CAC34 Overview and Outcome EDITOR'S NOTE -

CAC34 Overview and Outcome EDITOR'S NOTE - CAC34 Overview and Outcome EDITOR'S NOTE -

<strong>CAC34</strong> <strong>Overview</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Outcome</strong><strong>CAC34</strong> Geneve, Switerl<strong>and</strong> @ R.Sciotti | CodexMelamineIn recent years, high levels of melamine contaminationhave caused illness <strong>and</strong> death.Codex developed maximum levels formelamine in powdered infant formula <strong>and</strong>in other foods <strong>and</strong> animal feed in a recordtime of one year.This year the Commission decided that thelevels for liquid infant formula shouldnot go through the fast track for adoptionbut that one more year was neededbefore the text could be adopted.Labelling of Foods Derived fromModern BiotechnologyThere are different approaches amongCodex members to the labelling offoods derived from modern biotechnology.The Compilation of Codex texts relevant tothe labelling of foods derived from modernbiotechnology recognizes this <strong>and</strong> compilesall relevant existing Codex guidance inthis area.RactopamineRactopamine is a drug used in some countriesfor growth promotion in pigs <strong>and</strong>cattle. Other countries do not allow suchcompounds for non-therapeutic use. Noconsensus was reached on the maximumresidue limits for ractopamine so the Commissionwill continue to discuss this issue inthe next meeting.Storage <strong>and</strong> Transport of Edible Fats <strong>and</strong>Oils in Bulk: Acceptable Previous CargoesThe Commission revised the Code of HygienicPractice for the Storage <strong>and</strong> Transportof Edible Oils <strong>and</strong> Fats in Bulk to addressthe issue of transporting edible fats<strong>and</strong> oils in bulk in tankers not reserved forfoodstuffs only. The possibility ofcontamination incidents is reducedby carriage in tankers in which theprevious cargo is included in the CodexList of Acceptable Previous Cargoes.Application of this list must becombined with: good design of thesystem adequate cleaning routines;<strong>and</strong>, effective inspection procedures.Contamination is also avoided by therejection of tanks which have carried,as last cargo, products, which are includedon the Codex List of Banned ImmediatePrevious Cargoes.The relevance of Codex – excerpts from the opening speechesThe meeting was opened by Directors MagedYounes, WHO <strong>and</strong> Samuel Jutzi, <strong>FAO</strong> who whostressed the importance of Codex in today’sworld: WHO discussed food safety at its annualsession 2011, <strong>and</strong> WHA resolution 63calls upon international agencies to considerfood safety, nutrition <strong>and</strong> food security issuesin a comprehensive, integrated manner<strong>and</strong> requests the Director-General of WHO toprovide adequate <strong>and</strong> sustainable supportfor: the joint expert bodies of <strong>FAO</strong> <strong>and</strong> WHO,the Codex Alimentarius Commission <strong>and</strong> IN-FOSANMr. Jose Graziano da Silva, Director-General elect of <strong>FAO</strong> has acknowledged, inhis first press conference after his election,the importance of Codex as the world’s foremostfood st<strong>and</strong>ards agency, firmly sciencebasedin its work.Recent food safety incidents haveshown that 49 years after its inception, theneed for Codex <strong>and</strong> international food st<strong>and</strong>ardsis as great as ever.In 2010, Codex adopted specificguidance to reduce the microbial food safetyrisks associated with fresh leafy vegetablesincluding the popular fresh, fresh-cut, precutor ready-to-eat products such as prepackagedsalads. The same guidelines alsocontain guidance on how to safely produce<strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le sprouts. In the past few monthsthere was a major food safety incident linkedto these products – causing death, illness<strong>and</strong> trade disruption. Before asking for moreactions from Codex, important questionson this incident need to be answered: Howdid the pathogen get to the sprouts <strong>and</strong> thesalads? Are the existing rules not enough?Or were they not followed <strong>and</strong> if so, whywere they not followed?Codex is not an emergency responsemechanism – for emergencies <strong>FAO</strong> <strong>and</strong> WHOcooperate closely <strong>and</strong> have created <strong>and</strong> operateessential tools such as INFOSAN <strong>and</strong>EMPRES Food Safety to foster communication,to coordinate the response <strong>and</strong> to helpprevent that such incidents can happen orto limit their impact. Whether contaminationis due to growing conditions, naturaldisasters, negligence or adulteration, theinternational tools are designed to protectpeople <strong>and</strong> to ensure continuation of trade.<strong>FAO</strong>, WHO <strong>and</strong> Codex know they needto be able to change constantly <strong>and</strong> adaptto new challenges but that changes need tobe based on facts, science <strong>and</strong> thinking, noton acting out of panic or opportunism.Two things will not change: agricultureat large, including fisheries <strong>and</strong> forestry stillneeds to feed all people on this planet <strong>and</strong>this is to be done in a safe, clean <strong>and</strong> sustainableway. Thus no matter how our food systemwill change, there will still be a need f<strong>org</strong>uidance on food safety <strong>and</strong> trade <strong>and</strong> forthe Codex Alimentarius based on science<strong>and</strong> built on trust.

