DREAMS CAN - Arbonne

DREAMS CAN - Arbonne DREAMS CAN - Arbonne

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e oaE Y E O N A R B O N N EDREAMS CANCOME TRUEI have always known that my life story could help to change the livesof others. What I never imagined was that it would happen while Iwas building a successful business.I do not consider myself a salesperson; rather, I am an educatorand encourager. I educate others why they should choose to useArbonne products. I teach them about the difference that pure, safebeneficial products can have on how they look and feel. Also, Iencourage my team to focus on educating their Clients. I alwayssay, “When you know better, you do better!” When Clients learnthat they can potentially improve their health and appearance byusing Arbonne products, how can they refuse them?I have always been proactive in my health. I regularly exercise, readfood labels, etc; and I have always been proactive with myfinances. When I met my husband, over 11 years ago, I was workingat three jobs. I came from minimal means and was determinedto change my future. When I was introduced to Arbonne, by way ofthe Arbonne=REsults TM reach out method, I fell in love with theNutriMinC ® RE 9® products. I immediately saw and felt the results.My friend and former pharmaceutical manager, EAM JenniferDuncan, shared this fabulous business with me in April 2005.I realized that I had forgotten how to dream. Arbonne has shownme that dreams can come true with a little hard work and perseverance.I involved my two boys, Duke, 4, and Jake, 2, in my businessand explained that we were working to get a new Mercedes-Benzby participating in the Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus Program, andtrips to the marine life and wild animal amusement parks. Guesswhat? We did it! In five short months, we attained our goals. Duketeisha aultIndependent Consultant, Regional Vice PresidentTeisha Ault Region; Canton, GAloves telling people about his Mercedes-Benz and we had a blastspending New Year’s Eve in Orlando, Florida, at both parks.I knew that I was at the right place, at the right time when I heardPresident Rita Davenport speak in Atlanta, Georgia. She spokeabout the plans for a house to be built for domestic violence victims.This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately, mymother was a victim and I was one of those children who felt helpless.I know that I was brought to Arbonne for more reasons than Icould see. Arbonne cares about people, and is making a tremendousdifference in many lives. I am thankful to be one of them and,in turn, one whose mission is to do for others what Arbonne hasdone for me.continued ...Teisha with her Why.Teisha’s role models, grandparents nanny and papa.The Ault family: Jake, Duke,Scott and Teisha.

e oaE Y E O N A R B O N N E<strong>DREAMS</strong> <strong>CAN</strong>COME TRUEI have always known that my life story could help to change the livesof others. What I never imagined was that it would happen while Iwas building a successful business.I do not consider myself a salesperson; rather, I am an educatorand encourager. I educate others why they should choose to use<strong>Arbonne</strong> products. I teach them about the difference that pure, safebeneficial products can have on how they look and feel. Also, Iencourage my team to focus on educating their Clients. I alwayssay, “When you know better, you do better!” When Clients learnthat they can potentially improve their health and appearance byusing <strong>Arbonne</strong> products, how can they refuse them?I have always been proactive in my health. I regularly exercise, readfood labels, etc; and I have always been proactive with myfinances. When I met my husband, over 11 years ago, I was workingat three jobs. I came from minimal means and was determinedto change my future. When I was introduced to <strong>Arbonne</strong>, by way ofthe <strong>Arbonne</strong>=REsults TM reach out method, I fell in love with theNutriMinC ® RE 9® products. I immediately saw and felt the results.My friend and former pharmaceutical manager, EAM JenniferDuncan, shared this fabulous business with me in April 2005.I realized that I had forgotten how to dream. <strong>Arbonne</strong> has shownme that dreams can come true with a little hard work and perseverance.I involved my two boys, Duke, 4, and Jake, 2, in my businessand explained that we were working to get a new Mercedes-Benzby participating in the Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus Program, andtrips to the marine life and wild animal amusement parks. Guesswhat? We did it! In five short months, we attained our goals. Duketeisha aultIndependent Consultant, Regional Vice PresidentTeisha Ault Region; Canton, GAloves telling people about his Mercedes-Benz and we had a blastspending New Year’s Eve in Orlando, Florida, at both parks.I knew that I was at the right place, at the right time when I heardPresident Rita Davenport speak in Atlanta, Georgia. She spokeabout the plans for a house to be built for domestic violence victims.This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately, mymother was a victim and I was one of those children who felt helpless.I know that I was brought to <strong>Arbonne</strong> for more reasons than Icould see. <strong>Arbonne</strong> cares about people, and is making a tremendousdifference in many lives. I am thankful to be one of them and,in turn, one whose mission is to do for others what <strong>Arbonne</strong> hasdone for me.continued ...Teisha with her Why.Teisha’s role models, grandparents nanny and papa.The Ault family: Jake, Duke,Scott and Teisha.

