Prophecy Bible - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Prophecy Bible - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Prophecy Bible - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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JACKVAN IMPEMINISTRIESNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong>The work of a lifetime — from the heartof Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> — just for youDon’t miss what’s insideA revelation from Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.........page 8From Rexella’s Heart ...........................page 12

This may be Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’sgreatest work everYou and your family can receive all the benefits of Dr. <strong>Jack</strong><strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s prophetic insights and knowledge in the pagesof the beautiful <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>.This amazing work contains several helpful features:• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has personally coded and highlightedEVERY PROPHETIC VERSE IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE— some 2,300 subject texts covering 10,350 verses!• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s commentary on the book of Daniel• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s verse-by-verse commentary on the bookof Revelation• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s entire personal Scripture memorysystem• Comprehensive A-to-Z <strong>Prophecy</strong> Index (go instantlyto virtually any topic in the realm of <strong>Bible</strong> prophecyand discover the biblical answers to your questions,or the questions of your friends and loved ones!)• The entire history-making verse-by-verse commentaryon the book of DANIEL (this feature alone is based on300 hours of Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s personal research —everything Jews, Gentiles, and Christians need toknow about their future!)• Dynamic “Topic-Indexed” Scriptures• Majestic King James English translation• More than 1,800 pages• A treasury of helps, carefully chosen and designed todeepen your faith and understanding of the Word• Beautifully crafted in bonded leather, with anexquisite ribbon bookmark• Words of Christ presented in red• Presentation page enables you to share this unique<strong>Bible</strong> as a keepsake with a loved one, with your nameand theirs personally inscribed by you• Rides in a beautifully designed gift box as wellThis is one of the most exhaustive studiesever published, covering virtually everyprophetic text in the Old and NewTestaments! Plus: embedded highlights andsymbols demonstrate how variousScriptures relate to <strong>Bible</strong> prophecy.Dear Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,We have been devouring your<strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>. All your labor oflove is reaping benefits and blessingto us! Amen!—Chris and Susan R.<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> (BIB4)Send a gift of $59.95The Startling Truth About Angels & DemonsDVD (DTAP)The Startling Truth About Angels & DemonsVHS (VTAP)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 95 minutes CC

Here Comes the SingleMost ExtraordinaryEncounter with<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong>You Will EverExperienceSeptember-October 2009 | Perhaps Today | 3by Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>It is unparalleled. It is thework of a lifetime. It isabsolutely the mostcomprehensive <strong>Bible</strong> prophecyresource in the world.It’s the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>.This extraordinary volume isthe result of my intensive,lifelong study of God’s Word —in which I personally codedand highlighted EVERYPROPHETIC VERSE IN THEENTIRE BIBLE — some 2,300subject texts covering 10,350verses!The <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong> is one of the mostexhaustive studies everpublished, covering virtuallyevery prophetic text in the Oldand New Testaments. As youmove through this <strong>Bible</strong>, goingfrom Genesis to Revelation, youcan tell at a glance whichprophetic timeframe the verse inquestion deals with — becauseeach passage of Scripture iscoded with a letter explainingthe exact timeframe:• The Rapture• The Second Coming• The Tribulation• The Millennium• The Last Days• After the Millenniumor• The Life of ChristIn addition, this <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong> contains my entirehistory-making verse-by-versecommentary on the book ofDANIEL! This is truly the mostcomplete study of Daniel I haveever encountered. After 300hours of research — studyingevery book possible on thesubject by the greatest ofscholars — I produced thismammoth work, which I believeis the most important we haveever released. Why? BecauseGod placed a mysterious sealupon the book of Daniel — aseal which was not to be brokenuntil the time of the end (Daniel12:4) — and in studying Daniel, Idiscovered that few scholars orcommentators ever attempted toexposit this mysteriousmanuscript until the 20thCentury. Any preceding attemptsmissed the mark. The timeappointed had not arrived. Thus,for centuries, mankindwondered, mused, and waitedfor prophecy’s and history’smoment to arrive; only thenwould God allow Spirit-filledmen to unseal the final latter-daymysteries of Daniel. That hourfinally arrived — 25 centuriesafter God said, “But thou, ODaniel, shut up the words, andseal the book, even to the timeof the end.” God by His gracehas made the book of Danielexplainable and understandableNOW. There is not one iota oftruth that I was unable toexposit under the guidance ofthe blessed Holy Spirit. And thisteaching is so tremendouslyimportant in understanding allthe final latter-day propheciesthat Rexella and I included it —every bit of it, without exception— in the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong>! This breathtaking,exciting, spiritually stimulating,and convincing exposé provesthe coming of Christ is at thedoor.Imagine how the Lord can usethis tremendous, proven tool —the new and improved <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> — to