INTRODUCING THE NEW CODEX WEBSITE6New website online: www.codexalimentarius.<strong>org</strong>The new Codex website is online (finally!). At lot of work went into it <strong>and</strong> similar to an iceberg, the bulk of that work is hidden under the surface.We introduced the site first publicly at the 34th CAC where we got good feedback <strong>and</strong> since then we have improved it further.Our old site was excellent at the time it was put online about 10 years ago but it had become dated with the years <strong>and</strong> was no longer flexibleenough. With the new system, most of the development of the site including changing pages or structure can be done directly from our desks.This means that we will be much more flexible in introducing new services <strong>and</strong> for improvements based on proposals coming from you.The new layout - we hope - is more user-friendly <strong>and</strong> appealing. The search function of the site now works across the whole site including allreports <strong>and</strong> agendas. If you have been participating in Codex sessions you can try it out by putting your own name or of your delegation inthe search box <strong>and</strong> you should find the meetings which you attended.We will work more on the search function to allow you to specify additional criteria to reduce the number of results in an advanced searchbox. But for those who wish to experiment this is possible already by using operators in the search box such as putting a text in quotes e.g.“General Principles” to search for the exact term enclosed in the quotes. The site http://w w w.searchcomm<strong>and</strong> gives aquick overview of the tools at your disposal in the search function.We have also included a feature thatpreviously only existed on the Codex CDROM. You can now go to a Codex Committee<strong>and</strong> see directly all sessions held by thatcommittee <strong>and</strong> all texts developed by it.The site has an interactive feature whichwill allow you to login <strong>and</strong> change yourown data. If you would want to participatein test-driving this feature please write toroberto.sciotti@fao.<strong>org</strong> to get your login <strong>and</strong>password. This feature is reserved for CodexContact Points <strong>and</strong> accredited observersonly.We will introduce the site in more detail inour next newsletter but please feel free to tryit out, explore it <strong>and</strong> send us your comments.The site is <strong>and</strong> will always remain a work inprogress <strong>and</strong> all of us can contribute to it.In the next few months we intend to makethe interface available in Arabic, Chinese <strong>and</strong>Russian.The old website w w will remain online until at least the end of the year to allow you to get used to the new site<strong>and</strong> to allow us to fix any bugs that we detect now.A useful tool: ftp://ftp.fao.<strong>org</strong>/codexType ftp://ftp.fao.<strong>org</strong>/codex/ in your internet browser <strong>and</strong> what youget is a long list of directories.Explore it <strong>and</strong> with a little knowledge of the acronyms of CodexCommittees you will find each committee, task force <strong>and</strong> commissionsession. If you enter a directory e.g. CCFICS19 you will get a list of fileswhich correspond to the working documents for that committeesession. There will be the documents in all languages available <strong>and</strong>also a directory with CRDs where we will upload the CRDs once thesession starts. All Committee reports since 1999 are also saved on theftp server. From 1999-2010 the directories are called ALINORM <strong>and</strong>since 2011 they are called REPORTS with the relevant year attached.Please try out the link <strong>and</strong> let us know how it works for you. Allrequests or messages concerning the website please send toroberto.sciotti@fao.<strong>org</strong> .

