April 2010 - Australian Asphalt Pavement Association

April 2010 - Australian Asphalt Pavement Association

April 2010 - Australian Asphalt Pavement Association


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aapa news<strong>April</strong> <strong>2010</strong>CONTENTS Environmental and Safety Benefits of <strong>Asphalt</strong> AAPA Health and Safety Conference Ammann Australia established and to join AAPA AAPA Training Courses Venture Far and Wide National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting(NGERS) Global <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> Alliance SupportsWarm Mix Environmental and Safety Benefits of <strong>Asphalt</strong>For those of us working in the asphalt and bitumen industry werecognise the important role our products play in supporting the socialand economic structure of society. Without bituminous pavementssociety would be a very different place.But have you thought about the environmental and safety benefits ofasphalt roads – the roads we make?<strong>Asphalt</strong> and bituminous pavements are sustainable being made of100% recyclable products. They have a very low carbon footprint andremain safe even in wet conditions. Maintained bituminous pavementsalso lower vehicle fuel costs.We all recognize the benefits of bituminous paving, but we are notvery good at spreading this message.AAPA has therefore released a brochure on theenvironmental and safety benefits of asphalt andbitumen pavements so that we can let others know.If you work in our industry you should obtain acopy and pass it to your friends and familyto let them know some of the benefitsof our pavements.Copies should also be providedto relevant decision makers inyour company, to politicians,your staff and to anyoneinterested in theenvironment.Copies are available from AAPA or may be downloaded from the AAPA website www.aapa.asn.au.AAPA Health and Safety ConferenceAAPA’s 14 th Road Construction and Surfacing Health and SafetyConference is fast approaching. It is to be held in Darling Harbourfrom 7-8 June.The conference will bring together a wide range of health and safetypractitioners discussing a range of current and relevant issues directlyrelevant to our industry.The major theme will be roadsite traffic management, particularly themanagement of speed as motorists pass close to worksite. This willinclude a panel discussion from a range of experts.AAPA Training Courses Venture Far and Widewww.aapa.asn.auPapers will include: South <strong>Australian</strong> marketing campaign tosupport roadside workers, Vicroads safety code of practice, National OH&S laws. Truck rollover warning alarms.For information about the AAPA Health and Safety Conference go to the conference website http://www.halledit.com.au/RoadHealthSafety<strong>2010</strong>Ammann Australia established and to join AAPAAmmann has been a successful supplier in the <strong>Australian</strong> market witha range of compaction equipment, marketed through the Conplantnetwork. More recently, Ammann introduced its range of asphalt plantinto Australia.To strengthening their support for current and future customers inAustralia they have announced that they have established AmmannAustralia Pty Ltd.For further information refer to the announcement from Ammann on the AAPA website www.aapa.asn.au.During May and June AAPA will be running training courses in Perth,Mackay, Parkes, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Emerald (Qld) &Townsville.During the following months courses will be offered around thecountry including Working Safely with Bitumen, a course everypractitioner in our industry should do at least once every two years. Warm Mix Validation Project Underway Smoothness Matters AAPA Study Tour <strong>2010</strong> to follow ISAP Conference New AAPA Website Under Development Conferences and Events <strong>2010</strong> AAPA Training Courses for May & June <strong>2010</strong>For further information refer to the back page of this newsletter.Although Ammann Australia Pty Ltd will representthe asphalt plant range of products, Conplant willcontinue to represent the Ammann range ofcompaction equipmentCourses for May and June include: Fundamentals of Bituminous Surfacing (3days) Sprayed Sealing Selection and Design Sprayed Sealing Field Practices <strong>Asphalt</strong> Placement and Compaction

