Newsletter - October 2012 - Spotswood College

Newsletter - October 2012 - Spotswood College

Newsletter - October 2012 - Spotswood College


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<strong>Newsletter</strong> - <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong><strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong>P O Box 6116South RoadNew PlymouthNEW ZEALANDPhone: (06) 7512416Fax: (06) 7512418Email: admin@spotswoodcollege.school.nzwww.spotswoodcollege.school.nz

PrincipalMr Mark BowdenDeputy PrincipalMrs Jude BarnesDeputy PrincipalMr Daryn ShawYear 13 DeanMr Gavin ParrYear 12 DeansMrs Jude BarnesMr Mark BowdenYear 11 DeanMr Ryan McFadyenYear 10 DeanMiss Dot AndrewsYear 9 DeanMr Darren ScottInternational DeanMichele FitzPatrickIn This Issue…Pg 3/4, PrincipalNotesPg 5, <strong>College</strong>CalenderPg 6, Careers CornerPg 7, InternationalGraduation DinnerPg 8, Spotty IdolPgs 9-10, AlumniNewsPgs 11-13, Spotlighton SportPgs 14-15, Star andGateway NewsFood and Nutrition DepartmentFor the past 4½ years the Daily News has been running fortnightly articlescalled Kai with Soul.This Kai with Soul book contains recipes and articles from the first 2 yearsof fortnightly articles and is a great gift and contains healthy, tasty food foreveryone to enjoy, especially teenagers leaving home.$30.00 and available at the school office, Mitre 10 Mega and Crafty Fox inOakura.Many thanks,Katy PowerHOD FOOD & NUTRITIONEASY FETTUCCINEServes 4 peopleIngredients150g fettuccine1 spring onion¾ saucepan of water¾ cup milk or cream2 rashers bacon – cut into small pieces ¾ cup grated cheese½ cup cream style sweetcorn4 mushrooms, sliced1 cup frozen veges – any type 1/2 capsicum – slicedsalt and pepper to taste1 tsp salt – add to pastacooking waterMethodTo prepare the fettuccine1. Bring the water to boil in a large saucepan.2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the boiling water.3. Add fettuccine and simmer briskly for 10-12 minutes until just cooked (al dente).4. Drain off excess water and set aside.To prepare the sauce1. Saute the bacon in a non stick frying pan or work for 2 minutes.2. Add the frozen mixed vegetables and cook for a further 2 minutes.3. Stir in the capsicum, mushrooms, sweetcorn and milk and simmer for 3-4minutes, stirring occasionally until the vegetables are just cooked and the milkhas evaporated down to a reduced sauce.4. Stir in the grated cheese and spring onion.5. Add the cooked and drained fettuccine and heat through.6. Season to taste with salt and pepper.7. Serve hot, piled onto a plate or into a large bowl and garnish with freshlychopped parsley and a sprinkle of extra parmesan cheese if desired.*If the consistency is too thick, add a little extra milk or cream and if it is too thin,simmer for an extra minute.