<strong>CAC34</strong> Geneve, Switzerl<strong>and</strong> @ R.Sciotti | CodexNEW CODEX BUREAUIntroducing the New Codex bureauCodex Chairperson: S. Dave | IndiaMr Sanjay Dave (India) is the Director of theAgricultural & Processed Food Products ExportDevelopment Authority (APEDA) inthe Ministry of Commerce of the Governmentof India.APEDA, created 25 years ago to replace theProcessed Food Export Promotion Council(PFEPC) has responsibility for activitiesrelated to export of a wide range of foodproducts. Among other activities APEDAsupports the development of industries<strong>and</strong> products for export through training,financial assistance, surveys <strong>and</strong> feasibilitystudies; registration of exporters; settingexport st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> specifications;inspections of meat <strong>and</strong> meat products inslaughter houses, processing plants, storagepremises, conveyances etc.; improv-Interview with the new Chairperson: Mr Sanjay Daveing of packaging; improving marketing;promotion of export oriented production<strong>and</strong> development; collection <strong>and</strong> publicationof statistics from factories or establishmentsengaged in production, processing,packaging, marketing for export.Dave holds degrees in Bio-chemistry, InternationalTrade <strong>and</strong> Law. He has 35 years workexperience of which 25 years in agriculturaltrade. From January 1996 to June 1999 helooked after India’s agricultural trade interestsin the European Union in the capacity ofAgricultural Adviser in the Embassy of Indiain Brussels (Belgium). Dave was elected Vice-Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commissionfrom 2008-2011.1. Mr Dave, at the beginning of July you wereelected Chairman of the Codex AlimentariusCommission. Some say it was the easiestdecision at the 34th Session of the Commission.How do you feel?It is really nice to hear that. I am sure,members would have thought before givingtheir support. Honestly speaking, Idid feel some frogs jumping in my stomachuntil Tuesday morning, not becauseI was scared of a contest (in a contest betweentwo, only one will win), but becauseI only kept wondering who that could be.2. How has the news been received in yourhome country?My election as Chair has been takenwith a sense of great pride. Some said,Dave is the first Indian to be the CodexChair. I added a bit of spice, “I am also thefirst vegetarian Chair of the Codex.” Otherssaid, India is honoured. Some said,now the pace of harmonisation of Indianst<strong>and</strong>ards with the Codex will increase etc.3. What are your priorities as Chair for thecoming Codex year(s)?I am very fortunate that we have threeexcellent <strong>and</strong> knowledgeable Vice-Chairs<strong>and</strong> I am sure that their contribution willenhance the science based purposefulnessof Codex in the best interest of peoplearound the globe. I consider that weneed to work collectively for the following:(a) Enhance meaningful participation bymembers (particularly, the developingcountries) in the Codex process. In thisregard, we need to work closely withthe parent <strong>org</strong>anisations for enhancedcapacity building in those developingcountries that most need this. I’d liketo see a greater role for the developingcountries.(b) Encourage members to resolve contentiousissues with a flexible approach. Ithink we need to work hard on this asKaren did.(c) The Commission approved 24 items ofnew work at the CAC this year. It wouldbe our endeavour to encourage completionof the work on these items assoon as possible. We need to worktogether to further speed up our theCodex work <strong>and</strong> prove to the privatest<strong>and</strong>ard setting bodies that Codex,while being scrupulously scientific inits work, is capable of working fast.(d) Finalisation of the Codex Strategic Planfor the period 2014-19.(e) Private st<strong>and</strong>ards are difficult for farmersto meet, particularly, in developingcountries. It’s a matter of great concernfor them. We will closely watch the developmentsin the SPS Committee <strong>and</strong>also encourage the private st<strong>and</strong>ardsetting bodies to work with the Codex.4. At the 34th Session, the Commission decidedby a vote, not to vote on an issueon which it has trouble finding consensus.Without going into the subject matter,how do you feel about this decision?It was a narrow margin of difference.So this means that the Commission was almostdivided <strong>and</strong> that goes into the historyof the decision process on Ractopamine.At one point of time just before we went infor the first vote, the members were seeminglywilling to have a re-look at the issuebut, by then, we had already proceededahead. This obviously meant willingnessto achieve consensus <strong>and</strong> I am very encouragedby this thought. I am very hopeful now.5. What is our vision for Codex in 5-10 years?In brief, we would really like to seecountries harmonize their national st<strong>and</strong>ardswith those of the Codex so that countriesare at the same level for ensuring thehealth of consumers keeping the scientificdevelopments in mind <strong>and</strong> facilitatingglobal trade. I know it is a wish, but letus work towards it <strong>and</strong> make Mother Earthhappy about it. About 20 billion meals arerequired every day <strong>and</strong> this figure will continueto grow. Everyone needs safe food.All countries are also trading in food products.Imagine the challenges for food safety!Multiple st<strong>and</strong>ards across the globe aretoo unwieldy. Should we not have just oneset of st<strong>and</strong>ards? The Codex Alimentarius!