4 | Perhaps Today | November-December 2009Dear Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I just received my <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong> today. I am SO impressed! Ijust know I am going to enjoy<strong>Bible</strong> study so much more withthis one, and especially in mySunday school class, as I am in agroup totally focused on biblicalprophecy. It’s amazing to see allthe predictions playing out rightbefore our eyes daily. Thank youfor all that you both do!—J.S.I must say, your <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong> is beautiful! And the wayyou have put it together is justwonderful. You have explainedDaniel and Revelation so that Ican now understand it clearlyand I just wanted to write andsay “thank you!”I love to watch your program.I tell other people about it, andthey too have started watching.Wait until they see my new<strong>Bible</strong> — they’re going to wantone of their own!Thanks for the blessing I getevery time I see and hear youand Rexella. I pray God willcontinue to bless you and yourministry.—K.L.reveal the truth of His Word toyou, your loved ones, and vastmultitudes of spiritual “seekers”!Imagine how easy it will be foryou to answer the questions ofthose whom God brings acrossyour path with questions about<strong>Bible</strong> prophecy! “Is this versetalking about the Rapture, orabout the second Coming?” Nowyou can have the answer atyour FINGERTIPS!This is a Collector’sLimited Edition — not“mass-produced.” I haveauthorized only a limitedquantity of our new andimproved <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> to beproduced this year.Remember, this beautifulcommemorative <strong>Bible</strong> is notavailable in any bookstore. I cantruly say that this dynamic“Topic-Indexed” <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>(in the majestic King JamesEnglish translation) is literallythe work of my lifetime. Ipoured more than 50 years ofmy very heart and soul into thisvolume. It contains more than1,800 pages, including a treasuryof helps, carefully chosen anddesigned to deepen your faithand understanding of the Word— espe cially prophecy.You will also have theadvantage of my entirepersonal Scripture memorysystem. This means I am placinginto your hands the capability toabsorb and retain the Scripturesas I do — memorizing andinternalizing the Word of God —bringing it to life within yourown spirit!It is possible that the singlemost often-used resource whichI have also included will be acomprehensive A-to-ZPROPHECY INDEX. Thisincredible tool allows you to goinstantly to virtually any topicin the realm of <strong>Bible</strong> prophecyand discover the biblicalanswers to your questions, orthe questions of your friendsand loved ones!I have also included in thisspecial <strong>Bible</strong> a verse-by-versecommentary on the book ofRevelation — perhaps the singlemost comprehensiveexplanation of the meanings andmysteries of this astonishingThe <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>is one of the most exhaustive studies everpublished, covering virtually every prophetic textin the Old and New Testaments.book available in the world. Thebook of Revelation is the veryculmination of <strong>Bible</strong> prophecy,the point at which all theprophecies of the ages convergeand find their ultimatefulfillment, and it’s all part ofthis enlightening <strong>Bible</strong>! Thethree books included within this<strong>Bible</strong> were previously offeredfor $60 themselves; thus, this isa $120 value for just the price ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>!It is beautifully crafted inbonded leather, with a beautifulribbon bookmark, and thewords of Christ are presented inred. Included is a presentationpage so that you may share thisunique <strong>Bible</strong> as a keepsake witha loved one, with your name andtheirs personally inscribed byyou. This magnificent <strong>Bible</strong> willcome to you in a beautifullydesigned gift box aswell.Please requestyour copy of the<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>.What a wonderfulholiday gift itwould make forthat special someone!

You could see the fulfillmentof the final prophecy beforeChrist’s return!In 1933 the announcement of a new world orderappeared on the back of the American dollar(Novus Ordo Seclorum).From 1919 to 2009, scores of global leaders,including four American presidents, promoted thisfinal, global government.How would it begin? By creating a globaleconomic crisis.Now it has happened!The world will soon produce a new system —the micro-chipping of the world’s citizens between2011 and 2017 — and the rush to the climax of<strong>Bible</strong> prophecy will have begun!This critical video teaching from Drs.<strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> will show youthat the new world order is nearly here!New World Order Rising DVD (DNWV)New World Order Rising VHS (VNWV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 100 minutes CC“People of the world, this is our moment, this is ourtime ... answer our destiny, and remake the worldonce again.”— President Barack Obama“Obama is primed to create the new world order.”— Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

6 | Perhaps Today | September-October 2009The FINAL 7 SIGNSof <strong>Bible</strong> prophecy are occurring now!Jesus described seven signs thatwould occur prior to His coming — andall seven are occurring right now.This means the Rapture could takeplace at any moment!When Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> preachedthis very message live at his 60-YearAnniversary Soul-Winning Campaignservice, 3,000 people were convincedof the truth and dedicated their lives toChrist that night.Now you can get the exact samemessage in a dazzling video teaching.It will thrill your soul and is alsoperfect for sharing with non-believers!The Final Seven Signs DVD (DFSV)The Final Seven Signs VHS (VFSV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 50 minutes CC

September-October 2009 | Perhaps Today | 7The Deityof Christby Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>The thought of aneternal God beingborn may seem tobe a contradictionof terms, but when onestudies the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ,insurmountable evidence supporting this truthmanifests itself upon the pages of Holy Writ. Theteachings of Christ’s deity must be an acceptedtruth if one is to enter the eternal home of theredeemed.John, in his first epistle, makes this dogmat icassertion: “That which was from the beginning,which we have heard, which we have seen withour eyes, which we have looked upon, and ourhands have handled, of the Word of life; (For thelife was manifested, and we have seen it, andbear witness, and show unto you that eternallife, which was with the Father, and was mani -fested unto us)” (1 John 1:1-2). There is no doubtthat the One John saw, heard, and touched wasthat Eternal Life which was with the Father.In chapter 2, verse 22, of this same epistle, Johngoes on to say, “Who is a liar but he that denieth… the Father and the Son.” When one de nies thatChrist is the eternal One who came to earthclothed in human flesh, this skeptic or doubterimmediately is classified as a liar and anantichrist. Since no liar or antichrist may enter thepresence of God in that condition, it is abun dantlyclear that the one who denies the eternity ofChrist is lost.Continued on the next page.

8 | Perhaps Today | November-December 2009In 1 John 4, another warning is presented.“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try thespirits whether they are of God: because manyfalse prophets are gone out into the world.” Howdoes one recognize the false prophets? “Herebyknow ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit thatconfesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the fleshis of God: and every spirit that confesseth notthat Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not ofGod: and this is that spirit of antichrist”(verses 1-3). Since spirits refers to teachers orpreachers, the apostle is saying that preachersdenying the doctrine of God coming in the fleshare preach ers or teachers possessed by the spiritof the Anti christ.God wrote it. I only quote it, but I believe it.Then John states in chapter 5, verse 1,“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ isborn of God.” Messiah, translated Christus orChrist, means “the Sent One.” Since He was sentfrom the Father, the conclusive proof is that Healready existed. If He preexisted His mis sion toearth, He did not begin in Bethlehem’s manger.The teaching of the Holy <strong>Bible</strong> is that He eternallyexisted as God, the second member of the Trinity,and came to earth to be clothed with a bodycontaining blood so that He might die for sinners.Is He really God? Did He really exist before Hisbirth upon earth? What does the Holy Spirit statein the Word of God?Christ’s deity in the Old Testamentever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a rightsceptre.” This great Old Testament scripture,addressed to God, is about the Lord Jesus Christ.Who said so? The greatest authority in heaven andearth — Jehovah, the Father. Prove it? I will!In Hebrews 1:8 we find Jehovah God of the OldTestament speaking: “Unto the Son he saith, Thythrone, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre ofrighteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.”Isn’t this fantastic? The Father calls Christ “God”for ever and ever. Followers of Jehovah would bewise to listen to His voice and give Christ theglory due His holy name. God had His Son withHim from all eternity past. Christ was presentwhen the human race was created. The Father,Son, and Holy Spirit were involved in Genesis 1:26when God said, “Let us make man in our image,after our likeness.” The pronouns us and ourspeak of a plurality or trin ity of personages. Thissame Christ was present when the earth wasformed and set into motion. Proverbs 30:4: “Whohath ascended up into heaven, or descended?who hath gathered the wind in his fists? whohath bound the waters in a garment? who hathestablished all the ends of the earth? what is hisname, and what is his son’s name, if thou cansttell?” The Son is present in the Old Testamentscriptures hundreds of years before His humanbirth occurs in the New Testament. Rational,logical contemplation makes one realize that Hepre-existed as God, the Son.Christ’s deity in the New Testament(The Trinity)Isaiah 9:6 states, “For unto us a child is born,unto us a son is given: and the government shallbe upon his shoulder.” This prophet speaks aboutChrist’s incarnation and humanity in the phrase achild is born and about His eternity and deity inthe other phrase a son is given. Incarnationcomes from the Latin words in and carnis,meaning “flesh” or “in the flesh.” Thus, at thisincarnation or coming in the flesh, He was thechild born. However, as the son given, He al waysexisted — uncreated and unborn.Micah 5:2 states, “Whose [His] goings forth havebeen from of old, from everlasting.” This againpoints to the uncreated, eternal Son of God.Psalm 45:6: “Thy throne, O God, is for ever andThe title of “God” is given to our Savior onnumerous occasions. Matthew 1:23 declares,“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shallbring forth a son, and they shall call his nameEmmanuel, which being interpreted is, Godwith us.” In the first chapter of John, Christ iscalled “the Word.” Verse 14: “And the Word wasmade flesh, and dwelt among us.” The onlymember of the Trinity who became flesh wasChrist. Since the term Word is synonymous withChrist, as has just been proven, let’s put the termChrist in place of Word in John 1:1-3 and see theresults. “In the beginning was [Christ], and