Principal Notes:Dear Students, Parents and CaregiversNga Mihi nui ki a koutou katoaToward the end of the school year people often ask if we are ‘winding down’ as senior studentsbegin external examinations and prizegivings are completed. The opposite is in-fact the case.Teachers are reviewing the year and writing annual reports, changing programmes and planningclasses and staffing for the timetable as well as running extra classes and tutorials for students toassist them meet their NCEA credit requirements and examinations study needs - it is a very busytime in the school year. It is however a most rewarding time of the year when we celebrateachievement, recognise success and farewell senior students who are leaving to begin work orfurther study. Listed below is a further reminder of the key celebratory events yet to be held: Senior Prizegiving - School Hall 7pm, Tuesday 6 November - school will close at 1.25pm forstudents and staff to prepare for this event. International Dinner - 6.45pm Plymouth Hotel, Thursday 15 November. Year 13 Dinner - New Plymouth Club - 6.30pm, Wednesday 5 December. Junior Prizegiving - School Hall, 11am Friday 7 DecemberStudent AchievementNZQA ExaminationsThe New Zealand Qualifications Authority Examinations (NZQA) begin on Friday 9 November. Allsenior students (Y11-13) now have their examination entry slip, and their examination timetable.Students have been briefed about the rules and procedures of these externally managed exams.Whilst Mr Parr is our NZQA Liaison Officer it is NZQA who manage and oversee the examinations.Please ensure that your child is well organized for these important exams, if you or your child haveany queries or concerns please contact us through the school office.Extra AssistanceSenior Deans Mrs Barnes, Mr Knapton and HODs have been working hard with students to assistthem complete tasks for their internal credits. Teachers have been offering extra classes andtutorials at lunchtimes and after school to assist students. Some classes will be running during theexams to further assist students, a letter was sent home about this and further contact with studentshas been made. Teachers really are going the extra mile to ensure students can achieve at theirbest and gain their NCEA qualifications. Special thanks to teachers for this extra work at such afrantic time of year.Board of Trustees Information 2013 Planning - The BOT have begun the planning processes for 2013; first draft of thebudget has been prepared, the <strong>2012</strong> Action Plan is being reviewed and ideas for our 2013plans are being generated by both staff and board.2013 Elections - BOT elections will be held in May of next year, if you are interested instanding for this exciting and important role please contact a Board Member or the Principal forfurther information.EOTC Review - The BOT has undertaken a major review of our Education Outside theClassroom (EOTC) Policy and Procedures. Whilst this review was planned for <strong>2012</strong> theParitutu tragedy added urgency and importance to the review process. You are invited to readthe revised draft policy and procedures which will be available from the school office onrequest.

Page 4Principal Notes continued….Board of Trustees Information—continuedEOTC Review - continuedFour key areas were reviewed: Current Policies & Procedures The events of 8 August Our response to the tragedy Our formal relationship with TOPECThe review has yet to be completed.2013 Term DatesThe dates for 2013 are listed on the calender. They include the January start-up dates for theoffice and the Course Confirmation day for Senior Students (23 January NOT 30 January aspreviously advised).RE: PAID UNION MEETING 20 NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>The Executive of the New Zealand Post Primary Teachers Association has directed Taranakimembers to attend a round of Regional Paid Union Meetings. These meetings are held under theprovisions of Section 26 of the Employment Relations Act 2000:“The employer must allow every Union member employed by the employer to attend at least twoUnion meetings (each of a maximum of two hours duration) in each calendar year”.A meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 November <strong>2012</strong> from 1p.m. – 3p.m. at Stratford for allTaranaki Secondary School Teachers.As most teachers at <strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> are PPTA members our usual Period 4 and Period 5classes will not run on Tuesday 20 November. However the School will remain open for studentswho wish to stay at School. Non Union staff members will supervise study during the afternoon forthese students. Students intending to stay at School must report to the student window of theSchool Office when the bell goes at 12.30p.m. Students not intending to study at School will needto make their own travel arrangements to go home. School buses will only run, as usual, at the endof the day.SENIOR EXAMS WILL CONTINUE AS USUALTHIS AFFECTS YEAR 9 & 10 STUDENTS ONLYMy apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.As always if you have any queries or concerns regarding any aspect of your child's schooling oreducation, please contact me accordingly.Kind regardsMark BowdenPrincipal

SPOTSWOOD COLLEGE CALENDER TERM 4NOVEMBER6 In-house PrizegivingSenior Prizegiving 7pm9 NZQA Exams begin11 TSSSA Junior Touch13 YEAR 10 EXAMS14 YEAR 10 EXAMS19 TSSSA Sports Co-ordinators AGMGST Returns20 STAFF PAID UNION MEETING21 TSSSA Jnr Softball & TennisTSSPA Meeting - SHGC22 Komiti Maori27 TSSSA Show JumpingDECEMBER4 NZQA Exams finish5 Year 13 Dinner7 END OF TERM FOURJANUARY 201322 Office Open (Tuesday - Friday)23 Course Information Day for Year 12 and 13 students24 Departmental meetings (24 & 25 January)25 Year 13 Peer Support28 STAFF ONLY DAY29 Year 9 and Year 13 attend school30 Year 9, 12 and 13 attend school31 All Students attend school (Year 9-13)FEBRUARY1 All students4 All studentsTERM DATES FOR 2013TERM 1TERM 2TERM 3TERM 4Tuesday 29 January – Friday 19 AprilWaitangi Day Wednesday 6 FebruaryAnniversary Day Monday 11 MarchGood Friday Friday 29 MarchEaster Monday Monday 1 AprilEaster Tuesday Tuesday 2 AprilAnzac Day Thursday 25 April (falls in holidays)Monday 6 May - Friday 12 JulyQueens BirthdayMonday 3 JuneMonday 29 July – Friday 27 SeptemberMonday 14 <strong>October</strong> – Friday 13 DecemberLabour Day Monday 28 <strong>October</strong>

