Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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Ngāti Kahungunu IwiINCORPORATEDAnnual Plan2010-2011The Ngäti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated annual plan details the annualplan objectives, activities and performance measures that will be focusedfrom July 2010 to June 2011. The activities are based on the followingNgäti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. strategies that promote Strong, Vibrant, HealthyWhänau, Hapü & Iwi.He Mahere Rautaki Hai Haumanu I Te Reo O Ngäti KahungunuThe Revitalization of Te Reo o Ngäti KahungunuKahungunu Ki Uta, Kahungunu Ki TaiMarine and Freshwater Fisheries Strategic PlanTe Ara Toiora O Ngäti KahungunuThe Kahungunu Well-being StrategyThe work within the annual plan will be undertaken bydesignated staff, supported by the Support Services team.Page 26

Annual PlanHE MAHERE RAUTAKI HAI HAUMANU I TE REOO NGÄTI KAHUNGUNUSTRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE REVITALIZATION OFTE REO O NGÄTI KAHUNGUNU 2006 – 2027“Nähana te kahu i whatu, hai tänikoniko mä te iwi”ANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESSupport the Revitalisationof Ngäti KahungunuPaepae.Kahungunu CulturalCentreGrow KahungunuLeadershipSupport the Mätaurangaand Reo StrategyProvide cultural supportto the Te Ara Toioraand Kahungunu kiUta Kahungunu ki TaiStrategiesACTIVITIESCreate a Succession Planning Toolkit thatcontains advice and planning templates.Publish and Produce Resources to promoteKahungunu reo on Kahungunu Paepae and in alldomains.Complete the review of He Mahere Rautaki HaiHaumanu I Te Reo O Ngäti Kahungunu.Produce a Feasibility Study/Scoping Report on theimplementation of the Kahungunu Cultural Centre.Plan and hold at least ten (10) Tïhei Kahungunuwänanga throughout the Kahungunu rohe andTaurahere.Manage the Ministry of Education KahungunuCultural Standards (KCS) and Community BasedLearning Initiatives (CBLI) contracts.Provide cultural support for the Kaitoko Whänauand Fish Directorates as necessary to promotecross office integration.TAIAO‘Protecting our Environment’Advocate the broadenvironmental interestsof Ngäti Kahungunu at anational level.Monitor, contributeor assist with inputto regional plans andpolicy throughout theKahungunu rohe topromote our interests inthe whenua, ngä awa, ngäroto, and the rohe moana.Maintain a watching brief on changes toenvironmental legislation and governancestructures;Attend and contribute to pan-iwi engagement forawhere iwi input is sought on Te Taiao.Investigate and analyse the need for input toregional and district plan and policy changes;Where tangata whenua input is lacking due tolimited resources or capacity, contribute expertisewithin prescribed budget.Page 27

Annual PlanHE MAHERE RAUTAKI HAI HAUMANU I TE REOO NGÄTI KAHUNGUNUSTRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE REVITALIZATION OFTE REO O NGÄTI KAHUNGUNU 2006 – 2027“Nähana te kahu i whatu, hai tänikoniko mä te iwi”ANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESSupport the Revitalisationof Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Paepae.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Cultu<strong>ra</strong>lCentreGrow <strong>Kahungunu</strong>LeadershipSupport the Mätau<strong>ra</strong>ngaand Reo St<strong>ra</strong>tegyProvide cultu<strong>ra</strong>l supportto the Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong>and <strong>Kahungunu</strong> kiUta <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki TaiSt<strong>ra</strong>tegiesACTIVITIESCreate a Succession Planning Toolkit thatcontains advice and planning templates.Publish and Produce Resources to promote<strong>Kahungunu</strong> reo on <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Paepae and in alldomains.Complete the review of He Mahere Rautaki HaiHaumanu I Te Reo O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.Produce a Feasibility Study/Scoping Report on theimplementation of the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Centre.Plan and hold at least ten (10) Tïhei <strong>Kahungunu</strong>wänanga throughout the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe andTau<strong>ra</strong>here.Manage the Ministry of Education <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Standards (KCS) and Community BasedLearning Initiatives (CBLI) cont<strong>ra</strong>cts.Provide cultu<strong>ra</strong>l support for the Kaitoko Whänauand Fish Directo<strong>ra</strong>tes as necessary to promotecross office integ<strong>ra</strong>tion.TAIAO‘Protecting our Environment’Advocate the broadenvironmental interestsof Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> at anational level.Monitor, contributeor assist with inputto regional plans andpolicy throughout the<strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe topromote our interests inthe whenua, ngä awa, ngäroto, and the rohe moana.Maintain a watching brief on changes toenvironmental legislation and governancestructures;Attend and contribute to pan-iwi engagement fo<strong>ra</strong>where iwi input is sought on Te Taiao.Investigate and analyse the need for input toregional and district plan and policy changes;Where tangata whenua input is lacking due tolimited resources or capacity, contribute expertisewithin prescribed budget.Page 27

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