SAPPHIRE Pro Delayed Alarm Reporting and Masking User Guide

SAPPHIRE Pro Delayed Alarm Reporting and Masking User Guide SAPPHIRE Pro Delayed Alarm Reporting and Masking User Guide
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<strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong><strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>P/N AV-137621C • ISS 15APR11

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>CopyrightDisclaimerTrademarks <strong>and</strong>patentsIntended useSoftware licenseagreementFCC complianceCertification <strong>and</strong>compliance© 2011 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved.This document may not be copied in whole or in part or otherwise reproduced without priorwritten consent from UTC Fire & Security, except where specifically permitted under US<strong>and</strong> international copyright law.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. UTC Fire & Securityassumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions <strong>and</strong> specifically disclaims anyliabilities, losses, or risks, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly orindirectly, of the use or application of any of the contents of this document. For the latestdocumentation, contact your local supplier or visit us online at www.utcfire<strong>and</strong> publication may contain examples of screen captures <strong>and</strong> reports used in daily operations.Examples may include fictitious names of individuals <strong>and</strong> companies. Any similarityto names <strong>and</strong> addresses of actual businesses or persons is entirely coincidental.Sapphire <strong>Pro</strong> is a trademark of UTC Fire & Security.Other trade names used in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks ofthe manufacturers or vendors of the respective products.Use this product only for the purpose it was designed for; refer to the data sheet <strong>and</strong> userdocumentation for details. For the latest product information, contact your local supplier orvisit us online at www.utcfire<strong>and</strong> EULA is included on the product DVD.This equipment has been tested <strong>and</strong> found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercialenvironment. This equipment generates, uses, <strong>and</strong> can radiate radio frequency energy<strong>and</strong>, if not installed <strong>and</strong> used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.2002/96/EC (WEEE directive): <strong>Pro</strong>ducts marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of asunsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this productto your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it atdesignated collection points. For more information see: informationUTC Fire & SecurityHQ <strong>and</strong> regulatory responsibility:UTC Fire & Security, 9 Farm Springs Road, Farmington, CT 06034-4065, USAFor contact information see our Web site: www.utcfire<strong>and</strong>security.com12 AV-137621: Revision C April 2011

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong><strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong>The <strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> (DARM) feature functions similar to traditionalburglar alarm processing. Operators assign security areas a delay time allowing the cardholderto enter a code at a keypad to disable the alarms before they are reported. This feature can alsobe used to mask or unmask password-protected areas where masking or unmasking operationsmust take place inside the area.NOTE:For more information about a Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility(SCIF) please see <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> SCIF <strong>Masking</strong> AV-137619.The DARM option supports two modes, Host DARM for Field Panels that are direct-connected tothe server <strong>and</strong> Local DARM for dial-up field panels. Each DARM mode supports two masking orunmasking configurations.1. Keypad (with or without a reader) used for masking or unmasking with an LCDDisplay for cardholder prompts. The cardholder gains entrance to the area using akey or an access keypad/reader. The alarms are then disabled from the masking/unmasking Keypad. The keypad displays prompts that guide the cardholder theprocess <strong>and</strong> other information about the status of the alarms in the area.2) Keypad masking or unmasking with a keypad (with or without a reader) that does nothave an LCD display for cardholder prompts. The cardholder gains entrance to thearea using a key or an access keypad/reader. The alarms are then disabled from amasking/unmasking keypad. The keypad does not display prompts. The cardholderdetermines the status of the alarms in the area from the flashing LEDs <strong>and</strong> beepingsounds emanating from the keypad.It is recommended that the masking/unmasking keypad be equipped with an LCD display forcardholder prompts. This provides the advantage of informing the cardholder of the status of themasking/unmasking procedure. When unmasking an area the display can tell the cardholderwhich alarms are reporting an alarm event so that they can be secured before unmasking isgranted. It also can inform the cardholder when a request to mask the area was denied so thatthe cardholder can reenter the keypad PIN code. With both configurations, the mask/unmaskingreader must be equipped with a keypad.NOTE:To authorize a cardholder for keypad masking, select the areas that the cardholderis authorized to mask on the Cards/Employee <strong>Masking</strong> page. Formore information see the <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> software <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> AV-136811.AV-137621: Revision C April 201113

