ProMedia Carbon 3.22.1 Release Notes

ProMedia Carbon 3.22.1 Release Notes ProMedia Carbon 3.22.1 Release Notes


ProMedia Carbon 3.22.1 Release Notes Revision AFebruary 14, 2013This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to Harmonic Inc. and is intended for thespecific use of the recipient for the express purpose of operating the Harmonic broadcast encoding system. Thisdocument is provided to the recipient with the expressed understanding that the recipient will not divulge itscontents to other parties or otherwise misappropriate the information contained herein.Harmonic and all Harmonic product names are trademarks of Harmonic Inc. All other trademarks are the property oftheir respective owners.Copyright 2013 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. All information subject to change without notice.Confidential Page 1 of 19

<strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> Revision AFebruary 14, 2013This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to Harmonic Inc. and is intended for thespecific use of the recipient for the express purpose of operating the Harmonic broadcast encoding system. Thisdocument is provided to the recipient with the expressed understanding that the recipient will not divulge itscontents to other parties or otherwise misappropriate the information contained herein.Harmonic and all Harmonic product names are trademarks of Harmonic Inc. All other trademarks are the property oftheir respective owners.Copyright 2013 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. All information subject to change without notice.Confidential Page 1 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Table of Contents 4 Sample Workflows using AFD .............................................................................................................................. 11 5 Upgrade Considerations ......................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1 Un-installing Earlier Versions ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.2 Intermediate <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.21.x LA <strong>Release</strong>s ....................................................................................................... 12 5.3 Apple ProRes 422 System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 12 6 Resolved Issues and Improvements ....................................................................................................................... 13 7 Known Issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Confidential Page 3 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A About this Document 1 About this Document This document contains information specific to the <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> General Availability release.<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> resolves one bug that occurs in release 3.22. <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> does not include any new features.However, all new features introduced in 3.22 as well as all bug fixes provided with that release are described inthese <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> for convenience.1.1 <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> Revision History Doc Rev Description of Change Build Date Rev A Initial document version <strong>3.22.1</strong>.44318 February 14, 2013 2 Introduction <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> is a <strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> release that extends <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22 with one bug fix. <strong>Release</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> does notinclude any new features. The fixed bug is:nCCDR-791: bug affecting conversions of Long GOP source material recorded with HarmonicSpectrum or created with the Harmonic Spectrum Media API SDK, including Spectrum XDCAM HD.Customers using such source material are strongly recommended to upgrade to <strong>3.22.1</strong>.For convenience, these <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> include the descriptions of all new features and bug fixes that are part ofrelease 3.22, the previous <strong>Carbon</strong> release. <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22 includes the following new features:n Support in the GXF Exporter for tagging of audio tracks as being Dolby E.nExtraction of metadata from Omneon source clips:oooAncillary (291m ANC) data from DV blocks in DVCPro HD videoVDCP First Frame valueFile-level (static) AFDn Insertion of metadata with the Omneon Exporter v2:nooNew AFD filters:oooAncillary (291m ANC) data into DV