INSZoom Department Training Guide - International Center

INSZoom Department Training Guide - International Center

INSZoom Department Training Guide - International Center


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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong><strong>INSZoom</strong> <strong>Department</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>OverviewThis training document provides step-by-step instructions for performing the following department activities forprocessing H-1B and Permanent Residency cases:• Completing a departmental questionnaire• Submitting required documents to the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> (if applicable)• Posting, certifying and returning the Notice of Filing Labor Condition Application• Approving formsThis document then details a number of activities to assist in tracking your employees’ case(s):• Logging into <strong>INSZoom</strong>• Checking an employee’s case status and documents received• Reviewing email• Retrieving a lost User ID and Password• Changing your passwordFinally, this document provides information on the functionality of the Zoom Assistant, including:• <strong>Department</strong>, employee and case level information tracking• Running employee and adhoc reportsNote: The <strong>INSZoom</strong> portal page can be found at https://global.inszoom.comAdditional Reference MaterialYou may want to refer to the following web pages for additional information:• Recommended Workstation Softwarehttp://www.internationalcenter.umich.edu/immig/h1bvisa/inszoom_getstart.html#software• Requesting/Updating <strong>INSZoom</strong> Accesshttp://www.internationalcenter.umich.edu/immig/h1bvisa/inszoom_getstart.html#access• Online <strong>Training</strong> and Documentationhttp://www.internationalcenter.umich.edu/immig/h1bvisa/inszoom_training.html• Tips for Using <strong>INSZoom</strong>http://www.internationalcenter.umich.edu/immig/h1bvisa/inszoom_tips.htmlChanges in <strong>Department</strong> ResponsibilitiesWith <strong>INSZoom</strong>, department responsibilities have been reduced greatly and either transferred to the <strong>INSZoom</strong>system itself or to the UM <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> (IC) to improve immigration processing consistency across UM. Asthe department representative, your primary immigration processing responsibilities now entail:• Completing the sponsoring department authorization form and H-1B/PR process authorization form. Theprocess authorization form requires the signature of the chair, dean, or director, which authorizes the IC topetition for the employee on the University’s behalf. These forms are available athttp://www.internationalcenter.umich.edu/immig/forms/Page 1 of 20 5/18/2009

Completing the H-1B/PR QuestionnaireNotes:1. If you are unable to complete the questionnaire in one sitting, you can return to complete it another time. Youcan save your work so that you do not have to re-enter information.2. The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> will not receive the completed questionnaire until you click Verify and Inform<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.3. If you do not complete the questionnaire within 5 days you will receive an email reminder to do so. Thequestionnaire is available for editing for 30 days.4. The employee receives a separate questionnaire at the same time that you receive the questionnaire.1. When you receive an email message from the IC, click the link within the email text area to open the <strong>INSZoom</strong>questionnaire. Certain email programs, such as Groupwise, require the user to either switch to HTML format orcut and paste the link into a browser. The following page displays:Page 3 of 20 5/18/2009

2. Click the Click here to Edit icon to navigate to H-1B questionnaire. The following page displays:3. Click Click here to Edit to begin editing the questionnaire. The following pop-up window displays:4. After editing, click Save And Next to edit the remaining sections.Page 4 of 20 5/18/2009

5. Continue editing until you have finished both department and University of Michigan posting information. Onthe final screen your only option will be to save or cancel. After filling in all fields, click Save.6. A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to inform the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>. If you are finished with thequestionnaire, click OK.Note: Once you have informed the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> you will no longer be able to access the questionnaire.Page 5 of 20 5/18/2009

7. The Send Email pop-up will appear. If you have further information or any questions, type additional text intothe Message field. Once complete, click Send Email. The specialist handling your case will receive an emailand you will no longer have access to the questionnaire.Page 6 of 20 5/18/2009