National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting (NGERS)Under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act, 2007every corporation should have reported its energy consumption by end ofOct 09, if, in the 2008-9 financial year:- It or a member of its corporate group had operational control of afacility that emitted 25kT or more of greenhouse gases (CO2-e),or produced or consumed 100TJ or more of energy; or The corporate group emitted 125kT or more of greenhouse gases(CO2-e), or produced or consumed 500TJ or more of energy.Although bitumen has been defined as a reportableenergy source, it is not actually consumed and assuch emits no greenhouse emissions. It is also100% recyclable. AAPA has therefore recommendedthat bitumen be removed from the list of reportablematerials. However, until it is removed, anycorporation using bitumen is likely to be required toreport.For the 2009-10 financial year it must report if it meets the above facilitythreshold, or as a corporate group if it emits 87.5kT CO2-e of emissionsor has produced or consumed more than 350TJ of energy.Under the Act, bitumen is defined as a reportable energy source whichmust be reported even though it is not “burnt”. As a guide,approximately 2315 tonnes of bitumen used is equal to around 100TJ ofenergy consumed. If a facility (asphalt plant or spray seal operation)uses more than this amount of bitumen in a year, reporting is required.AAPA has negotiated with the Department of Climate Change andreached agreement in principle that the point of consumption of bitumenfor the purposes of the Act is when it is first converted into anotherproduct, for example, when it is converted into asphalt or PMB or issprayed as a seal. This means that bitumen use is only reported once.If you require any further information contact theDepartment of Climate Change. Also in <strong>April</strong> theDepartment is holding a series of training workshopsto provide interactive instruction on how to use theOnline System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting(OSCAR).The free, half-day training will also comprise a briefoverview of National Greenhouse and EnergyReporting issues. To attend emailreporting@climatechange.gov.au, writing “OSCARworkshop: (designated city)” in the email title.For more information refer to Department of Climate Change’s website http://www.climatechange.gov.au/government/initiatives/nationalgreenhouse-energy-reporting.aspxor call the Department on 1800 018 831Global <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> Alliance supports Warm MixThe Global <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> Alliance (GAPA) met in January andagreed to issue a statement supporting warm mix asphalt (WMA).GAPA represents the European, US, South Africa and <strong>Australian</strong><strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> <strong>Association</strong>s as well as the Japan Road Construction<strong>Association</strong>.In its press statement GAPA notes that the effectiveness of this greentechnology “.... has been proven through ongoing implementation inEurope and the United States.” GAPA also believes that warm mix willinevitably become “... the standard practice for asphalt mixtureproduction.”In making these comments GAPA encourages those in our industry,including government agencies to become informed about warm mixasphalt technology and move towards its implementation.We know that asphalt is a clean and green material.It is 100% recyclable and produces very littlegreenhouse gas in the production of bitumen andasphalt.But with warm mix we can even further reduceemissions as well as increase safety for workers.AAPA supports the call by GAPA to use WMA subjectto it being validated as equivalent or better than hotmix asphalt.Global <strong>Asphalt</strong><strong>Pavement</strong> AllianceTHE WORLD RIDES ON USA copy of the position statement may be downloaded from the AAPA website www.aapa.asn.au.Warm Mix Validation Project UnderwayWarm Mix <strong>Asphalt</strong> (WMA) is of great interest in Australia as well asoverseas. It presents an important opportunity for fuel savings at theasphalt production plant, reduced greenhouse emissions, lower roadclosure times and a range of other benefits. The inclusion of increasedamounts of recycled asphalt (RAP) makes it even more appealing.AAPA therefore initiated a project with Austroads to validate theperformance of WMA in Australia. As a first step the Austroads <strong>Asphalt</strong>Research Reference Group (ARRG) – made up of AAPA industry andRoad Authority members – developed a WMA Trial Protocol.The ARRG Protocol provides an agreed set of tests and conditions for anational validation project. It includes monitoring of cracking, rutting,texture and surface condition over at least a two summer period. This isexpected to validate that WMA will meet the same requirements as HMA.<strong>Asphalt</strong>Following the development of the protocol AAPA andAustroads have now initiated a validation project tobe conducted on a roadway provided by VicRoads.Industry will lay a range of WMA and HMA surfacesincluding surfaces having different proportion ofrecycled asphalt. Testing will then be overseen byARRB. State Road Authorities from across Australiaare also participating.The trial will commence this month with a view toguiding changes to State and Municipalspecifications to allow projects Managers topurchase WMA as a material of choice.For further information contact Cassandra Simpson on 03 9853 3595, 0422 397 939 or Cassandra.simpson@aapa.asn.au