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Host DARM Theory of OperationWhen a cardholder enters a security area that has been configured for DARM, several alarmscould be triggered. Because of the DARM configuration, these alarms do not immediately reporttheir alarm state to the <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> alarm queue. Instead, a timer begins to count down aspecified number of seconds. During this time, the cardholder enters a PIN code into adesignated keypad within the security area requesting the server to mask the alarms in the area.If this request is granted before the timer counts down to 0, the alarms will not report to the alarmqueue or log them into the history file. All decisions <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>s are h<strong>and</strong>led by the server ina Host DARM configuration.Host DARM Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> with LCD Display.This is the recommended mode of DARM <strong>Masking</strong>/Unmasking. The following steps are used tomask a security area using a keypad that has an LCD display.1. The cardholder gains access to the security area by using either a key or an accesskeypad to unlock the door. If the alarm points are not in the alarm mode, the keypaddisplays: ** ARMED ** Opening the door will have triggered at least one alarm(typically a Forced Open alarm from the door he just entered). This triggered alarmstarts the keypads in the security area to beep <strong>and</strong> the LEDs on the face of thekeypads to flash.2) The keypad now displays: ENTER PIN CODE3. a) If the keypad is an IKE (it has an OFF <strong>and</strong> an ON button), the cardholder enterstheir card number. As each digit is entered, an asterisk appears in place of*each digit entered. Once the last digit has been entered, the display will show:PRESS OFF The cardholder will press the OFF button to start the processing.b) If the keypad is set for “IKE allows Ingress”, the cardholder presses the asteriskbutton <strong>and</strong> the keypad displays: PRESS OFF .The cardholder then presses theOFF button <strong>and</strong> the display shows: ACCESSING SYSTEM . The cardholder enterstheir card number <strong>and</strong>, if the keypad is in “Pin Required” mode, their PIN. As eachdigit is entered, an asterisk appears in place of each digit entered. Once the*last digit has been entered the system processes the request.c) If the keypad is not an IKE, the cardholder enters their card number <strong>and</strong> their PIN+ 20. For example, say the cardholder’s PIN is 1234. To request the server tomask the area, the cardholder will enter 1254 into the keypad (1234 + 20 = 1254).As each digit is entered, an asterisk appears in place of each digit entered.When the last digit is entered, the masking * comm<strong>and</strong> will be sent to the server forprocessing.4) The server determines whether the PIN is authorized to mask the alarms. If therequest is denied, the keypad displays: DENIED, TRY AGAIN14 AV-137621: Revision C April 2011

Host DARM Theory of Operation5) If the request is granted, the keypad displays: READY <strong>and</strong> the beeping <strong>and</strong> flashingstops. If the alarm point timers expire before masking occurs, the alarms are reportedto the server, but the request to mask the area will not be effected.NOTE:The cardholder prompts at the IKE keypad are only generated if the fieldpanel is equipped with firmware 6.12 or later.Host DARM Keypad Unmasking with LCD Display1. The cardholder must verify that all alarms are not in alarm state <strong>and</strong> that the keypaddisplays READY before attempting to unmask zones. If any alarms are in alarmstate in the area, the keypad displays: NOT READY Any reporting alarm will alsodisplay in the keypad window. If more than one alarm is in alarm state, use the up <strong>and</strong>down arrow keys on the keypad to scroll through the alarm names. These alarmsmust be cleared <strong>and</strong> the keypad must display READY before the unmaskingoperation can continue.2. a) If the keypad is an IKE, the cardholder enters their card number. As each digit isentered, an asterisk appears in place of each digit entered. Once the last digit*has been entered, the display will show: PRESS ON The cardholder will pressthe ON button to start the processing.b) If the keypad is set for “IKE allows Ingress”, the cardholder presses the asteriskbutton <strong>and</strong> the keypad displays: PRESS OFF .The cardholder then presses theOFF button <strong>and</strong> the display shows: ACCESSING SYSTEM . The cardholder enterstheir card number <strong>and</strong>, if the keypad is in “Pin Required” mode, their PIN. As eachdigit is entered, an asterisk appears in place of each digit entered. Once the*last digit has been entered the system processes the request.c) If the keypad is not an IKE, the cardholder enters their card number <strong>and</strong> their PIN+ 10. For example, say the cardholder’s PIN is 1234. To request the server tounmask the area, the cardholder will enter 1244 into the keypad (1234 + 10 =1244). As each digit is entered, an asterisk appears in place of each digitentered. When the last digit is entered, the masking*comm<strong>and</strong> will be sent to theserver for processing.3) The server determines whether the <strong>User</strong> is authorized to mask the alarms. If therequest is denied, the keypad displays: DENIED, TRY AGAIN4) If the request is granted, the keypad displays: ** ARMED ** The ACU sends anARMED comm<strong>and</strong> to the security area’s assigned keypad(s) <strong>and</strong> the keypad(s) startto beep <strong>and</strong> the LED’s blink. The cardholder must now exit the area before theconfigured delay timer expires.5) The cardholder leaves the area <strong>and</strong> secures the door. Once the designated delaytime expires, the host unmasks the area <strong>and</strong> secures the alarms.AV-137621: Revision C April 201115

