Reference List - Butterfly-Valves - MIV

Reference List - Butterfly-Valves - MIV

Reference List - Butterfly-Valves - MIV


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REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSMunicipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 250 B/V 16Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 300 B/V 16Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 350 B/V 9Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 400 B/V 9Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 500 B/V 7Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 600 B/V 3Municipality of Benghazi/Libya Treated Sewage 16 800 B/V 5Municipality of Sebha/Libya Potable Water 16 300 B/V 8Municipality of Sebha/Libya Potable Water 16 400 B/V 8Municipality of Sebha/Libya Potable Water 16 600 B/V 4SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 16 400 B/V 23SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 16 500 B/V 17SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 16 600 B/V 4SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 16 800 B/V 9SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 16 900 B/V 13SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 10 500 B/V 23SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 10 600 B/V 17SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Khadisiya River Water 10 1000 B/V 9SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 10 400 B/V 17SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 10 500 B/V 12SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 10 600 B/V 9SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 10 700 B/V 5SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 10 800 B/V 6SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 300 B/V 17SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 400 B/V 12SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 500 B/V 9SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 600 B/V 5SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 700 B/V 14SOWS Baghdad - W/T Al Kut River Water 16 900 B/V 8Water Works ISKI/Turkey Potable Water 16 300 B/V 29Water Works ISKI/Turkey Potable Water 16 400 B/V 17Water Works ISKI/Turkey Potable Water 16 450 B/V 8Water Works ISKI/Turkey Potable Water 16 500 B/V 32Sheet 1 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSMAW Riyadh Desal. Water 10 800 B/V 12MAW Riyadh Desal. Water 10 1000 B/V 3WSD Buraidah Water 16 300 B/V 11WSD Buraidah Water 16 400 B/V 9Al Nasr City Cairo Treated Sewage 16 400 B/V 9Al Nasr City Cairo Treated Sewage 16 600 B/V 12Al Nasr City Cairo Treated Sewage 16 700 B/V 4Al Nasr City Cairo Treated Sewage 16 800 B/V 4Irrigation Project/Al Khabour/Syria River Water 16 300 B/V 4Irrigation Project/Al Khabour/Syria River Water 25 200 B/V 16Municipality of Tripoli/Libya Water 16 300 B/V 29Municipality of Tripoli/Libya Water 16 400 B/V 42Municipality of Tripoli/Libya Water 16 500 B/V 17Municipality of Tripoli/Libya Water 16 600 B/V 12Municipality of Dubai Irrigation Water 16 100 B/V 6Municipality of Dubai Irrigation Water 16 150 B/V 4Municipality of Dubai Irrigation Water 16 200 B/V 5WED Abu Dhabi - Mirfa to Madinat Zayed Desal. Water 16 500 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Mirfa to Madinat Zayed Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 22WED Abu Dhabi - Mirfa to Madinat Zayed Desal. Water 16 700 B/V 28WED Abu Dhabi - Mirfa to Madinat Zayed Desal. Water 16 800 B/V 12WED Abu Dhabi - Mirfa to Madinat Zayed Desal. Water 16 900 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Taweelah Phase B Pipeline Desal. Water 25 1200 B/V 16WED Abu Dhabi - Submerine Pipeline Desal. Water 16 300 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Submerine Pipeline Desal. Water 16 400 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Submerine Pipeline Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 4WED Abu Dhabi - Madinate Zayed to Unit IV Desal. Water 16 400 B/V 8WED Abu Dhabi - Madinate Zayed to Unit IV Desal. Water 16 300 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Madinate Zayed to Unit IV Desal. Water 16 400 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Madinate Zayed to Unit IV Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 4WED Abu Dhabi - WED 15 Palaces Desal. Water 16 400 B/V 5WED Abu Dhabi - WED 15 Palaces Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 5WED Abu Dhabi - WED 15 Palaces Desal. Water 16 800 B/V 4Sheet 3 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSMAW Riyadh Raw Sewage 10 1000 B/V 2MAW Riyadh Raw Sewage 10 1200 B/V 3WSD Jeddah Treated Sewage 10 800 B/V 4WSD Jeddah Treated Sewage 10 900 B/V 6WSD Jeddah Treated Sewage 10 1200 B/V 2WED Abu Dhabi - Adjban Pumping Station Desal. Water 16 400 B/V 8WED Abu Dhabi - Adjban Pumping Station Desal. Water 16 500 B/V 8WED Abu Dhabi - Adjban Pumping Station Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 3WED Abu Dhabi - Adjban Pumping Station Desal. Water 16 700 B/V 5WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Treated Sewage 10 200 B/V 4WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Treated Sewage 10 400 B/V 6WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Treated Sewage 10 500 B/V 3WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Treated Sewage 10 600 B/V 7WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Raw Sewage 16 1000 B/V 3WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Raw Sewage 16 1200 B/V 6WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Raw Sewage 16 1500 B/V 3WSD Medina - Sewage Pumping Station Raw Sewage 16 1600 B/V 3WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 7 Irrigation Water 25 1000 B/V 4WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 71 Potable Water 16 300 B/V 36WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 71 Potable Water 16 400 B/V 1WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 71 Potable Water 16 500 B/V 6WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 71 Potable Water 16 600 B/V 7WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 500 B/V 5WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 600 B/V 6WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 800 B/V 6WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 900 B/V 4WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 1000 B/V 3WED Abu Dhabi - Contract No. 43 Desal. Water 16 1200 B/V 20WSD Medina Potable Water 10 300 B/V 10WSD Medina Potable Water 10 400 B/V 10WSD Medina Potable Water 10 600 B/V 15MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 300 B/V 6MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 400 B/V 5MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 600 B/V 12Sheet 4 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSMAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 800 B/V 8MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 1000 B/V 3MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 1200 B/V 1MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 1400 B/V 2MAW - Riyadh - Jeddah 7.1C Potable Water 10 1500 B/V 5MAW - Riyadh - Busaytah to Qurrayat Potable Water 25 600 B/V 46ADWEA - Musnoah Island Potable Water 16 600 B/V 3ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 400 B/V 5ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 500 B/V 1ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 600 B/V 10ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 700 B/V 4ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 900 B/V 2ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 1000 B/V 18ADWEA - Contract 77 Potable Water 16 1200 B/V 3Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 65 B/V 16Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 80 B/V 18Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 100 B/V 23Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 125 B/V 12Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 150 B/V 62Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 200 B/V 58Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 250 B/V 46Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 300 B/V 32Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 400 B/V 8Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 450 B/V 8Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 500 B/V 27Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 600 B/V 14Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 700 B/V 8Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 900 B/V 8Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 1200 B/V 7Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 1400 B/V 2Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 1600 B/V 1Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 1800 B/V 3Dubai Municipality Irrigation Water 10 2000 B/V 2Sheet 5 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSBahrain Irrigation Water 10 600 B/V 4Bahrain Irrigation Water 10 800 B/V 9Bahrain Irrigation Water 10 1200 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Sewage 16 600 B/V 2WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 150 B/V 3WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 250 B/V 2WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 300 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 400 B/V 2WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 500 B/V 2WSD Buraidah Irrigation Water 10 900 B/V 3MAW Riyadh for Yanbu Al Nakheel Potable Water 25 400 B/V 22MAW Riyadh for Yanbu Al Nakheel Potable Water 25 300 B/V 3MAW Riyadh for Bisha Potable Water 16 600 B/V 24MAW Riyadh for Bani Hota Tamim Potable Water 16 300 B/V 2MAW Riyadh for Bani Hota Tamim Potable Water 16 400 B/V 2MAW Riyadh for Bani Hota Tamim Potable Water 16 500 B/V 8WSD Buraidah Potable Water 16 150 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 16 200 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 16 900 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 10 300 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 10 400 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 10 500 B/V 1WSD Buraidah Potable Water 10 900 B/V 1Bahrain Potable Water 16 250 B/V 3Bahrain Potable Water 16 300 B/V 6Bahrain Potable Water 16 350 B/V 6Bahrain Potable Water 16 400 B/V 15Bahrain Potable Water 16 450 B/V 2Bahrain Potable Water 16 500 B/V 7Bahrain Potable Water 16 600 B/V 2Bahrain Potable Water 16 700 B/V 2Bahrain Potable Water 16 300 B/V 4Bahrain Potable Water 16 350 B/V 3Sheet 6 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSBahrain Potable Water 16 400 B/V 7Bahrain Potable Water 16 450 B/V 2Bahrain Potable Water 16 500 B/V 8Bahrain Potable Water 16 600 B/V 5Bahrain Potable Water 16 700 B/V 3MAW Riyadh for Bussytha to Qurrayat Potable Water 16 600 B/V 44MAW Riyadh for Bussytha to Qurrayat Potable Water 25 600 B/V 94MAW Riyadh for Bussytha to Qurrayat Potable Water 16 700 B/V 46MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 10 300 B/V 8MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 16 300 B/V 55MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 25 300 B/V 12MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 10 400 B/V 12MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 16 400 B/V 5MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 25 400 B/V 12MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 10 500 B/V 8MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 16 500 B/V 2MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 10 600 B/V 4MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 16 600 B/V 4MAW Riyadh for Turaif Potable Water 25 600 B/V 2Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 150 B/V 20Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 200 B/V 20Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 300 B/V 10Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 400 B/V 20Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 600 B/V 6Bahrain, Tubli Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage 10 800 B/V 8Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 50 B/V 2Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 80 B/V 5Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 100 B/V 4250Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 150 B/V 256Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 200 B/V 132Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 250 B/V 54Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 300 B/V 37Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 400 B/V 6Sheet 7 of 8

