2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research

2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research

2 Volumes Final Proceedings - Washington 1984.pdf - IARC Research


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Opening Plenary SessionMonday, July 18, 1983TROY L. P d - ~ Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome tothe formal sessions of the Fourth InternationalConference on Permafrost. I am Troy Ph6, Chairumnof the Organizing Committee for the Conference.We, the Organizing Committee, eubcommittees,staff, and many others, are pleased to haveyou here and invite you to participate in and attendthe panel, paper, and poster sessions, thelocal field trips, the extended field trips, andsocial events. Today, I will first introduce ourfront-table dignitaries and then offer a few wordsabout permafrost research history. This will befollowed by words of welcome from Alaskan and internationalparticipants.It is my pleasure to introduce the persons atthe front table. At my far right [not visible inphotograph] is Dr. Jerry Brown of the Cold Regions<strong>Research</strong> and Engineering Laboratory, who is representingthe Polar <strong>Research</strong> Board of the UnitedStates National Academy of Sciences and is theChairman of the Permafrost Committee of the Polar<strong>Research</strong> Board. He is also a member of our OrganizingCommittee. Next to Dr. Brown is Mr. Li Yusheng,Vice Principal of the Chinese Academy ofRailway Sciences of che Ministry of Railways fromBeijing, China. He 1s the co-leader of the delegationfrom the People's Republic of China. Nextis Dr. Jay Barton, President of the University ofAlaska Statewide System and a member of the OrganizingCommittee. On my immediate right is AcadendcianP.I. Melnikov of the Academy of Sciences ofthe USSR, Director of the Permafrost Institute ofYakutsk. Siberia, and the head of the delegationfrom the USSR. On my immediate left [not visiblein photograph] is Professor Shi Yafeng, Directorof the Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology,and Deputy Chief, Division of Earth Sciences,Academia Sinica. He is the co-leader ofthe delegation from the People's Republic of China.Next is Mr. Daniel A. Casey, Commissioner of theDepartment of Transportation and Public Facilitiesof the State of Alaska, representing the Governorof Alaska. We are pleased to have Dr. Hugh Frenchof the University of Ottawa, and Chairman of thePermafrost Subcommittee of the National <strong>Research</strong>Council of Canada. He is representing the Canadiandelegation. Next to Dr. French is Mr. BillB. Allen, Mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough,Alaska. On my far left is Dr. J. Ross Mackay,Professor at the University of British Columbia,and former Chairman of the Ground Ice Divisionof the International Commlssion on Snm andIce, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.

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