Annual Report 2011 - Analist.be

Annual Report 2011 - Analist.be

Annual Report 2011 - Analist.be


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Appendix – Offices of DirectorsFinancial year 2009• Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Audit Committee of Alstom S.A. (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Accounts Committeeof Bouygues S.A. (F) and Nexans S.A. (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Nomination and RemunerationCommittee of FFP (F).• Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Board of Supervisors of Lagardère S.C.A. (F).• Censor and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Nomination and RemunerationCommittee of SCOR SE (F).• Censor of Safran S.A. (F) and Exane S.A. (F).• Chairman of BNP Paribas Suisse S.A. (CH), Compagnied’Investissement de Paris S.A.S. (F) and Financière BNPParibas S.A.S. (F).• Vice-Chairman of Fortis Banque S.A./N.V. (B) (since14 May 2009).• Director of Er<strong>be</strong> S.A. (B), SCOR Holding (Switzerland) Ltd. (CH),SCOR Global Life Rückversicherung Schweiz AG (CH), SCORSwitzerland Ltd. (CH), Verner Investissements S.A.S. (F) andBNP Paribas ZAO (Russia) (until 30 July 2009).Financial year 2008• Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Audit Committee of Alstom S.A. (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Accounts Committeeof Bouygues S.A. (F) and Nexans S.A. (F).• Director of Er<strong>be</strong> S.A. (B), FFP (F), SCOR Holding(Switzerland) Ltd. (CH), Verner Investissements S.A.S. (F),BNP Paribas ZAO (Russia) and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (I)(until 1 Septem<strong>be</strong>r 2008).• Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Supervisory Board of Lagardère S.C.A. (F).• Censor and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Nomination and RemunerationCommittee of SCOR SE (F).• Censor of Safran S.A. (F) and Exane S.A. (F).• Chairman of BNP Paribas Suisse S.A. (CH), Compagnied’Investissement de Paris S.A.S. (F) and Financière BNPParibas S.A.S. (F).Financial year 2007• Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Nomination and RemunerationCommittee (until May 2007) then of the Audit Committeeof Alstom S.A. (F).• Director and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Accounts Committeeof Bouygues S.A. (F) and Nexans S.A. (F).• Director of Er<strong>be</strong> S.A. (B), FFP (F), SCOR Holding(Switzerland) Ltd. (CH), Verner Investissements S.A.S. (F),BNP Paribas ZAO (Russia) and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (I).• Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Board of Supervisors of Lagardère S.C.A. (F).• Censor and Mem<strong>be</strong>r of the Nomination and RemunerationCommittee of SCOR SE (F).• Censor of Safran S.A. (F) and Exane S.A. (F).• Chairman of BNP Paribas Suisse S.A. (CH), Compagnied’Investissement de Paris S.A.S. (F), Financière BNPParibas S.A.S. (F) and BNP Paribas UK Holdings Ltd. (UK)(until Septem<strong>be</strong>r 2007).Victor DelloyeDirectorList of activities and other mandates exercised in Belgianand foreign companies in <strong>2011</strong>• Director – General Secretary of Compagnie Nationaleà Portefeuille S.A. (formerly Fingen S.A.) (B) (since3 Octo<strong>be</strong>r <strong>2011</strong>), Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille S.A. (B)(until 3 Octo<strong>be</strong>r <strong>2011</strong>), Compagnie Immobilière deRoumont S.A. (B), Carpar S.A. (B), Investor S.A. (B),Europart S.A. (B) and Fi<strong>be</strong>lpar S.A. (B).• Director of Pargesa Holding S.A. (CH), Frère-Bourgeois S.A. (B),Financière de la Sambre S.A. (B), Safimar S.A. (B),Delcortil S.A. (B), Newcor S.A. (B), Société des Quatre CheminsS.A. (B) (until 10 Novem<strong>be</strong>r <strong>2011</strong>), Stichting AdministratiekantoorBierlaire (NL), Stichting AdministratiekantoorPeupleraie (NL), Finer S.A. (L) (formerly Er<strong>be</strong> Finance S.A.),Filux S.A. (L), Kermadec S.A. (L), Segelux S.A. (L) (formerlyGesecalux S.A.), Cargefin S.A. (L), GB-INNO-BM S.A. (B),GIB Group International S.A. (L) and Safe Lux S.A. (ex-SafeRe (Immo)) (L).• Director of GIB Corporate Services S.A. (B) as permanentrepresentative of Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille S.A.• Auditor of Agesca Nederland N.V. (NL) and Parjointco N.V. (NL).• Vice-Chairman of Association Belge des SociétésCotées A.S.B.L. (B).List of activities and other mandates exercised in Belgianand foreign companies <strong>be</strong>tween 2007 and 2010Financial year 2010• Director – General Secretary of Compagnie Nationaleà Portefeuille S.A. (B), Compagnie Immobilière de RoumontS.A. (B), Carpar S.A. (B), Investor S.A. (B), Europart S.A. (B)and Fi<strong>be</strong>lpar S.A. (B).• Director of Pargesa Holding S.A. (CH), Frère-Bourgeois S.A. (B),Financière de la Sambre S.A. (B), Fingen S.A. (B), Sociétédes Quatre Chemins S.A. (B), Centre de Coordinationde Charleroi S.A. (B) (until 10 Decem<strong>be</strong>r 2010), StichtingAdministratie kantoor Bierlaire (NL), Stichting AdministratiekantoorPeupleraie (NL), Er<strong>be</strong> Finance S.A. (L), Filux S.A. (L),Kermadec S.A. (L), Gesecalux S.A. (L), Cargefin S.A. (L),GB-INNO-BM S.A. (B), GIB Group International S.A. (L) andSafe Lux S.A. (ex-Safe Re (Immo)) (L).• Director of GIB Corporate Services S.A. (B) as permanentrepresentative of Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille S.A.• Auditor of Agesca Nederland N.V. (NL) and Parjointco N.V. (NL).• Vice-Chairman of Association Belge des SociétésCotées A.S.B.L. (B).Financial year 2009• Director – General Secretary of Compagnie Nationaleà Portefeuille S.A. (B), Compagnie Immobilière deRoumont S.A. (B), Carpar S.A. (B), Investor S.A. (B),Europart S.A. (B) and Fi<strong>be</strong>lpar S.A. (B).166 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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