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Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.


TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ................................................................................................................................. 1General Duties And Functions Of The Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> .................. 2Specific Functions Of The Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> ........................................ 3The Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> And The Chapter Officers ................................ 4Helpful Hints To The Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> .................................................... 4Chapter Records And Files ..................................................................................................... 5Business Transactions ................................................................................................................ 5The Chapter Budget ................................................................................................................. 6The Sorority Meeting ................................................................................................................. 7Program Planning ...................................................................................................................... 8The Annual Report ..................................................................................................................... 9Leadership Development ..................................................................................................... 10Annual Chapter Evaluation .................................................................................................. 10The Role Of The Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> In The Membership IntakeProgram ...................................................................................................................................... 10Scholarships, Grants And Awards ....................................................................................... 11Audit Program For Chapter Excellence ............................................................................ 12FAQ’s ........................................................................................................................................... 23<strong>Advisor</strong>’s Checklist ................................................................................................................... 24Chapter Checklist .................................................................................................................... 24 Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>ii

CONTRIBUTORS TO ADVISOR MANUAL2010 UPDATE COMMITTEEInternational Grand Basileus:International First Grand Anti-BasileusCentral Region Syntaktes:Central Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Northeast Region Syntaktes:Northeast Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Southeast Region Syntaktes:Southeastern Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Southwestern Region Syntaktes:Southwestern Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Western Regional Syntaktes:Western Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Legal <strong>Advisor</strong>:Joann G. LovelessBonita M. HerringPamela LeeCinnamon PellyVanetta Cheeks ReederMarica HarrisGriena KnightRasheeda LibertyBrenda CantyHenry Etta O’NealRoschoune FranklinDenise Trimble-SmithKaryn A. Thomas, Eaq.2004-2008 ADVISOR MANUAL CONTRIBUTORSNOTE: LISTING INCLUDES OFFICE AT THE TIME OF MANUAL DUPLICATION16 th International Grand Basileus: Rejesta V. Perry * deceased17 th International Grand Basileus Katie Kinnard White18 th International Grand Basileus: Corine J. Green19 th International Grand Basileus LaRona J. Morris * deceased20 th International Grand Basileus: Helen Owens21 st International Grand Basileus Dr. Mynora J. Bryant Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>iii

CONTRIBUTORS TO ADVISOR MANUALInternational Second Grand Anti-Basileus:Past Central Region Syntaktes:Past Central Region Syntaktes:Past Central Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Northeast Region Syntaktes:Past Northeastern Region Syntaktes:Past Northeast Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Northeastern Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Southeastern Region Syntaktes:Past Southeastern Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Southwestern Region Syntaktes:Past Southwestern Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Western Regional Syntaktes:Past Western Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Western Region Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator:Past Legal <strong>Advisor</strong>:Athena ReedDeborah Catchings-SmithWanda AnthonyTiJuana IngramDeborah WalshSylvania PrestonLinette CaroselliRomunda M. HarrisNadine B. McMillonJennifer GunnDr. Faith ForemanPatricia HillerPhaebra CroftWinona DorrisLa Tonya Theus NelsonDoris Randle-Holt, Esq.Soror Valerie Hinton Hannah, Cleveland State University Judicial BoardPaulette DavisAnilsa NunezKimberly Ellison Taylor Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>iv

INTRODUCTIONEach new decade finds Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, as it does otherorganizations, at the crossroads. Our very existence and our future growthdemand qualified experienced leaders. The role of the undergraduate chapteradvisor is a strategic link in developing the potential of undergraduate leaders.This Handbook serves to provide the undergraduate chapter advisor with asystematical approach to working with undergraduate chapters andsuccessfully implementing the work of the chapter/region.The undergraduate chapter advisor serves as a liaison between thealumnae chapter and the undergraduate chapter. The undergraduatechapter advisor also ensures that the undergraduate chapter receivesinformation from the offices of the regional syntaktes, undergraduate chaptercoordinator and Grand Officers. The sorors role as the undergraduate chapteradvisor is to assist the undergraduate chapter with understanding correctpolicies and procedures for conducting sorority business. She provides guidancein the interpretation of chapter, region, and national programs.In addition to her knowledge of how a chapter should function, theundergraduate chapter advisor must also be able to inspire cooperation, tofoster for creative development in the sorors and to maintain and encouragesisterhood development. She must be friendly, firm and sisterly and not bedictatorial to the undergraduate members or their point of view. At the sametime, she must not lose perspective of the total sorority program. Her role is toguide and prepare undergraduates for future leadership.The alumnae chapter shall determine the number of sorors having theabove qualifications and willingness to serve as anti-basileus. The graduatechapter then elects an anti-basileus who shall serve as undergraduate chapteradvisor, with one or more assistants based on need and the extensiveness of thechapter program. The undergraduate chapter advisor (anti-basileus) shall bevoted on at the regular election of alumnae chapter officers and installedaccordingly. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 1 of 32