Page 6CAREERS CORNERIt was very exciting to have the “In Zone” careers kiosk installed in the library last term. This hasbeen kindly sponsored by the NZ Defence Forces for a year. The kiosk has a range of different jobsand training providers highlighted on it plus life stories about some of New Zealand’s well-knowninnovators. eg John Britten motorcycles. This is another tool teenagers have available to exploreinterests they may follow when they leave school.WITT in conjunction with the Government have extended the number of Trades Academiesavailable to Taranaki secondary schools for 2013. The academies enable pupils to study a trade oftheir interest one day a week while they continue their usual level 2 schoolwork. Trades availableinclude Automotive, Beauty, Business and Computing, Electrical, Engineering, Hairdressing,Hospitality, Marae Catering, Rugby League and Welding. Pupils must have achieved level 1 beforethey are eligible to apply. For further information contact Mrs Gabites or Mrs McLean at <strong>Spotswood</strong><strong>College</strong>.We say farewell to another group of year 13 pupils in two weeks. The Careers Department wishesthem well as they pursue the next stage in their life’s journey.Pupils who are returning to school for 2013 have made decisions about the subjects they will studynext year. As parents, please discuss these subject choices with your children so you know whatthey have chosen and why. Subject choices made casually now, can cause problems later in yourchild’s schooling. The Careers NZ website has an excellent section which gives pointers on how tochoose subjects that match pupil’s interests, skills and aspirations. This website is an invaluable toolfor all family members to become familiar with.Please contact us if you have any queries at all about your child and their future. The quantity ofinformation available about Careers may confuse teenagers. Talking through your child’s issues withus may help and this is a part of our job that we really enjoy.Best Wishes to all the pupils writing NCEA papers. May you reap the rewards for the work you havedone this year.J Gabites. M BradleyCareers Department StaffSponsorship for School MagazineWe are currently searching for sponsorship for our end of year magazine.If anybody is interested in sponsoring a page and would like more informationplease contact Sharyn Smart on 751 2416 Ext: 714 or e-mail:ssm.spotswoodcollege.school.nz.Thank you

<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Page 7International Graduation DinnerTo Host families, students, staff and friends.You are invited to attend our Semester Two InternationalGraduation Dinner which will be held on Thursday 15 thNovember, <strong>2012</strong> at the Quality Hotel - Plymouth International.Sit down to dinner at 7pm.Cost for the evening $35.00 pp for buffet meal.It would be appreciated if all payments could be made to theschool finance office prior to the event. Cheques payable to<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong>.This semester we have supported each other through somedifficult times, so it would be great if we can gather togetheragain to celebrate achievements and say goodbye to ourleavingstudents.Kind RegardsGloria, Michele, Koulla & JanetPayment of FeesPlease ensure all fees owing are paid before the end of the schoolterm. There are a number of fees still outstanding. Please attendto this matter urgently.