NEW CODEX BUREAU6Introducing the New Codex bureauCodex Vice Chairpersons: S. Sefa-Dedeh | Ghana , A. Ochieng Pernet | Switzerl<strong>and</strong> , S. Godefroy | CanadaPhoto: <strong>CAC34</strong> Geneve, Switzerl<strong>and</strong> © Codex SecretariatProf. Samuel Sefa-Dedeh (Ghana)is Professor of Food Science <strong>and</strong> Technology<strong>and</strong> immediate past Dean of theFaculty of Engineering Sciences at theUniversity of Ghana. His special academic<strong>and</strong> research interests among othersinclude food safety <strong>and</strong> quality, process<strong>and</strong> product development <strong>and</strong> evaluation.Samuel holds a Ph.D. in Food Sciencefrom the University of Guelph in Ontario,Canada. He is a Fellow of the GhanaAcademy of Arts <strong>and</strong> Sciences <strong>and</strong> a Fellowof the International Academy of FoodScience <strong>and</strong> Technology.Samuel served as the Chief of Party ofthe Ghana Private-Public Partnership forFood Industry Development Program, aUSAID-supported program of the MichiganState University. One of the key objectiveswas to improve produce safety<strong>and</strong> quality systems <strong>and</strong> private sectorimplementation in developing countries.Samuel served as Coordinator for Africa<strong>and</strong> Chairperson for the <strong>FAO</strong>/WHOCoordinating Committee for Africa from2007 to 2011.Ms Awilo Ochieng Pernet (Switzerl<strong>and</strong>)is responsible for internationalfood safety <strong>and</strong> nutrition issues at theSwiss Federal Office of Public Health inBern. She holds degrees in law, humannutrition <strong>and</strong> international food regulatoryaffairs.Awilo has been actively involved inCodex work since 1999. She has participatedin many Committees <strong>and</strong> chairedthe Codex Committee on Natural MineralWaters (2008) <strong>and</strong> the <strong>FAO</strong>/WHO CoordinatingCommittee for Europe (2005-2009). She has also chaired/coordinateda number of physical <strong>and</strong> electronicworking groups covering a wide rangeof subjects such as traceability/producttracing, food hygiene, soups <strong>and</strong> broths,food additives, contaminants, milk <strong>and</strong>milk products, nutrition <strong>and</strong> foods forspecial dietary uses, fats <strong>and</strong> oils <strong>and</strong>others.Awilo is highly committed to enhancingthe capacity of developing countriesto participate effectively in Codex work<strong>and</strong> has dedicated herself with enthusiasmto lead as main trainer/facilitatormany <strong>FAO</strong>/WHO food safety <strong>and</strong> Codexcapacity building workshops <strong>and</strong> seminarsheld in Africa, Eastern Europe <strong>and</strong>Central Asia. She intends to pursue thistraining activity in all Codex regions inthe future.Awilo also devotes a lot of her time tonutrition issues <strong>and</strong> has chaired the WHOEurope Nutrition Counterparts’ Meeting(Geneva, 2010). She regularly attends theWorld Health Assembly <strong>and</strong> participatesin the World Trade Organisation’s Sanitary<strong>and</strong> Phytosanitary Committee meetings<strong>and</strong> meetings of the St<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong>Trade Development Facility (STDF).Dr Samuel Godefroy (Canada) is theDirector General of the Food Directorate,in the Health Products <strong>and</strong> Food Branch,Health Canada. In support of Health Canada’smission to help Canadians maintain<strong>and</strong> improve their health, the FoodDirectorate is the federal health authorityresponsible for setting st<strong>and</strong>ards,developing policies <strong>and</strong> regulations <strong>and</strong>providing advice <strong>and</strong> information on thesafety <strong>and</strong> nutritional value of food.Samuel holds a Ph.D in AnalyticalChemistry as well as a Bsc. <strong>and</strong> an Msc. inBiochemistry/Chemistry from the Universityof Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France<strong>and</strong> a Chemical Engineering degree fromENSCP. He authored over 50 publicationsin peer reviewed journals <strong>and</strong> books <strong>and</strong>is the founder <strong>and</strong> Editor in Chief of the“International Food Risk Analysis Journal”.Samuel started his career in Franceas chemical engineer in industry <strong>and</strong> inacademia as an assistant professor ofBiotechnology <strong>and</strong> Bioprocesses at theUniversity of Pierre et Marie Curie, wherehe was also responsible for technologytransfer initiatives. He joined HealthCanada in 1998 specializing in the developmentof analytical methods to detectcontaminants in food. Later he led theBureau of Chemical Safety, part of HealthCanada’s Food Directorate.Samuel has represented Canada invarious international food safety forumsunder the auspices of APEC, Canada/EUregulatory cooperation <strong>and</strong> the CodexAlimentarius. Samuel has also served onscience advisory boards of various European<strong>and</strong> North American food safety research<strong>and</strong> risk analysis networks.