blocks in DVCPro HD videoFile-level (static) AFD“AFD To SMPTE 291m” filter to insert AFD values from the AFD pipeline into ANCdata on the 291M pipeline“AFD From SMPTE 291m” filter to extract AFD from the 291M pipeline and place themon the AFD pipeline“AFD Processing” filter for setting a new static AFD value, clearing the AFD pipeline, orforcing a static AFD value based on the frame-accurate (dynamic) AFD of the first framein the source.Confidential Page 4 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Introduction nnnnSupport for audio source files formatted in RF64. RF64 audio is based on WAV audio but allows forfiles larger than 4 GB.Support for horizontal positioning for the timecode display filter. As was already the case for thevertical positioning, the Timecode Display filter now also allows for five horizontal positions.Capability to force the use of a user-defined Pixel Aspect Ratio in the H.264 Exporter.A 59.94 timecode patch for the XDCAM Exportern A new preliminary RMP preset for conversion from ProRes 422 to JPEG 2000nAn upgrade of the Spectrum Media API SDK.Please read Upgrade Considerations section before deciding to install or upgrade to <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong>.2.1 Software Versions The <strong>Carbon</strong> release <strong>3.22.1</strong> uses the following software build numbers:Application <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder <strong>Carbon</strong> Server <strong>Carbon</strong> Agent Build Number <strong>3.22.1</strong>. 44318 <strong>3.22.1</strong>. 44318 <strong>3.22.1</strong>. 44318 <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> is compatible with Rhozet Workflow System (WFS) version 1.4.9.Confidential Page 5 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Introduction 2.2 System Requirements 2.2.1 Hardware Requirements Minimum System nnnnnnIntel ® Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon2 GHz CPU or faster2 GB RAM (4GB RAM for HD encoding)Windows ® XP SP3USB 1.1 or 2.0 port for USB Hardware Key500 MB free hard disk space2.2.1.2 Recommended System nnnnnnnDual Intel Xeon E54xx series processors3.0 – 3.4 GHz processor clock8 or 16 GB RAMWindows Server 2008 SP2 64-bitOmneon ® MediaGrid or other high performance storage systemUSB 1.1 or 2.0 port for USB Hardware Key500 MB free hard disk space2.2.2 Operating System Requirements The Operating System must be a Microsoft Windows 32- or 64-bit operating system from the following list, withadditional requirements listed underneath.nnnnnnnWorkstation OS versions:o Windows ® XP SP3o Windows Vista SP2o Windows 7Server OS versions:oooWindows Server 2003 R2 SP1 or R2 SP2Windows Server 2008 SP2Windows Server 2008 R2A Windows Server OS is required for export to ProRes 422. A farm configuration with a minimum oftwo nodes is required. Refer to the <strong>Carbon</strong> User’s Guide for details.64-bit Windows operating system is recommended for multi-layer video exporters.Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit is recommended for <strong>Carbon</strong> Server.Please note that the old <strong>Carbon</strong> Server Web Interface does not work on any Windows Server 2008 orWindows 7 systems. This interface has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.QuickTime ® v7.6.9 is the most recent version of QuickTime that has been tested to work correctly with<strong>Carbon</strong>. Version 7.6.8 works as well. Other versions are not supported with <strong>Carbon</strong>.Confidential Page 6 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A New Features (<strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22) 3 New Features (<strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22) (Copied from the <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22 <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> and included for convenience.)3.1 Support for Dolby E track tagging in the GXF Exporter The GXF Exporter now supports tagging of Dolby E tracks, allowing for mixed Dolby E and PCM audio in theGXF clips that it creates. The support works for Dolby E that is passed through from MXF sources as well as withDolby E that is generated with the Dolby E encoding filter.The settings for the tagging are available in the Advanced options. In GXF, Dolby E is carried inside 24-bit PCM,so select PCM 24 bit as the Audio Media Type. Note that the Dolby E itself does not necessarily have to be 24 bit;it can also be 16 or 20 bit. By selecting 24 bit as the audio type, a new setting will appear, the Compressed 24-bitAudio check box. Select the total number of audio tracks, and tick the check box if Dolby E is part of the