November-December 2009 | Perhaps Today | 9[Christ] was with God, and [Christ] was God. Thesame was in the beginning with God. All thingswere made by [Christ]; and without [Christ] wasnot any thing made that was made.”John 1:10 states, “He [Christ] was in the world,and the world was made by him, and the worldknew him not.” Now we have just heard from theAuthor of this book, the Holy Spirit, who said thatChrist was from the beginning, that He was God,and that He created the world. Yes, Christ sharedthis creative ministry with the Father and HolySpirit. This is so because all three members of theone Godhead always exist ed.To prove that the Holy Spirit was also presentat the time of creation, one need only studyGenesis 1:1-2. “In the beginning God [this is theplural noun Elohim, meaning “more than one”]created the heaven and the earth. And the earthwas without form, and void; and darkness wasupon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Godmoved upon the face of the waters.” The com -bining of John 1:10 and Genesis 1:1-2 provesconclusively that the entire Trinity was present atthe creation of the world.Some scoff at the teaching of a Trinity. Theysay, “The word Trinity is not found in the <strong>Bible</strong>,so there can’t be such a doctrine.” Well, the word<strong>Bible</strong> is not found in the <strong>Bible</strong> either, but Iguarantee that there is such a book — and theteaching of the Trinity is found repeatedlythroughout God’s Word. Man has given the title“Trinity” to the doctrine because the meaning ofthe word is “three.” Since there are three —Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — “Trinity” is aproperly designated theological term.Let’s continue our search of the Scripturesconcerning the deity of Christ. The Philippianjailor cried out in Acts 16:30, “Sirs, what must Ido to be saved?” Paul and Silas replied, “Believeon the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall besaved, and thy house” (verse 31). The entirefamily made a commitment to this Christ andverse 34 finds them rejoicing. Why? Because theybelieved in God with all their house. Here isunequivocal proof that Christ is God. Comparethe two verses again. Acts 16:31: “Believe on theLord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, andthy house.” Verse 34 says he believed in God —the Christ of verse 31.Again we see the truth in Romans 9:5 whichstates, “Christ came, who is over all, God blessedfor ever.” First Timothy 3:16 declares, “Great isthe mystery of godliness: God was manifest inthe flesh,” and Hebrews 1:8 says, “But unto theSon he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever andever.” This is Jehovah God telling the world thatHis Son is God. Never mind the book peddlerswho run from door to door with their teaching ofChrist being an inferior God, a little created God.Some even call Him Michael, the archan gel.Jehovah knows everything for He is omni scientand all-wise, and He calls Jesus “God.” I say withPaul in Romans 3:4, “Let God be true, but everyman a liar.”Christ’s deity through a comparison of Oldand New Testament textsPerhaps the most interesting and exciting proofof Christ’s deity is discovered when one comparesthe statements of God in the Old Tes tament withHis revealed truth in the New. For example, inIsaiah 42:8, God states, “I am the LORD: that ismy name: and my glory will I not give toanother, neither my praise to graven images.”Since Jehovah will not give His glory to anotherbut is willing to share it with Christ, it is onlylogically deductible to say that they must be oneand coequal. The sharing of this glory takes placewhen God’s people lay their crowns at the feet ofthe Savior in Revelation 4:11, saying, “Thou artworthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour andpower: for thou hast cre ated all things, and forthy pleasure they are and were created.”Again the King of glory is Jehovah in Psalm24:10: “Who is this King of glory? The LORD ofhosts, he is the King of glory.” The noun LORD inthis text is the Hebrew word Jehovah, the name ofthe Father. However, when one examines 1Corinthians 2:8, he discovers that the Lord ofglory was crucified. Thus, Christ is also called theLord of glory. Will you <strong>Bible</strong> manipulators tell mehow there can be two Lords of glory, coequal, ifthere is no Trinity?Once again Isaiah 9:6 calls the child born andthe son given, “The mighty God, The ever lastingFather.” If these are titles of the Son, how manymighty Gods and everlasting Fathers are there?

