2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research

2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research

2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research


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225In conclusion, it should be noted that theseresults must be taken into account when conductingvarious tests of permafrost, snow and compact iceat temperatures close to that of ice melting,especially for samples subjected to preliminarydeep cooling. If delayed formation of a liquidlikefilm is not taken into consideration, then onemay obtain values which are far from equilibrium.The study of the dissolving power of the filmwill be extended to other organic compounds, inparticular, to inferior alcohols, after relevanttechniques have been developed. <strong>Research</strong> ispresently under way on the film's dissolving powerwith respect to inorganic compounds.REFERENCESP/ I I I I0' 1 2 3 102C,mFigure 5 Isotherms of sorption I at -15OC (I),-2O'C (2) and I11 at -25OC (3) without preliminaryexposure of snow.The comparison between the extrapolated and calculatedvalues of the distribution factor KO and Kindicates that the acid solubility in the liquidlikefilm is lower than in water. There is a considerabledecrease in solubility of chloracetic acid,for which the distribution factor is an order ofmagnitude lower.Adam, N. K., 1947, Physics and chemistry of surface:Iloscow-Leningrad, Gostekhizdat.Greg, S. and K. Singh, 1970, Adsorption, specificsurface porosity: Moscow, Mir.Kvlividze, V. I., V. F. Kiselev, A. V. Krasnushkinet al., 1978, <strong>Proceedings</strong> of the Third InternationalConference on Permafrost, Edmonton,Alberta, Canada, v. 1, p. 113.Kvlividze, V. I. , V. F. Kiselev, A. B. Kurzaevand Z. A. Ushakova, 1974, The mobile water phaseon ice surfaces, Surface Science, v. 44, No. 1,p. 60.Nechaev, E. A. and N. F. Fedoseev, 1978, Adsorptionof the organic matters from water solutions onthe oxides of 4-valent metals. Zhurnal phisicheskojkhimii, v. 52, No. 5, pp, 1250-1254,Nechaev, E* A. and V. P. Romanov, 1981, Adsorptionof anions on ice and freezing potentials, Zhurnalphisicheskij khimii, v. 55, No. 7, p 1818-1821.Nechaev, E, A,, R. Ja. Shaidullin and V. A. Volgina,1979, Adsorption of the organic matters fromwater solutions on the oxides and hydrooxides of2-valent metals. In Sorption and chromatography:Moscow, Nauka, p 75-78.

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