“success strategy:Life is full of obstacles, but do not letthem keep you from attaining yourgoals and realizing your dreams.”To President Rita Davenport: Your testimony is an inspiration to me!I cannot wait to meet you and join you in building houses acrossAmerica for domestic violence victims.I am here, due to the amazing leadership of ENVP SibleyGammon and the hard work and focus of my incredible team! Iam honored to be on this journey with amazing, talented and persistentwomen and men, all of whom I am helping to lead to thetop of this fantastic company.To EAM Dr. Dina Giesler: You are an amazing woman! You inspireme to do more and be more, as a wife, mother and woman. I loveyou and am so thankful for our friendship and partnership. To EAMLeigh Ann Scott: Your testimony is one of inspiration, tenacity, perseveranceand love. Even through your battle with cancer, and inthe midst of your full-time job and family crises, you rose to the occasionand succeeded. I am very proud of you. To AMs Becky Costoand Sandy Young: You lead by example and have the gift ofinstantly gaining the trust and respect of others. I am proud of youand proud we are going to the top, together.To DM Enid Merck and Andy Merck: You have more focus anddetermination than anyone I know. You have always been there toencourage and praise me when I needed it. You will meet me at thetop. Thank you for being a friend at all times. To all my DMs: Iencourage you all to keep looking to the top and stay focused onthe day-to-day activity. Remember, you get to the next level one dayat a time. I am so proud of you all!To ENVP Allison Henson: Thank you for your commitment to thisbusiness. You are a blast to work with! To my sponsor, EAM JenniferDuncan: Thank you for your encouraging words and support inevery area of my life. I love you. To my Consultants: Your commitment,enthusiasm and consistent effort are qualities that you mustalways keep throughout your <strong>Arbonne</strong> journey.Carolyn Sowder, EAM Dr. Dina Giesler, AM Sandy Young, DMYolanda Fredericks and Teisha at the March of Dimes Ball.Teisha with mother, Carol Ann.Donna Barrineau, DM Terri Zahorodny, AM-in-qualificationEnid Merck, Teisha, Andy Merck, Bob Bosse, Theresa Conradand Stacey Speller with the Mercedes-Benz.To my loving, understanding and patient husband, Scott: You havebeen my biggest cheerleader in everything that I attempt. <strong>Arbonne</strong>is going to allow us to dream bigger than we ever could have imagined.I appreciate you and love you with all of my heart! To my preciousboys, Duke and Jake: I hope to instill you both with a goodwork ethic, moral values and self-confidence. I want you to knowyou can set goals and attain them through hard work. I am blessedto be your mommy.To my mother-in-law, DM Ethyl Ault: You are an inspiration to meas a mother, teacher, leader and woman. We are going to have ablast working together! I love you. To my nanny and papa: You bothare the reason I have my work ethic and ability to deeply love others.You are an inspiration to me! God truly blessed me with the bestgrandparents on earth. I love you both. To my mother, Carol Ann:Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to be thebest that I can be. I love you.To God: Thank You for loving me through the difficult times in mylife. You always had Your hand on me and made sure that I wastaken care of. I love You!If you are considering <strong>Arbonne</strong> as a business, please know that thisis an opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to showcase your gifts andtalents; but timing is everything. Now is the time for <strong>Arbonne</strong>!Nephew, Alex, Teisha, DM Ethyl Ault and Scott Ault.REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTThe testimonials in this story reflect the actual experience of an individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical.EYE ON ARBONNE | FEBRUARY 2006

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