10 | Perhaps Today | November-December 2009The answer is one, because of the unity andoneness of the Trinity. Jesus said, “I and myFather are one” (John 10:30). Psalm 10:16 says,“The LORD [Jehovah] is King for ever and ever.”Again we have problems if there is no Trinitybecause we now have two kings. When onestudies Revelation 19:11,16, he finds that Christ,the King of kings, comes to set up His kingdomupon this earth. “And I saw heaven opened, andbehold a white horse; and he that sat upon himwas called Faithful and True.” Verse 16: “And hehath on his vesture and on his thigh a namewritten, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OFLORDS.”This constant reiteration of identical names andtitles for both Father and Son can mean only onething to honest, searching hearts. It is that Christis God, coequal with the Father and Holy Spirit.Deuteronomy 32:39 states, “There is no god” [butJehovah], and yet 1 Timothy 3:16 tells us that “Godwas made manifest [came] in the flesh.” The onlysolution is the doctrine of the Triune God whichthe saints of all ages have proclaimed. The onlygroups in the annals of history that ever foughtthis precious truth were rebel-rousing heretics.Mr. Scoffer, you who would make Christ but amere man, what will you do with Jonah 2:9?“Salvation is of the LORD.” Or Isaiah 43:11,which says, “I, even I, am the LORD [Jehovah];and beside me there is no saviour.” If there is noother Savior but Jehovah, and Christ is called “theSavior” scores of times in the <strong>Bible</strong>, then He andthe Father must be one or there are two Saviors.Christ is the God who left the bosom of the Fatherto die on Calvary’s cross. There He shed the puresinless blood that coursed through His veins sothat sinners might be eter nally saved. The <strong>Bible</strong>teaches that He is the only Savior. Acts 4:12:“Neither is there salva tion in any other: for thereis none other name under heaven given amongmen, whereby we must be saved.” Since bothJehovah and Christ are called “Savior,” let’sbelieve that the Trini ty alone presents the answer.Christ was incarnated, not createdThere are those who teach that the Fatheralways existed and that Christ was created. Per ishthe thought! Christ always existed and was notcreated. Isaiah 43:10 states, “Before me therewas no God formed, neither shall there be afterme.” In simple English, no God was createdbefore or after Jehovah. They coexisted as aTrinity eternally. Thus, Christ was from all eter -nity or He wasn’t. Either He always existed or Hedidn’t. Since no God was created before or afterJehovah, we take Micah 5:2 for what it saysabout the One who was to come to earth andexperience a human birth. He was “from of old,from everlasting.” Thus, His human birth wasnot His creation. Rather, as we discussed earlierin this chapter, the word incarnation comesfrom the Latin words in and carnis, meaning “inthe flesh.”An eternal God having a birth is not contra -dictory. In eternity He was God. To become aman, a birth had to occur. None of us canbecome another species without the miracleof a birth. God had to become incarnated(become flesh) so that He could shed thepure, sinless blood that flowed in His veins.The miracle of the Holy Spirit’s inseminationof the virgin Mary’s ova and womb with thebody and blood of God the Son made thisshedding of blood possible. This was anecessity because the blood of animals couldnot take away sin, only cover the sinner’stransgression.Hebrews 10:4 states, “For it is not possiblethat the blood of bulls and of goats should takeaway sins.” So verse 5 has Christ saying, “Abody hast thou prepared me.” God lived in thatbody, went to the cross in that body, shed theblood in that body to take away the sins that hadonly been covered, died in that body, arose threedays later in that same body, ascended to heavenin that body, and will throughout eternity live inthat body in which He had the birth. “For in himdwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily”(Colossians 2:9).There it is. The eternal God left heaven to beborn into human flesh because a body couldcontain sinless blood through a virgin birth. Thatblood was shed for sins and can wash you fromevery stain and taint of this world’s defilementwhen you put your trust in the God in whom thePhilippian jailor trusted, the Lord Jesus Christ.Do it today.

September-October 2009 | Perhaps Today | 11Prepare now for the best trip of your life!Think about all the preparations you make for a two-week vacation.You investigate the destination, discover what kind of clothing andsupplies you’ll need, plan what you’ll do there day by day, get theweather report....But how much preparation have you made for your final and mostimportant journey, to heaven?!Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> have done the work for you. Theirvideo The Truth About Heaven explores what the <strong>Bible</strong> tells us andanswers many of your most critical questions!When you consider that Jesus could return any day, doing yourpreparation for and having knowledge about heaven is more urgentthan ever. Request the video teaching now.The Truth About Heaven DVD (DHVV)The Truth About Heaven VHS (VHVV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 75 minutes CCNow hear theWord of the LordThe amazing voice of Dr. ChuckOhman, our beloved <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Presents announcer, achievedperhaps its finest-ever expression ashe recorded the entire NewTestament on audio.Send for it today, and you’ll be able to hearGod’s Word in the car, around the house, as youexercise — anywhere you can play aCD. Makes a great Christmas gift, too.Jesus is Coming book (B167)Dr. Ohman’s Send a gift of $19.95New Testament (CDNT)Send a gift of $59.95

12 | Perhaps Today | September-October 2009Who IsMary?It seems to me that mostChristians today —especially Protestants —spend little time thinkingabout Mary.by Dr. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>

Oh, once a year she shows upon a Christmas card, showneither riding on a donkey’s backor keeping a silent vigil besidethe newborn Christ child in themanger.Even then, she may bescarcely noticed amid theanimals, shepherds, and wisemen.On those occasions when we do think aboutMary, our main concern may be maintaining theproper balance between reserve and respect forthis remarkable woman. Yet we can’t fullyunderstand the miracle of the Christmas story ifwe fail to consider Mary’s role. She’s really thecentral human figure in one of the most importantevents in the history of mankind.Who was Mary? What relevancedoes her life have to our personalfaith?I am astounded by hercomprehension and calmacceptance of the monumentalmiracle the angel Gabrielannounced would happen.Imagine a poor, uneducated peasant girl beingtold she would conceive and give birth to a greatking, the Son of God! Yet Mary understood … andshe believed.Perhaps oneof the fewpeople Marycouldconfide induring thistime washercousin,Elisabeth, who was to be the mother of John theBaptist. Elisabeth confirmed that what washappening to Mary was divinely ordained andencouraged her. “Blessed is she that believed,”said Elisabeth, “for there shall be a performanceof those things which were told her from theLord” (Luke 1:45).Mary’s sacrificeIn the midst of today’s relaxed (collapsed?)moral standards, it may be difficult for us torealize the sacrifice Mary had to make to agree toyield herself to the Holy Spirit. In her culture, foran unmarried woman to be found with child couldhave resulted in a death sentence! At the veryleast, she faced misunderstanding by most people,probable rejection by her betrothed, and scornShe is the link between thedivinity of Christ and the humanity of allmankind.November-December 2009 | Perhaps Today | 13and shame in the eyes of her contemporaries.Which of us would have the courage andstrength to subject ourselves to such an ordeal?But Mary’s strong faith moved her to cooperatewith God’s plan. Her simple, humble responsewas, “Be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke1:38).Mary stands out in the Gospel story as thesymbol of the true humanity of Jesus. She is thelink between the divinity of Christ and thehumanity of all mankind. Jesus could not havebeen completely God and completely manwithout Mary’s role.Without question, Mary and her husband,Joseph, played an important role in shaping andinfluencing the developing years of the youngJesus. As a youngster, Jesus was taught thescriptures and the laws of God. When He amazedthe learned scholars in Jerusalem at age 12, onecan say that His divinity shone through … but Healso had been taught and trained to do Hishomework.Continued on the next page.

