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8A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 20137 MileContinued from Page 1AIn recent weeks, CommissionerDanny Kolhage hasbeen pushing FDOT to releasethe inspection reports, arguingthe public needs to knowthe condition of the bridge ifmillions of taxpayer dollars willbe used to maintain it. He alsosaid the bridge is no longerused as a roadway, and shouldnot be subject to HomelandSecurity requirements.At Wednesday’s commissionmeeting, Kolhage threatenedto call for a vote asking thecommission to file a lawsuit tomake the records public, buthe backed off his request whenthe commission agreed to askFDOT if a private engineeringfirm that currently contractswith the county could reviewthe reports.“This is a major public investment.I think we would haveScareContinued from Page 1Ato apprehend Steven Hamley,53, who faces a felony chargeof making a bomb threat, firstthreatening to blowHamley was in theDepartment of Highway Safetya good case,” Kolhage said ofsuing FDOT. “We need to havean independent engineeringreport to determine the longevityof that bridge.”County AdministratorRoman Gatesi told the commissionthat FDOT “is fine with”having an independent engineeringfirm review the reports.However, the firm’s report tothe commission “could be confidential,”County Attorney BobShillinger said.Kolhage told The Citizenafter the meeting that he stillbelieves the inspection reportsshould be released to the public.The county has several engineeringfirms under contract.Some of those firms specializespecifically on bridges, CountyEngineer Kevin Wilson said.Commissioners also proposedthe engineers visit thebridge and “spot check it,” theysaid.FDOT has told the Countyand Motor Vehicles (DMV)office on South RooseveltBoulevard in Key West at 12:30p.m. after having learned thathis license had been suspendedduring a traffic stop the nightbefore on Stock Island, accordingto a press release.Hamley went to the DMV toget his license reinstated, butRFP NO. 2013-04AFLORIDA KEYS MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICTKEY WEST, FLORIDAREQUEST FOR PROPOSALSSEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of Commissioners ofthe Florida Keys Mosquito Control District for the following:JET A FUELINTERESTED PERSONS may obtain specifi cations bycalling the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District AdministrationOffi ce, Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Telephone305-292-7190.NO BIDS were received for original bid. In an effort to providevendors an opportunity to participate, the District has chosen to RE-BID this under a supplemental Bid Number 2013-04A.SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED and OPENEDon Monday, April 29th, 2013 at 2:00 P.M at the Key WestAdministration Building, 5224 College Road, Stock Island, Key West.Recommendations will be given to the Board of Commissioners at aRegular Meeting to be held on Monday, May 20th, 2013. Bids mustbe clearly marked on the face of the envelope “Jet A Fuel.”THE BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bidsand/or to waive any and all irregularities in all bids.BY ORDER of the Board of Commissioners, Florida KeysMosquito Control District, Stock Island, Key West, Florida.ATTEST:Jill Cranney-GageSecretary-TreasurerWilliam J. ShawChairmanApril 20, 2013 Key West Citizen 355005NOTICE OF PUBLICHEARINGNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, May 6, 2013the Monroe County Historic Preservation Commission willhold a Public Hearing at the Tavernier Fire House, 151 MarineAve., Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida, approximate MM 92,beginning at 2:00 PM, to consider the items listed below. TheHPC is a government agency with authority to review andrecommend to the Director of Planning on properties locatedwithin the Tavernier Historic District, all historically designatedproperties within Monroe County, and potential propertiesrequesting to receive historic designation by Monroe County.Further, pursuant to Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes, noticeis given that if a person decides to appeal any decision madeby the Commission with respect to any matter considered atsuch hearing or meeting, that person will need to ensure thata verbatim record of the proceedings is made; such recordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal isto be based. Pursuant to the Board of County Commissioners’Resolution #131-1992, if a person decides to appeal anydecision of the Historic