GENERAL DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER ADVISOR1. It shall be the duty of the undergraduate chapter advisor to have a workingknowledge of the latest edition of the National Constitution and Bylaws,<strong>Manual</strong> of Standard Operating Procedures and Instructions, currentmembership intake process manual or TORCH Program, region bylaws andregion policies and procedures. She must also have a working knowledge ofthe chapter bylaws. It is only through a clear knowledge of the above thatthe advisor will be able to guide the undergraduate chapter in theimplementation of the national, regional and chapter programs. Thisknowledge will be obtained from attending area, regional and Boulemeetings along with review during chapter meetings. The advisor shouldinsure that she is current on her training before working with the TORCHprocess.2. The undergraduate chapter advisor has no voting power in undergraduatedecisions; nor must she dictate the ultimate decisions of the chapter (as longas they are not in conflict with the policies of the national body or those ofthe educational institution). However, she must recognize that her role is oneof an active participant and counselor. She must remain focused and realizeshe is no longer an undergraduate.3. On campuses where sororities are governed by the National Pan HellenicConference of America or the National Pan Hellenic Council, theundergraduate chapter advisor shall be knowledgeable about the rules andregulations of those organizations as they relate to Sigma Gamma RhoSorority, Inc.4. At least one undergraduate chapter advisor or member of the advisingalumnae chapter must be present at all chapter functions: membershipintake activities, public programs, executive and other committee meetings,chapter social activities and all-Greek functions. It shall be the function of theundergraduate chapter advisor to attend all meetings of the undergraduatechapter.5. The undergraduate chapter advisor shall keep the alumnae chapterinformed of the activities of the undergraduate chapter and solicit theassistance of the alumnae sorors in her work. It is important that theundergraduate chapter advisor not only keep the alumnae chapterinformed of the success of the chapter, but also of the problems of thechapter. She is responsible for keeping the lines of communication openbetween the undergraduate and alumnae chapter. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 2 of 32

6. It is the ultimate responsibility of the undergraduate chapter advisor to have aclear understanding and appreciation for the sorority guidelines, preceptsand deals of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. The undergraduate advisor willserve as the primary member in undergraduate development. The growthand development of undergraduates will be based on the guidanceprovided by the undergraduate chapter advisorSPECIFIC FUNCTIONS OF THE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER ADVISORThe undergraduate chapter advisor shall read and approve all reports andcorrespondence mailed out from the chapter, especially letters to the regionalsyntaktes and other regional and grand officers.The undergraduate chapter advisor is to supervise the rushing, screening,interviewing, induction and orientation activities of the current membershipprocess. She is to insure that the rules and regulations of the educationalinstitution and the sorority are upheld. The undergraduate chapter advisor mustknow all regulations affecting the chapter’s operation. In addition, she shall:• Approve the chapter’s calendar of activities and budget. She shall see thatthe chapter adheres to the approved budget. The undergraduate chapteradvisor must verify the chapter information given to prospective membersabout the induction fees set by the Grand Chapter for membership.• Insure that the criteria for inviting prospective (screening and approving)members into the sorority are upheld.• Attend all chapter activities when potential members (and subsequently)new members are present. When she must miss an activity the graduatechapter Basileus shall send another financially active membership intakeprocess trained representative of the alumnae chapter.The undergraduate chapter advisor and undergraduate sorors with theapproval of the graduate chapter may decide other specific duties. All Sororsworking with the undergraduate chapters must be trained and certified in thecurrent membership intake process. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 3 of 32

THE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER ADVISOR AND THE CHAPTER OFFICERSThe relationship of the undergraduate chapter advisor to the chaptermust be clear, cooperative and functional. Shortly after the chapter elects itsnew officers, the undergraduate chapter advisor along with the outgoing andnew officers shall participate in a carefully planned “Leadership OrientationSession” in which the basic documents of the sorority are discussed. The chapterbylaws, and chapter records, shall be reviewed and all information and recordsshould be passed on to the newly elected officers. This executive session willstrengthen the core of the chapter and provide a basis for successfulfunctioning.Be sure that each officer is trained in both the responsibilities and thelimitations of her office. This is sometimes a delicate problem especially wherethe undergraduate chapter advisor may try to assume too much of the burdenof the chapter obligations and functions while the undergraduate officersbecome lax and/or apathetic. The undergraduate chapter advisor shallencourage the undergraduate basileus to insure that the officers carry out theirduties (duties and responsibilities) in a mature and responsible fashion.HELPFUL HINTS TO THE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER ADVISORNo one prescribed method will fit all situations. The following hints may behelpful:1. Be mindful that each soror is an individual — and the product of variedexperiences.2. Criticism can be a helpful tool, but use it sparingly and always on a one-toonebasis. Public confrontations can lead to nonperforming and inactivesorors.3. New ideas are sometimes hard to grasp, but keeping an open mind willmake the synthesizing process easier. Have enough wisdom to recognizewrong or even outdated beliefs and seek to change them when change isnecessary.4. Being ―one of the girls‖ can strengthen many aspects of sisterhood but it canalso impact much of your effectiveness. Learn to use this characteristicwisely. Know when to counsel as a mother, when to discipline as anadministrator, when to teach, when to advise and when to be a soror.5. Practice what you preach! Lead by ―precept and example‖.6. Develop and grow (Learn) from your mistakes.7. Stay focused on the fact that you ―were an undergraduate‖ however, youare now at the graduate level. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 4 of 32