SESSIONS OVERVIEWCCRVDF19 Burlington (VT), United States of America, 30 August – 3 September 2010Advanced to Step 8 MRLs for narasin in pig tissues <strong>and</strong> tilmicosin in chicken <strong>and</strong> turkey tissues. Maintained at step 7 MRLs for narasin in cattletissues. Circulated at step 3 proposed draft Sampling Plans for Residue Control for Aquatic Animal Products <strong>and</strong> Derived Edible Products ofAquatic Origin. Proposed new work on the development of guidance on performance characteristics for multiresidues methods. Continueswork on different aspects of risk analysis.CCNASWP11 Nuku’alofa, Tonga, 28 September - 1 October 2010Nominated Papua New Guinea for appointment as regional coordinator. Agreed the process for preparing the new Strategic Plan 2014-2018.Agreed to prepare / revise discussion papers on: harmonised approach to date marking in the region; kava; <strong>and</strong> development of a st<strong>and</strong>ard fornonu (noni) products for consideration at its next session.CCEURO27 Warsaw, Pol<strong>and</strong>, 5 - 8 October 2010Nominated Pol<strong>and</strong> for appointment as regional coordinator. Proposed new work on the revision of the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Fresh Fungus“Chanterelle” <strong>and</strong> on a new Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Ayran.TFAMR4 Muju-kun (Jeonbuk) , Republic of Korea, 18 - 22 October 2010Concluded its work <strong>and</strong> forwarded the draft Guidelines for the Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance to the 34th Session of theCommission for adoption at Step 8.CCPFV25 Bali, Indonesia, 25 - 29 October 2010Advanced to steps 5/8: the revision of the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Desiccated Coconut, the Annex on Certain Mushrooms (For inclusion in the St<strong>and</strong>ardfor Certain Canned Vegetables) <strong>and</strong> the revision of the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Canned Bamboo Shoots. Proposed new work on the St<strong>and</strong>ard for CertainQuick Frozen Vegetables <strong>and</strong> the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Certain Canned Fruits. Returned to step 2/3 the revision of the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Table Olives <strong>and</strong> theSampling Plans including Metrological Provisions for controlling Minimum Drained Weight of Canned Fruits <strong>and</strong> Vegetables in Packing Mediafor redrafting, circulation for comments.CCNFSDU32 Santiago, Chile, 1 - 5 November 2010Advanced to step 8 the Annex to the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling: General Principles for Establishing Nutrient Reference Values of Vitamins<strong>and</strong> Minerals for the General Population. Proposed new work on the inclusion of a New Part B for Underweight Children in the St<strong>and</strong>ardfor Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants <strong>and</strong> Young Children. Returned the Annex to the Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling: GeneralPrinciples for Establishing Nutrient Reference Values for Nutrients Associated with Risk of Noncommunicable Diseases for the General Populationto step 3 for comment <strong>and</strong> redrafting. Returned the revision of the Codex General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients toFoods <strong>and</strong> revision of the Guidelines on Formulated Supplementary Foods for Older Infants <strong>and</strong> Young Children to step 2/3 for redrafting <strong>and</strong>comments.CCLAC17 Acapulco, Mexico, 8 - 12 November 2010Nominated Costa Rica for appointment as regional coordinator. Advanced to steps 5/8 the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ards for Culantro Coyote <strong>and</strong> forLucuma. Supported the preparation of a global st<strong>and</strong>ard for panela; expressed its opinion on the use of Note 161 in the General St<strong>and</strong>ard forFood Additives <strong>and</strong> the revision of the Risk Analysis Principles applied by the Committee on Pesticide Residues as regards the elimination ofmaximum residue limits without scientific justification; <strong>and</strong> agreed to draft a discussion paper on procedures to adopt regional positions to beexamined at the next session.CCASIA17 Bali, Indonesia, 22 - 26 November 2010Nominated Japan for appointment as regional coordinator. Advanced to step 8 the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Edible Sago Flour <strong>and</strong> to Steps 