Uploading Documents into <strong>INSZoom</strong> (Permanent Residency cases only)Note: You are not required to upload documents into <strong>INSZoom</strong>. You may scan and email, campus mail, courier ordrop these off. Because of the loss in image quality, faxing is discouraged.1. When the IC sends you the Permanent Residency questionnaire (ETA-9089), click the link to access thequestionnaire as well as the document checklist. Click the Upload new doc link next to the document youwould like to upload. Note that you must have the documents already scanned and in a transferable format(such as DOC, JPEG or PDF) in order to use this function.2. This will open a pop-up. Click the Upload New Doc. button.Page 7 of 20 5/18/2009

3. This will open another pop-up. Type in a short description of the document, use Browse to find the documenton your computer and select the appropriate folder for the type of document. You may then repeat from stepone until you have uploaded all of the required documents.LCA ProcessThe Labor Condition Application (LCA) portion of the H-1B process has also been modified. Previously the<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> faxed the three page LCA document to the department contact along with instructions and aposting certification. This has been replaced by a one page “Notice of Filing Labor Condition Application”document that includes appointment information and a <strong>Department</strong> of Labor statement. The bottom half is used toverify posting within the department for 10 consecutive business days. This document is emailed via an <strong>INSZoom</strong>Word attachment, which will need to be printed and copied by the department. In the body of the email will beposting instructions.To encourage timely return of the certified Notice of Filing Labor Condition Application from the departmentafter posting, we will only release approval notices after receipt of the same.Page 8 of 20 5/18/2009

Approving FormsAfter the IC obtains all required documents and prepares the petition, the IC sends the I-129 (H-1B) or ETA-9089/I-140 (PR) forms to you for approval. During this phase of the process, you:1. Receive an email notice with a link to the form. Clicking the link opens the following window:2. Click the edit icon to review the form online. The following window appears:3. After reviewing for accuracy, click Close.4. Reply to the email from the IC with your approval or your questions. Alternatively, you may use the Inform<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> button below the forms links. Note, however, that using this button will revoke your accessto the forms. The IC will not file the forms until the department approves them.5. Note that for H-1B petitions the IC sends the I-539 dependent forms directly to the employee for signature.Page 9 of 20 5/18/2009

Logging into <strong>INSZoom</strong>Note: The department is never required to login to <strong>INSZoom</strong>. Questionnaires, the LCA posting certification andforms are all sent directly to the department contact as links and attachments. Logging into the system is,therefore, primarily used for tracking and reporting purposes.1. Go to https://global.inszoom.com. (Note that there is no “www” in the web address.)2. Type your user ID and password, and click Login.Checking an Employee’s Case StatusOnce you submit the sponsoring authorization form to the IC, you may want to check the employee’s case statusduring the H-1B process.1. Click Employee on the left side of the display area.Page 10 of 20 5/18/2009

2. Click the appropriate employee name from the displayed list.3. Click Case List on the left menu to display the list of <strong>INSZoom</strong> cases associated with the employee.Page 11 of 20 5/18/2009

3. Click the case ID that you would like to view from the list.The following page displays:Note that this link is only active when the<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> has added a receipt numberfor the case (post filing).Page 12 of 20 5/18/2009

Reviewing List of Documents Received by IC1. After clicking on the case ID of the employee (step 3 above) click Docs Check List from the left-hand toolbar.The list of documents will be displayed. The “Received?” column shows which documents have already beensubmitted.2. You may access scanned copies of the documents by clicking Digital Docs if the employee has uploaded themand the case manager grants you viewing access. The eyeglass icon is used to view the document. You mayinquire with the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> if you have the need to access a specific document(s).Page 13 of 20 5/18/2009

Reviewing Email Correspondence and HistoryThe employee, <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>, and the department may correspond through <strong>INSZoom</strong>’s email function. Theadvantage of corresponding through <strong>INSZoom</strong> is that it enables you to track and view all email correspondence thathas occurred between the employee and UM.Note: Email correspondence that occurs in other email tools, such as Outlook or Mulberry, is not tracked in<strong>INSZoom</strong>.1. After clicking on the name of the employee, click Emails from the left-hand menu.Retrieving a Lost UserID and PasswordIf you forget your user ID or password, you may request this information directly from <strong>INSZoom</strong>.1. Go to https://global.inszoom.com. (Note that there is no “www” in the web address.)2. Click3. You may enter either your user ID or your email address. (Note that if you are using a group name for<strong>INSZoom</strong> rather than your uniqname, you must enter the group name.)4. You will receive an email message with your user ID and password.5. If you do not receive an email within a few minutes of making the request, contact the IC aticfacultystaff@umich.edu or 763-4081 to determine whether this was sent, and if so, to which email address.The IC may also resend this directly to you.Page 14 of 20 5/18/2009