audio. Byticking the check box a new edit box is exposed for entering the Dolby E tracks, which come in pairs. Enter at leastone track pair, otherwise none of the tracks will be tagged as Dolby E. The track pairs are entered as track numbersseparated by commas, for instance 7,8 or 7,8,15,16.3.2 Extraction of metadata from Omneon source clips 3.2.1 ANC data from DV blocks in DVCPro HD video <strong>Carbon</strong> now automatically extracts all SMPTE 291M ANC (ancillary) metadata carried in SMPTE 375M DV blocksfrom Omneon DVCPro HD clips and places it on the internal 291M ANC pipeline. No configuration is required toenable this functionality. Note that if the DVCPro HD video is wrapped in MXF and the MXF has a SMPTE 436Mtrack that also carries ANC data, then the ANC data that is put on the internal pipeline is extracted from the 436Mtrack and not from the 375M DV blocks.3.2.2 First Frame The First Frame value in the header of an Omneon clip is used to trigger play out with the VDCP play out protocol.The First Frame field is typically unrelated to the start timecode field, which is also located in the header, and usedto trigger play out with different protocols such as the Harmonic Omneon Player API. In most cases, either the FirstFrame field is zero, the start timecode is all zeroes, or both.<strong>Carbon</strong> extracts the First Frame field from the header and uses it to calculate the start timecode value that is internalto the <strong>Carbon</strong> pipeline. Two conditions need to be met in order for this to happen, and those are that the value of theFirst Frame is not zero and that the start Time Code is all zeroes.For 29.97 and 59.94 the drop-frame-mode of the generated timecode is derived from the Kernel Transcoding setting(“Use NTSC Drop Frame Time Code”).Confidential Page 7 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A New Features (<strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22) 3.2.3 File-­‐Level AFD AFD stands for Active Format Descriptor and it is a code that provides information about the video aspect ratio,about where inside the coded video the active picture is, and about any bars for instance black bars used for pillarandletterboxing. The active picture is that portion of the video that needs to be shown to the viewer. AFD isdefined in SMPTE 2016-1.In the context of <strong>Carbon</strong>, at a high level, there are two types of AFD: file-level, static AFD, and frame-accurate,dynamic AFD. File-level or static AFD is a single code value that is assumed to be valid for all frames in the clip.This value is typically located inside the clip’s container or header. Frame-accurate or dynamic AFD consists of onecode value for each frame and these can vary per frame, for instance for a full frame HD TV program withupconverted and pillarboxed SD commercials inserted.Omneon clips can optionally contain a file-level AFD field. If such a field is present then <strong>Carbon</strong> will automaticallyextract its value and place it on the AFD pipeline.The AFD pipeline is a new type of internal pipeline inside <strong>Carbon</strong> that can carry file-level as well as frame-accurateAFD from source to target.Important: <strong>Carbon</strong> does not yet have the capability to automatically adjust AFD data when the picture aspect ratiochanges. When this happens all AFD data including bar data is cleared. When the picture aspect ratio does notchange and there is no scaling then all AFD data can pass through the AFD pipeline. Finally, when the picture ratiodoes not change but there is scaling (and the sample aspect ratio changes accordingly in order to maintain the pictureaspect ratio) then the AFD data will be passed through but the bar data will be cleared.When present, frame-accurate AFD data can be extracted from the ANC data on the 291M ANC pipeline forOmneon formats (or any other format) where the ANC data stream is extracted from the source clip, such as MXFwith a 436m track. The frame-accurate AFD data is extracted from the ANC data with a new filter, see Section Insertion of metadata with the Omneon Exporter v2 3.3.1 ANC data into DV blocks in DVCPro HD video The Omneon Exporter v2 now automatically inserts all SMPTE 291M ANC (ancillary) data into SMPTE 375M DVblocks of DVCPro HD targets. No configuration is required to enable this functionality.3.3.2 File-­‐Level AFD The Omneon Exporter v2 will automatically set the file-level AFD of the target Omneon clip if such an AFD valueis found on the AFD pipeline.Frame-accurate AFD data can be injected into the ANC data on the 291M ANC pipeline and then be included inOmneon target clips with formats that