8. Best Practice Recommendation – 1) You should not advise anundergraduate chapter until you have been financially active in a graduatechapter for one (1) year. 2) You should not advise the undergraduatechapter that you were a member of for at least two (2) years after yougraduate.CHAPTER RECORDS AND FILESThe records of the chapter are extremely important and shall be of majorconcern to the undergraduate chapter advisor. Although the undergraduatechapter advisor is not responsible for managing the records of the chapter, sheshall periodically check to see that all materials are systematically filed. The filesshall include:1. A copy of chapter charter and federal tax identification number (EIN)2. Financial records and bank statements.3. Bylaws (chapter, regional and national) — these shall remain in the fileexcept when used during chapter meetings.4. A current list of present members of the chapter, each member’s status,membership applicants and a continuing file of transfers from the chapter.Any outstanding achievements shall be included.5. Copies of the Regional and National reports and correspondence.6. The official Handbook of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.; <strong>Manual</strong> ofStandard Procedures and Instructions, current membership intake processmanual or TORCH Program, National Pan Hellenic Council bylaws and/orNational Panhellenic Conference bylaws.7. Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised or a simplified parliamentary manual.8. At least one copy of all sorority forms.9. Minutes of chapter meetings, regional conferences and International Boules.10. Duplicates of all correspondence sent to and from the chapter.11. A copy of the campus policy on Greek organizations.BUSINESS TRANSACTIONSIn chapters where the income exceeds $500.00 it is recommended thatthe Tamiochus be bonded. Bonding companies do not insure any persons under21 years of age. It is recommended that the undergraduate chapter advisor bebonded and is one of required signatures on chapter checks. Theundergraduate chapter advisor should sign the check in addition to twoundergraduate chapter officers, All checks!!!! Officers on the account shouldinclude the undergraduate basileus and tamiochus.Handling all obligations by check is the easiest manner by which accurate Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 5 of 32

ecords of financial transactions are kept. A voucher system is recommended forissuing checks in accordance with the policies defined in the chapter’s bylaws.Checks shall be signed by the basileus (or anti-basileus), tamiochus andundergraduate chapter advisor. Banking procedures shall be taken intoconsideration when determining the method by which funds are to be handled.Prompt payment of all chapter obligations to the region and nationaloffices resulting from business transactions during any fiscal year is essential.Individual assessments and other financial transactions may also be paid by amember’s personal credit card. Financial transactions shall be scheduled to becompleted the year in which they are made and attached to that year’sbudget.THE CHAPTER BUDGETEach chapter shall have a Finance or Budget Committee with a duty todevelop the chapter budget for the fiscal year. The tamiochus shall serve as thecommittee chairperson. The grammateus and the chairperson of the programcommittee should be members of this committee. It is necessary that thechapter determine what its program for the year will be to determine what thecost of implementing the program can be.It is best that the budget be prepared prior to the beginning of thechapter’s fiscal year. Since the fiscal year begins on July 1, it is suggested thatthe program and budget committees be appointed in time to prepare thechapter’s program and budget for adoption at the chapter’s second businesssorority meeting of the new calendar year. A budget shall consist of two parts:(1) the estimate of income that will be received during the fiscal year and (2)the estimate of the amounts to be expended during the fiscal year. A budgetmust be submitted for all programs, even last minute ones. Calendars andproposed events should be submitted to the sponsoring graduate chapter oncevoted upon by the undergraduate chapter. Revisions maybe required if thereare conflicts.The primary sources of income for chapters are individual dues andproceeds from fundraising projects. Amounts to be expended will depend uponthe program that the chapter adopts for the year, including:1. Individual, National, and regional assessments.2. Chapter, National, and regional assessments.3. Delegate expenses for regional conference and boule attendance. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 6 of 32