14 | Perhaps Today | November-December 2009Mary’s exampleAnd it may well have been at home that Jesuslearned the words He cried in Gethsemane —“Not my will, but thine be done!” Certainly Hismother had set an example before Him of humblesubmission to the plan of God.The character exemplified in the life of Mary isan inspiration and challenge to every believer. Shewas courageous, committed, compassionate, andconcerned.Once Mary heard andresponded to the angel’s announcementthat she was chosen for a divine commission,she was committed.danger, with no complaints. She was willing to letGod’s will be done in her life.After facing the ostracism and personalhumiliation of being pregnant without a husband,Mary had the strength and courage to mount adonkey only a few days before giving birth andmake the long, hard journey to Bethlehem.And it must have taken courage of another kindto deal with the throngs of strangers who came tovisit her newborn son — shepherds, wise menfrom the East, and doubtless other curiousonlookers.Later, when Herod sought tokill all babies in the land, shehelped save Jesus from theslaughter by journeying to Egyptwith Joseph and the child to liveamong foreigners. Did this takecourage? Absolutely!And let’s not forget thecourage demanded of Mary totake on the responsibility forrearing and nurturing Jesusthrough His childhood and intomanhood. It takes great courageto be the parent of any child —how much more to be themother of the Son of God?Mary’s commitmentMary’s courageI envision Mary having great strength anddurability, yet remaining complete and in perfectfemininity. She was courageous, going calmly andwith dignity where few others would have beenwilling to go. She faced hardship, opposition, evenOnce Mary heard andresponded to the angel’sannouncement that she waschosen for a divine commission,she was committed.From that moment on, shenever wavered or looked back.Her commitment was complete— she set aside any personalambitions and dreams to makeherself available to God’s plan.Her whole life was dedicated to carrying out thedivine mission to which God had called her.So seriously did she take her responsibility thatthe crisis of losing and finding her Son again inJerusalem when He was 12 prompted her to scoldHim for causing her such concern. And Jesusgently rebuked her by reminding her that He mustbe about His Father’s business.

November-December 2009 | Perhaps Today | 15And a few years later at Calvary, hercommitment kept her at the foot of the crosswhile almost everyone else fled. Even in the faceof what must have been tremendous anguish tosee her Son’s suffering, she remained committedto God’s plan.Mary’s compassionFrom the beginning of her adult life, Mary livedher life for others. She put the needs of othersbefore her own and ministered to those aroundher — husband, family, and friends.I imagine Mary as being the perfect embodimentof all the marvelous qualities of the virtuous wifedescribed in Proverbs 31. She was humble, butsupremely capable and efficient in her efforts toserve.Can you imagine this woman going around veryarrogantly, saying “Treat me special — I am themother of the Son of God”? Of course not.Surely Jesus patterned part of His life after herexample. When He promised rest to those wholabor and are heavy laden, He said, “I am meekand lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29). I am sure asa child He must have observed the qualities ofhumility and compassion in her daily life.Mary’s concern for othersThe story of Christ’s first miracle at the weddingin Cana provides a very telling insight into thecharacter of the mother of Jesus. Even in asituation where providing the refreshments wasnot her responsibility, Mary was concerned forothers. When it became obvious that there wasnot enough to drink at the wedding feast and thehost was about to be embarrassed, she gotinvolved.She was aware of what was going on aroundher … and was concerned about the problems ofothers. But more than feeling sympathy for them,she had a solution. “I know my Son can take careof this,” she said.After making Jesus aware of the problem, shetold the servants of the house, “Whatsoever hesaith unto you, do it” (John 2:5). And, of course,the Lord did meet the need and the beverage Heprovided was recognized as the best of theevening!Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I just wanted to thank all of you for everything youhave done throughout the years. I first watched yourprogram about 10 years ago after I read the <strong>Bible</strong>myself and became a believer.I want you both to know that your show gives mehope and strength to continue on with an eternalview of what is happening in this world. <strong>Jack</strong> becomeswiser and sharper as time goes on, and Rexellabecomes more beautiful. Congratulations on yoursuccess, and please continue what you do until thereturn of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Princeof Peace, the Messiah, our Savior, Christ Jesus!I appreciate your passion and perseverance,—D.M.Thank you so much, <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella.I ordered the <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> for myself and myhusband for Christmas, and what a blessing this bookis.Thank you so much for your ministry. We watchyou every week.And we love Rexella’s word of wisdom at the endof the show — we really get a kick out of it.—J.R.Truly Mary’s life is an inspiration to us — hercourage, commitment, compassion, and concern.Her Christ-like character and devotion is aneloquent witness that, with the help of the HolySpirit, we can be strong enough to withstand anytest, even the crucifying tensions of modern life.Perhaps the key to Mary’s spiritual life is foundin that beautiful <strong>Bible</strong> passage known as theMagnificat (see Luke 1:46-53). In those wonderfulverses it seems one can hear her opening herinnermost heart as she cries —“My soul doth magnify the Lord, and myspirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior … holy ishis name. And his mercy is on them that fearhim from generation to generation.”Thank you, Mary, for the inspiration and Godlyexample of your faith-filled life! May God help usto magnify the Lord, rejoice in our spirits, andreceive His mercy … today, and until His perfectplan is fulfilled around the globe.