REFERENCES IN THE MIDDLE EASTFOR BUTTERFLY VALVESEND USERFLUID PN DN PRODUCTS QTY.UNITSKuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 500 B/V 6Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 600 B/V 14Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 700 B/V 9Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 800 B/V 12Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 900 B/V 3Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 1000 B/V 7Kuwait SE 59 Irrigation Water 16 1200 B/V 42Qatar, GTC 21 Potable Water 16 400 B/V 26Qatar, GTC 21 Potable Water 16 600 B/V 8ADWEA D-5630 Potable Water 16 400 B/V 1ADWEA D-5630 Potable Water 16 500 B/V 7ADWEA D-5630 Potable Water 16 600 B/V 5ADWEA D-5630 Potable Water 16 800 B/V 9ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 16 400 B/V 1ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 25 400 B/V 4ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 16 500 B/V 7ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 25 500 B/V 3ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 16 600 B/V 6ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 25 600 B/V 13ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 16 800 B/V 9ADWEA D-4860 Potable Water 25 800 B/V 5ADWEA N-4277 Potable Water 16 900 B/V 18ADWEA N-4277 Potable Water 16 1000 B/V 6ADWEA N-4277 Potable Water 16 1200 B/V 3ADWEA N-4277 Potable Water 16 1600 B/V 13Sheet 8 of 8

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