support carriage of ANC data (e.g. MXF with 436m track), or any other targetformat that supports this. The AFD data is injected into the ANC data with a new filter, see Section AFD Filters Three new filters are available for AFD management and manipulation. They are part of the video filters.3.4.1 AFD To SMPTE 291m Filter This filter allows for insertion of frame-accurate AFD data carried on the AFD pipeline into the ANC data carried onthe 291M ANC pipeline. This filter has several settings, including settings for target resolution, clear mode (how tohandle existing AFD packets on the 291M ANC pipeline), coding type, ANC line numbers, insertion mode (how tohandle existing ANC data on specified ANC lines) and line packing mode.Confidential Page 8 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A New Features (<strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22) 3.4.2 AFD From SMPTE 291m Filter This filter allows for extraction of frame-accurate AFD data from the ANC data carried on the 291M ANC pipelineand then places it on the AFD pipeline. This filter only has one setting: the priority mode, which determines how tohandle existing AFD packets on the AFD pipeline.3.4.3 AFD Processing Filter This filter allows for setting file-level AFD value (including bar data) on the AFD pipeline, clearing the AFDpipeline, or using the AFD of the first frame as the file-level AFD for the entire clip, regardless of value (make it“stick”). The choice between these three modes is configured with the operation mode setting. The remainingsettings are used to configure the file-level AFD value, the picture aspect ratio and the bar data.3.5 RF64 Source Audio Support As of this release, <strong>Carbon</strong> is able to use audio files formatted in RF64 as source files. The RF64 audio standard isbased on the WAV standard but extends it to allow for file sizes larger than 4 GB. Audio source files that are RF64formatted are indicated as such in the source window in the GUI.Support is included for all control methods (GUI, watch folder, API). RF64 files can contain PCM as well ascompressed audio but only PCM is supported. Temporal chunking of the files i.e. splitting up into multiple smallersource files is not supported, and any RF64 metadata is discarded upon import of the file.3.6 Horizontal Positioning for the Timecode Display Filter The Timecode Display filter in <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.21.5 allows for horizontal positioning of the display. The user can choosefrom five horizontal positions.Confidential Page 9 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A New Features (<strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22) 3.7 User Defined Pixel Aspect Ratios for H.264 Exporter <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22 includes a checkbox in the H.264 Export to allow the users to manually set the Pixel Aspect Ratio. Inversions prior to 3.22, <strong>Carbon</strong> calculated the Pixel Aspect Ratio based on the target resolution and Video AspectRatio, and only Pixel Aspect Ratios that matched those in ISO/IEC 14496-10 E-1 were accepted. By ticking thisbox, <strong>Carbon</strong> is forced to use the Pixel Aspect Ratio entered through the Aspect Menu dialog immediately above thecheckbox.By default the checkbox is not ticked in order to maintain compatibility with previously stored presets.3.8 59.94 Fps Timecode Patch for XDCAM Exporter In versions prior to 3.22, the XDCAM Exporter incorrectly used 29.97 fps timecode even when the system wasconfigured for 59.94 and this issue has now been fixed. If necessary the start timecode can be set with the TimecodeProcessing filter, which also allows for configuration of the DF / NDF mode 1 .A registry key is introduced to set the type of the frame count on the internal pipeline: “double” frame count (everytwo frames have the same frame count, per SMPTE 12M) or full frame count (every frame is counted, and forinstance with 59.94 the highest frame number is 59.) This key only applies to the XDCAM Exporter. The key is aDWORD and the path is as follows:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Rhozet\<strong>Carbon</strong> Coder\{B394CA3E-017A-4221-A216-60F7A4BB11F4}\HDTCFullFrameIf the HDTCFullFrame key is not set of the value is 0 then the frame count mode is double frame (SMPTE 12M).In any other case the mode is full frame count.3.9 New RMP Preset: QuickTime ProRes 422 to AS02 JPEG 2000 <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.22 exposes a new, preliminary RMP preset in WFS: a preset for transcoding from ProRes 422 to JPEG2000. The preset is preliminary in that it does not