4. General operating expenses such as supplies, postage, officerexpense, etc.5. Contributions to charitable organizations.6. Chapter activities to support program implementation7. Contingencies, usually 5-10% of the overall budgetThe next step is to estimate the number of sorors who will be active during theyear. Divide the estimated expenditures by the number of sorors estimated to beactive. If this amount per soror proves to be too large the chapter must decidewhich item of expense to eliminate. The estimated income must equal theestimated expenditures. Reimbursement for expenses should be voted on atthe chapter meetings and approved by the <strong>Advisor</strong> (representative) beforebeing disbursed.All chapters must file Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990 with theGrand Tamiochus by July 15th as defined in Article III, Section 3 14(d) of theNational Bylaws. A copy of their 990 and End of Year report must be submittedto headquarters before July 15 th to avoid chapter fines. All chapters are requiredto obtain a Federal Tax Identification Number to establish an organizationalbank account. All chapter bank accounts shall be named (Chapter Name)Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. No chapter or region shall conductany formal business as Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. as this refers only to thenational organization.The sorority has trademark and copyright protection for the reproductionand use of the Coat of Arms. Any use or reproduction of this emblem in any formshall display the trademark symbol TM•THE SORORITY MEETINGChapters shall have regular meetings as defined in Section 3.300 of theHandbook of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.; <strong>Manual</strong> of Standard Proceduresand Instructions, Chapters will abide by the sorority’s National Bylaws, RegionBylaws and Chapter Bylaws when conducting business. The undergraduatechapter advisor shall encourage the use of parliamentary procedure.Parliamentary procedure is the tool for carrying out an effective meeting. Itshould be used as a means of making the meeting run more smoothly. Allmeetings should start on time and a prepared agenda should be given to allmembers.The Order of Business is also an effective tool for streamlining sorority Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 7 of 32

usiness. The object of the Order of Business is to provide required attention andto insure consideration of each subject at its proper time to the exclusion ofeverything else. Setting up the order of business can be emphasized at the first―Leadership Orientation Session—with new officers.The Order of BusinessCall to OrderReciting the sorority pledgeDevotion (optional)Roll Call (optional)Reading/Approving of MinutesReport of OfficersReport of Standing CommitteesReport of Special CommitteesUnfinished BusinessNew BusinessAdjournmentSinging the sorority hymn (optional)Other helpful pointers are:1. When the hour for the meeting has arrived and a quorum is present, theBasileus calls the meeting to order and carries out the order of business asprescribed in the bylaws.2. In case there is not a quorum at the time the meeting begins, business maybe informally discussed, but no action can be taken. The quorum shall bestated in the bylaws; otherwise it is a majority of the entire membership.3. The purpose an order of business is three-fold: (1) to give the chairperson adefinite plan of procedure, (2) to prevent omissions and (3) to facilitate thebusiness of the organization.4. The first duty of the presiding officer is to establish order and to maintain it.PROGRAM PLANNINGThe chapter’s annual program of activities shall be sent to the regionalsyntaktes and undergraduate chapter coordinator within the first month of theschool year. A program committee is usually a standing committee with theanti-basileus as the chairperson. It is recommended that the chapter office andthe undergraduate chapter advisor critically reviews the past year’s program inpreparation for planning the coming year’s program. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 8 of 32

It is suggested that the program chairperson meet with the committee when theacademic year first opens for the purpose of completing the tentative programto be voted on by the sorors at the first meeting of the chapter. The following isan example of annual events:Freshmen OrientationAugust/SeptemberExecutive Meeting with <strong>Advisor</strong>SeptemberReview of Officer’s DutiesSeptemberInformal RushSeptemberArea MeetingSeptember-November(Defined by region )Initiate Community Service ProgramsOctoberHomecoming activitiesOctober/NovemberFounder’s Day/WeekNovemberThanksgiving community serviceNovemberNational Assessments deadline October 1(must be received)Christmas/Kwanzaa activitiesDecemberUnited Negro College Fund DriveBlack History Week activitiesSigma WeekElect delegates to regional conferenceYouth SymposiumRhomaniaScholarships/Awards/Reports for regional conferenceRegional ConferenceElection of officersLeadership Orientation Session for new officersComplete/mail annual chapter report to graduateChapterStore records with <strong>Advisor</strong> for summerInternational BouleJanuaryFebruaryMarchMarchMarchMarchMarch/AprilMarch/April/MayApril/MayApril/MayMayMayJuly/AugustTHE ANNUAL REPORTThe chapter is responsible for completing an annual report, which is sent toNational Headquarters . This report must be received on or before July 15 ofeach year as defined in Article III, Section 314(b) of the National Bylaws. TheAnnual Report Form is an eight-page report that shall be completed by allchapters. Undergraduate chapters are not responsible for completing the PhiloFinancial Report. It is suggested that the chapter complete the annual reportprior to the end of the school year. At the last official meeting of the chapter the Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 9 of 32

