Financial Guide for SMEs - SME Corporation Malaysia

Financial Guide for SMEs - SME Corporation Malaysia

Financial Guide for SMEs - SME Corporation Malaysia


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<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong><strong>SME</strong>s</strong>Level of RiskDEBT EQUITY INTERNAL FINANCEFor a lender :The lender takes therisk that the businessmay be :• Unable to generatesuffi cient cash fl owto service the debt; or• Unable to repay theprincipal at the endof the loan period.The lender will generallyrequire a sufficient levelof security to cover theprincipal. However,the costs and timing ofen<strong>for</strong>cing this securityposes an additional risk.The risk <strong>for</strong> the businessis generally based on:• Changes in interestrates if exposed tovariable rates;• Cash fl ow risk ashigh growth requiresincreased workingcapital;• Ability to generatesuffi cient funds tofund principalrepayment; and• The proportion ofdebts to equity,(generally the higherthe proportion, thehigher the risk).For an investor :The equity investorbears the risk of thebusiness and its abilityto achieve the requiredlevel of growth.They also bear the riskof finding a willing buyerin order to exit theinvestment.The risk to the businessis reduced with equityfunding, as it does notimpose any significantcash fl ow requirementson the business.The ultimate risk <strong>for</strong>the investor is that theycould lose their capitalif the company does notsurvive. There<strong>for</strong>e, theirrisk is both a capitaland return-oninvestmentrisk.For the owner of thebusiness, bringing ininvestors usuallydecreases their controlof the business.For the owner:The owner of thebusiness takes therisk that cash usedfrom areas of workingcapital may affect thebusiness operations.For example, toincrease cash fl ow,the business mayreduce inventory level,which could result ininsuffi cient inventoryavailable <strong>for</strong> sale.84chapter 7-13 p79-181 Eng.indd 848/15/11 5:02:54 PM

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