Page 8Spotty IdolThis year’s Spotty Idol was yet another showcase of <strong>Spotswood</strong>’s amazingly talentedstudents. The audience was treated to performances ranging from contemporarydance and solo vocal to the full rock-band experience. Ultimately, Aroha Swannellwon the judges over with her pure vocal ability and commanding stage presence to benamed the Spotty Idol for <strong>2012</strong>.New Plymouth District Council <strong>2012</strong> Young Achievers AwardsThis year's New Plymouth District Council Young Achievers Awards function was held at the CouncilChambers on Thursday 25th <strong>October</strong>. From the nominations submitted by the school, <strong>Spotswood</strong><strong>College</strong> received the highest number of awards for <strong>2012</strong> recording 2 overall winners and 3 HighlyCommended. Congratulations to the following:Male Sports Achievement Award:Tai Juneau (Year 13)Haimona Hiroti (Year 11)Female Sports Achievement Award:Anna Hinton (Year 13)Music Award:Thomas Young (Year 13)Super Student Award:Callum JohnsWinnerHighly CommendedHighly Commended ( second consecutive year)Highly CommendedWinnerIn addition to these winners an ex-<strong>Spotswood</strong>ian Shaquille Knowles (2008-2011) was the winner ofthe Community Service Award.

<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Page 9ALUMNI NEWS1. MAKING A NAME AS A DIRECTOR: Congratulations to Tabitha Arthur (1990-1994) whosepassion for directing live theatre featured in the Taranaki Daily News on 7th August. Tabitha is in herfinal year of a Master of Theatre Arts in Directing jointly taught by Toi Whahaari New ZealandDrama School and Victoria University. Her current project Skellig is about facing four fears.Tabitha’s mother Margi (nee: Tucker 1965-1968) is heavily involved in local theatre while hergrandmother was the legendary Dorne Arthur. Keep up the good work Tabitha, we look forward toseeing you bring a show to New Plymouth.2. NEW MUSIC EP PRODUCED: Well done to Declan Doherty-Ramsay (2007-2008) who hasfinished a new EP of music that is available at http://thelucideffect.bandcamp.com3. RUGBY HONOUR: Congratulations to Matt Goodwin (1999-2003) on being selected as theCaptain of the Taranaki Development rugby team. Matt was captain of our <strong>College</strong> First XV team in2002 and 2003.4. NEW ZEALAND ROAD WALKING CHAMPION: Congratulations again to Eric Kemsley (1965-1968) on winning the Mens’ Over 60’s category at the <strong>2012</strong> New Zealand Road Championships heldin Wellington at the start of September. Well done Eric!5. NEW ZEALAND WRESTLING CHAMPION: Congratulations to Nick Daly (1997-1998) who aftera few years break from the sport, recently won the Senior Mens’ 84kg class at the New ZealandWrestling Championships held in Hamilton. Nick represented NZ at the 2002 CommonwealthGames held in Manchester, England and is hoping to go to the Commonwealth Games in Scotlandin 2014. Well done and best of luck Nick.6. VOLUNTEERING NEW PLYMOUTH AWARDS <strong>2012</strong>: Congratulations to Lisa McCready (1979-1982) who was one of 15 local citizens recognized by Volunteering New Plymouth for their serviceto others. Lisa was acknowledged for her volunteer work at Trade Aid. The awards ceremony washeld at the NPDC chambers in mid-September. Well dome Lisa.7. MEMORY LANE REUNION GIG: Great to see five ex-pupils of the 1960’s hold a 4 hour reuniongig at the Decanta in late-September. Graeme Pigeon (1960-61), Neil Cleaver (1961-1964), BruceSutton (1961-1963), Jeff Cleaver (1964-1968) and Charlie Winter (1963-1967) from bands-“Washed out Willie”, “The Bald Eagles” and remnants of the “Wasted Westerners”got together andperformed a lot of old 60’s rock’n’ roll music.8. <strong>2012</strong> TARANAKI’S TOP SHOP: Congratulations to Rachel Carley (1992-1994) on her shop“Babylove” being selected as one of the 10 finalists in this year’s Taranaki Top Shop competition.Rachel her mother Bev opened the shop in Moturoa in April.9. <strong>2012</strong> HALF MARATHON: Great to see several ex-<strong>Spotswood</strong>ians participating in this year’s halfmarathon held on Sunday 7th <strong>October</strong>. Well done to Tony Brownrigg (1984 – 1988) who finished3rd in the Mens’ event in a time of 1hour 17mins 13 secs and to Eric Kemsley (1965 – 1968) whowon the Mens’ Walkers category with a time of 2 hours 2mins 14 secs. Well done to all whocompeted!10. RIVAL STATE BAND VISITS N.P. FOR ALBUM RELEASE: Great to see Johannes and StefanEinarsson(2001 – 2003), Valdimar Einarsson (2002-2004) and Nimal Fernando (2005) of theTaranaki band “Rival State” return to New Plymouth recently for the release of their album “ApolloMe”. Their debut album has entered the National Album Chat at No. 10. The album is also No.1 onthe New Zealand Album Chart. Their first single “Sleep Talker” was released earlier this year andreached no.6, and was soon followed by “Four Leaf Clover” that got to no.30. Keep up the goodwork boys!11. EXCLUSIVE CENTENARIANS CLUB: Congratulations to Frank Morine who celebrated his100th birthday on 29th September. Frank was on the New Plymouth High Schools’ Board ofGovernors when <strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> was founded in 1960. In 1961, Frank donated the Morine Cupfor inter-house Athletics which has been competed for annually for 52 years. Frank was a charteredAccountant in New Plymouth.

