Online Course Design Checklist - Henderson County Public Schools

Online Course Design Checklist - Henderson County Public Schools

Online Course Design Checklist - Henderson County Public Schools


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<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong>Please note, if you are developing for the UM<strong>Online</strong> degree program, that your course content must be inside the University’s coursemanagement system (e<strong>Course</strong>ware). Exceptions would include links to external media servers, library databases, and appropriate publishers’websites. Please contact our office if you have questions or need clarification.Your course cannot contain anything that is under copyright protection for which you do not have written permission to use by the author. Thisincludes scanned articles and book chapters. You can link directly to the open source database or to UofM’s electronic databases. Informationon that is available at https://umwiki.memphis.edu/display/KayC/Copyright+Friendly+E‐Reading+Lists (as of 12/7/10).Your course cannot require any synchronous activities. If you plan to have chat sessions, you will need to be sure to schedule at the students’availability and ensure that students in different sections have the same learning experience. Please remember, however, that students cannotbe penalized for not being able to attend.When designing your online course, please keep these techniques and strategies in mind. For additional strategies and suggestions indesigning online content, please contact Joanne Gikas, jgikas@memphis.edu or Vicki Murrell, vmurrell@memphis.edu.<strong>Course</strong> IntroductionIs an introductory email sent to your students providing them information on how to access your course?Are students instructed on how to contact you? (Preferably choose email in e<strong>Course</strong>ware with your memphis.edu account providedin case of emergency. Please do not use a non‐university email account.)Do students know whom to contact for technical support?Are students provided information on how to prepare their browser for their online course?(http://www.webjam.com/alcelearning/ecourseware); scroll to Browser preparation in the middle of the page.)Is there an announcement in the News section providing students with information on how to access course content (i.e., what islocated where)?<strong>Course</strong> OrganizationAre font styles, content layout consistent throughout course?Is content organized in a logical order using modules, topics, chapters, etc., and presented in a logical progression of the semester?Is there an Introduction module with Syllabus, course schedule, etc.?Are course goals and objectives identified? (Tip: Objectives can be identified at the beginning of each Module.)Are objectives measureable and linked to assessments?Does each module incorporate materials, assignments, discussions, etc., needed to proceed through that module?Are there modules identified for the semester progression of the course?Is the content under the module headings organized in a logical manner for students to navigate?<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Extended Programs, Distance Education Updated 12/7/10

<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> p. 2Do students know what to do/access first in the modules?Are assignment directions clear? Is the location of the directions in a consistent location?Do students know how and where to submit assignments online?Do students know how to access the Discussion board or Chat tools in the online class?Is the content interactive and engaging?Are students being asked to collaborate, reflect or interact with their peers in the Discussion area? In the Chat rooms? During groupactivities?Did you provide specific dates and times for assignments to be submitted and/or Discussions to be posted?If students are asked to respond to other students’ Discussion postings, are deadlines set to enable this? For example, postresponses by a certain time/date in order to allow time for student comments before the Discussion Forum closes.Are students asked to create meaning of content by creating real world artifacts or participating in real world experiences in theonline class?Are you providing your online students a mixture of instructional strategies?Are you using multimedia (videos, audios, podcasts)/and or other relevant elements to assist in student learning?If using multimedia, is it stored on an appropriate server (e.g., Podcast Central) rather than uploaded to e<strong>Course</strong>ware?Are students discussing and collaborating with peers/instructor in the Discussion area? On a wiki? A blog?Are students reflecting on course readings, from textbooks, journal articles, etc.?Are students asked to work in cooperative groups?Are your directions clear throughout the course?Learner EngagementHow are learners engaged in the course? Are they collaborating with classmates? Are they discussing using the Discussion area? Arethey discussing in groups?How are learners interacting with the content that is provided?Are learners provided an opportunity to share their own voice in the online course?<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Extended Programs, Distance Education Updated 12/10/10

<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> p. 3<strong>Course</strong> CommunicationAre students asked to introduce themselves to each other and you?Are the students provided an area to ask you or classmates questions about the course, assignments, etc.? (Tip: A general courseDiscussion Board or an FAQ list can be used.)Are students encouraged to interact in groups? Are other strategies employed to promote interactivity and communication?Are students provided the opportunity to give feedback on the online course to improve the course?Assessment & EvaluationAre instructional & assessment strategies aligned with objectives?Do you employ a variety of assessment strategies in the course?Are students provided timely & consistent feedback throughout the semester?<strong>Online</strong> <strong>Course</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong> Extended Programs, Distance Education Updated 12/10/10

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