5/8the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Chilli Sauce. Returned the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Non-Fermented Soybean Products to Step 2/3 for further redrafting <strong>and</strong> comments<strong>and</strong> agreed to further revise discussion papers on new work for regional st<strong>and</strong>ards for Yuza <strong>and</strong> for Edible Crickets <strong>and</strong> Their Products.CCFH42 Kampala, Ug<strong>and</strong>a, 29 November - 3 December 2010Advanced to Step 5/8: the Guidelines for the Control of Campylobacter <strong>and</strong> Salmonella spp. in Chicken Meat; <strong>and</strong> the Revision of the Code ofHygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing <strong>and</strong> Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters. Proposed new work on Guidelines for Control of SpecificZoonotic Parasites in Meat: Trichinella spiralis <strong>and</strong> Cysticercus bovis <strong>and</strong> an Annex on melons to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits<strong>and</strong> Vegetables. Returned to step 3 for comments the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control ofViruses in Food <strong>and</strong> to steps 2/3 the revision of the Principles for the Establishment <strong>and</strong> Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods forredrafting <strong>and</strong> comments.CCAFRICA19 Accra, Ghana, 1 – 4 February 2011Nominated Cameroon for appointment as regional coordinator. Agreed to undertake an evaluation of the implementation of the StrategicPlan.CCFO22 Penang, Malaysia, 21 - 25 February 2011Advanced to Step 8 <strong>and</strong> 5/8 respectively: the amendment to the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Named Vegetable Oils: Inclusion of Palm Kernel Olein <strong>and</strong> PalmKernel Stearin; the Code of Practice for the Storage <strong>and</strong> Transport of Edible Fats <strong>and</strong> Oils in Bulk: Criteria to Assess the Acceptability of Substancesfor Inclusion in a List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes <strong>and</strong> the List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes. Proposed new work new work on:the Development of a Codex St<strong>and</strong>ard for Fish Oils; <strong>and</strong> an amendment to the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Named Vegetable Oils: Rice Bran Oil. Agreed todiscontinue work on an amendment to the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Olive Oils <strong>and</strong> Olive Pomace Oils: Linolenic Acid Level.

SESSIONS OVERVIEW6CCMAS32 Budapest, Hungary, 7 - 11 March 2011Advanced to step 8 the revision of the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty. Endorsed or updated the status of several methods of analysisin Codex st<strong>and</strong>ards, including proposed methods of analysis for natural mineral waters. Proposed new work on principles for the use ofsampling <strong>and</strong> testing in international food trade <strong>and</strong> on provisions on proprietary methods in Codex st<strong>and</strong>ards to be included in the CodexProcedural Manual.CCFA43 Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, 14 - 18 March 2011Advanced food additive provisions of the General St<strong>and</strong>ard for Food Additives (GSFA) to Steps 8 <strong>and</strong> 5/8 respectively. Advanced to Step 5/8the revision of the Food Category System of the GSFA <strong>and</strong> the amendments to the International Numbering System for Food Additives <strong>and</strong> theSpecifications for the Identity <strong>and</strong> Purity of Food Additives. Forwarded the revision of the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Food Grade Salt for adoption at Step 5.Forwarded amendments to: food additives provisions for antioxidants <strong>and</strong> preservatives of food category “dried fruits” of the GSFA; toSection 4 “Carry-over of Food Additives” of the Preamble of the GSFA; <strong>and</strong> to “Explanatory notes on the lay-out of the INS” Section 1 of the ClassNames <strong>and</strong> International Numbering System for Food Additives for adoption.CCCF5 The Hague, Netherl<strong>and</strong>s, 21 - 25 March 2011Advanced to steps 5/8: the Code of Practice for the Prevention <strong>and</strong> Reduction of Ethyl Carbamate Contamination in Stone Fruit Distillates;<strong>and</strong> the Maximum Levels for Melamine in Food (Liquid Infant Formula). Proposed new work on maximum levels for arsenic in rice. Returnedto step 2/3 the Maximum Levels for DON <strong>and</strong> its