support any baseband operations, including frame rate conversion,scaling, de-interlacing or any user-selectable filters. In addition, the only supported source format is QuickTimewrapped ProRes, in the following profiles:• ProRes 422 LT• ProRes 422• ProRes 422 HQ.The JPEG 2000 that is generated is wrapped in MXF AS02 (2011 AMWA ratified specification). Encoding can belossy or lossless, and supported audio formats include AIFF and WAV.1 The Timecode Processing filter succeeds the Timecode Inject filter and supports additional functionality.Confidential Page 10 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Sample Workflows using AFD 3.10 Spectrum Media API SDK upgrade The Spectrum Media API SDK has been upgraded to version 7.2.4 Sample Workflows using AFD Sample workflow 1: converting QT DVCPro HD to QT MPEG-2, maintaining Captions and file-level AFD.This workflow describes the setup of <strong>Carbon</strong> to convert 720p DVCPro HD wrapped in QuickTime Reference,recorded with a Harmonic (Omneon) Spectrum, to 720p MPEG-2, also wrapped in QuickTime Reference, intendedfor play out with Spectrum. The workflow maintains Closed Captions and file-level AFD.The configuration is as follows:• Apply the "Caption convert Ancillary to 708" filter to the source.• Apply "AFD From SMPTE291m" filter to the source. (The AFD is carried in SMPTE 291m, not in theheader)o Priority Mode: ANC Only – clear AFD if no ANC packet is found.• Apply "AFD Processor" filter to the source.o Operation Mode: Static – Make first frame AFD stick, use configured if none found.• Add the Omneon Exporter v2 as the target and configure with the following settings:o Video Encoding: MPEG2 Long GOPo File type: QuickTime 7 MOVo Create Reference file: tickedo Same frame size, frame rate and interlacing mode as sourceSample workflow 2: converting QT MPEG-2 to QT DVCPro HD, maintaining Captions and file-level AFD.This workflow is the reverse of the workflow 1. Again the workflow maintains Closed Captions and file-level AFD.Configuration:• Apply "AFD To SMPTE 291m" filter to the sourceo Target Format: 720po Other settings: default values• Apply "AFD Processor" filter to the source.o Operation Mode: Clear – Clear AFD in pipeline• Add the Omneon Exporter v2 as the target and configure with the following settings:o Video Encoding: DVCPRO 100o File type: QuickTime 7 MOVo Create Reference file: tickedo Same frame size, frame rate and interlacing mode as sourceConfidential Page 11 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Upgrade Considerations 5 Upgrade Considerations 5.1 Un-­‐installing Earlier Versions In order to upgrade to this release from an earlier version it is necessary to first un-install the earlier version.5.2 Intermediate <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.21.x LA <strong>Release</strong>s <strong>Carbon</strong> 3.21 has been followed by a number of intermediate 3.21.x Limited Availability (LA) releases for specificcustomers. The bug fixes and new features included with these releases are all included in <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong>.Customers using 3.21.x LA releases can upgrade directly to <strong>3.22.1</strong>.5.3 Apple ProRes 422 System Requirements Please refer to the <strong>Carbon</strong> Users Guide or the <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> for version 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 for system requirementsrelated to writing Apple ProRes 422 clips.Confidential Page 12 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Resolved Issues and Improvements 6 Resolved Issues and Improvements <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> resolves the following bug:Bug # CCDR-­‐791 Description PCM / Dolby E lip sync issue when converting source material generated with Harmonic Spectrum. The remainder of this section contains information on issues that have been resolved in <strong>Carbon</strong> release 3.22. Thesebug fixes are also part of release <strong>3.22.1</strong>.Bug # CCDR-­‐304 CCDR-­‐306 CCDR-­‐451 CCDR-­‐462 CCDR-­‐464 CCDR-­‐479 CCDR-­‐480 CCDR-­‐483 CCDR-­‐516 CCDR-­‐520 CCDR-­‐526 CCDR-­‐531 CCDR-­‐533 CCDR-­‐534 CCDR-­‐544 CCDR-­‐548 CCDR-­‐554 CCDR-­‐561 CCDR-­‐562 CCDR-­‐566 CCDR-­‐576 Description Audible static blasts in the audio stream when using Windows Media Exporter Motion compensated Temporal filter and Deblocking Filter doesn't work with Smooth Streaming H.264 exporter. Default Factory Preset Has Incorrect Aspect Ratio Settings For QT6 DV 16:9 Targets Job fails with Elementary buffer underflow error, H.264 TS target Line 21 Modulator Creates An Incorrect Background Color If Added