Kia Ora Talofa lava Kia Orana Fakalofa lahi atu ... - Tangaroa College

Kia Ora Talofa lava Kia Orana Fakalofa lahi atu ... - Tangaroa College

Kia Ora Talofa lava Kia Orana Fakalofa lahi atu ... - Tangaroa College


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<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland Phone 274 5764 www.tangaroa.school.nz<strong>Kia</strong> <strong>Ora</strong> <strong>Talofa</strong> <strong>lava</strong> <strong>Kia</strong> <strong>Ora</strong>na <strong>Fakalofa</strong> <strong>lahi</strong> <strong>atu</strong> Malo e lelei GreetingsWelcome back to school and to term 4. It is provingonce again to be a very busy term especially for oursenior students as they prepare to complete theirassessment programme for NCEA level 1, 2 or 3. Theeffort and work students put into this term will determinetheir success and achievement.Summer School - 12 November to 30 NovemberThis year a number of senior students will be involvedin Summer School which will run from 12 November -30 November. This opportunity will assist senior studentsin completing and achieving NCEA. Studentsinvolved in the Summer School programme will beinformed before the end of week 3. Parents will alsoreceive notification through the post. We ask all parentsfor their support of this programme.Senior School Reports - 2 NovemberSenior school reports will be posted home on the 2November. These reports will give parents and studentsvaluable information on where students are atwith their achievement and what further work will berequired to ensure success. You will also have receivedinformation about the upcoming externalassessments which commence on Monday 12 November(please see timetable on the back of thisnewsletter). If you have any concerns please contactthe school to speak with the Year level Dean.Teacher Only Day - 16 November 2012The Ministry of Education has given all schools theopportunity in 2012 to have a day where they canplan and implement the changes that have beenoccurring around the NCEA qualification. <strong>Tangaroa</strong><strong>College</strong> will be closed for their Teacher Only Day onFriday 16 November. This means there will be noschool for students on this day.Ngaire AshmorePrincipalngairea@tangaroa.school.nz<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> Market Day -1 DecemberWe are excited to be organising the first <strong>Tangaroa</strong><strong>College</strong> Market day. We have been fortunate to receivefunding from NESTLE to develop an edible gardenand forest. Students have been involved in designing,planting and harvesting from our gardens.UPCOMING EVENTS2nd November Senior Reports Posted8th November Senior Prize Giving12th November NCEA Exams begin12th November Summer School begins16th November Teacher Only Day1st December <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> MarketDay5th-6th December Year 9 and 10 Electives14th December Junior Prize GivingThe market day will be a chance to share with ourcommunity the tremendous work that has been goingon. The market day will take place rain or shineand will consist of the following:Car boot sale - $10 for stall holders (limitedspaces available), please contact Ms LinleyAshmore on Phone 09 274 5764 ext 233Plants for saleSeed sowing demonstrationWhite elephant - donations welcomeFresh produceHoney - from the school beehivesStudent art worksAll proceeds will go back to the <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>vegetable garden and Orchard project.Enrolments 2013<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> is undertaking it’s enrolment processfor 2013. If you have a student in Year 8 andyou are planning to enrol them at <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>now is the time. The office has all enrolment informationand application forms available and wewould like to have all enrolments confirmed as soonas possible. If you have any queries or questions inregards to enrolment please do not hesitate to contactthe office on 09 274 5764.<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> staff have visited our local contributingschools to talk with students about our enrolmentprocesses. Year 8 students have been giveninformation to take home.Thank you once again for your tremendous supportin ensuring your students arrive at school on time andready to engage in learning.

2<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter: 2nd November, 2012TEACHING AND LEARNINGMathematics DepartmentThe Mathematics Department would like to congr<strong>atu</strong>lateall year 11 students who sat the 1.2 CAT externalexamination. A total of 100 students sat the examinationand of that, 69 students achieved. This is ahuge increase from last year’s achievement. Manystudents still have further externals to sit at the end ofthe year with some working toward completing 80credits, completing their numeracy or aiming to endorsetheir Mathematics with Merit or Excellence.The Mathematics Department is also running tutorialsafter school on Wednesdays and Thursdays andsome teachers are making themselves available atmorning tea and lunch times. Students should usethe time wisely as externals are very close.Cisco Network AcademyIT Essentials: PC Hardware and SoftwareOne of our Year 13 Computing and Computing Engineeringstudents, Shivniel Gounder, has successfullycompleted his Cisco IT Essentials course, a verywell recognised and regarded industry qualification.This is a remarkable achievement from Shivniel whois very committed to a career in the IT industry.Shivniel has worked hard in school, after school andeven had to return during the term breaks to gainthis certification.Social StudiesA year 12 social studies class recently carried out asocial action project, internal assessment, relatedto global citizenship rights and responsibilitieswhich they organized and promoted themselves inteams of 3-6 class members. Our team – S.U.F.H(Stand up for hunger) carried out a “Hard Out forthe Hungry” Walk-A-Thon to raise an awarenessand funds for the rising cause of Child Hunger inthe West African countries where every second achild dies from extreme starvation. Our action focusedon making a visible contribution to curechild hunger from affecting children in Africa. Wewalked a non-stop distance of 10 kilometres in twohours around the school field and successfullymanaged to raise $368.90 which will be donatedto UNICEF NEW ZEALAND to sponsor the less fortunate,starving and thirsty children across Africa.Thank you to the many students and teachers whosupported us throughout our social action.This augurs well for Shivniel’s future. Professor RobertAmor from University of Auckland was reported tosay these words about computing graduates in theComputer World New Zealand, 13 Aug 2012, p.13:“We are getting placements in almost all the topcompanies in New Zealand and have a number ofstudents who are getting into great jobs at the bigcompanies overseas, for example, Microsoft andGoogle.”Another Social Studies class was assigned the task,“Plan and Carry out a Social Action”. They wereput into groups, each of which chose an organisationthat helps those in need, a cause and a possiblesocial action. My group, Maggie, Viriama,Monty, Karen and myself (Nicolla), chose to fundraisefor “Safe Water for Life” for people in PapuaNew Guinea. We fundraised by carrying out abake sale held in school and raised $331.60 whichwas donated to OXFAM to help provide taps andbuild safer and cleaner water systems for PapuaNew Guinea. Thank you to those who supportedus.• <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •

3<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter: 2nd November, 2012SPORTS CODES UPDATERugby Development Team: On September 22 nd ourDevelopment Team played the Tongan U16 andwon comfortably 38 -12. Congr<strong>atu</strong>lations!Rugby 7 a Side: Our Seven a Side Team played inthe Auckland secondary schools 7’s on October the20 th. We won two games and lost two games.Rugby Academy: A wide age group of promisingrugby players have been selected to be a part ofour rugby ‘Academy’. These players have beeninvited to engage in extra training, skills, fitness, plusnutrition and development sessions. These sessionswill take part over the coming months leading intothe 2013 Rugby season.Junior Touch: (Year 9 & 10 students): <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>has entered four teams. Boys Year 9 & 10 andGirls Year 9 & 10 teams. The competition is held onTuesdays at Bruce Pulman Park Papakura. All studentstravel to and from by bus. There is a $3 feeevery week. Girls Training nights are Monday,Wednesday and Thursday after school, finishing at4.45pm. Boys training nights are Monday &Wednesday. Sports Fees and Permission slips arenow due to confirm player entry.Junior Volleyball: Boys & Girls Junior Volleyball traininghas started. The school competition is played ona home and away basis on Thursdays and has threemore rounds to play. Training is on Monday andWednesday after school, finishing at 4.45pm. SportsFees and Permission slips and now due which willconfirm player entry. A $3 fee is due weekly beforetravelling.four Mixed Junior Waka Ama teams. Ms Dallas Ashmoreis the Waka Ama coach.Sports Electives: are coming up on December 5 &6 th . All year 9 & 10 students can experience a fewnot so popular ‘minor’ sports. Sports to be confirmedwill include Cricket 8’s, Baseball, AFL, Indoor bowls,Squash and <strong>Kia</strong> Rahi.Sports Prizegiving: Was held on the 19 th of September.Our Guest Speakers were Temepara George,Vilimaina Davu and Geoff Moon.Pictured above are Vai Nasilai and Pakitoa Maniand below are Ester Peletelese, Mrs Soana Hau(Netball Manager) and Fogovai Ah Ching.Waka Ama: Junior Waka Ama teams have alsostarted training on Thursdays. The SecondarySchools’ Junior Waka Ama Regatta is on S<strong>atu</strong>rdayNovember 10 th at <strong>Ora</strong>kei Basin. We have enteredCarving of the PouThe carving of the Pou was started on the 11 th October and was born from an idea out of the Gardening Projectset up in October, 2011. The students participating in the carving of the Pou are also students who areregularly involved with the up keeping and planting of the garden on a fortnightly basis. The scope of this projectincludes the completion of acarved poupou for the gardenarea, and training of students inkey techniques of basic whakairo.All work on the poupou will be performedat <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Pictured with their tutors are StantonGrant (left) and right Kelepi Vi(right).• <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •

<strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter: 2nd November, 2012 4New Zealand Qualifications Authority12 th November 2012 External Assessments commence - 4 th December 2012 External Assessments CompletedAll students should have received their external assessment entry slip from their tutor teacher by now. The admissionslip lists the external assessments your child has been entered into and they must bring this to enter theassessment. If your child has lost their slip, they must see Ms White to obtain a copy, prior to the assessmentstarting. All assessments will be held in the school hall and students are required to be in full school uniform.Your child should also have received from their tutor teacher a “2012 National School Examinations Instructionsto Candidates Newsletter”, which gives information about entry slips, what to take to the assessments,assessment rules and some helpful tips for studying and writing answers for assessments. Accessing results for2012 can be done via the NZQA web-site through the “learner log in portal”. It is also through this process thatstudents can receive their NCEA certificates. All results for your child will be sent from NZQA to the postal addresson our data base. If you have recently changed address, please notify the school by December the 18 th2012.Day Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 NZ ScholarshipMonday 12 NovemberTuesday 13 NovemberWednesday 14 NovemberThursday 15 NovemberMonday 19 NovemberTuesday 20 NovemberAM L1 English L3 SamoanPM L2 Economics L3 Te Reo MaoriAML2 EnglishPM L1 Accounting L3 BiologyAM L1 MathematicsPML2 PhysicsAM L1 BiologyPM L1 History L3 EnglishAM L1 Science L2 Samoan L3 EconomicsPM L1 Samoan L2 Mathematics L3 HealthAM L2 Chemistry L3 HistoryPML3 ChemistryWednesday 21 NovemberThursday 22 NovemberFriday 23 NovemberAMPMAMPMAMPML2 Media Studies L3 StatisticsL2 BiologyL3 GeographyMonday 26 NovemberTuesday 27 NovemberAM L2 History L3 AccountingPM L1 Physics L3 CalculusAM L1 Economics L3 PhysicsPMWednesday 28 NovemberThursday 29 NovemberAMPMAMPML2 Social StudiesL3 Media StudiesScholarship SamoanFriday 30 NovemberTuesday 4 DecemberAM L1 Music L2 AccountingPMAMPML3 Social Studies• <strong>Tangaroa</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Haumia Way, Otara 2023, Auckland • Phone: 274 5764 • www.tangaroa.school.nz •

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