acetylated derivatives in cereals <strong>and</strong> cereal-based products for redrafting <strong>and</strong> comments <strong>and</strong>the level for total aflatoxin in dried figs to Step 2/3 for elaboration of a sampling plan for an ML of 10μg/kg <strong>and</strong> comments. Agreed to continuedeveloping discussion papers on mycotoxins in s<strong>org</strong>hum, risk management options from different risk asessment outcomes, ochratoxin A incocoa, <strong>and</strong> pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods agreed to consider maximum levels for lead in various foods in the GSCTFF <strong>and</strong> the related Code ofPractice for the Prevention <strong>and</strong> Reduction of Lead Contamination in Foods <strong>and</strong> the Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to ReduceContamination of Foods with Chemicals.CCPR43 Bejing, China, 4 - 9 April 2011Advanced MRLs for pesticides for adoption to Steps 8 <strong>and</strong> 5/8 <strong>and</strong> 5. Advanced the revision of the Guidelines on the Estimation of Uncertaintyof Results for the Determination of Pesticide Residues to Steps 5/8. Advanced the revision of the Codex Classification of Foods <strong>and</strong> AnimalFeeds: Assorted Tropical <strong>and</strong> Sub-tropical Fruits Edible peel <strong>and</strong> Assorted Tropical <strong>and</strong> Sub-tropical Fruits - Inedible Peel to Step 5. Retainedseveral MRLs for pesticides at Steps 7 <strong>and</strong> 4 awaiting their JMPR evaluation. Held the three commodity groups on tree nuts, herbs <strong>and</strong> spicesat Step 7 pending finalization of the revision of the Classification of Foods <strong>and</strong> Animal Feeds. Returned the entry for “Edible Flowers” under thecommodity group “Herbs” to Step 6 for comments. Held the draft Principles <strong>and</strong> Guidance for the Selection of Representative Commodities forthe Extrapolation of Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides for Commodity Groups (including Table 1 on fruit commodities) at Step 7 pendingthe finalization of the revision of the Classification of Foods <strong>and</strong> Feeds as per the fruit commodity groups.CCFFP31 Tromso, Norway, 11 - 16 April 2011Advanced to Step 8 <strong>and</strong> Step 5/8 respectively the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Fish Sauce; the Code of Practice for Fish <strong>and</strong> Fishery Products (section onsmoked fish <strong>and</strong> relevant definitions); the amendment to Section Water of the Code of Practice for Fish <strong>and</strong> Fishery Products; <strong>and</strong> theamendment to the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks. Forwarded for adoption at Step 5: the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Quick Frozen Scallop AdductorMuscle Meat; <strong>and</strong> the Proposed Draft St<strong>and</strong>ard for Fresh/Live <strong>and</strong> Frozen Abalone (Haliotis spp). Proposed new work on: Criteria/Parametersfor screening methods for biotoxins in the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Live <strong>and</strong> Raw Bivalve Molluscs; <strong>and</strong> the Code of Practice for Fish <strong>and</strong> Fishery Products(section on Sturgeon Caviar). Returned the Code of Practice on the Processing of Scallop Meat <strong>and</strong> the Performance Criteria for Reference <strong>and</strong>Confirmatory Methods for Marine Biotoxins in the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Live <strong>and</strong> Raw Bivalve Molluscs to Step 3 for comments. Returned to Step 2/3 forredrafting <strong>and</strong> comments: the Procedure for the Inclusion of Additional Species in St<strong>and</strong>ards for Fish <strong>and</strong> Fishery Products; <strong>and</strong> the St<strong>and</strong>ardfor Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Nitrogen Factor for Atlantic Hake). Held at Step 7, the Proposed Draft St<strong>and</strong>ard for Smoked Fish, Smoke-FlavouredFish <strong>and</strong> Smoke-Dried Fish pending the development of the section on food additives, comments <strong>and</strong> consideration at the next session <strong>and</strong>to further consider food additive provisions in st<strong>and</strong>ards for fish <strong>and</strong> fishery products at its next session, based on proposals by an electronicworking group. Will consider at the next session: how to proceed with the proposed draft appendices on optional final product requirementsin the Code of Practice for Fish <strong>and</strong> Fishery