Page 10ALUMNI NEWS Continued12. SCOTTISH FOOTBALL CONTRACT: Congratulations to Tiffany Kawana- Waugh (2002-2003)who has recently signed with the Scottish Hibernian womens’ football team who play in the Scottishdivision one league. The team is based in Edinburgh and Tiffany has already impressed by scoringthree goals in her first three games. While in Year 13 (2003) Tiffany secured a four year NCAAsporting scholarship at North Western State University in Louisiana, USA. Keep up the good workTiffany.13. LED ZEPPELIN COMPETITION WINER: Congratulations to Rhys Harvey (2000-2004) whorecently won the New Zealand competition of two tickets to attend the premier of the Led Zeppelinfilm “Celebration Day” in London. Rhys and his brother Trent (1998-2003) are both bid fans of theirrock idols.14. ARTS FOUNDATION AWARD: Congratulations to Cameron McMillan (1990-1993) who was arecipient of an Arts Foundation New Generation Award for <strong>2012</strong>. New generation artists haveassured potential. Their work is exciting. They are independent, individual and show outstandingpromise. They display a depth of thinking and consistency that gives their work strength. Cameron iscurrently working in Melbourne. Well done Cameron.CALLING ALL EX-PUPILS & EX-STAFF<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni DatabaseHave You Registered Yet??<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> has established an ex-pupil/ex-staff electronic database in an attempt tomaintain contact with as many alumni (ex-pupils/ex-staff) as possible. Currently, we have over1700 registered on our database.Those on the database will receive email Alumni newsletters, etc advising of news andsuccesses of ex-pupils and ex-staff, and on various events being held at the <strong>College</strong>.The next major Alumni event will be to celebrate the <strong>College</strong>’s 60th Reunion at Easter,2020 (10-12 April).The Alumni Trust is keen to grow this database so they can send out information on the60th Reunion. If you have attended <strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> could you please register yourdetails at:-www.spotswoodcollege.school.nz/registerPlease also encourage your ex-pupil family and friends to register.