asileus, grammateus and tamiochus of the chapter will sign the FinancialReport page of the Annual Report Form. The original report shall be sent toNational Headquarters upon completion to avoid incurring any fines. Copiesshall be made for the chapter files, undergraduate chapter advisor,undergraduate chapter coordinator and regional syntaktes.LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTChapters shall participate in and develop training for leadershipdevelopment of its membership. Training is performed at Area Meetings,regional conferences and International Boules. The purpose of this training is toprepare members for leadership roles and provide in-service training for officerpositions. Attendance at all levels of sorority meetings shall be encouraged bythe undergraduate chapter advisor for leadership development trainingopportunities. The undergraduate chapter advisor shall assist the undergraduatechapter in developing local training sessions. Participation in training sponsoredby the educational institution where the chapter is chartered is stronglyencouraged as well.ANNUAL CHAPTER EVALUATIONAn important aspect in structuring a chapter program for the coming yearis to have the members evaluate the program of the past year. This may beobtained from questionnaire or members may make statements on the strengthsand weaknesses of the past year’s program. Chapters may also choose toevaluate officers in terms of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of theiroffices.THE ROLE OF THE UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER ADVISOR IN THE MEMBERSHIP INTAKEPROGRAMThe undergraduate chapter advisor and the undergraduate anti-basileusmust be well informed on the responsibilities of the sorority’s current membershipprocess. The anti-basileus and chapter members must know and understand therole and responsibilities of the undergraduate chapter advisor in themembership process. The undergraduate chapter advisor is to supervise therushing, screening, interviewing, induction and orientation activities to insurethat the rules and regulations of the institution and the sorority are upheld. Thecurrent membership intake process manual, TORCH Program, contains all of theinstructions and forms required for bringing new members into the chapter. Theanti-basileus (membership chairperson) plays an important role in directing themembership process toward teaching prospective members how to become apart of the sisterhood and how to participate creatively in a group. This can be Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 10 of 32

accomplished with a mutual respect for the abilities of elected officers toeffectively carry out their responsibilities, especially the anti-basileus.The anti-basileus in her role as membership chairperson must have leadershipskills and an insight into problem solving, creative input and knowledge of thesorority’s organizational structure and hierarchy. In addition, the undergraduateanti-basileus (as well as undergraduate chapter advisor) shall be familiar withthe institution’s appropriate student affairs administrator, Pan-Hellenic Counciland campus regulations regarding membership recruitment and induction, andthe kinds of facilities and services available to sororities.SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS AND AWARDSAnnual scholarships, grants and awards are available at the regional andnational level for undergraduate chapters. The undergraduate chapter advisorshall encourage chapter application for these various sources of financialsupport. Regional awards defined for all regions can be found in Article V,Section 503 of the National Bylaws.The region may give additional awards as defined in the Regional Bylaws.National awards are defined in Article VI, Sections 602, 603 and 604 of theNational Bylaws. National grants are awarded to undergraduate chaptersthrough the Undergraduate Chapter Development Fund (Section 9.800 of theMSP) and may be requested by submitting an Undergraduate ChapterDevelopment Fund Requisition form to the Regional Syntaktes. Regions may alsoprovide regional grants and regional bylaws and policies shall be consulted forthe application process required for those funds. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 11 of 32

Audit Program for Chapter ExcellenceIntroductionThe intent of the Audit Program for Chapter Excellence is to:promote the ideals and values of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.provide chapters with an opportunity to quantifiably measure anddocument some of their successes, target problem areas within their ownchaptershave data for long term planning. The Audit Program for ChapterExcellence will help alumnae, regional, and national officers plan andprovide training and other necessary tools to assist chapters in meetingthe standards of excellence as outlined.The Program encompasses two components:the first of which details the guidelines and expectations necessary for thechapter excellence.the second component of the audit program is designed to identify howwell the chapter is meeting these expectations.The audit program is to be performed each year by the advisor of theundergraduate chapter. The corresponding audit report is to be submitted tothe undergraduate chapter coordinator of the region and shall be used totarget specific areas of improvement in subsequent months. The due date ofthe audit report is July 15th of each year.ProgramThe Audit Program for Chapter Excellence evaluates the following areas:• Academics• Service• Campus Involvement and Relations• Membership Intake and Development• Chapter Management Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 12 of 32

AcademicsIt is the position of the Sorority that a good chapter places strong emphasis onacademics. It is the obligation and expectation of each chapter to foster anenvironment that is conducive and supportive of the strong academicperformance of its members.Each chapter is expected to receive at least 70 of the 100 points possible.1. Chapter GPA Average – maximum 50 points35 points – chapter’s average GPA is equal to or exceeds the averageGPA of all NPHC organizations on campus; or equal to or exceeds theaverage GPA of clubs or organizations on campus if there is no NPHC.15 points – chapter’s average GPA is within .1 of the average GPA of allNPHC organizations on campus; or is within .1 of the average GPA of clubsor organizations on campus if there is no NPHC.0 points – chapter’s average GPA is below the average GPA of all NPHCorganizations on campus; or is below the average GPA of clubs ororganizations on campus if there is no NPHC.2. Chapter Members GPA30 points. - At least 75% of all chapter members are above a cumulative2.5 GPA at the end of each semester. 30pts available for the year,divided among semesters, quarters or trimesters. Example: if on asemester system, 15 points available each semester. If on a trimestersystem, 10 points available each trimester, and so on. (Note: There is norounding up of GPAs)3. GPA Improvement10 points. – The chapter’s GPA average improved over the previous year.4. New Members GPA10 points. – GPA requirements for new members are enforced. Award 10points if there aren’t any membership denials by National Headquartersfor failure to meet GPA requirements. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 13 of 32