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Host DARM Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> without LCD Display.This mode of operation is for systems that do not have keypads with LCD displays. Without thedisplays, the status of the security area is unknown. If there are alarms in an alarm state, thecardholder will not know. This could prevent a cardholder from securing the area before leaving.1. The cardholder gains access to the security area by using either a key or an accesskeypad to unlock the door. Opening the door will have triggered at least one alarm(typically a Forced Open alarm from the door he just entered). This triggered alarmstarts the keypads in the security area to beep <strong>and</strong> the LEDs on the face of thekeypads to flash.2) If the keypad is not an IKE, the cardholder enters their card number <strong>and</strong> their PIN +20. For example, say the cardholder’s PIN is 1234. To request the server to mask thearea, the cardholder will enter 1254 into the keypad (1234 + 20 = 1254). When thelast digit is entered, the masking comm<strong>and</strong> will be sent to the server for processing.3. a) The server determines whether the PIN is authorized to mask the alarms. If therequest is denied, the red LED will flash three times <strong>and</strong> then glow solid. Thedelay time will continue to count down.b) If the request is granted, the beeping <strong>and</strong> flashing stops <strong>and</strong> the green LED lightsup. If the alarm point timers expire before masking occurs, the alarms are reportedto the host <strong>Alarm</strong> Queue. The request to mask the area will continue to beprocessed.Host DARM Keypad Unmasking without LCD Display.1. If the keypad is not an IKE, the cardholder enters their card number <strong>and</strong> their PIN +10. For example, say the cardholder’s PIN is 1234. To request the server to mask thearea, the cardholder will enter 1244 into the keypad (1234 + 10 = 1244). When thelast digit is entered, the unmasking comm<strong>and</strong> will be sent to the server for processing.2) The server determines whether the PIN is authorized to unmask the alarms. While theauthorization request is being processed, the green light will flash.3. a) If the request is denied, the red light will flash three times <strong>and</strong> then glow solid.NOTE:A denied request could mean that an alarm is in an alarm/trouble state. Thearea cannot be secured until the alarm is dealt with.b) If the request is granted, the keypad begins beeping <strong>and</strong> the LEDs begin flashing.The cardholder exits the security area <strong>and</strong> secures the exit door. Once thedesignated delay time expires, the server unmasks the area, secures the alarms<strong>and</strong> the beeping <strong>and</strong> flashing stops.Configuring DARM in Sapphire <strong>Pro</strong>Setting up the DARM configuration without an Entry Reader.This configuration is very similar to the traditional Burglar <strong>Alarm</strong> system. Access to the securityarea is not controlled by a reader, but by a mechanical lock which is opened with a key.1. You must have at least one security area configured for the site.16 AV-137621: Revision C April 2011

Host DARM Theory of Operation2) On the Security Area Setup page of <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> select the security area that isconfigured for this area.• Place a check mark in the box beside Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> Allowed.• The Delay for Securing Area drop-down list will appear. Select the number ofseconds that will be allowed before <strong>Alarm</strong>s will be reported to the Server. The range is0-255. Be certain to allow enough time for the cardholder to enter the area <strong>and</strong> enterthe masking PIN code.3) Next determine which alarm points in this security area are likely to activate before thesecurity area can be masked. For example, a motion detector <strong>Alarm</strong>s monitoring thearea around the interior keypad. On the <strong>Alarm</strong> Setup page, select the alarm that is tobe modified.• Enter the required number of seconds in the <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> Delay field.• Repeat the process for each alarm.4) On the Reader Option 1 page select the Reader that will be used to mask the securityarea.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside the IKE Reader field.• DO NOT place a checkmark in the Box beside IKE Allow Ingress.AV-137621: Revision C April 201117