UNPARALLELED BIBLE PROThe work of a lifetime fDr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has memorized 15,000 verses. He has spent more than 100,000 hoursin <strong>Bible</strong> study during his lifetime (that’s the equivalent of 11 years of continuous study),and he’s devoured over 11,000 books in his search for truth.Now he brings all his expertise to you, in the pages of the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong><strong>Bible</strong>.This majestic King James Version of the <strong>Bible</strong> has the entire text of the Old and NewTestaments, a beautiful ribbon bookmark, and bonded leather cover ... but it contains somuch more!Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s coding and highlighting system will change the way youread, study, memorize, and understand the Scriptures ...... including his commentary on the book of Daniel and his verse-by-versecommentary on the book of Revelation!As you move through this <strong>Bible</strong>, from Genesis to Revelation, see at a glance which ofthese prophetic timeframes the verse in question deals with:• The Rapture • The Second Coming • The Tribulation• The Millennium • The Last Days • After the Millenniumor• The Life of ChristThis beautiful commemorative <strong>Bible</strong> is not available in any bookstore.Make it your everyday study <strong>Bible</strong> — or the most cherished Christmasgift of the year!<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> (BIB4)Send a gift of $59.95

PHECY STUDY RESOURCE!rom Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I enjoy your program so much. I’m an old lady — soon I’ll be100! I’m treating myself to your <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> for my birthday.I’m a born-again Christian and Jesus is my Lord and my God. God blessyou both.—Dorothy from FloridaDr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,Your <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> has been a great help to me. I began preachingGod’s Word in 1993. I attended <strong>Bible</strong> college and <strong>Bible</strong> school, but the<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Prophecy</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> has taught me much. You are truly “TheWalking <strong>Bible</strong>.”—David from Michigan

Global ID: 666Mark of the Beast ...making its debut?• EVIDENCE from today’s headlines• TRUTH from the pages of Scripture• INSIGHT from Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>• Jam-packed with proof positive — YES, YOUARE living in the days of the book of Revelation!• Get the facts• Protect yourself and your family• Discover the sobering truth• Understand the truth about theMark of the Beast — and awealth of other prophecy topics!Global ID: 666 DVD (DIDV)Global ID: 666 VHS (VIDV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 85 minutes CC

20 | Perhaps Today | November-December 2009(920 times God’s Wordmentions that Jerusalembelongs to the Jews andChristians. From this Holy CityChrist will rule forever uponHis return. “It is the city of thegreat King” — Matthew 5:35;Psalm 2:6; Zechariah 2:10;Luke 1:32, 33. Armageddon isfought over the division ofJerusalem — Revelation 16:16;Joel 3:2. The Koran nevermentions Jerusalem once.)NEXT STEP IN H1N1 SCARE:MICROCHIP IMPLANTSWorldNetDaily.com reports:“A Florida-based company thatboasts selling the world’s firstand only federally approved radiomicrochip for implanting inhumans is now turning itsdevelopment branch toward‘emergency preparedness,’hoping to produce an implantthat can automatically detect inits host’s bloodstream thepresence of swine flu or otherviruses deemed a ‘bio-threat.’VeriChip Corporationcurrently sells a small, under-theskinRadio FrequencyIdentification capsule, or RFID,that patients can opt to haveimplanted, containing a numbercomputer-linked to their medicalrecords, enabling doctors with aspecial reader to access theinformation even if the patient isunconscious orunidentified. Thecompany boasts itsmicrochip, roughly thesize of a grain of rice,is the only suchimplant approved bythe U.S. Food andDrug Administration.But VeriChip has also turnedits attention to other uses for thetechnology, including microchipsthat be used to tag and loghuman remains after a disasterand implants the company hopeswill be able to warn if their hostis infected with the H1N1 swineflu virus, the H5N1 bird flu virusor other pandemic agentsdeemed to be a ‘bio-threat.’VeriChip is working with aMinnesota company, ReceptorsLLC, to develop the virusdetectiontechnology.‘As we continue to build onour partnership with Receptors,which started with thedevelopment of a glucose-sensingRFID implantable microchip, weare moving beyond patientidentification to sensors that candetect and identify illnesses andviruses such as influenza,’ saidScott R. Silverman, chairman ofVeriChip, in a statement. ‘This isan exciting next step for thefuture of our healthcare division.’According to a joint whitepaper released earlier this yearby both companiescalled ‘An IntegratedSensor System for theDetection of Bio-Threats fromPandemics toEmerging Diseases toBio-Terrorism,’ theresearch’s goal is totransform existing glucosedetectiontechnology intopinpointing viruses instead, thencouple it with an ‘in vivo’ —meaning implanted inside a livingorganism — microchip that canalert others of the virus’ presence.The ultimate goal is todevelop an implant that can alsodiagnose which virus is infectingthe host…” (This could be theploy to begin the fulfillment ofRevelation 13:16-18: “And hecauseth all, both small andgreat, rich and poor, free andbond, to receive a mark intheir right hand, or in theirforeheads: And that no manmight buy or sell, save he thathad the mark, or the name ofthe beast, or the number of hisname. Here is wisdom. Let himthat hath understanding countthe number of the beast: for itis the number of a man; andhis number is Six hundredthreescore and six.”)

September-October 2009 | Perhaps Today | 21What if you’re radical Islam’sNEXT TARGET?You have an enemy who wants you and yourfamily dead!It’s radical Islam. For your future and the safetyof your family, you must understand the enemyand prepare yourself for the attack.We’re sharing the message by offering thisstunning and timely video teaching:INSIDE THE REVOLUTION: How theFollowers of Jihad, Jefferson, and the LordJesus Are Battling to Dominate the MiddleEast and Transform the World.You’ll learn:• What Islamic leaders are really saying aboutthe future• Whether President Barack Obama’sconciliatory speeches and efforts can turnthe tide• What Osama bin Laden and his al Qaedaterror network will soon demand from you• How senior intelligence and militarypersonnel regard the situation• What the first-hand reports from Iran, Iraq,and Afghanistan reveal• Where the next targets for terrorism are• Why Muslims are coming to faith in Christin record numbers• And much more!Get the facts of how radical Islam’s rise isreflected in <strong>Bible</strong> prophecy. Prepare yourself forthe greatest threat Islam has everposed against you and your family.Order the video today.Inside the Revolution DVD (D184)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 90 minutes CC