Smoothness MattersThe US <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> Alliance (APA) has just released a newpublication highlighting the benefits of asphalt pavement, lower fuelconsumption.The publication notes that smoothness has a direct, provable impact onvehicle fuel consumption. This simple fact has been demonstrated bymore than 30 years of research.The document released by APA is a summary of how pavementsmoothness affects vehicle fuel economy. The document referencesmore detailed information and research reports that support this case,including the fact that a good maintenance program that increasespavement smoothness could reduce vehicle fuel consumption in the USby about 7 billion US gallons annually.This is the equivalent of taking over 10 million vehicles off the road inthe US every year.Copies of “Smoothness Matters” may be downloaded from the NAPA website www.hotmix.org.Copies of this and other APAA documents will also be added to the new AAPA website.AAPA Study Tour <strong>2010</strong> to Follow ISAP ConferenceAAPA is planning a study tour to concentrate on emerging issues anddevelopments in asphalt technology.This tour will be to the US and will follow the 11 th InternationalConference on <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong>s by the International Society for<strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong>s (ISAP) in August <strong>2010</strong>.The ISAP Conference is held every four years and is the mostsignificant international technical conference relevant to our industry.It will be held in Nagoya, Japan and anyone having the opportunityto attend should do so.The theme for the conference is “Safe Global Environment”.Papers will cover various aspects of new asphalt pavementtechnologies, particularly those recently developed for copingwith environmental problems and enhancing road safety. It willalso address current issues relating to pavement design,materials, and innovative construction methods. A tradeexhibition and technical tours will also be held.The AAPA Study Tour will follow the ISAP Conference althoughpeople can join the tour in the US if they are not able to attendthe conference.Maintained asphalt roads will also reduce fuelconsumption in Australia resulting in lower fuelcosts and significant reduction in greenhouseemissions.APA is an alliance betweenthe US National <strong>Pavement</strong><strong>Association</strong>, the <strong>Asphalt</strong>Institute, and US State<strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong><strong>Association</strong>s.APA’s mission is to further theuse and quality of asphaltpavements through research,technology transfer,engineering, education, andinnovation.AAPA has close links with APA through its membershipof the Global <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong> AllianceThe study tour will focus on developments in asphaltdesign and construction including in areas such as WMA,SMA and RAP. Testing methods will also be considered.Those attending the tour will meet with practitioners inthe US and be able to share information. Importantly itwill provide the opportunity to see actual field results.Previous AAPA study tours have proven extremelyvaluable for attendees.If you are interested in participating contact CassandraSimpson at AAPA. Also if you have any particular areas ofthe US that you believe would warrant visiting please letCassandra know.AAPA <strong>2010</strong> Study TourFor information about the ISAP Conference refer to www.isap-nagoya<strong>2010</strong>.jp.For information about the AAPA Study Tour to the US contact Cassandra Simpson on 03 9853 3595, 0422 397 939 orCassandra.simpson@aapa.asn.auNew AAPA Website under DevelopmentThe new AAPA website is currently under development.Once completed it will be easy to use and provide quick access toinformation. It will also provide information on member’s servicesand on line registration and payment facilities for training courses.As with all new websites, there are still a few teething problemswhich will be ironed out over the next couple of weeks. These willbe fixed over the next few days. But if you notice any problems,particularly after next week, please let us know.Any comments or suggestions please send to info@aapa.asn.au or give Garry a call on 03 9853 3595