ServiceThe founding principle of Sigma Gamma Rho is ―Greater Service, GreaterProgress.‖ It is expected that all chapters will strive to serve their community andfellow students.Each chapter is expected to maintain 65 points out of 100 in this category.1. Chapter Participation in Service Projects, part 115 points per project (until the chapter hits 45 in this category). Thechapter will receive fifteen points each time it conducts a service projectthat includes 30% of the chapter. Participation must be verified and theseprojects will not be counted in towards the service projects involving atleast 75% of the chapter described below. (minimum of three (3) projects)2. Chapter Participation in Service Projects, part 220 points - The chapter will receive twenty points when it conducts onelarge-scale community service project per year that includes 75% chapterparticipation. Participation must be verified.3. Sigma National Project20 points - The chapter presents at least one program that is a SigmaGamma Rho National Program. At least 75% of the chapter membersmust be present. Participation must be verified.4. Sigma Regional Project15 points - The chapter will receive fifteen points each time it conductsand or participates in a Regional service project that includes 30% of thechapter or in which the chapter completes the requirements of suchproject. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 14 of 32

Campus Involvement and RelationsThe sorority’s image is formed greatly by its involvement in campus activities.Chapter participation in annual campus events and campus leadershippositions held by chapter members are two ways a chapter may contribute toSigma’s image. Additionally, each chapter is expected to comply with allcollege policies and participate in communications and behavior that supportpositive and interactive relationships with Greek and non-Greek communities.Each chapter shall maintain a presence of "good citizenship" and strive to instillin its membership an understanding and appreciation for positive relationshipsand productive interactions within the community. Each chapter is expected toearn at least 70 of the possible 100 points in the category.1. Chapter Members Co-curricular Activities30 points - At least 30% of the chapter membership is affiliated with cocurricularactivities, not including intramurals.2. Chapter Participation in Campus Activities40 points (10 points each event) - Over 50% chapter participation in othercampus events (examples: homecoming, welcome week, etc.)(no morethan four (4) activities3. Chapter Hosting A Campus Event20 points - The chapter hosts and publicizes its own social event oncampus. Attendance by at least 50% of chapter membership will berequired.4. Chapter Participation in Non-Greek Events10 points - The chapter participates in at least one project that issponsored by a "non-Greek" organization. Attendance by at least 50% ofchapter membership will be required. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 15 of 32

Membership Intake and Chapter Education ProgramDuring and after the TORCH program, members must be trained and developedas a means of empowering members with the tools necessary to effectivelyperform the duties of the organization, implement events, and be prepared tofunction in a leadership capacity whenever needed. As such, each chapter isexpected to maintain high standards of academic achievement as well asfoster and encourage an environment of continued learning.Each chapter is expected to attain at least 70 out of 100 points in this category.1. New Member GPAs30 points - New member groups must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher in theirfirst semester with the organization.2. New Member Training20 points - The chapter implements a new member training program thatwill satisfactorily prepare new members for the proper management andperformance of sorority duties as well provide the foundation foradditional training throughout the new member’s sorority life. Prior toimplementation each year, the program must be submitted in writing tothe undergraduate chapter advisor and included in the official records ofthe membership intake chair for future reference.3. Chapter Member Development30 points – At least 75% of the chapter participates in a minimum of 5hours of leadership, career, personal, or academic development eachyear. This may be accomplished by participating in workshops, seminars,retreats, or classes both in and outside of the sorority.4. Chapter Leadership Development Event20 points – The chapter hosts one educational seminar or workshop aimedat personal, scholastic, or professional development. The workshop mustbe facilitated by someone outside of the chapter and should be open toparticipation by others outside of the chapter. Participation of 50% of thechapter is required. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 16 of 32

Chapter ManagementEach chapter is expected to adhere to competencies and structures that arecritical for the successful and on-going operation of the chapter. The followingitems will help each chapter better realize fiscal and personal responsibility.Each chapter is expected to attain 80 of the 100 points possible in this category.1. 5 points - Properly written agenda presented at each chapter meeting.2. 5 points - Occurrence of regularly scheduled chapter meetings.3. 10 points - undergraduate chapter advisor (or designated substitute) inattendance at all chapter meetings.4. 10 points - Robert’s Rules of Order properly used during chapter meetings.5. 10 points - Chapter goals, financial and programmatic thrust, establishedand submitted in writing to the undergraduate chapter advisor by .6. 5 points - Chapter Constitution and By-Laws established and adhered to.7. 5 points – University/college guidelines and requirements for campusorganizations adhered to in a timely manner.8. 5 points - National and Regional Dues submitted to Headquarters on time.9. 10 points - Officer roster submitted to Syntaktes and Undergraduate ChapterCoordinator by October 1 st .10. 5 points - Chapter bank account information , including check book shouldbe submitted to advisor by July 1 st .11.10 points - A chapter budget is prepared by the Tamiochus each year orsemester, and submitted to the undergraduate chapter r advisor with the firsttwo weeks of the semester.12. 5 points - The chapter maintains an adequate bookkeeping system that ismaintained and reported to the chapter at least monthly. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 17 of 32