<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Page 11Spotlight on Sport: (Sports items should be emailed to sport@spotswoodcollege.school.nz)Welcome to our seventh “Spotlight On Sport” column for <strong>2012</strong>. There have been many studentsinvolved in their particular sport throughout the last month.Some of their successes include:1. TSSSA EVENTS - TERM 3 RESULTS:8-BALL:This year’s event was held at Bowlarama in New Plymouth on Sunday 22nd July. Our team of RyanKing, Faris Petty, Ben Pihama and Jaymz Tito lost their quarter-final to Inglewood HS 1-2.SMALL BORE RIFLE SHOOTING:A team of 20 represented <strong>Spotswood</strong> at this year’s event held at the Inglewood Gun Club onSunday 29th July.TABLE TENNIS:This year’s event was held in our gymnasium on Sunday 5th August with 8 students representing<strong>Spotswood</strong>. Congratulations to Kiare Quintare on winning the Girls’ Open singles championships forthe second consecutive year.JUNIOR BASKETBALL:This year’s championships were held at The Hub in Hawera on Tuesday with <strong>Spotswood</strong> enteringone Boys’ and one Girls’ team.JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL:This year’s championships were held at the TSB Stadium on Friday 14th September with<strong>Spotswood</strong> entering one Boys’ and one Girls’ team. Congratulations to the Boys’ team who finishedin second place after qualifying for the final by beating NPBHS25-22. The Girls’ team finished in 9th place.ROAD CYCLING:This year’s event was held at Lepperton on Sunday 16th September. Congratulations to RyanDingle (Year 13) who won the Senior Boys’ race in 11mins 30sesc and also to Brandon Clarke(Year 10) who won the Junior Boys’ race in 12mins 59secs.ROAD RELAYS:This year’s event was held at the Brooklands Park course. Our Year 10 Boys’ team was:- AlexSmart, Brandon Clarke, Jayden Monaghan and Cameron Angland.INDOOR ROWING:This year’s event was held at NPGHS on Wednesday 26th September. <strong>Spotswood</strong> recorded thirdplacings in the following events: Girls’ Under 16 1000m -Tabotari Baiteke; Boys’ Under 15 500mJamali Amstad; Boys’ Under 15 1000m Ben Snowden; Boys’ Under 17 500m Trent Lankshear;Boys’ Under 19 500m Paul Faga.2. TSSSA EVENTS FOR TERM 4:The following TSSSA events are scheduled to be held during Term 4. Students interested incompeting in these should register their names at the Sports co-ordinator’s office.1. Rugby League Sunday 28th <strong>October</strong>2. Rugby 7’s Sunday 4th November3. Junior Touch Sunday 11th November4. Junior Softball Wednesday 21st November5. Junior Tennis Wednesday 21st November6. Show Jumping Tuesday 27th November

Page 12Spotlight on Sport: (Sports items should be emailed to sport@spotswoodcollege.school.nz)3. NZSSSC TOURNAMENTS:SENIOR A NETBALL:Well done to our Senior A team who competed in the B grade division at the Lower North IslandNetball tournament held in Palmerston North from 2nd - 8th September. Their results were:-Pool play: beat Manawatu <strong>College</strong> (Foxton) 41-25, beat Awatapu <strong>College</strong> (Palmerston North) 35-10,lost to Dannevirke HS 18-29, and lost to Upper Hutt <strong>College</strong> 19-39.Post-section play: lost to Taita <strong>College</strong> (Wellington) 21-32, lost to Dannevirke HS 31-32; Play-off for15th & 16th beat Karamu HS (Hastings) 26-18 to finish in 15th place in the 30 team B grade.Congratulations to TJ Cassidy(Year 13) who was selected in theB grade tournament team.NEW ZEALAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS DUATHLON:Congratulations to Ryan Dingle(Year 13) on finishing in 8th place in the Under 19 Boys’ event at thisyear’s national secondary schools Duathlon championships held at Taupo during the holidays.N.I.S.S. SKIING CHAMPIONSHIPS:Congratulations to Tai Juneau (Year 13) on finishing in 2nd place in the Senior Boys’ Giant Slalomat this year’s North Island championships held at Mt. Ruapehu in mid-September. This is the secondconsecutive year that Tai has finished in second place.N.I.S.S. SNOWBOARDING CHAMPIONSHIPS:Congratulations to our Snowboarding team that competed at this year’s championships held at Mt.Ruapehu in late-September. Our best results were:Tayla Willets (Year 11) 4th place in Girls’ Boarder Cross and 9th place in Girls’ Slope Style.Timi Te Au (Year 9) 14th place in Boys’ Slope Style, and 11th place Boys’ overall and 4th placeJunior Boys’ in 3 events.Cameron Brewster(Year 13) 22nd place in Boys’ overall in 3 events.Khayia Raven (Year 12) 13th place in Boys’ Slope Style(85 entrants)The Boys’ team of Cameron, Khayia, Lachlan Brewster and Timi finished in 7th place overall in 3events (42 teams entered).4. <strong>2012</strong> NZSSSC JUNIOR TOURNAMENT WEEK:Junior tournament week: 26th November – 1st December (Junior Volleyball)5. WINTER CODES ROUND UP:BASKETBALL:Congratulations to the Junior Girls’ “Wizards” and the Year 13 Girls’ “Bouncing Alpacas” teams thatboth won their New Plymouth Friday night Recreational leagues.The Senior Girls’ A team finished in 7th= place, with the Senior Boys’ A placed 7th in the Mondaynight Taranaki regional league.FOOTBALL:Congratulations to our First XI Boys’ Football team on winning the Taranaki Under 18 grade for thesecond consecutive year.Congratulations also to the Girls’ First XI who were runners-up in the end of season Knockouttournament after finishing in 6th place in their Wednesday Taranaki regional league.NETBALL:Senior A finished 3rd in the Senior Reserve A section.Senior Development finished 5th in the Intermediate section.Junior Year 9 & 10 team finished 2nd in the Youth Championship section.RUGBY:Congratulations to the First XV Rugby team that won their Taranaki B2 grade championship. TheUnder 15 team finished in 6th place in their grade.

