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U N I T1School/FictionA Friend on the Bus<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 01Linda is nervous as she _____________ onto the bus. It is herfirst time to _____________ the bus to her new school. She hopesshe remembers to get _____________ at the right stop.After Linda finds a seat, the girl ____________________ hersays, “Hi, I’m Amy. I think we go to the _____________ school.I can tell from your ____________________.” Linda is not surewhat to say, _____________ she just smiles. Amy _____________with Linda until they arrive at school. Then Amy says, “This is our_____________. Come on.”Linda doesn’t feel ____________________ anymore.Today, she will start _____________ a new school, and she____________________ has a new friend.

U N I T2School/NonfictionAre Buses Safe?<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 03Are buses a safe way to ____________________? In the US, theSchool Bus Information ____________________ (SBIC) says they are.Say 1,000 people travel 10,000 ____________________by car, plane, train, or bus. The SBIC uses that as 10,000,000____________________ kilometers. The SBIC can then____________________ deaths by traveler kilometers.Each _____________, six people in the US are____________________ in cars for every 1 billion traveler kilometers.That’s not many. One ____________________ is killed in planes forevery _____________ billion traveler kilometers. That’s even less!One person is killed in ____________________ for every 3 billiontraveler kilometers. Only _____________person is killed in buses for every 10____________________ traveler kilometers!

U N I T3School/FictionEric’s History Cards<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 05Eric always gets bad grades on his __________________ tests.In fact, Eric is the _____________ student in his class.One day, Eric asks his ___________________ for help. She says,“Write names, places, and other _________________________ onsmall cards. Then study those cards. Read the _____________every day.”Eric follows the teacher’s ____________________. He takesthe cards ____________________. He takes them on the bus. Hetakes them to _____________. He also takes them to the parkso he can _____________ them after soccer practice. This ishow Eric ____________________ things for the next test.On the test, Eric is ____________________. He getsthe best _____________ in his class!

U N I T4School/NonfictionWord Webs<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 07Every day in school you learn new _____________. Do youwant to know a ____________________ effective way to learn andremember new words? _____________ a word web!A ____________________ web has lots of____________________ going out from the center. A wordweb is _____________ that. Write a new word to learn in the____________________. Then write any words that you think ofwhen you _____________ the center word. You can also draw____________________ that you think of. Put words and picturesall ____________________ the center word. Then draw lines backto the center, like a _____________.Is this exercise really ____________________for learning new words? Yes, it is. Try it!

U N I T5Food/FictionThe Cupcake Basket<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 09Sally wants to _____________ cupcakes. She mixes some flour,_____________, and sugar together. Then she _____________ insome milk. Now all she needs is ____________________. However,Sally does not have any at her house.Sally _____________ to her neighbor’s house and knocks onthe front door. “May I ____________________ some butter?” Sallyasks.Her neighbor is _____________ to give her some butter. Sally____________________ home and finishes preparing thecupcakes. When the cupcakes are _____________, Sally puts a fewof them in a ____________________. Then she goes to herneighbor’s house.“Here,” Sally says. “_____________ are for you!”The neighbor is very happy. The____________________ taste delicious.

U N I T8Food/NonfictionMicrowave Popcorn<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 15Here is _____________ you need to make microwave popcorn____________________. You need a paper bag. It does not needto be a ____________________ bag at all. A plain brown paperbag is _____________. Then you need popcorn. It does not needto be special corn. _____________ popcorn from any store is fine.That’s it!_____________ the popcorn in the bag with a little oil._____________ the top a few times. Then cook the bag in the____________________ for two minutes. When the popping____________________ stop, the popcorn is ready.The next _____________ you want to eat popcorn,try this. People who eat ____________________ oftencan save a lot of _____________ this way!

U N I T9Shopping/FictionOscar Shops<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 17Oscar’s mother asks him to buy a ____________________of milk. She gives Oscar money. Oscar puts the money in his____________________ and goes to the grocery _____________.Oscar looks around the store. He sees variousdelicious ____________________ on the shelves. Oscar puts a_____________ of potato chips in his shopping basket. He alsogets a _____________ of cookies. Finally, he gets a few chocolate_____________. Then Oscar is ready to check _____________. Hegoes to pay for his _____________. He uses all the money, and he____________________ home.“Where is the milk?” _____________ Oscar’smother.Oh no! Oscar forgot to _____________ it.

