Trust Briefing 313 - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Trust Briefing 313 - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Trust Briefing 313 - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


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<strong>Trust</strong> <strong>Briefing</strong> 33717 July 2013IMPORTANT NEWSPeople’s Nurse & Midwife of the Year winnersThe winners of the first ever People’s Nurse & Midwife of the Year awards wereannounced at an event held at the Council House earlier today.Supported by the <strong>Nottingham</strong> Post, 2013 marked the start of these special awardswhich see patients and the public voting for the winners.The 2013 winners are:Adult category - Jenny Wright, SpecialistParkinson’s Nurse, QMCChildren’s category - Amanda Ward, Children’s CFNurse, QMCMidwife - Jennifer Ross, Lead Midwife, CityClick here for a booklet which details the 11 nursesand midwives shortlisted for this year’s awards.Director of Nursing and Midwifery and Deputy Chief Executive Jenny Leggott said:“What makes these awards special is that patients, and the public, choose the winners.“Many congratulations to everyone who was nominated and of course to those whomade the shortlist and the eventual winners.“This is a remarkable achievement of which you can be proud. We are certainly proud ofyou and are grateful for the important contributions you make to improving patient careand experience at our hospitals.”

Make the time for mandatory trainingWe appreciate everyone is busy, but mandatory training is time well spent. Byattending, you’re keeping yourself safe, colleagues safe and, of course, patients safe.We’ll book your training and you will receive an email with these details.If you can’t make the time we’ve booked you on - please contact the helpdesk onx76776 to rearrange.Managers: click here for details on how you can help your colleagues and teams keepup-to-date with their mandatory training.Quarter 1 performance headlinesClick here (intranet) for an important update on our performance against the key quality,safety, experience and finance targets April-June.Dr Peter Barrett message bookColleagues have the opportunity to contribute to a message book that is being preparedfor Dr Peter Barrett CBE, who recently stepped down as Chairman of NUH.If you would like to add a message - or contribute towards a gift being boughtfor him - you can do so in one of the following ways before 2 August.Hand deliver to a member of main reception staff at QMC, B FloorVisit the Chief Executive’s Office, 3 rd Floor, <strong>Trust</strong> HQ, City campusBy post - addressed to Janine Barrowcliffe, Chief Executive’s Office,<strong>Trust</strong> HQ, City Hospital, Hucknall Road, <strong>Nottingham</strong>, NG5 1PBBy emailing janine.barrowcliffe@nuh.nhs.uk

Latest and updated <strong>Trust</strong>-wide policies and proceduresThe following new and updated policy is now available online (intranet only). <strong>Trust</strong>policies are mandatory to all relevant staff, who have a duty to be familiar with them.Waste Handling and Management Policy - HESI017Restraint Policy - HSSP016LEARNING & SHARINGTramworks at QMC: UpdatePreparation work for the new tram bridge going up over the A52will continue over the next two weekends. This will allow thebridge to be moved and put into position on the weekend of28/29 September.When complete, the bridge will link the QMC to the <strong>University</strong> of<strong>Nottingham</strong> as part of Phase Two of the tram project.The preparation work will involve the part-closure of the roadbetween the edge of the Medical School car park and theMedical School entrance on West Road on Saturday 20 Julyfrom 8am to 4pm. Traffic management will be in place.This section of road will be fully closed on Saturday 27 July. Traffic leaving Car Park 3will be diverted along South Road to exit on to Abbey Street. Traffic will be able toaccess West Block via the West Road. Diversion signs will be in place.Do you know a colleague who has gone the extra mile?Do you know an NUH colleague or team who went the extramile for their patients by fundraising for <strong>Nottingham</strong> <strong>Hospitals</strong>Charity?If so, why not nominate them for a ‘Fundraiser of the Year’award at this year’s NUHonours staff awards?Nominations are open until Friday 6 September and it’s quickand easy to nominate - just go to www.nuh.nhs.uk/nuhonours.Whoever you put forward needs to have fundraised for<strong>Nottingham</strong> <strong>Hospitals</strong> Charity between June 2012 and June 2013. This could also havebeen as part of Challenge 500, where we challenge each ward and area to raise £500.