<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Page 13Spotlight on Sport: (Sports items should be emailed to sport@spotswoodcollege.school.nz)6. TARANAKI REPRESENTATIVES:CROSS COUNTRY:Congratulations to Ryan Dingle(Year 13) and Jayden Monaghan(Year10) who were selected for theTaranaki Secondary Schools Teams Cross Country team who competed at the North IslandSecondary Schools championships held at Stratford on Wednesday 5th September.FOOTBALL:Congratulations to the following on their selection into <strong>2012</strong> Taranaki Football age group teams:Taranaki Girls’ Under 15: Molly LincolnTaranaki Girls’ 16+: Brooke CarterTaranaki Boys’ 15/16: Casey HoltonTaranaki Boys’ Under 19: Zahn Ruwhiu and Tom SavageINDOOR VOLLEYBALL:Congratulations to the following on their selection into the following Taranaki age grouprepresentative Volleyball teams for <strong>2012</strong>:Taranaki Under 17 Men: Jaymz Tito Eparama Ligavatu. Prithvi Kumar, Jordan Te Waaka, JaydenMonaghan, Cameron Angland and Jesse FaulknerTaranaki Under 17 Women: Laura Anderson, and Kelsey LovegroveTaranaki Under 19 Men: Jack Thomson (vice-captain), Tai Juneau, Jordan Hales, and Faris Petty.Taranaki Under 19 Women: Brittney Pearce (vice-captain), TJ Cassidy, Olivia Preston and AmberShepherd.7. WORLD TRIATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS:Congratulations to Ryan Dingle on his 13th place in the Mens’ 16-19 age group at the WorldTriathlon sprint championships held in Auckland during Labour weekend. Ryan’s times were: Swim11mins 09 secs; Cycle 31mins 28 secs; Run 6mins 18min 10secs for a total time of 1hour 6mins18secs.8. SPORTS VISIT FROM SANTIAGO COLLEGE, CHILE-17 - 20 SEPTEMBER:<strong>Spotswood</strong> hosted a very successful visit by 76 students and 5 staff from Santiago <strong>College</strong>. Theresults of the games played on Wednesday 19th September were:<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> won the Rugby 32-10 and the Senior Girls’ Volleyball 2-1Santiago <strong>College</strong> won the Mixed Hockey 1-0, and the Boys’ Football 2-1.Many thanks indeed to all of the families and staff who billeted the 80 Chilean students.9. <strong>2012</strong> – 6th ANNUAL SPORTS PRIZE GIVING:This year’s function will be held in the <strong>College</strong> assembly hall at 7.00pm on Tuesday 30th <strong>October</strong>.We would like to see all sports students present at this event to share in the success of ourindividuals and teams. Please be seated by 6.50pm. This year’s prize giving will be followed by a“Thank You Coach” supper.10. COACHES & MANAGERS:If any Parents or Caregivers are interested in Coaching or Managing a <strong>College</strong> Sports team in 2013,we would very much appreciate your assistance. If you are interested could your please contact ourSports co-ordinator Mrs. Caroline Skene through the <strong>College</strong> office on Ph:7512416 (ext 714) oremail sport@spotswoodcollege.school.nz