A guide to other <strong>INSZoom</strong> features:Zoom Assistant:My Details – Lists the current information about the contacts in your department. Note that for <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>purposes, there is no difference between Info of Person Signing Forms and Administrative Contact Info.Changing/updating this information requires submitting the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>INSZoom</strong> Authorization form.Employee - Lists the names of all current and previous employees that have been sponsored by the department.Note that even individuals that are no longer with the department are included in this list.Additional Contacts – If the department has submitted for more than two individuals to be <strong>INSZoom</strong> contacts, theadditional individuals are listed here. Note that all departments have Steve Drews and Jennifer Mitts listed, whoprovide prevailing wage information on all H-1B cases.<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> Details – Provides contact information for the North Campus <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.Change Password – Please read the password guidelines; <strong>INSZoom</strong> will reject any passwords that do not meettheir specific requirements.Search – This provides a number of options for finding an employee in the department. This includes by Name,Employee ID (UMID) or Case ID.My Emails – Emails that the department sends through <strong>INSZoom</strong> or that the <strong>International</strong> sends specifically to thedepartment through <strong>INSZoom</strong> are listed here. Note that department level emails are almost never sent and thatemails sent at the employee and case level are located elsewhere (see below).Page 15 of 20 5/18/2009

Clicking My Details, Employee, Additional Contact Info or My Emails will take you to a second set of optiondisplayed in a left-hand sidebar. This is the department level:Employee Case List – Lists all of the open and approved cases in your department. Note that when an individualleaves the university, the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> inactivates that individual’s case, removing it from this list. Therefore,any cases listed here are considered “active,” which means that they are either currently in process or the currentcase dictating the individual’s valid status. If a case appears here that you believe it no longer relevant to theindividual’s status, please report this to icfacultystaff@umich.edu.Details – Same as My Details above.Miscellaneous – Not used.Addnl Contacts – Same as Additional Contacts above.Client List – Same as Employee above.LCAs – Lists all LCAs filed on behalf of department. You may click on the LCA to obtain additional information onthe specific attestations made to the <strong>Department</strong> of Labor. Note that this does not apply to all cases.Digital Docs – Not used.Appointments/Activities – Not used.Emails – Same as My Emails above.Policy/<strong>Guide</strong>lines – Not used.News – Not used.Custom Data – Not used.Change Login Id – Used to change the Id used to login to <strong>INSZoom</strong>. Note that this changes the Id for all users inthe department.Page 16 of 20 5/18/2009

Clicking on the name of one the employees will bring up a further set of options. This is the employee level:SnapShot – Click to view a pop-up of the employee’s personal information, document information, previous andcurrent job information, case information and educational history. Note that many of the fields are not requested forthe processing of H-1B and Permanent Residency cases and, therefore, will always be blank.Case List – Lists all of the employee’s open, approved and closed cases. Progress on open cases is indicated bythe length of the green bar. You may click on the Case ID in order to view the completed and uncompleted stepsas well as the estimated completion dates.Contact Info – Displays basic personal and contact information that has been submitted by the department andemployee to the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>. Note that many of the fields are not requested by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.Relative/s – Shows the names of all dependents that the employee has entered into <strong>INSZoom</strong>. You may click onthe dependent’s name in order to view additional detail on their personal and immigration history.Passport Info – Provides basic passport information that the employee has submitted includingissuance/expiration dates and birth and citizenship information.US Immigration info – Click to view information on the individual’s Form I-94. Most of the other fields, such asDS-2019 and USCIS Documents, are not used by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.Proposed Job Info – Displays the information submitted by the department about the employee’s upcoming orcurrent employment. Information should mirror what has been provided in the department questionnaire. Note thatmany fields are not used.Current Job Info – Not used.History Info – Shows previous employment and education information provided by the employee. Clicking onindividual entries pulls up additional detail (if entered by the employee).Arrival/Departure Info – Not used.Notes – Almost never used. If the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> enters an employee note and gives the department viewingaccess, they will be displayed here. Notes are confined to exceptional circumstances and normally informationwould also be emailed to the department unless of a very low priority.Emails – Displays all emails sent through <strong>INSZoom</strong> to the employee and department. Note that emails sentthrough other programs, such as Outlook, will not be displayed here. Click on the email to view content.Document Expiration Dates – Provides basic information about the expiration of the employee’s passport, Form I-94 and any approved H-1B cases. Visa and USCIS document information is not used.Page 17 of 20 5/18/2009

