Cortex-A8 R2P2.pdf - ARM Information Center

Cortex-A8 R2P2.pdf - ARM Information Center

Cortex-A8 R2P2.pdf - ARM Information Center


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Chapter 1IntroductionThis chapter introduces the processor and its features. It contains the following sections:• About the processor on page 1-2• <strong>ARM</strong>v7-A architecture on page 1-3• Components of the processor on page 1-4• External interfaces of the processor on page 1-8• Debug on page 1-9• Power management on page 1-10• Configurable options on page 1-11• Product revisions on page 1-12.<strong>ARM</strong> DDI 0344E Copyright © 2006-2008 <strong>ARM</strong> Limited. All rights reserved. 1-1

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