22 | Perhaps Today | September-October 2009Yes:You will see yourbeloved pet again!Anyone who has ever loved and lost abeloved family pet has wondered ...will that pet be with them in heaven? Andhow could it be heaven without the animalswe loved on earth?When the <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>s lost their preciouscat, Fenica, they faced the same questions.Thankfully, Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>researched the answers from the <strong>Bible</strong> andfrom some of the world’s great theologiansand Christian leaders, who agree:Our pets will be part of heaven’sperfection!This video teaching is a wonderful giftfor anyone whose cherished pet has passedaway. It is a good Christmas gift for ananimal-lover, too.Animals in Heaven? DVD (DANV)Animals in Heaven? VHS (VANV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 75 minutes CC

Everything you need to know is inthe book of Daniel!The Holy Spirit awakened Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> in the middle of thenight with an amazing revelation:Everything Jews, Gentiles, and Christians need to know about thefuture is contained in the book of Daniel!An angel told Daniel to seal the prophecies until the “time of the end,”and that time is here!In this fascinating and insightful video teaching, Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> show how the Lord has finally unlocked theprophecies of Daniel to reveal sacred truths about:• The book of Revelation• The rise of the Antichrist• The “Mystery of Iniquity”• The Four Beasts of History• And much more!Send for this video today — andyou’ll receive more than seven hoursof exciting <strong>Bible</strong> teaching plus anextra bonus:The companionbook to help youstudy along throughthe teaching series!Daniel DVD & bonus book (DDAP)Daniel VHS & bonus book (VDAP)Send a gift of $49.95Running Time: 7 hours CC

Partnerwith Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> &Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>starting today!

For the sake of souls —for the sake of bringing the lost toChrist — Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> want to extend a specialinvitation to you today:Take the bold step of becomingtheir partner in ministry!When you do, you’ll receive theINTELLIGENCE BRIEFING.This monthly publication shares in-depthinformation with prophetic importance that weoften cannot present on the air, as well asimportant news updates which seldom appear innewspapers.(It’s not just because we don’t have enough timeto share all this intensive news from all points ofthe globe, but rather because, in some cases, weare not allowed to share it. You and your familydeserve to receive this information!)Each Briefing contains critical insights youneed to know and casts an important light on<strong>Bible</strong> prophecy. This crucial publication willcome to you monthly, when you accept theinvitation to become the <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>s’ soul-winningpartner.Other partnership benefits include these gifts:• The <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s Conflicts & ConquestsDVD/video• The Perhaps Today Lapel Pin• The satisfaction of knowing you arepartnering with Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> in life-changing ministry!Simply use the enclosed form to commit to prayregularly for Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> andto give a regular monthly gift, as God leads you.You’ll become a partner and receive all thesebenefits!

Dear Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,You are a light in a darkworld! You are a spiritual fatherto me personally! I love you andRexella. Your teachings havenurtured me and have helped meovercome many trials and sinfulmistakes. I’m growing stronger inthe Lord every day, and you are astrong contributionto mystrength. You are a gentle giant— an awesome man’s man!—B.T.You and Rexella are such aninspiration to me. Your teachingis solid. I can check what you sayagainst my <strong>Bible</strong> and I know youare teaching the truth. I test whatothers say against what you andScripture say, and if they don’tagree, I disregard what I hear. Iknow I’m supposed to bediscerning, and I appreciate youpreaching the truth so that I CANbe.I also appreciate how youuphold biblical marriage andhow you give honor towomen. As a wife and mother,I feel like I am constantlyserving (which is OK), butgodly women whoserve their familiesdon’t get muchhonor in oursociety.Thankyou fortelling husbands to help theirwives with the kids andhousework recently on yourshow. I hate how sports havebecome a god in our society, andhow men abandon their wivesand children to watch sports. Yetit’s perfectly acceptable inAmerica for them to do that.I often think about what itwould be like on a weekend ifevery football stadium orbasketball court was filled withpeople praising the Lord insteadof watching these meaninglesssports — our country would beso much better off, don’t youthink? Think of the money thatcould be used to spread theGospel. It really burdens myheart.Thank you for all you andRexella do for the Lord.—C.N.My son and I feel we knowyou as our paths crossed manyyears ago. He just turned 60 andwas very young when you startedyour ministry. You came to ourthen-small city of Chico,California, to hold services. Itook my son one night to showhim what could be accomplishedon the accordion (and you

November-December 2009 | Perhaps Today | 27proved that!). He started lessonsat age five because I (being aviolinist all my life since thatage) spotted the natural talentGod had given him. He has beenfaithfully serving the Lordalmost every Sunday with theprecious gift he received. Heremembers you so well and stillhas the recording we were ableto buy.Now, we listen to yourmessages on TV — in fact, werecord each one and appreciateyou both so much. God hasreally blessed you, and I knowthat you will go on until Hecomes.During Christmas time whenyour latest <strong>Bible</strong> was offered, Iordered 10 at one time. I gavethem to my son and his kids (son32, daughter 17); my daughterand her children (daughter 26,son 23); and I also gave one eachto our pastor and music director.I kept one for myself too. Theyare all being used and I’m surethey are going to make changesin many lives.Just know that we all loveboth of you and appreciate whatyou’ve done, and one day we’llsee how many lives you havetouched. I know they couldn’t becounted!May God bless you — youare in our prayers.—V.W.Thank you for yourinspirational programs. God blessyou for helping me with thesalvation prayer. I love yourinformative telecasts!—D.F.You just don’t know howmuch you are a blessing. I thankGod that you tell it like it is andthat your concern is for Christiansto get right AND the unsaved toget saved. I remember watchingyou when I was in junior highschool. I was so afraid you wouldcome on at 11 at night and betalking about Jesus coming back.I realized I was afraid because Iwasn’t living right.But since I got right with theLord, you encourage my spirit. Iget so excited — it’s like we arehaving a personal conversation.My mother went to be withthe Lord. She loved you. Wewould spend hours on the phonediscussing your program. I almostcouldn’t watch you on TV. But Iturned your show on, and youwere speaking about how soonGod was coming, and a peacecame over me as if you weretalking to me one-on-one. It won’tbe long before we are togetheragain!My sister, brother, and I justburn up the phone lines and crackthe <strong>Bible</strong> open comparing noteson what you say. Now, togetherwith our families, we lift ourheads up in joy that soon we willbe united with the coming Lord!God bless you, and keep up thegood work.—L.L.I just want to say thank youfor your global show. It bringsmore peace to me, knowing thethings that we are going to facein this world I don’t have to fear.I have accepted Jesus as my Lordand Savior. Thank you for alwayskeeping me updated on what’shappening in the world today.—D.W.I am so thankful for yourministry. I began watching yourshow just a month or so ago aftercatching it late one evening. I amparticularly relieved that you arefocusing on the very near “endtimes” as well as how the globalpolitical climate directly relatesto prophecies in Scripture. Lastyear, I began researching videoson YouTube relating to the newworld order and the NorthAmerican Union that is rightaround the corner. This is thematerial that NEEDS to be taughtin every church, Sunday school,and meeting room all over theworld.I am feeling a tug on my heartfrom the Lord to take up aportion of the task of informingothers on our immediate need to