Clicking on the case under one of the employees brings up a final set of options. This is the case level:SnapShot – Brings up a pop-up containing information about the case, its steps list and, if it has been approved,the approval information. Some fields, such as Visa and SWA and DOL information, are not used.Details/Dates – Also provides information about the case and, if it has been approved, the approval information.List – Same as Case List above.Status Docs – Not used.Custom Data – Not used.Docs Check List – Displays the list of documents required for the case. The “Received?” column shows which, ifany, documents have already been submitted.Digital Docs – Click to access scanned copies of the documents if the employee has uploaded them and the casemanager grants you viewing access. The eyeglass icon is used to view the document. You may inquire with the<strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> if you have the need to access a specific document(s).Status & Reminders/Steps – Shows the steps list for the case. Steps marked with a green check have beencompleted. Also shows the steps’ estimated completion date as well as the date that the step was completed(when applicable).Milestones/Timeline – Pulls up a pop-up of the steps list. This breaks down which steps have been completedand which are pending on a month-by-month basis.Emails – Displays all cases specific emails sent through <strong>INSZoom</strong> to the employee and department. Non-casespecific emails will not be displayed here. Additionally, emails sent through other programs, such as Outlook, willnot be displayed here. Click on the email to view content.Page 18 of 20 5/18/2009

ReportsThere are two types of reports – Employee Reports and Adhoc Reports. Employee reports are standard onesprovided by <strong>INSZoom</strong> that display directly on the website. Fields cannot be added to these reports. Adhoc reportsare those created by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> that open in Microsoft Excel. Fields can be added to these reports. Ifthere are fields that you would like to see in these reports or an entirely new report that you would like, you maycontact the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> at icfacultystaff@umich.edu or 763-4081 to determine whether this is feasible.Reports can be customized on an individual department level.Employee ReportsCase Status Report – Use this report to view the status of cases opened in a specific timeframe. This reportrequires the range during which the case(s) were opened, country and petition type. Note that country should beleft as “ALL COUNTRIES” and petition type will almost always be “All Petitions.” Although you may specify aspecific petition type, many of those listed are not used by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Center</strong> and will produce empty results.Click Get Report and this will display the Employee Name, Case Id, Last Step Completed Date and LastCompleted Step.Case Expiration Report – Use this report to view the expiration date of any approved H-1B cases within thespecified range. This report requires the date from which you would like records displayed, the range and thesorting criteria. From Date will almost always be today’s date, For Next can be between 1 month and 2 years andsorting criteria determines the order of the records displayed. Click Get Report and this will display the Case Id,Case Type, Case Status, Employee Name, Validity Dates and days remaining until case expiration.Page 19 of 20 5/18/2009

Adhoc Reports<strong>Department</strong> Additional Detail Report – Use this report to view a high level of detail of all cases opened within thespecified range. This report requires the range during which the case(s) were opened. Glick Get Report and thiswill open in Microsoft Excel. This will show the employee’s UMID, Name, Case Type, Job Title, Salary, Last StepCompleted, Last Step Completed Date, Next Step, Next Step Estimated Completion Date, Cases Status, CaseExpiration Date, Passport Expiration Date, IC Case Manager and Case Attorney. Note that many of the fields willnot apply to any given case.Additional QuestionsIf you have questions while using <strong>INSZoom</strong>, send an email message to ICfacultystaff@umich.edu or call 763-4081.Page 20 of 20 5/18/2009

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