U N I T1 2Shopping/NonfictionWhat We Spend on Pets<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 23Many pet owners pay for more than _____________ andmedicine for their pets. They also buy _____________, clothes,and even special items for their pets. One ____________________card company studied this. They found that about _____________of dog owners buy new toys _____________ treats for their dogsevery month. Those toys and treats usually _____________ up toabout $20 each _____________.Some pet owners _____________ evenmore for their pets. The _____________time you visit a pet store, look at all thespecial _____________ for dogs. You may findclothes, ____________________, and shoes fordogs. There may even be a ____________________shop for dogs in the pet store.

U N I T1 4People/NonfictionBraille<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 27Usually, we read by _____________. We use our eyes toread letters on a page. However, not everybody does. Haveyou ever seen a page with ____________________ dots?This is called Braille. These are ____________________ thatcan be read by touch! Blind people can read Braille with their____________________.Braille was ____________________ in 1825 by LouisBraille. He wanted to help _____________ children. The____________________ idea, though, came from Napoleon. Hewanted “_____________ writing” for the ____________________army. With this, his army could get _________________________at night. They wouldn’t require _____________ or light.In the end, the French _____________ could notuse this idea. However, Louis Braille could!

U N I T1 5People/FictionAniz and His Flute<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 29Aniz was a boy who could play the flute like _____________.However, Aniz worked for a mean master. The____________________ often hit him.One day, the master _____________ Aniz’s flute.After this, Aniz ran _____________ to his grandfather’s house.His ________________________ made him a new flute.Aniz _____________ his new flute. Soon, he played even_____________ beautifully than before. When Aniz played, theanimals of the forest ____________________ near to listen.Not long after that, Aniz _____________ a cry for help. It washis old master! Some animals were ____________________him. Aniz saved him by playing his _____________.Aniz’s old master was so grateful that he____________________ to never hurtanyone again!

U N I T1 6People/NonfictionSnake Charmers<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 31Imagine there is a dangerous _____________ in front of you. Ithas big _____________ and wants to bite you. However, you don’trun away. You start playing a _____________! Sound strange? Thatis what a snake ____________________ does.When a snake pops out of a ____________________, thecharmer starts to play his flute. This looks like it _____________the snake. The snake does not _____________, but only movesfrom side to side. What’s happening? Does _____________ reallycharm snakes?____________________, snakes cannot hear music.The snake charmer _____________ while playing, andthe snake just follows his ____________________.Most snakes do not like to attack. Still, it is____________________ to watch!

U N I T1 7Pets/FictionGo Get It, Boy!<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 33Ms. Richards is old and can’t walk to the ____________________store. Brutus goes to the store for her, ____________________.Brutus is her dog.First, Ms. Richards puts a shopping _____________ into abag with some money. Brutus _____________ the bag by its____________________ in his mouth. Ms. Richards says, “Go_____________ it, boy!” Then Brutus runs to the grocery store.At the store, Brutus ____________________ the bagto the man behind the ____________________. The mangets all the things on the list. Then he adds up the_____________ and takes some of the money from the_____________. After that, Brutus returns home with allthe _____________ for Ms. Richards.Good _____________, Brutus!

U N I T1 9Pets/FictionLost in the Woods<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 37A poodle was lost in the _____________.Suddenly, a wolf ____________________!The poodle saw some old bones on the ground. She____________________ to chew on one. When the wolf was_____________, she said loudly, “Delicious! That was the best_____________ I ever ate!”The wolf was scared and _____________ away. However, asquirrel saw the _____________ thing. He told the wolf that thepoodle had ____________________ him.The wolf said, “Come on. _____________ me kill that dog.”However, the ____________________ heard the squirrel andthe wolf. Thinking fast, she sat by the _____________ again. Whenthey were close, she said loudly, “Where is that squirrel? I askedhim to ___________ me another wolf.”

U N I T20Pets/NonfictionCat in the Box<strong>Dictation</strong>Listen and write the words you hear.Track 39A man in a ____________________ in England got a surprise.He opened a _____________ from Israel, and a cat jumped out!People at the warehouse ____________________ the cat andnamed it Ziggy. Then they looked into the ____________________of the cat.____________________, Ziggy got into the box in Israel. Forseventeen _____________, he traveled in the box. It was amazingthat he ____________________ that long without food or water!Ziggy was _____________ to an animal shelter. The peoplewho ____________________ him tried to find his owner in Israel.They didn’t have any _____________.However, Ziggy’s story made the_____________, so lots of people inEngland ____________________ to take him.

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