13. 5 points - The records of the Anti-Grammateus are complete and accurate.Included in the files must be all agendas, minutes, correspondencereceived, officer reports, and committee reports.14. 10 points - The Annual Chapter Report and 990 Tax Form is submitted toHeadquarters on time. Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 18 of 32

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.Program for Chapter ExcellenceAudit Report FormChapter Name:_____________________________University Name: _____________________________Audit Reporter:_____________________________Chapter Contact: _____________________________Date:_____________________________I. Academics – 100 possible pointsA. Chapter GPA Average_______ (award 35, 15, or 0 points)B. Chapter Member’s GPA_______ (award a maximum of 30 points)C. Chapter GPA Average Improvement_______ (award 10 points if satisfied, 0 if not)Last Year’s GPA AverageCurrent Year’s GPA Average______________D. New Member GPA_______ (award 10 points if satisfied, 0 if not)E. Total number of chapter members_______Total Score in Academics_______ Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 19 of 32

II.Service – 100 possible pointsA. Chapter Participation in Service Projects, part 1_______ (award 15 points per project, maximum of 45)B. Chapter Participation in Service Projects, part 2_______ (award 20 points if satisfied, 0 if not)C. Sigma National Project_______ (award 20 points if satisfied, 0 if not)_D. Sigma Regional Project_______ (award 15 points if satisfied, 0 if not)Total Score in Service_______III.Campus Involvement and Relations – 100 possible pointsA. Chapter Members co-curriculum activities_______ (award 30 points if satisfied, 0 if not)B. Chapter Participation in Campus Activities_______ (award 10 points for each event, maximum of 40 points)C. Chapter Hosting A Campus Event_______ (award 20 points if satisfied, 0 if not)D. Chapter Participation in Non-Greek Events_______ (award 10 points if satisfied, 0 if not)Total Score in Campus Involvement and Relations_______ Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 20 of 32

IV.Membership Intake and Chapter Education Program – 100 possible pointsA. New Member GPAs_______ (award 30 points if satisfied, 0 if not)B. New Member Training_______ (award 20 points if satisfied, 0 if not)C. Chapter Member Development_______ (award 30 points if satisfied, 0 if not)D. Chapter Leadership Development Event_______ (award 20 if satisfied, 0 if not)Total Score in Membership Intake & Chapter Education Program________V. Chapter Management – 100 possible pointsA. Properly written agenda presented at each chapter meeting._______ 5 pointsB. Occurrence of regularly scheduled chapter meetings._______ 5 pointsC. Undergraduate chapter advisor (or designated substitute) inattendance at all chapter meetings. _________ 10 pointsD. Robert’s Rules of Order properly used during chapter meetings._______ 10 pointsE. Chapter goals, financial and programmatic thrust, establishedand submitted in writing to the undergraduate chapteradvisor. _________ 10 pointsF. Chapter Constitution and By-Laws established and adhered to._________ 5 points Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 21 of 32

G. University/college guidelines and requirements for campusorganizations adhered to in a timely manner.________ 5 pointsH. National and Regional Dues submitted to Headquarters on time.________ 5 pointsI. Officer roster submitted to Syntaktes and Undergraduate ChapterCoordinator by October 1 st . ________ 10 pointsJ. Chapter bank account information , including checkbook shouldbe submitted to advisor by July 1 st . ________ 5 pointsK. A chapter budget is prepared by the Tamiochus each year orsemester, and submitted to the undergraduate chapter advisorwith the first two weeks of the semester. ________ 10 pointsL. The chapter maintains an adequate bookkeeping system that ismaintained and reported to the chapter at least monthly.________ 5 pointsM. The records of the Anti-Grammateus are complete and accurate.Included in the files must be all agendas, minutes,correspondence received, officer reports, and committee reports.________ 5 pointsN. The Annual Chapter Report and 990 Tax Form is submitted toHeadquarters on time. ________ 10 pointsTotal Score in Chapter Management________ Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 22 of 32

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)1. Are financial T.O.R.C.H. certified sorors able to participate in the inthe Education and Training Module?2. Can Sorors that are not active attend the Informal Rush?3. What should I do if my undergraduates feel that I am not the best fit fortheir chapter? What can be done to improve the relationship?4. Do undergraduates have the right to request an advisor be replaced?5. In that we do not have co-advisors or a formal advisor apprenticeprogram, can I mentor a soror to serve as backup or a future advisor?6. Are the Anti Basileus and advisor the only two (2) Sorors that canparticipate in the Education and Training process?7. Can the young ladies that are going thru the process meet me at myapartment or house for meetings/training?8. Is it required that all Sorors step during the Neophyte presentation? Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 23 of 32

