PAPERS OF B.A. INYOGA & NATUROPATHYSEMESTER –I to VI.Ist Sem No. of Theory Paper-I Introduction of Yoga Marks 60No. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IInd Sem No. of Theory Paper – IMarks 60Basics of NaturopathyNo. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IIIrd Sem No. of Theory Paper – I60Introduction to Hatha YogaNo. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IV Sem No. of Theory Paper – I Naturopathy-II 60No. of Practical – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100Vth Sem No. of Theory Paper – I60Science of Hatha YogaNo. of Practical – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100VIth Sem No. of Theory Paper – I Common Problem & Yoga Therapy & Naturopathy 60TreatmentNo. of Practical –I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100Grand Total 600

<strong>PAPERS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> B.A. <strong>IN</strong><strong>YOGA</strong> & <strong>NATUROPATHY</strong><strong>SEMESTER</strong> –I <strong>to</strong> <strong>VI</strong>.Ist Sem No. of Theory Paper-I Introduction of Yoga Marks 60No. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IInd Sem No. of Theory Paper – IMarks 60Basics of NaturopathyNo. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IIIrd Sem No. of Theory Paper – I60Introduction <strong>to</strong> Hatha YogaNo. of Practical Paper – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100IV Sem No. of Theory Paper – I Naturopathy-II 60No. of Practical – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100Vth Sem No. of Theory Paper – I60Science of Hatha YogaNo. of Practical – I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100<strong>VI</strong>th Sem No. of Theory Paper – I Common Problem & Yoga Therapy & Naturopathy 60TreatmentNo. of Practical –I 25Internal Assessment 15 (20%)Total 100Grand Total 600

Ist SemesterTHEORY PAPERPAPER – IST<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION <strong>OF</strong> <strong>YOGA</strong>I – <strong>SEMESTER</strong>M.M: 100 MarksTheory : 60MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Unit-IIntroduction of Yoga –Meaning and definition of yoga.Objective of YogaTypes of Yoga, Relevence of Yoga in Modern age.Unit – II Yoga in different texts –Unit – IIIVeda, Sankhya, Upnishads, GeetaTypes of Yoga : - Its brief introduction• Hatha Yoga• Bhakti Yoga• Karma YogaUnit – IV• Ashtang YogaLife Sketch of Ancient Contemporary Yogies and yoginies of India• Swami Vivekananda• Sri Aurobindo• Swami Shivananda• Meera Bai• Sharda MaaUnit – V• Shri MaaIntroduction of contemporary Yog Institutes of India1. Bihar Yoga Bharti Yog Institute – Munger, Bihar.2. Kaivalya Dham – Lonavala

3. Gurukul Kangari University – Hardwar4. Swami Vivekananda Institute of Yoga & Research, Banglor.Reference Books1. Science of Yoga – Swami Vigyananand Saraswati2. Yog Mahavigyan – Dr. Kamakhya Kumar3. Yog Dharshan – Swami Niranjananand Saraswati4. Bhartiya Dharshan – Acharya Baldev Upadhyaya5. Yogank – Geeta Press Gorakhpur6. Kalyan – Geeta Press Gorakhpur<strong>YOGA</strong> PRACTICALUnit – I Prayer, Mantra – Stuti - Gayatri Mantra, Prayer 2Unit – II Shat Karma - Jala Neti, Raber Neti 4Unit – III Asanas : Pawan Mukta, I, II, III, Surya Namaskar, Tadasan, Trikonasana, 7Padhastasana, Kati Chakrasana, Padmasana, Swastikasan, SiddhasanUnit – IV Pranayama – Nadi Shodhan, Anuloma – Viloma 5Unit – V Meditation – Om recitation 2

IInd SemesterTHEORY PAPERBASICS <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NATUROPATHY</strong>M.M: 100MarksTheory : 60 MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Unit-IMeaning of NaturopathyDefinition of NaturopathyUnit – IIPrinciples of NaturopathyHydrotherapyGeneral Principles of HydrotherapyImportance of waterUnit – IIIProperties of waterIntroduction of Mud TherapyTypes of Mud TherapyUnit – IVAction & reaction of Mud TherapyFastingMeaning of fastingTypes of FastingBenefits of FastingUnit-V Massage Therapy :His<strong>to</strong>ry of Massage, Types of Massage, Steps of Massage