life to God, and it seems tome that it was just in time.Thank you, and God bless.—J.A.heed Christ’s warnings for ourfuture, and I plan on leaningtoward you, Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>, andyour teachings for guidance andstructure in my witnessing. Thetime is truly upon us! Praise Godevermore. Keep the informationcoming!—J.M.I’ve been watching <strong>Jack</strong> lateat night on TV for as long as I canremember. Even in times that Iwas not following the path of theLord, I found myself up at 2 a.m.getting sucked in and watchingthe entire episode and prayingalong at the end.I’m going through strugglesright now of the spiritual kind. Ijust recently decided to comeback to the Lord and really putan effort into my own life. I justwanted you all to know that is inpart thanks to you. As weird as itmay sound, I love you guys.Those late nights, while not onthe right path, at least kept theLord’s path in sight. I believewhole-heartedly in what JVIM isall about, and I personallybelieve <strong>Jack</strong> should be creditedmore in his prophetic teachings.The end is near, he says, and Ibelieve it.I’m with you, <strong>Jack</strong>, and therest of the Christian nation. Ihave given my household and myI just recently watchedyour show. I really applaudyou for being so honest andforthright about the factsconcerning Oprah’s faith, ourpresident’s faith, and so manyother people who call themselvesChristians — even some inchurches. It’s true that it is onlythrough the atoning blood ofJesus Christ that we can besaved. So many other pastors,even popular ones on TV, seemtoo timid to approach thischallenge concerning some ofour leaders and celebrities.—L.P.I know Jesus Christ isreturning — reading what youhave written and watching yourprogram on TV. I am so proud toknow that there are still voicescrying in the wilderness,“Repent, for the kingdom ofheaven is at hand.”I know Jesus as my Savior,and I’m set free from Satanismand homosexuality. I am thankfulthat God has directed youthrough the Holy Spirit to tell thegood news of Christ’s soonreturn. Praise God!—K.L.S.I prayed the prayer ofsalvation with <strong>Jack</strong> and know mylife will change in all aspects.Thank you for being there for allof us and continuing to teach usthe most important comingevents that there are!—P.R.

Don’t trustthe governmentwith your estateIf you go home to be with the Lord and have not madea will, the government could retain a disproportionateamount of your estate, and may use it where they see fit— even for programs you would not have approved of!Make sure you have a Christian will that properlyplaces your assets where you want them to go — withyour surviving family and the ministries you support. Youcan even leave a bequest to help Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> continue sharing God’s Word on the airwaves.For more information, talk to your lawyer or financialadviser today.Astonishing truth about yourshadow government• Secret globalist elites have been plotting toabolish the USA.• Since 9/11, governments have ramped upsurveillance — not just on terrorists, butalso on you.• A shadow government proposed by a pastpresident was in existence and ready to becompleted on Inauguration Day 2009.Find out who is engineering this shadowgovernment and how its existence was foretold in<strong>Bible</strong> prophecy. Get this new work from prophecyexpert Grant Jeffrey today!Shadow Government book (B219)Send a gift of $19.95

What if everyone vanished — in theblink of an eye?!It happens to Detective David Ramsey in this excitingfilm ...... On an idyllic vacation in the Sea of Cortez, his wifeand friends suddenly disappear from their private yacht.Believing he’s trapped in a recurring nightmare, Daviddiscovers evidence of ancient biblical prophecies thatsignal an impending apocalypse!Great family entertainment with a Hollywood twist onthese latter days.In the Blink of an Eye DVD (D603)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 85 minutes CCFirst, a bestselling book ...now, aninspiring movie!You and your family can now enjoy aChristian classic, brought to life in thisDVD presentation.John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is one theof the bestselling books of all time, and thisvideo production boasts a terrific cast and lotsof action to keep the story fresh and exciting foreveryone. Request it today!Pilgrim’s Progress: Journeyto Heaven DVD (D800)Send a gift of $19.95Running Time: 103 minutes CC

You and your family must have the truth!Hollywood has begun focusing onthe “other-worldly beings” calledangels and demons.But you and your family can’t fall prey tofilmmakers’ fantasy about these very realbeings. You must have the biblical truth!Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> willintroduce you to the truth about angels —their intelligence, communications, evenfeelings —And share the shocking facts aboutdemons, too.This is important information to have inlight of <strong>Bible</strong> prophecy and the pivotal rolesto be played by angels and demons in thelatter days.Send for this exciting new propheticteaching today.Bonus!When you orderThe Starling Truth AboutAngels & Demons,you will receive Exorcismand the Spirit World, abooklet outlining what everyChristian should knowabout demonicactivity.The Startling Truth About Angels &Demons DVD (DTAP)The Startling Truth About Angels &Demons VHS (VTAP)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 95 minutes CC

Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES ® at Box 7004, Troy, Michigan 48007.In Canada: JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA ® Box 1717, Postal Station A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. For immediate attention, call us at (248) 852-5225 or fax(248) 852-2692. Thank you for your love and generosity ... and God bless you!Visit our Web address at:www.jvim.comWhy would ancient cultures and moderntechnology predict the same doomsday?What are the chances all these sources would predict the sameyear, 2012 — and sometimes even the same day! — as the endof time?• Ancient Rome• A modern financial forecasting computer program• Native American Hopis• Ancient Mayan civilization• Ancient China• Nostradamus• And othersIn one of their latest bestselling teaching videos, Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> show how the events which signal the return ofthe Lord have begun and could be completed by 2012!Great video teaching for your prophecy library and for anyonecaught up in 2012 latter-day scenarios.December 21st, 2012: History’s Final Day? DVD (DFDV)December 21st, 2012: History’s Final Day? VHS (VFDV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 100 minutes CC

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