Please help show our gratitude to the staff who have dedicated their time and energy tofundraising for their patients, by making a nomination.Cleaning of nursing staff uniformsFollowing discussions with staff side colleagues, it has been agreed that the NUHLaundry will no longer clean nursing uniforms.We discovered many staff now take their uniforms home to wash, and that because the<strong>Trust</strong> offered a laundry service, they were unable to benefit from tax relief available.The service will therefore cease, allowing staff to access the tax relief should they wish.Click here for more information.The Dress Code and Uniform Policy includes details of the requirements when washinguniform at home and can be accessed here (intranet).We had planned to provide a period of notice for colleagues to make appropriatearrangements. However, due to a mechanical failure in the laundry which would haverequired investment in new equipment these changes need to be immediate. We aresorry for the short notice.Laundering of lab coats continues as before.Undercroft/consultant car park exit temporary closed at QMCThe exit from the Undercroft/Consultants car park at QMC will be closed for two hoursfrom 9am-11am on Saturday 20 July while essential work is carried out on the outsideof the building.Access to the car park will be from South Road as usual.However, if you need to exit the car park between 9am and 11am you will need tocall Estates Supervisor Rob Cooper on 07976 190063.Estates colleagues will be on site throughout the work to supervise.Heatwave anticipated – important informationWith temperatures expected to keep rising - possibly right into August -staff are encouraged to understand what is necessary to look afteryourself and others during hot weather.Click here to read the Heatwave Plan for England 2013. Please printcopies for colleague and outpatient areas.

Stay UPTODATEUPTODATE is an encyclopedia for clinical colleagues which covers information on allconditions/symptoms and provides helpful advice. Click here for more information.Work is being undertaken to ensure a link to the site is also added to the intranet.Electronic Blood Tracking Countdown to go live at NUHThere are only two months to go until the blood issue and satellite fridge access controlsystem goes lives on 16 September.At this point the previous paper collection method at QMC andsemi-electronic method at City Hospital will be replaced by thenew Bloodhound kiosk.Click here for more information about training, post go-live support and what happensnext.Bleeps and pagers ahead of doctors changeover on 7 AugustRemember to hand all bleeps and pagers in to the QMC switchboard or your coordinatorready for the doctors’ changeover on 7 August.Any bleeps or pagers found on either campus can be returned to NUH switchboard, Dfloor, West Block for reallocation.If you are based at City Hospital, please leave the pager in your department to becollected by the new member of staff or there will be Switchboard staff available to helpin the old switch room on North Corridor on 7 August between 7am and 7pm.In the interests of keeping records up-to-date, please let Switchboard know your contactdetails (name, grade, contact number and department) by calling x63074, emailingswitchboardnuh@nuh.nhs.uk or filling in the online tool (intranet).Emails - please ensure correct recipient detailsWhen sending sensitive or confidential emails always ensure the intended recipient isknown and correctly selected.Please also ensure that such communication is not sent to generic email addresses orpublic folders accessible to others who may not have a legitimate reason to view suchinformation.

Keep recycling - benefits there for all to see!This presentation, which has helped see NUH shortlisted for an HSJ Efficiency Award,reinforces the benefits of effective waste management.Please continue to be proactive in recycling in the workplace. Click here (intranet) formore information.It is also imperative that pharmaceutical waste is separated properly.Click here (intranet) for a poster containing more information and here (intranet) for adetailed list of cytotoxic pharmaceuticals.NUH at <strong>Nottingham</strong>shire PrideNUH will be attending <strong>Nottingham</strong>shire Pride on Saturday 27 July at theArboretum, <strong>Nottingham</strong>, and asking members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexualand Transgender (LGBT) community who use our services if things are‘Better for You’.The event - click here for more information – is a celebration of diversity andequality for all and runs from 12 noon to 6pm and people can come and visita stand promoting equality and diversity and dignity and respect in ourhospitals.To celebrate this day, the rainbow flags will also be flying at both the City andQMC.If you would like to be involved in <strong>Nottingham</strong>shire Pride or like your service tobe promoted on the NUH stand on the day, please contactsally.marks@nuh.nhs.ukInternational Forum on Quality & Safety in HealthcareThis takes place from 8-11 April 2014, in Paris. The call for abstracts opens later thismonth. Click here for the site where more details will be published.Showcase your quality improvements or new patient initiatives to the very best of theinternational community and raise NUH’s profile.Free Resources to share with your staff, students and colleaguesSkills for Care have published a toolkit, which includes guidance, examples of bestpractice and scenarios for teaching and learning about dignity in care.

