagon.For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Horizontal supports – Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler VC <strong>Co</strong>mpactAirLoc horizontal supports are an important part of a complete AirLoc machine setup system. Today’s machines have light andcompact constructions on the one hand; on the other they have fast cycle times and therefore high dynamic forces. AirLoc horizontalsupports help you keep machine movements under control. The installation then remains operationally safe and reliableeven in critical situations, for example during an emergency stop. It is your advantage when the machine is reliable.Ask our specialists – we would be glad to assist you with seemingly unsolvable applications.Order no. =article no. + index<strong>Co</strong>lor:Reseda green RAL 6011Other colorsupon requestThe StabiliserHigh damping capabilityand thus fast neutralisationof machinemovements.The Strong OneFor machines withextremely high horizontalforces.Outstanding stabilityfor lowest possiblemachine movements.Pad typeIndexNN (725 two sided)_._____.68NL (915 two sided)_._____.66Dimensionhmin. 60LbTypeArticle no.Max. loadlbshmmMax. loadlbshmmLmmbmm+/- hmmVC/NNVC/NL1.94200.__1.94200.__13500–100––22500–10030030011090+9.5+9.5-0.0-0.0Bracket support L2 for Wedgmount ® Precision Leveler VChLøbTypeOrder no.Max. loadlbshmmLmmbmmØmm<strong>Co</strong>nsisting of:L21.9413212250010030020025– 1 bracket support L2– 3 chemical dowels RM24– 3 studs RGM24 x 300– 6 nuts M24– 3 washersFor more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Horizontal supports – HZAAirLoc HZA horizontal supports are an important part of a complete AirLoc machine setup system. The delivery provides youwith all required components including complete fastening materials. The threaded spindle with lock nut ensures precision adjustmentof your machine geometry. The solid bracket supports guarantee a minimum of machine movement over the long-termeven under maximum load. It is your advantage when the machine is reliable.Ask our specialists – we would be glad to assist you with seemingly unsolvable applications.Horizontal support HZA-W2, with B 80-2/91526,5hmin. 76bd65L5026,5TypeOrder no.Max. loadlbsh min.mmh max.mmLmmbmmSupportelementdmm<strong>Co</strong>nsisting of:HZA-W21.94102.65560075115140125B 80-2/91518– 1 bracket support W2– 1 element B 80-2 /915– 1 Kokobo O-2 M16 x 150 + 2 nuts + 2 washers– 2 chemical dowels RM16– 2 studs RGM16 x 190 + 4 nuts + 2 washersHorizontal support HZA-W4, with B 80-2/915min. 85L25,59510h95b2110TypeOrder no.Max. loadlbsh min.mmh max.mmLmmbmmSupportelementOblong holemm<strong>Co</strong>nsisting of:HZA-W41.94104.659000100150160250B 80-2/91531– 1 bracket support W4– 1 element B 80-2 /915– 1 Kokobo O-2 M20 x 150 + 2 nuts + 2 washers– 2 chemical dowels RM20– 2 studs RGM20 x 260 + 4 nuts + 2 washersHorizontal support, pour-in, HZA series HSW27LSW14h445100400b50TypeOrder no.Max. loadlbsh max.mmLmmbmmSupportelementPour-indepthmmHZA-H5HZA-H71.94054.651.94075.6590001350020020040–7040–80150300GLV115/915GLV165/915400400For more<strong>Acorn</strong> information <strong>Industrial</strong> please <strong>Products</strong> visit our <strong>Co</strong> website. | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Customer-specific solutionsApplication examples in practice.<strong>Isolation</strong> pads – press isolation exampleArrangement: The AirLoc isolation pads are mounted between the press foot and the installation surface of thepress foundation.<strong>Isolation</strong> pads precisely customised to customer requirements for a long-life, no-wear, mainte-nance-free isolation concept.Purpose:Benefits:AirLocadvantages:Active isolation, prevents propagation of disturbance vibrations in the surroundings.No negative influences on personnel due to disturbance vibrations; reduction of dynamic loadpeaks reduces the load on presses, tools, foundation and thereby increases service life anddecreases susceptibility to faults.Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> – printing industry exampleArrangement: The AirLoc Jacmount ® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong> are screwed onto the feet of the components with aleveling screw.Purpose:Benefits:AirLocadvantages:Active isolation, prevents propagation of disturbance vibrations in the surroundings.Efficient isolation of the machine from the surroundings; fast, stable machine leveling.Broad selection of Jacmount® Adjustable <strong>Levelers</strong>:– Elements with and without permanent connection of the leveling screw– Application-specific isolation pads to fit all elements.Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – metal forming machine exampleArrangement: The AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are under the machine feet of the machine bed.Purpose:Benefits:AirLocadvantages:Structure-borne sound isolation, highly precise alignment of the machine, stable level setup.Highly precise leveling, high load-bearing capacity of the Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong>,eccentric non-skid properties thanks to high friction coefficients of the isolation pads.Very compact, low construction. Solution from the AirLoc system components for choice ofadvantages: setups, bolt-on or bolt-through, isolation variants.Rigid clamp Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> – machining center exampleArrangement: The AirLoc Wedgmount ® Precision <strong>Levelers</strong> are part of the rigid clamp anchoring of themachine bed with building foundation.Purpose:Benefits:AirLocadvantages:Stable leveling setup, strong connection of the machine bed to the building foundation, highrigidity of leveling components.Effective use of the foundation for achieving stabile machine geometry.Large height adjustment range, high load-bearing leveling capacity, high precision levelingdevice. Strong spherical seats and spacer for uneven ground, bed surfaces, etc.<strong>Acorn</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Co</strong> | 520 Hertzog Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

Customer-specific solutionsCustomers who place their trust in us.Agie Charmilles SA, MeyrinL. Kellenberger & <strong>Co</strong>. AG, St. Gallen<strong>Co</strong>mau France, CastresThe Minster Machine <strong>Co</strong>mpany, Minster (Ohio)Ferag AG, HinwilSamputensili S.p.A., BolognaFinn Power Lillbacka, KauhavaFeintool Technologie AG, LyssFor more<strong>Acorn</strong> customer <strong>Industrial</strong> references <strong>Products</strong> please <strong>Co</strong> visit | 520 our Hertzog website. Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 800-523-5474 | E-Mail acorn@acornindprod.com

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