Reference Books1. izkd`frd vk;qfoZKku & MkW jkds'k ftUny2. Acupressure – Dr. Attar Singh3. ty fpfdRlk & MkW ghjk yky4. miokl fpfdRlk & Jh cuZj eSdQsMu5. miokl ds ykHk & MkW foV~Bynkl eksnhPRACTICAL PAPERPrayer, MantraMM : 25Unit – I Shat Karmas –Jala Neti, Rubber Neti, KunjalUnit – II Asanas :-Surya Namaskar, Trikonasan, Ardhchandrakarsan, Garudasan, Veerasan,Padangusthan, Sheeshpadanqushthasan, Utkatasan, Baddhpadmasan, Vakrasan,Mandukasan, Shashank, Pawan Muktasan, Ardhhalasan, Shalbhasan, Bhujangasan,Ardhdhanursan, Naukasan, Pashchimotanasan.Unit – III Pranayam – Bhastrika Pranayam, Sheetali, seetkari

IIIrd Semester<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION TO HATHA <strong>YOGA</strong>M.M: 100MarksTheory : 60 MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Unit-IMeaning of Hatha YogaStep of Hatha YogaUnit – IIObjectives of Hatha YogaProper Diet in the Practice of Hatha YogaProper Place for the Practice of Hatha YogaProper Time for the Practice of Hatha YogaWith the reference of Hatha Yogic Grantha Gherand Sanhita & Hatha YogPardipikaUnit – III What are the Sadhak TatwaWhat are the Badhak TalwasSpecial reference <strong>to</strong> Gherand Samhita & Patanjal Yoga Sutra.Unit – IV Meaning of PranaTypes of PranaUnit – <strong>VI</strong>mportance & Place of Prana in Human bodyTypes of ChakrasLocation of Chakras in Human bodyMeaning of Kundaline

Role of Kundiline in Human Life.Reference1. Hathyoga Pardipika – Swami Swatmaram2. Gherand Samhita – Gherand Muni3. Asan Pranayam Vigyan – Dev Varth Acharya4. Asan Pranayam, Mudra Bandh – Swami Satyanand5. Poorna Yoga – Iyenger6. ljy ;ksxklu & MkW bZ'oj Hkkj}ktMM : 25PRACTICAL PAPERUnit – I Shatkarma – Jalneti, Rubberneti, Kunjal, Agnisar KriyaUnit – II Asanas – Surya Namaskar (with Mantras) Vatayan, Natraj, Ek padhastasna, StandingChakrasan, Matsyasan, Gupt Padmasan, Vajrasan, Suptvajrasan, Matsyendrasana(Ardh) Gomukhasan, Akarndhanurasan, Singh Garjanasan, Vrikshasana, Kukkutasan,Tulankulasan, Garbhasan, Hirdaystambhasan, Setubandhasan, Sarvangasan.Unit – III Prayayam – Ujjayi, Kevali, Sury Bhedan, Chandra bhedhan, murchhaUnit – IV Meditation

IVth SemesterTHEORY PAPER<strong>NATUROPATHY</strong> - II M.M: 100 MarksTheory : 60 MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Unit-IIntroduction of DietTypes of DietBalance DietUnit – IIConcept of Vegetarian DietMeaning of Diet TherapyDiet in different age groupsElements of Diet – Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Water, VitaminsUnit – III Acupressure –Meaning of AcupressurePrinciples of AcupressureLocation of different points in handsUnit – IV Sun Therapy -Introduction of sun therapyBenefits of sun therapyUnit-VReferenceBookSun therapy in common problems – obesity, gout Arthritis, skin problemColour Therapy – Meaning of colour therapy, uses of colour therapy incommon problems – Diabetes, Arthritis, Constipation.1. izkd`frd vk;qfoZKku & MkW jkds'k ftUny2. Acupressure – Dr. Attar Singh3. vkgkj rFkk iks"k.k ,oa ekuoh; fodkl & MkW lUrks"k

'kekZ4. lw;Z fdj.k fpfdRlk & MkW ghjk yky5. izkd`frd fpfdRlk fof/;ka & MkW dqyjatu eq[kthZ6. jax fpfdRlk & iafMr Jh jke 'kekZ vkpk;ZPRACTICAL PAPERMM:25Unit – I Kriyas – Jal Neti, Sutra neti, Jal Kapal, TratakUnit – II Asan :- Surya Namaskar, Purn Chakrasan, Samkonasan, Dwikonasan, Yogmudrasan,Poorna Matsyendra, Utthit Paschhimotansan, Vibhaktapashchhimotansan,Meruvakrasan, Parivirti Janusheerasan, Padam sarvangasan, Parvatasan, Ek Padasan,Raj Kapotasan, Ek Pad Skandhasan, Gorakshasan, Naukasan, Padambakasan,Kurmasan.Unit – III Pranayama :- Murchha Pranayama, Kevali Pranayamas.