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2010</strong>Conferences and Events <strong>2010</strong>Financing Surface Transportation in the UnitedStates: 4th National Conference 2009New Orleans, Louisiana,USAMartine Micozzi, Transportation Research BoardTel: +1-202-334-3177Email: mmicozzi@nas.edu5-7 <strong>April</strong> 21st Century Expressway: Charting The WayForwardKuala Lumpur, Malaysia Urban Forum (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd., 45-2 BlockC2, Dataran Prima Jalan PJU 1/39, 47301,Petalang Jaya, Selangor, MalaysiaTel: +603-7880-6839Email: piece<strong>2010</strong>@urban-forum.com28-30 <strong>April</strong> Bridges Australia <strong>2010</strong> Brisbane, QLD (02) 9229 1000, enquire@iqpc.com.au;www.bridgesaustralia.com.au19-21 May 16 th International Road Federation (IRF)World Road Meeting <strong>2010</strong>: Better Roads,Better World1-2 June Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference<strong>2010</strong>: Vict Transport Plan A Year ForwardLismore PortugalMelbourne Vic7-8 June AAPA Health and Safety Conference Darling Harbour,SydneyInternational Road Federation.http://www.irfnet.org/Expotrade Australiahttp://www.vtic.viconference.com.au/index.htmContact AAPA office or Denise McQueen,Hallmark Pty Ltd, 99 Bay Street, Brighton,Victoria, 3186Tel: +61-3-8534-5021Email: denise.mcqueen@halledit.com.au16-17 June Road Design, Construction and Upgrades Brisbane Qld IQPC: (02) 9229 1000; enquire@iqpc.com.auwww.roadassetmaintenance.com.au1-6 Aug 11th International Conference on <strong>Asphalt</strong><strong>Pavement</strong>s11-12 Aug <strong>2010</strong> Australasian Roadmarking & Signs Conf: Ourrole in enhancing road safetyNagoya, JapanSunshine Coast QldInternational Society for <strong>Asphalt</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong>shttp://isap-nagoya<strong>2010</strong>.jp/Roadmarking Industry <strong>Association</strong> Victoria.Email ceo@riaa.com.au ph 03 9554 310210-12 Oct 2 nd International Sprayed Sealed Conference Melbourne, Australia www.arrb.com.au12-15 Oct ARRB Conference & 50 th Birthday celebrations Melbourne, Australia www.arrb.com.au12-14 Oct World Congress on Emulsions Lyon, France www.cme-emulsion.comNATIONAL OFFICEJohn LambertLevel 2, 5 Wellington StreetKEW VIC 3101May Unit/Course Location Course Code3 Fundamentals of Bituminous Surfacing Perth WA TC10144-5 Sprayed Sealing Selection & Design Perth WA TC10154-5 Sprayed Sealing Selection & Design Mackay QLD TC10165 Sprayed Sealing Design Perth WA TC10175 Sprayed Sealing Design Mackay QLD TC10186 Sprayed Sealing Field Procedures Perth WA TC10196 Sprayed Sealing Field Procedures Mackay QLD TC102018-19 Sprayed Sealing Selection & Design Parkes NSW TC102220 Sprayed Sealing Field Procedures Parkes NSW TC102325 Fundamentals of Bituminous Surfacing Adelaide SA TC102426 Selection of <strong>Pavement</strong> Surfacings Adelaide SA TC102527 <strong>Asphalt</strong> Placement & Compaction Adelaide SA TC1026June Unit/Course Location Course Code1 <strong>Asphalt</strong> Placement & Compaction Brisbane Qld TC10272 Selection of <strong>Pavement</strong> Surfacings Brisbane Qld TC10283 <strong>Pavement</strong> Maintenance Practices Brisbane Qld TC10298 <strong>Asphalt</strong> Placement & Compaction Melbourne Vic TC10308-9 Sprayed Sealing Selection & Design Emerald Qld TC10319 Sprayed Sealing Design Emerald Qld TC10329 <strong>Pavement</strong> Maintenance Practices Melbourne Vic TC103310 Sprayed Sealing Field Procedures Emerald Qld TC103410 Selection of <strong>Pavement</strong> Surfacings Melbourne Vic TC103522-23 Sprayed Sealing Selection & Design Townsville Qld TC103623 Sprayed Sealing Design Townsville Qld TC103724 Sprayed Sealing Field Procedures Townsville Qld TC1038Tel: (03) 9853 3595Fax: (03) 9853 3484Mobile: 0419 822 114Email: john.lambert@aapa.asn.auAAPA Training Courses for May and June <strong>2010</strong>NSW OFFICEDougall BroadfootOffice 14, 15/103 George StreetParramatta NSW 2150Thought for <strong>April</strong>Smooth Roads do MatterA u s t r a l i a n A s p h a l t P a v e m e n t A s s o c i a t i o nTel: (02) 8843 1352Fax: (02) 8843 1310Mobile: 0414 343 482Email: dougall.broadfoot@aapa.asn.auVIC OFFICECassandra SimpsonLevel 2, 5 Wellington StreetKEW VIC 3101Tel: (03) 9853 3595Fax: (03) 9853 3484Mobile: 0422 397 936Email: vic@aapa.asn.auQLD OFFICERob VosSuite 903C, Toowong Tower9 Sherwood RoadTOOWONG QLD 4066Tel: (07) 3870 2644Fax: (07) 3870 2655Mobile: 0414 533 481Email: robert.vos@aapa.asn.au

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