Although this information originates from Skills for Care the principles are just asrelevant to the <strong>NHS</strong>. To access these free resources visit www.skillsforcare.org/dignity<strong>NHS</strong> Professionals Bank workTo apply for work via <strong>NHS</strong> Professionals (<strong>NHS</strong>P) you can print an applicationform by clicking here.If you are leaving the <strong>Trust</strong> but wish to continue working through <strong>NHS</strong>P, thenyou will need to complete a Bank Only recruitment application via the ‘join us’section on the site. These applications can take up to 14 weeks to beprocessed, therefore it is advisable to complete this as soon as possible.Once you have left your <strong>Trust</strong> substantive employment, you WILL NOT be able to workat NUH until your <strong>NHS</strong>P Bank Only recruitment application is complete. For moredetails contact Melanie Ottey on 07900695894 ormelanie.ottey@nhsprofessionals.nhs.ukValuing carers in the workforce at NUHNew guidelines have been produced for staff who are also carers or who anticipatetaking on carers responsibilities. Managers may wish to make themselves aware of theguidelines in order to signpost the support available.NUH defines an unpaid carer as someone who looks after a relative, friend or neighbourwho due to illness, disability or frailty is unable to manage alone.Developed from staff consultation meetings, the guidelines are referenced in the‘Worklife Balance Policy’ and can be found here on the intranet or by clicking here.Proper use of liftsStaff should refrain from using patient or goods lifts if they are travelling without atrolley, bed, wheelchair or goods items.If it is just yourself and/or colleagues, then the other lifts should be used.Nominate a colleague and win!If you nominate a colleague for an awardat the East Midlands LeadershipAcademy Recognition Awards you stand a chance of winning two VIP tickets to the redcarpet event.

If you do put someone forward for an award please contact Chris Kershaw inCommunications on x61600 or chris.kershaw@nuh.nhs.uk and let him know, as the<strong>Trust</strong> keeps a record of people nominated for awards and other honours.Click here for more information about the awards and categories, as well as thecompetition.Cancellation of Thursday lunchtime Eucharistic Service at QMCThe Thursday lunchtime Eucharistic Service held at QMC at 12pm every week will notcontinue after Thursday 25 July.There will still be lunchtime services on key days in the religious year and these will beadvertised at the appropriate time. For further information contact Sue Gibson onx63799.Motor Neurone Disease - Q&A sessionThis will be presented by Professor Adrian Wills, Consultant Neurologist, at 1pm (buffetlunch from 12.30pm) on Friday 16 August in the Study Centre Lecture Theatre,Hayward House, City. Click here for more details.Big Health and Wellbeing DayThis event tomorrow - click here for more details - is for people withlearning disabilities, their carers and professionals to talk about healthand social care services.There will be a ‘Changing Places’ stall, which will include moreinformation about customised toilet/changing facilities such as thoseopened at QMC and City recently. Here (intranet) is more information.TRAINING & DEVELOPMENTTraining for the new Medway PASOur new patient administration system is coming in September. This means TotalCAREPAS, HISS and inpatient movements in NotIS are being replaced with the new MedwayPAS.The 6,000 colleagues who use these systems will be trained between 22 July and 27September ready for go-live.

Colleagues will have an opportunity to practice in a play environment at these sessions.Drop-in refresher sessions will follow towards the end of the training programme (moredetails to follow).If you have already attended one of our MedwayPAS demonstrations over the past few months,you MUST book onto a formal training session.You will not be able to access the new system if you don’t attend.If you currently use PAS, HISS or NotIS (NotIS for inpatient movements i.e transfers,discharges and corrections or to record critical care stays only) you will be required toattend training. Medical Office and NotIS eTTO/e-discharge summaries, ordering andresults functionality will not be affected.The Medway PAS training rota is now available here (intranet). You can book yourplace here (intranet). Please let your manager know you will be attending training sothey can arrange cover in your area of work.For more information about Medway PAS click here (intranet).If you have any queries about the plan or wish to book groups of staff in for trainingemail medwayPAStrainingteam@nuh.nhs.ukIN BRIEFCycle2work - spread your payments over 12 monthsThe NUH Cycle2work scheme runs until 28 August. Through the scheme, NUH staffcan get a new bike and accessories via 12 monthly salary deductions. Because youdon’t pay tax and National Insurance on that deduction, you save around 30% on thenormal purchase price.Justin Heath in NUH Finance & Procurement got hisbike this way, and said: “The scheme is a greatopportunity to make a large purchase and then easilyspread the cost over the term of the agreement. Iwould highly recommend it to anyone.”For information on what kind of bike to get, suggestions of accessories (locks, lightsetc), how to apply and more, click here.Dr Twinning Award for Undergraduate Teaching: Steve DelayThis is award is made in honour of the late Dr Peter Twinning, Consultant Radiologist.

Final year medical students vote for the best Clinical teacher in the region and this yearthe award went to Steve Delay, Teaching Fellow in Radiology.

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