Page 14STAR NEWSOn Tuesday 28th August four Gateway students, Connor Clarke, Kate Gower-Stills, TiffanyPepperell and Tita Merake spent the day at Peru Café Roastery in New Plymouth. Inca-Fe is thepremium brand of Peru Café and they supply their organic coffee to cafes, businesses andsupermarkets throughout New Zealand. Our students had an awesome day and learnt so many newskills from Cain Waruhia, the Barista Trainer.“ We had a lot of fun learning how to make coffees and how to serve customers in a café. We werelucky enough to be trained by Cain who is a qualified Barista. I really enjoyed learning new skillsand the atmosphere at the roastery was great. I am now focused on working in the Hospitalityindustry”.Kate Gower-Stills“ I enjoyed the course so much. It helped me to try more things out of my comfort zone. Cain helpedme learn how to make coffee properly, the amount we need, the different types of coffee and theproper techniques for the different types of coffee that people order in a café. I learnt so much and itwas really worthwhile”.Tiffany Pepperell“ I had a fantastic day at Peru Cafe. It gave me the opportunity to work with coffee machines andlearn how to make different kinds of coffees. We were shown how the beans are roasted andpackaged It was fun and the tutor Cain was amazing”.Tita Merake”Cain, our tutor taught us step by step so that we understood the theory behind coffee making andthe packing process before we practised how to perfect the milk every time to make a good cup ofcoffee. I found this workshop excellent for learning the skills involved in coffee making. I am nowconfident and can use these skills at my Gateway placement and in the future as my goal is a careerin hospitality.”Connor ClarkeI went to a Barista Course at Peru Café Roastery and Cain, the tutor taught us heaps of new coffeeskills. Cain showed us two different coffee beans, green and roasted. I learnt that you needed to use18 grams of ground beans to put in a portafilter and that the Tamper is used to push the groundcoffee firmly into the portafilter. I also learnt how to operate the dosing chamber and how to make aMochacinno, Flat White, Latte, Cappuccino, Short Black and a Long Black. I enjoyed the course alot .Cameron GillbanksOn Friday 14th September I went to Peru Café Roastery with Cameron Gillbanks and our TeacherAide, Lyn Topliss. Cain, our Tutor was awesome. He showed us how to make lots of differentcoffees and also showed us coffee art that was fantastic. He made hearts, ferns and faces on top ofthe milk in the coffee. I learnt that there are different cup sizes for each type of coffee and how touse and clean all the equipment. We all had a really good time and I am glad I went to the course.Kathryn Campbell

<strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Page 15GATEWAY NEWSMy placement at Sport Taranaki has been based atEast End Skating Rink. I have helped to teach skatingskills to 5 - 10 year olds from Taranaki Primary schools.It has been a great experience and I have reallyenjoyed it and learnt a lot.Jordan RustI am enjoying my Gateway placement at Crowded Housein the kitchen. I have learnt a lot of new knife skills and Iam working on units through HSI. My goal is to studyfurther to become a chef.Steven TaylorCongratulations to Zoe Parker who has achieved theNational Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care -Level 3. Well Done Zoe.STAR NEWSSTAR funded Massey University papers for these students, congratulations to themfor achieving outstanding results.Roxanne Pope - A - Psychology paperAidan Clarke - A+ - Linear Math paperCallum Johns - A+ - Linear Math paperPatrick Coombe - A - Linear Math paper

SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS OFSPOTSWOOD COLLEGEThe <strong>Spotswood</strong> <strong>College</strong> Community (Board of Trustees, Principal, Staff and Students) sincerely wish toconvey their heartfelt gratitude for the generosity and support offered by the organisations set out below.This support enables the <strong>College</strong> to enrich and enhance the lives of our staff and students and contributesto our goal of creating life-long learners.ParentTeachersAssociation

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