Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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Tino RangatiratangaAccountable and transparent leadershipIn 2009 the tari undertook an organisational restructure to buildgreater strategic capability and capacity; add value to hapü and maraedevelopment; and establish an integrated style of operating within the iwioffice through the implementation of new systems and a firm structure. Italso incorporated a senior management team of directors who would aligntheir strategic outputs directly with the iwi’s 25 year vision. The diagrambelow depicts the newly implemented structure that took affect in October2009 with the Fisheries and Kaitoko Whänau units established in April2010.Chief ExecutiveDirector ofFisheriesKaitoko WhänauWorkers(Fixed Term)Director ofTe Reo& TikangaDirector ofSupportServicesFisheriesAnalystTe Reo &Tikanga AnalystEvent andPromotionManagerWebsite ProjectCoordinator(Fixed Term)FinanceOfficerMinistry ofEducationSecondmentExecutiveAssistantReceptionistAdministratorRegistrationAdministratorCommunicationsAdvisorPage 6

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi IncorporatedOrganisation StructureNgäti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is governed by ngä uri a Kahungunumembers who have the opportunity to participate through marae,taiwhenua/rohe and iwi elections. This diagram depicts the structure ofthe iwi from marae/hapü to governance level.NGÄ URI O KAHUNGUNUKaiwhakawäRünangaMediation andDispute ResolutionCommittee calledupon to provideadvocacy.MARAE/HAPÜTAIWHENUA/ROHETAURAHERETaumataKahungunuEsteemedleaderscalled upon toprovide specificadvice.NGÄTI KAHUNGUNU IWI INC BOARD• Political advocacy• Strategic governanceManagementOffice - Staff• Management andImplementationof Iwi widestrategies:• Te Reo andEducation• Violence Free• Fisheries• Tobacco Free• Taiao• PR and Events• Communications• Policy/Research• Finance• Registration• Sponsorship/Scholarship• AdministrationFinance, HumanResources &AuditCommittee• A subsidiarycommittee madeup of Boardmembers.KEYAccountabilitySupportKahungunuAsset HoldingCompany• Investment• FisheriesassetPage 7

Tino Rangati<strong>ra</strong>tangaAccountable and t<strong>ra</strong>nsparent leadershipIn 2009 the tari undertook an organisational restructure to buildgreater st<strong>ra</strong>tegic capability and capacity; add value to hapü and ma<strong>ra</strong>edevelopment; and establish an integ<strong>ra</strong>ted style of ope<strong>ra</strong>ting within the iwioffice through the implementation of new systems and a firm structure. Italso incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted a senior management team of directors who would aligntheir st<strong>ra</strong>tegic outputs directly with the iwi’s 25 year vision. The diag<strong>ra</strong>mbelow depicts the newly implemented structure that took affect in October2009 with the Fisheries and Kaitoko Whänau units established in April2010.Chief ExecutiveDirector ofFisheriesKaitoko WhänauWorkers(Fixed Term)Director ofTe Reo& TikangaDirector ofSupportServicesFisheriesAnalystTe Reo &Tikanga AnalystEvent andPromotionManagerWebsite ProjectCoordinator(Fixed Term)FinanceOfficerMinistry ofEducationSecondmentExecutiveAssistantReceptionistAdminist<strong>ra</strong>torRegist<strong>ra</strong>tionAdminist<strong>ra</strong>torCommunicationsAdvisorPage 6

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