Products; a discussion paper on the public health risk of histamine from fish <strong>and</strong> fishery products;<strong>and</strong> a proposal for a code of practice for fish sauce.CCFFV16 Mexico City, Mexico, 2 - 6 May 2011Advanced the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Tree Tomatoes to Step 8 <strong>and</strong> the St<strong>and</strong>ard for Chilli Peppers to Step 5/8 <strong>and</strong> St<strong>and</strong>ard for Pomegranate to Step 5.Retained the revised St<strong>and</strong>ard for Avocado at Step 7 waiting for the finalization of uniformity rules <strong>and</strong> other size-related provisions. Agreedthat the Codex <strong>and</strong> UNECE Secretariats would work on a draft revised layout for Codex st<strong>and</strong>ards for fresh fruits vegetables taking into accountthe 2010 revision of the UNECE layout <strong>and</strong> highlighting the main differences between Codex <strong>and</strong> UNECE layouts.CCFL39 Quebec City, Canada, 9 - 13 May 2011Advanced to step 8 the revision of the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (CAC/GL 2-1985) concerning the list of nutrients that are always declaredon a voluntary or m<strong>and</strong>atory basis; <strong>and</strong> to Step 5/8 the Compilation of Codex Texts Relevant to Labelling of Foods Derived from ModernBiotechnology; <strong>and</strong> to Step 5 the definition of Nutrient Reference Values. Discontinued work on the amendment to the General St<strong>and</strong>ard forthe Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Definitions. Proposed new work on inclusion of new substances into the Guidelines for the Production,Processing, Labelling <strong>and</strong> Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. Retained the Inclusion of ethylene for other products in these guidelinesat Step 7; returned the Inclusion of new substances to Step 6 <strong>and</strong> retained the revision to include aquaculture animals <strong>and</strong> seaweed to Step 3.CCNEA6 Hammamet, Tunisia, 23 – 27 May 2011Advanced for adoption at step 5/8 the Regional Code of Practice for Street Vended Foods; the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Harissa (Red Hot PepperPaste); <strong>and</strong> the Regional St<strong>and</strong>ard for Halwa tehenia. Nominated (in a special meeting during the 34th CAC) Lebanon as regional coordinator.

Saving PaperNew PublicationsMILK AND MILK PRODUCTS -2 nd EDITIONIn 2005, the Codex Secretariatbegan to implement a papersavingpolicy <strong>and</strong> discontinuedsending out printed copiesof working documents <strong>and</strong>reports. Previously Codex hadbeen the biggest user of <strong>FAO</strong>printing services. The savingswere used to compensate increasingcosts <strong>and</strong> stagnatingbudgets but also to invest intopic-oriented publications ofCodex texts as well as into improvingthe Codex website.In 2009 participants to the CodexAlimentarius Commissionwere invited to print <strong>and</strong> bringtheir own sets of documentswhich had been circulated byemail, through the website <strong>and</strong>the ftp server in advance. Oneset of printed documents wasprovided to delegations. 85% ofpaper was saved as comparedto previous sessions <strong>and</strong> onlyfew delegations requested additionaldocuments.In 2011 we discontinued providingsets of documents completely<strong>and</strong> most delegationswere able to work with theirown copies <strong>and</strong> electronic copies.Conference room documentswere still provided on paper<strong>and</strong> a few sets were printed.Conference room documentswere also uploaded on the ftpserver. The availability of wifi<strong>and</strong> power outlets in the meetingrooms gave the delegateseasy access to their electronicdocuments. 95% of paper wassaved as compared to previoussessions.The Codex Secretariat wouldlike to thank all delegations fortheir cooperation!FOOD IMPORT AND EXPORT INSPECTIONAND CERTIFICATION SYSTEMS -5 th EDITIONThe new edition of these popular booksare now available on the Codex website inEnglish, French <strong>and</strong> Spanish. We will printa limited number of copies <strong>and</strong> distributethem to Codex Contact Points beforethe end of the year. We can also makehigh-quality (print-ready) files availableto interested contact points who want tocreate their own copies.contactscodex@fao.<strong>org</strong>(: +39 06 57051 : +39 06 5705 4593Viale delle Terme di Caracalla00153 Rome, Italywww.codexalimentarius.<strong>org</strong>

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