Preservation Commission he or sheshall provide a transcript of the hearing before the HistoricPreservation Commission, prepared by a court reporter at theappellant’s expense, which transcript shall be fi led as a part ofthe on appeal within the time provided in Section 102.85, theMonroe County Code, amended.The public is further advised that some or all of the membersof the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, theMonroe County Planning Commission, the Commission/Council members and/or their appointed representatives of theincorporated cities of Marathon, Key Colony Beach, Layton, andthe Village of Islamorada, may attend the meeting and discussitems that may come before their respective commissions,councils, or advisory boards.ADA Assistance: If you are a person with a disability whoneeds special accommodations in order to participate in thisproceeding, please contact the County Administrator’s Offi ce, byphoning (305)292-4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:00p.m., no later than fi ve (5) calendar days prior to the scheduledmeeting; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call “711”.2:00 pm Regular Meeting1. VIRGINA DELGADO OAKWOOD is proposing to removethe existing red asphalt shingle roof and replace it with peeland stick underlayment and 5-vcrimp (silver color), metalpanels at her home at 168 Lowe Street. The subject propertyis legally described as partial lot 15 and all of lot 21 TavernierBeach AMD, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida having RealEstate Number: 00566230-000000.2. BALLAST TRAIL LLC is proposing to construct a dockand mooring piles at 200 Ballast Trail. The subject propertyis legally described as Pt Lots 4,9,10, B & D Amos LoweHomestead, island of Key Largo, Monroe County, Floridahaving Real Estate Number: 00090220-000000.April 20, 2013 Key West Citizen382587Commission that the annualcost of maintaining the OldSeven Mile Bridge would beabout $70,000 a year, and thecounty would have to spend$3.5 million every 10 years topaint it. The county would haveto set aside about $420,000 ayear to cover the annual costsand save for the 10-year paintjob, Gastesi has said.Kolhage and other commissionershave questioned theaccuracy of the estimates, asthey do not take into accountwork that may be needed belowthe water line.There are several businessgroups in Marathon that havebeen lobbying the county andFDOT to renovate the bridge.Also on Wednesday, thecommission approved a contractto continue to pay forferry service to Pigeon Key offthe Old Seven Mile Bridge. Thecounty’s share of the ferry servicefor one year is $87,500. Thecity of Marathon has agreedwhile there, he was told it hadbeen suspended for failure topay child support, Herrin said.Hamley then allegedly told theclerk he would like to blow upthe Child Support Enforcementoffices in Marathon.Employees at the DMV toldhim to leave the office and hedid, returning a few minuteslater to apologize. Employeestold Hamley to leave again andthen called police.Deputies responded tothe threatened building inMarathon, where they removedemployees from the buildingand checked it for any suspiciouspackages or explosives.Finding none, they allowedeveryone back inside, accordingto the press release.In the meantime, Key Westfirefighters began removingpeople from Habana Plaza,which formerly housed a childservices office, but police arrivedand told people to return towork. Everyone was allowedback in the offices shortly afterPoetsContinued from Page 1Ain his 30s, making his home in New York,where he became part of the postwaravant-garde scene and watched as TheBeat poets ushered in a new era.“They were a release because all I hadwas high school poetry,” Congdon said.“I saw what they were doing. It was verydaring. Gregory Corso was almost an illiteratepoet. He was daring to say thingsand do things I wouldn’t have done. Hewas respected and added to the history ofpoetry by just being honest. It was clumsywork but it was convincing.”He plans to read tonight from his 65years of poetry, after City CommissionerJimmy Weekley opens the show by readingthe formal proclamation the commissionapproved earlier this year naming theisland’s first Poet Laureate.The Key West Poetry Guild suggestedCongdon, said Weekley.