To The Source Some jobs with bad source get stuck in active state (timeout settings are not being applied) H.264 exporter failure causes application to crash. <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder application crashes with error before transcode competes. audio/video sync issue AC3 audio in mp4 file is not being recognized 608/708 data does not get passed MXF source shows incorrect duration in preview window (due to frame rate detection 25fps vs. mediainfo 50fps) and half of the source material is ignored Certain jobs are hanging and not timing out when queued to admin via <strong>Carbon</strong> or API. Duration of output file is shorter Specific Customer Transport Stream files to any target fails with invalid or unsupported HLS exporter has output quality issue. Dolby E-­‐ Added support for Reference Line Position as per SMPTE RDD 19:2011 Table 1. Jobs are failing with 'Elementary Buffer Underflow' error, H.264 TS target. Dolby E Audio filter used on a target file produces an audible 'pop' when decoded by Dolby E decoding hardware. MPEG2v2 Exporter-­‐ Elementary files output causes the encoder to stall. Implement periodic flush in Omneon V2 exporter such that the (QT-­‐wrapped) output can Confidential Page 13 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Resolved Issues and Improvements Bug # CCDR-­‐577 CCDR-­‐580 CCDR-­‐584 CCDR-­‐586 CCDR-­‐588 CCDR-­‐615 CCDR-­‐623 CCDR-­‐624 CCDR-­‐630 CCDR-­‐634 CCDR-­‐635 CCDR-­‐644 CCDR-­‐645 CCDR-­‐646 CCDR-­‐651 CCDR-­‐652 CCDR-­‐660 CCDR-­‐662 CCDR-­‐664 CCDR-­‐665 CCDR-­‐677 CCDR-­‐691 CCDR-­‐694 CCDR-­‐699 CCDR-­‐714 CCDR-­‐719 Description grow when opened in FCP Inverse telecine filter produces blending effect on the 2-3 pulldown sequence Spelling corrected on "Add Free Space Box" field. Stalling detected on some configurations. Transcoding stalls, GXF source file. Memory leak issue, QT source clip EB underflow error shows up for HLS preset with audio sampling frequency 48KHz TTML Converter: many duplicated span tags generated in single TTML TTM converter: lack of region support when converting CEA-­‐608 to TTML Bit Rate append to filename truncated from bits in 3.19 to kilobits in 3.21 <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder does not detect video on specific Transport Stream file Muxing stl files using the ts muxer causes the outpoints of the stl file to be ignored.Transcoding fails with error, "Application failed to handle the stream" error, MPEG2-­‐TS source. Files ingested on Omneon Video Server using pre-­‐charge and Dolby E audio cannot be decoded by Pro Media <strong>Carbon</strong> Dolby E filter. MXF source file can fail the transcode with 'Unknown Error'. conversion with H264 exporter is hanging in certain condition Transcoding clip with XML titler sometimes fails with error message. Teletext inject from stl, teletext modulate/extraction and teletext subtitle captioner do not work correctly. MOV Wrapped Canopus HQX works in <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder, but not through Admin. Fade in/out Video filter is not NTSC compliant. Black level is 0 RGB, it results in a -­‐50 IRE color value which is illegal for NTSC Job fails with 'Elementary Buffer Underflow' error, H.264 TS target HTTP Live streaming exporter sometimes generates 0 byte file on last chunk of audio only stream. Quantel files created with Power Portal version 3.6 version fail to transcode. Specifying quicktime wrapper creates stereo audio tracks when the source has mono tracks. <strong>Carbon</strong> fails to transcode AC-­‐3 files with .mts extension <strong>Carbon</strong> fails to load very short .m2t file XML-­‐titler filter has unexpected black level in the output. Confidential Page 14 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Resolved Issues and Improvements Bug # CCDR-­‐753 Description Profile query text from rzcp.exe for the H.264 preset shows odd characters in the response for AudioAC3ADConverterType when converted to xml. Confidential Page 15 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Known Issues 7 Known Issues For earlier releases, refer to the archived release notes.This section lists known limitations of <strong>Carbon</strong> as well as some other issues potentially perceived as <strong>Carbon</strong>limitations.Bug # Description Smooth Streaming H.264 Exporter sometimes crashes WORKAROUND: The crash can be caused by the system running out of desktop heap memory. See To increase the size of the desktop heap, modify the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows The numeric values following "SharedSection=" control how the desktop heap is allocated. The setting that needs to be modified is the third one; it needs to be modified to 10MB. Creation of H.264 proxies from Spectrum source clips will fail if -­‐ the source clips are QuickTime reference or MXF reference clips, and -­‐ the source clips are still growing while the proxy is generated, and -­‐ the Spectrum systems used to record the clips are Media Center or MediaDeck II, and -­‐ <strong>Carbon</strong> accesses the source clips directly on the Spectrum file system WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. When using the Flash Exporter with source media that exceeds five hours, the resulting target file is truncated to approximately one hour. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. It is possible that <strong>Carbon</strong> API responses will include a parameter "AspectRatio.DWD" with no value (NULL character). <strong>Carbon</strong> API calls should not include this parameter. Note: the AspectRatio.BIN parameter can still be used. 1. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround; <strong>Carbon</strong> API calls should not include this parameter. There is a known Windows memory leak in Windows Server SP2 that may be observed when a <strong>Carbon</strong> output folder is shared with a Mac. See the following Microsoft article:;EN-­‐US;976618 WORKAROUND: Install Windows Server 2008 R2. HTTP Live Streaming Exporter: cannot create more than 16383 files. WORKAROUND: Choose segment size and number of layers in such a way that number of files does not exceed 16383. Confidential Page 16 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Known Issues Bug # Description Due to the version of install shield used, .NET 2.0 is not automatically installed on 64-­‐bit Operating Systems. WORKAROUND: One way to find out which version .NET is installed is to go to the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework folder and observe the names of the subfolders. Alternatively, look in the list of installed Windows features. If version 2.0 is not installed, then depending on the OS and its version, the .NET 2.0 (or higher) Framework may already be available but it still needs to be turned on in the OS. For example, in Server 2008 R2, navigate to Control Panel, then Programs, then Programs and Features, then select "Turn Windows features on or off". If .NET 2.0 or higher is not available then manually download from Microsoft and install before installing <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder: Some MPEG Transport stream files will fail to transcode due to "Unspecified Transport System Target Decoder (T-­‐STD) error". WORKAROUND: Change the transport rate from (0 automatic selection) default, to the desired rate. B-­‐5890 T-­‐13624 B-­‐8375 B-­‐7015 T-­‐07420 B-­‐8241 T-­‐13045 B-­‐8296 T-­‐13432 B-­‐8392 T-­‐13262 B-­‐8411 B-­‐8493 T-­‐15430 B-­‐8503 B-­‐8536 <strong>Carbon</strong> Admin window does not resize properly WORKAROUND: Must close the <strong>Carbon</strong> Admin application and reopen it. A letter preceding the wildcard in FTP retrieval does not work WORKAROUND: Must type the URL path preceding the wildcard. Using a Leading/Trailing clip that differs from the aspect ratio of the video being encoded will generate black bars. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Files created by Encoding from ProRes source to MPEG4 (H.264) with channel mixer audio filter (Channels 7 and 8) will have audio sync issues when played back in QuickTime Player. WORKAROUND: This is a bug in the QuickTime Player. There is no workaround. Project fails with "Terminated: No Progress Timeout". WORKAROUND: Increase the timeout values from the default settings. Transcode stalls on some GXF files. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. <strong>Carbon</strong> decodes and scales the source in the XML, even though it is not being used. WORKAROUND: Unused source files should be removed from the API. 2. Injected TeleText does not show up in the encoded file. 3. WORKAROUND: Ensure that the source file has valid time code and that the "ignore Source Video Timecode" check box is disabled. Repeat frames observed in the WindowsMedia video output. WORKAROUND: This is a normal Windows Media CODEC behavior. For some MPEG2 to MPEG2 conversions, output file has a shorter duration than the original Confidential Page 17 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Known Issues Bug # T-­‐14883 B-­‐8564 B-­‐8604 B-­‐8653 T-­‐09227 B-­‐8654 B-­‐8655 B-­‐8664 T-­‐09693 B-­‐8669 T-­‐08354 B-­‐8673 B-­‐8674 B-­‐8807 CCDR-­‐54 CCDR-­‐75 CCDR-­‐80 Description source. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Converting from 8-­‐bits 5.1 or 8-­‐bits 7.1 audio source will produce audio noise in the output file. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Network license has a higher priority than local license. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Cannot generate PCM audio file larger than 4GB. WORKAROUND: No workaround. This is a limitation of the wave file format. PCM WAV files have a file size limit of 4GB. <strong>Carbon</strong> Coder GUI and Nexus may crash when AVI exporter is selected as target because of an incompatible DirectShow CODEC. WORKAROUND: The offending DirectShow CODEC must be uninstalled, or the AVI Exporter must be disabled by removing the CMLDSTAVI2.dll. Some MPEG4 files using the .mov extension do not encode. WORKAROUND: Rename files to .MP4. <strong>Carbon</strong> on 32-­‐core AMD machine does not transcode any H.264 MP4 source to any target. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. 4. MPEG4 source file created by the Sony PMV-­‐350-­‐K camera will transcode but the resulting output file may have interlacing artifacts and extreme jitter. 5. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Transport Stream file fails to load. WORKAROUND: This may be caused by the file not having the correct Frame Rate information. There is no workaround for this issue. Expression Encoder is not showing proper aspect ratio for the video stream. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. A job for transcoding to ProRes 422 with the QuickTime 7 Exporter will stall if there are one or more source files that have a bit depth of more than 8-­‐bit. WORKAROUND: Split the job into multiple jobs using queue mode or watch folders for different types of source material so that the valid, 8-­‐bit sources will be transcoded. <strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> Global Transcoding Settings 'Scaling and Letterboxing' are not applied to Watch Folders. WORKAROUND: Run <strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> in admin mode When using Omneon Exporter v2 and writing to an Omneon MediaGrid mapped drive, an unknown error occurs. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. MPEG-­‐2 Exporter v2 sometimes throws error 'Unspecified Transport System Target Decoder Confidential Page 18 of 19

<strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>3.22.1</strong> <strong>Release</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, Revision A Known Issues Bug # CCDR-­‐148 CCDR-­‐208 CCDR-­‐504 CCDR-­‐547 CCDR-­‐551 CCDR-­‐552 CCDR-­‐583 CCDR-­‐645 CCDR-­‐672 CCDR-­‐676 CCDR-­‐678 CCDR-­‐679 CCDR-­‐696 Description (T-­‐STD) error' when Transport Rate setting for Transport Streams is zero. WORKAROUND: Set the Transport Rate to the desired rate. XDCAM EX 422 mov files cannot be imported after upgrading to QuickTime 7.7. WORKAROUND: This is a QuickTime 7.7 bug. There is no workaround in <strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> for this issue, one suggestion is to use QT version 7.6.8. Source Clips of several hours often fail when transcoding to Smooth VC-­‐1. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. EB Underflow Error When Muxing Specific Streams WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. When no data is introduced into the pipeline, it causes an error message. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. 59.94fps source timecode is always as non-­‐drop frame timecode WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Timecode conversion with "Use NTSC Drop Frame Time Code" only works for 29.97fps, not for 59.94fps WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. RMP: Cea708ToTtmlConvertor does not respect service language input WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Certain files ingested on Omneon Video Server using pre-­‐charge and Dolby E audio cannot be decoded by <strong>ProMedia</strong> <strong>Carbon</strong> Dolby-­‐E filter WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. HTTP Live Streaming Exporter Crashes When Job XML Reaches More Than 500KB In Size WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. RMP: HLS Packager Layer Manifest Version Information Is Incorrectly Recorded WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. DVD/CEA-­‐608 caption imprint is two lines higher than baseband. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Error when launching <strong>Carbon</strong> Admin preset editor. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Error when loading MP4 video file. WORKAROUND: There is no workaround for this issue. Confidential Page 19 of 19

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