<strong>Advisor</strong>’s Checklist_______ Roster of all financial soror(s) in chapter(provide information on correct form to Syntaktes, UCC, Grammateus)_______ Contact information on each soror_______ Financial documents from previous year_______ Financial records for current year_______ Proof 990 and other documents filed_______ Budget for current year_______ Review of signature card(s) at bank(advisor’s name should be on signature card)_______ Contact information for Greek <strong>Advisor</strong>_______ Contact information for Campus <strong>Advisor</strong>_______ Updated college/university guidelines_______ GPA of all financial sorors in chapter_______ Previous Grammateus records_______ Previous Tamiochus records (reports and bank statements)_______ Previous Anti Grammateus recordsChapter Checklist_______ Current copy of National constitution and bylaws_______ Current copy of Regional bylaws_______ Current copy of Chapter bylaws_______ Calendar of Events for chapter/goals_______ Calendar of Events for college/university Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 24 of 32

INDEX$$500.00 522.5 13, 1621 years of age 5AAcademics 12, 13, 19achievements 5administrator 4, 11<strong>Advisor</strong>ivagenda 7, 17, 21alumnae chapter 1, 2, 3annual report 9Anti-Basileus 1, 6, 8, 10, 11Anti-Grammateus 18Apprentice <strong>Advisor</strong> 3approve 3Area Meeting 9assessments 6assistants 1Audit ii, 12, 19awards 11Bbank account 7, 17, 22Banking 6Basileus 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11Black History 9bonded 5bookkeeping 17, 22Boule 9budget 3, 6, 7, 17, 22Budget Committee 6business transactions 6Ccalendar 3Campus 12, 15, 20Chairperson 6, 10, 11chapter bylaws 2, 4Chapter Excellence ii, 12, 19chapter functions 2Chapter Management 12, 17, 21, 22chapter obligations 4, 6chapter program 1, 10Chapter Records ii, 5chapter report 9chapter’s operation 3charter 10check 5Coat of Arms 7Community Service 9Constitution and Bylaws 2Contingencies 7Contributions 7copyright 7correspondence 3, 5, 18, 22counselor 2credit card 6Criticism 4DDelegate 6dictatorial 1dues 6Eeducational institution 2, 3, 10election 1estimate of income 6evaluate 10executive session 4expectations 12expended 6Ffiles 5, 10, 18, 22Financial records 5fines 10 Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 25 of 32

fiscal year 6Founder 9fundraising 6funds 6, 11Ggood citizenship 15GPA 13, 16, 19graduate chapter 3Grammateus 6, 9, 18, 22grants 11Greater Service, Greater Progress 14Greek 2, 15, 20guidelines 12, 17, 22INDEXmembership intake 2, 16membership process 2, 3, 5, 10Minutes 5, 8Mission Statementimother 4NNational Headquarters 9, 13National Officers 1National Pan Hellenic Conference 2National Pan Hellenic Counci 2national programs 1new members 3, 10, 13, 16NPHC 13HHandbook 1, 5, 7hierarchy 11Iideals 12image 15income 5, 6, 7induction 3, 10, 11Internal Revenue ServiceIRS 7International 5, 9, 10interviewing 3, 10JJuly 1 6Lleaders 1leadershipiLeadership Orientation Session 4, 8, 9liaison 1lines of communication 2Mmember’s status 5Membership ii, 10, 11, 12, 16, 21Oofficer expense 7omissions 8operating expenses 6Order of Business 7, 8orientation 3, 10Pparliamentary 5, 7postage 6potential members 3preach 4precept 4procedures 1, 6Program Committee 6Public serviceiQqualifications 1quorum 8Rrecords of the chapter 5Regional Bylaws 2, 7, 11Regional Conference 9Regional Policies and Procedures 2reports 3, 5, 18, 22 Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 26 of 32

espect 11responsibilities 10retreats 16Robert’s Rules of Order 5, 17, 21roster 17, 22rushing 3, 10SScholarship 9scholarships 11screening 3, 10semester 13, 16, 17, 22seminars 16September 6, 9Service 12, 14, 20sisterhood 1, 4, 10sisterly 1sorority forms 5sponsoring graduate chapter 3Standard Procedures 2supervise 3, 10supplies 6Syntaktes 1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 17, 22INDEXTTamiochus 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 22Tax 7, 18, 22Tax Identification Number 7trademark 7transfers 5Uundergraduate chapter advisor 1, 2,3, 16, 17, 21, 22Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator iii, iv, 1,8, 9, 12, 17, 22Undergraduate ChapterDevelopment Fund 11United Negro College Fund 9Vvoting 2voucher 5Wworkshops 16YYouth Symposium 9 Undergraduate Chapter <strong>Advisor</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> Page 27 of 32

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