“We’ve had Poet Laureates that havelived here,” Weekley said, referring to thenationally selected poets. “I’m hoping thatit’s something we can do every year torecognize someone as Poet Laureate ofKey West. It could be the same person toachieve that honor.”While Poet Laureates have been aroundPeople stroll along the Old Seven Mile Bridge. The popular walkway is in need of repair.to pay $18,000 and FDOT hasagreed to pay $125,000. FDOThas told the county that thiswill be the last year it will fundferry service, raising concernsabout continued access to the12:30 p.m., said Key West policespokeswoman Alyson Crean.Meanwhile, Sheriff’s dispatcherswere able to track down a cellphone number for Hamley andgave the number to a detectivewho called Hamley and askedhim to meet him somewhere sothey could talk.Hamley met the detectivenear Eagle Avenue andwas taken into custody about45 minutes after making thealleged comments.Hamley reportedly apologizedagain and was taken toMonroe County DetentionCenter on Stock Island.No bomb squad or SWATofficers were called during theincident, Herrin said.“Obviously, with everythinggoing on in the national news,it’s not a good time to lose controland make jokes or threatsabout bombs,” Herrin said.“And with the recent reportswe’ve had here everyone is alittle tense and aware.”alinhardt@keysnews.comold Flagler railroad camp onPigeon Key.Currently, pedestrian andbike traffic is allowed on theOld Seven Mile Bridge, butvehicle traffic is not. Neugentfor centuries, the U.S. started its own literarytradition in 1937, then calling poetJoseph Auslander the Consultant in Poetryto the Library of Congress.Each year, the Librarian of Congressmakes the one-year appointments,although several have been reappointed.Congress in 1985 changed the title toPoet Laureate Consultant in Poetry, andthe job includes a $35,000 annual stipendthat is privately funded, and a few dutiessuch as giving lectures.The nation’s 19th Poet Laureate isNatasha Trethewey.Congdon said tonight’s poetry ceremonyisn’t all about him.“I’m going to try to make it brief; Iunderstand there are other readings afterme,” Congdon said. “It’s about 25 minutes,short pieces from my work that are easy tounderstand.”Congdon landed in Key West in 1959,after his vacation to Cuba abruptly endedwith Fidel Castro’s New Year’s revolutionthat soon made him dictator of theCommunist nation.He divides his time between Key Westand Fire Island, N.Y. and describes hisapproach to writing as anything but academic.“I never wrote to document anything,”Congdon said. “I wrote when I felt movedto and I feel that’s the proper impulse,MIKE HENTZ/The Citizenand other county officialsexpect that all traffic on thebridge will soon be shutdown, as the bridge is in disrepair.tohara@keysnews.comSANDRA FREDERICK/The CitizenA bomb threat briefly evacuated offices at Habana Plaza on FlaglerAvenue Friday afternoon, when a phone call claimed a bomb waslocated inside a former child services office. Workers were sent outsideinto the street for a brief period. In the meantime, the suspectedcaller was arrested and apologized for the false threat. The samesuspect allegedly threatened to bomb the Child Support Enforcementoffice in Marathon, which was also briefly evacuated Friday.TONYA PARKS/The CitizenBUSINESS GUILDTURNS 35WITH PRIDEThe San Carlos Institutewas draped in a rainbowFriday while hosting the KeyWest Business Guild’s 35thanniversary gala. The guildis one of the nation’s oldestgay and lesbian chambers ofcommerce, and was createdin 1978 by gay guesthouseowners. The guild hassteadily grown to includemore than 400 membersrepresenting both gay andstraight-owned businesses.not to write it because you want to writea poem but because you’re disturbedor thankful and that you learn from thepoem why you are writing it. You do notdictate what the poem is supposed tobe.”Congdon started writing when he was inthe third grade.“I was writing terrible poetry,” he said.“Forced rhyme.”Born in West Chester, Penn., Congdongrew up in Old Mystic, Conn. the youngestof three children during the Depression.He recalls his parents scrimping for mealsbut said he was too young to understandthe gravity of poverty.Drafted into the Army during World WarII, Congdon served for three years andwent to Columbia University on the G.I.Bill.Congdon subscribes to the “a writerwrites” philosophy of success and doesn’tbelieve in taking courses or trying to teachpoetry writing.“There’s a magic to it after, say, 10years,” he said. “It helps if you can’t doanything else. I’m inept at everythingexcept I’ve got a knowledge of poetry.You learn by doing it. The secret is toput it aside and come back to it as astranger. Then you see the faults wherethe language doesn’t flow.”gfilosa@keysnews.com

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