Vth SemesterSCIENCE <strong>OF</strong> HATHA <strong>YOGA</strong>BENEFITS <strong>OF</strong> YOGIC PRACTICESM.M: 100MarksTheory : 60 MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Introduction of ShatkarmaUnit-IPhysiological benefits of ShatkarmaPsychological benefits of ShatkarmaPhysical & mental benefits of – NetiUnit – IIPhysical & metal benefits of DhautiPhysiological Benefits of AsanasPsychological Benefits of AsanasUnit – III Physiological Benefits of PranayamaPsychological Benefits of PranayamaUnit – IV Physiological Benefits of Mudra &Unit – VPsychological Benefits of Mudra &Physiological Benefits of MeditationPsychological Benefits of MeditationReference1. Ana<strong>to</strong>my & Physiology & Yogic Practices – Dr. M.L. Gharote and Prof.S.K. Ganguly2. Yoga Therapy – Dr. M.L.3. è;kura=k ds vkyksd esa4. Meditation – N.C. Panda

5. ?ksj.M lafgrk & ?ksj.MeqfuMM : 25V– <strong>SEMESTER</strong>PRACTICALUnit-I PrayerUnit-II Aasnas : Surya Namaskar, Trikonasan, Ardhchandrakarsan, Garudasan, Veerasan,Padangusthan, Sheeshpadanqushthasan, Utkatasan, Baddhpadmasan, Vakrasan,Mandukasan, Shashank, Pawan Muktasan, Ardhhalasan, Shalbhasan, Bhujangasan,Ardhdhanursan, Naukasan, Pashchimotanasan, Surya Namaskar (with Mantras)Vatayan, Natraj, Ek pad pad hostasan, Standing Chakrasan, Matsyasan, GuptPadmasan, Vayrasan, Suptvajrasan, Matsyendrasan (Ardh) Gomukasan,Akarndhanurasan, Singh Garjanasan, Vshtrasan, Kukkutasan, Tulankulasan,Garbhasan, Hirdaystambhasan, Setubandhasan, Sarvangasan.Unit-III Pranayama : Bhastrika Pranayam, Sheetali, seetkariNaturopathy PracticalSteam BathArm & Foot bath

<strong>VI</strong>th SemesterCOMMON PROBLEMS & <strong>YOGA</strong> THERAPY &<strong>NATUROPATHY</strong> TREATMENTM.M: 100 MarksTheory : 60 MarksTime : Three hours Int. Assessment :15 MarksPractical : 25 MarksNote: The question paper will consists of five units I, II, III, IV &V. The paper setterwill set two question from each unit. The candidate will attempt five question inall selecting at least one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.Unit-IWhat is DiseaseWhat is HealthUnit – IITypes of HealthYoga Therapy – MeaningNeed of Yoga Therapy in Modern timeObjective of Yoga TherapyPrecautions in Yoga TherapyUnit – III Common Problems :-• Common cold symp<strong>to</strong>ms & causes• Cough symp<strong>to</strong>ms & causes• Digestive disorders symp<strong>to</strong>ms & causesUnit – IV Yoga Therapy in Common Problems :-• Common cold & its yogic treatment• Cough & its yogic treatment• Digestive disorders & its yogic treatmentUnit – V Naturopathy treatment in common problems :-• Common Cold• Cough

• Digestive DisordersReferences1. jksx ,oa ;ksx & Lokeh f'kokuUn ljLorh2. izkd`frd vk;qfoZKku & MkW jkds'k ftUny3. ty fpfdRlk & MkW ghjk yky4. miokl fpfdRlk & Jh cuZj eSdQsMu5. miokl ds ykHk & MkW foV~Bynkl eksnh6. AsanPranayam, Mudra Bandh – Swami SatyanandPRACTICAL PAPERYoga & NaturopathyMM : 25Unit – IUnit – IIShatkarmas- Jal Neti, Danda Dhauti, Varisar Dhauti, TratakaAsanas & PranayamAasnas : Surya Namaskar, Trikonasan, Ardhchandrakarsan, Garudasan, Veerasan,Padangusthan, Sheeshpadanqushthasan, Utkatasan, Baddhpadmasan, Vakrasan,Mandukasan, Shashank, Pawan Muktasan, Ardhhalasan, Shalbhasan, Bhujangasan,Ardhdhanursan, Naukasan, Pashchimotanasan, Surya Namaskar (with Mantras)Vatayan, Natraj, Ek pad pad hostasan, Standing Chakrasan, Matsyasan, GuptPadmasan, Vayrasan, Suptvajrasan, Matsyendrasan (Ardh) Gomukasan,Akarndhanurasan, Singh Garjanasan, Vshtrasan, Kukkutasan, Tulankulasan,Garbhasan, Hirdaystambhasan, Setubandhasan, Sarvangasan.Advanced Surya Namaskar, Medetative posture, Balancing Asanas, Forward Bending,Backward bendingUnit – IIIPranayama : Bhastrika Pranayam, Sheetali, seetkariNaturopathy PracticalSteam bath, Sauna Bath, Spinal bath, Hip bath and Project

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