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Setup Host DARM Configuration with an Entry Reader1. You must have at least one security area configured for the site.2) On the Security Area Setup page of <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> select the security area that isconfigured for this area.• Place a check mark in the box beside Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> Allowed.• The Delay for Securing Area drop-down list will appear. Select the number ofseconds that will be allowed before <strong>Alarm</strong>s will be reported to the Server. The range is0-255. Be certain to allow enough time for the cardholder to enter the area <strong>and</strong> enterthe masking PIN code.3) Next determine which alarm points in this security area are likely to activate before thesecurity area can be masked. For Example, a Motion Detector <strong>Alarm</strong> that monitorsthe area around the interior keypad. On the <strong>Alarm</strong> Point Setup page select one of thealarms to be modified.• Enter the required number of seconds in the <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> Delay field on the<strong>Alarm</strong> Point Setup page for each of these alarms.• Repeat the operation for each alarm.4) On the Reader Option 1 page select the reader that will be used to ENTER thesecurity area.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside the IKE Reader field.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside IKE Allow Ingress. This will allow the reader togrant access but will not mask the alarms.18 AV-137621: Revision C April 2011

Local DARM Theory of Operation5) On the Reader Option 1 page, select the reader that will be used to mask the securityarea.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside the IKE Reader field.• DO NOT place a check mark in the Box beside IKE Allow Ingress.Local DARM Theory of OperationLocal <strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> is used for dialup field panels <strong>and</strong> otherconfigurations where communication between the host <strong>and</strong> the panel are not consistent. Theprinciple difference between this <strong>and</strong> Host DARM is that all decisions regarding the validity ofmasking/unmasking requests are made at the Field Panel. All alarms <strong>and</strong> keypads must beconnected to the same field panel <strong>and</strong> only one field panel can be used for the security area. Ifthe delay timer expires, the field panel will connect to the server to report the alarm. Local DARMoperates much the same way as Host DARM. However the setup is a little different.Follow the steps listed above to mask <strong>and</strong> unmask the security area.Setup the Local DARM Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> or Unmasking.1. Follow the instructions in the <strong>SAPPHIRE</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>User</strong> Manual, setup the field panel as aDial-Up device. This will require configuring a COM port as a Dial-Up Port. Selectingthat port on the Field Panel Setup page <strong>and</strong> completing the required information onthe Field Panel Dial-Up page.2) On the Security Area Setup page select the security area that is configured for thisarea.• Place a check mark in the box beside Keypad <strong>Masking</strong> Allowed.• The Delay for Securing Area drop-down list will appear. Select the number ofseconds that will be allowed before <strong>Alarm</strong>s will be reported to the Server. The range is0-255. Be certain to allow enough time for the cardholder to enter the area <strong>and</strong> enterthe masking PIN code.3) Next determine which alarm points in this security area are likely to activate before thesecurity area can be masked. For example, a Motion Detector <strong>Alarm</strong> that monitors theAV-137621: Revision C April 201119

<strong>Delayed</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Masking</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>area around the internal keypad. On the <strong>Alarm</strong> Setup Page select on of the alarms tobe modified.• Enter the required number of seconds in the <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Reporting</strong> Delay field on the<strong>Alarm</strong> Point Setup page for each of these alarms.• Repeat the operation for each of the alarms.4) If the area will be accessed by a reader, on the Reader Option 1 page select thereader that will be used to ENTER the security area.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside the IKE Reader field.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside IKE Allow Ingress. This will allow the reader togrant access without masking the alarms.5) On the Reader Option 1 page select the reader that will be used to mask the securityarea.• Place a checkmark in the Box beside the IKE Reader field.• DO NOT place a check mark in the Box beside IKE Allow Ingress.NOTE:For this method to work properly all maskable alarm points under DARM controlmust reside on the same Field Panel (ACU device).110 AV-137621: Revision C April 2011

Local DARM Theory of OperationTechnical SupportFor assistance installing, operating, maintaining, <strong>and</strong> troubleshooting this product, refer to thisdocument <strong>and</strong> any other documentation provided. If you still have questions, you may contacttechnical support during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays,between 8 a.m. <strong>and</strong> 7 p.m. Eastern Time).North AmericaT 888 437 3287F 561 998 6224AsiaT 65 639 19314F 65 639 19306AustraliaT 61 3 9239 1200F 61 3 9239 1299CanadaT 800 267 6317F 613 737 5517EMEAT 48 58 326 22 40F 48 58 326 22 41Latin AmericaT 503 885 5700F 561 994 6572Email: rs-bctsupport@fs.utc.comWeb site: www.utcfire<strong>and</strong>security.comAV-137621: Revision C April 2011111

Manual Number: AV-137621

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