Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

Hoea ra - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated


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Chief Executive’s StatementTënä rä tätau te pükahu o ngä uri huhua o Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Mätua ana te whakaaro ki ngä tini aituä e hingahingaake nei i runga i ö tätau ma<strong>ra</strong>e mahaKo te pö rä ki a koutou, ko te pö rä ki a koutouAu<strong>ra</strong>ki mai ana ki a tätau te tirohanga kanohiTätau e pae nei, tënä rä koutou, Tïhei <strong>Kahungunu</strong>!Informed by our <strong>Iwi</strong>’s 25 year vision, the office was set clear prioritiesfor the last 12 months. Contained within this report are highlights ofthose achievements. I wish to thank the staff and Board for their ongoingcommitment and leadership in striving towards meeting the aspi<strong>ra</strong>tions ofour people.As the Chairman has alluded in his introduction, the resounding 500 strongRangatahi haka at McLean Park on June 23 made <strong>Kahungunu</strong>’s markdomestically, nationally and internationally; and it is to our <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi thatwe look to for motivation and energy to help inform what we do today andenable that vib<strong>ra</strong>ncy to resonate across all our whänau, hapü and iwi.The year on reflection saw the instigation of 3 significant internal Reviews:the Board; the Office; and the Asset Holding Company. The Board lookedat its own performance and explored areas for improvement. Kanohi ki tekanohi hui were held at each Taiwhenua and a survey was made availablefor all to make comment. A set of recommendations have been developedand endorsed by the Board for implementation. The Office Review aimedto build a more st<strong>ra</strong>tegic and integ<strong>ra</strong>ted <strong>Iwi</strong> office for what lies ahead.Newly established directo<strong>ra</strong>tes resulted in Reo, Tikanga & Mätau<strong>ra</strong>nga;Fisheries & Taiao and Support Services. In addition the <strong>Iwi</strong> office continuesits ongoing commitment to our Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> or Social Responsibilitiesst<strong>ra</strong>tegy which includes Violence free, Tobacco free, Hauo<strong>ra</strong>, Rangatahiand Rongoa initiatives. Looking ahead the completion of the CompanyReview will be foreshadowed by the development of <strong>Kahungunu</strong>’s ownEconomic St<strong>ra</strong>tegy.Despite the financial climate of continued uncertainty both organizationshave performed above expectation. We end the year with a net equity of$54,229,190 and an ope<strong>ra</strong>ting surplus of $1,541,850.Hei konä mai koutou i roto i ngä mihiKia tau te mauriNähaku noa, näMeka WhaitiriChief Executive OfficerNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>tedPage 2

Board Members 2009-2010Ngähiwi TomoanaChairmanHaami HiltonKaumätuaMike PakuHeretaunga (new)Linette RautahiTämaki Nui ä RuaNelson RangiWai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>paRobert RopihaTamateaRill MeihanaWairoaRoy Pewhai<strong>ra</strong>ngiTe Whanganui-ä-Orotü (new)Bill HamiltonTau<strong>ra</strong>hereOwen PurcellTau<strong>ra</strong>hereBevan TaylorTe Whanganui-ä-Orotü(outgoing)Christine TearikiHeretaunga(outgoing)Staff Members 2009-2010Meka WhaitiriChief ExecutiveKeri RopihaDirector of SocialServices (Outgoing)Danielle Keil-LambertExecutiveAssitantKerrin FairDatabaseAdminist<strong>ra</strong>torDr Adele WhyteDirector ofFisheriesRuth WongCommunicationsAdvisorTe Rangi HuataEvents & PromotionsManagerAlex EdwardsTe ReoResearch AnalystMeagan JoePoutiri-A-Mätau<strong>ra</strong>ngaHine HapeFinance OfficerNgaio TiukaFisheries AnalystJenny SmithKaitoko WhänauJeremy Tätere MacLeodDirector of Te Reo,Tikanga and Mätau<strong>ra</strong>ngaConnie CollinsKaitoko WhänauShiana RongoReceptionist (Outgoing)Eru Tahuri(Acting) Director ofTe Reo, Tikanga andMätau<strong>ra</strong>nga(New role) WebsiteProject CoordinatorMarina SciasciaPublic RelationsManager(Outgoing)Kym HamiltonResearch & SpecialProjects Manager(Outgoing)Ngaire AbenDirector of Te Reo,Tikanga andMätau<strong>ra</strong>nga (Outgoing)Roy Pewhai<strong>ra</strong>ngiViolence FreeCoordinator(Outgoing)Naumai RopitiniFinance Manager(Outgoing)Page 3

Tino Rangati<strong>ra</strong>tangaAccountable and t<strong>ra</strong>nsparent leadershipIn 2009 the tari undertook an organisational restructure to buildgreater st<strong>ra</strong>tegic capability and capacity; add value to hapü and ma<strong>ra</strong>edevelopment; and establish an integ<strong>ra</strong>ted style of ope<strong>ra</strong>ting within the iwioffice through the implementation of new systems and a firm structure. Italso incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted a senior management team of directors who would aligntheir st<strong>ra</strong>tegic outputs directly with the iwi’s 25 year vision. The diag<strong>ra</strong>mbelow depicts the newly implemented structure that took affect in October2009 with the Fisheries and Kaitoko Whänau units established in April2010.Chief ExecutiveDirector ofFisheriesKaitoko WhänauWorkers(Fixed Term)Director ofTe Reo& TikangaDirector ofSupportServicesFisheriesAnalystTe Reo &Tikanga AnalystEvent andPromotionManagerWebsite ProjectCoordinator(Fixed Term)FinanceOfficerMinistry ofEducationSecondmentExecutiveAssistantReceptionistAdminist<strong>ra</strong>torRegist<strong>ra</strong>tionAdminist<strong>ra</strong>torCommunicationsAdvisorPage 6

Ngāti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>tedOrganisation StructureNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted is governed by ngä uri a <strong>Kahungunu</strong>members who have the opportunity to participate through ma<strong>ra</strong>e,taiwhenua/rohe and iwi elections. This diag<strong>ra</strong>m depicts the structure ofthe iwi from ma<strong>ra</strong>e/hapü to governance level.NGÄ URI O KAHUNGUNUKaiwhakawäRünangaMediation andDispute ResolutionCommittee calledupon to provideadvocacy.MARAE/HAPÜTAIWHENUA/ROHETAURAHERETaumata<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Esteemedleaderscalled upon toprovide specificadvice.NGÄTI KAHUNGUNU IWI INC BOARD• Political advocacy• St<strong>ra</strong>tegic governanceManagementOffice - Staff• Management andImplementationof <strong>Iwi</strong> widest<strong>ra</strong>tegies:• Te Reo andEducation• Violence Free• Fisheries• Tobacco Free• Taiao• PR and Events• Communications• Policy/Research• Finance• Regist<strong>ra</strong>tion• Sponsorship/Scholarship• Administ<strong>ra</strong>tionFinance, HumanResources &AuditCommittee• A subsidiarycommittee madeup of Boardmembers.KEYAccountabilitySupport<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Asset HoldingCompany• Investment• FisheriesassetPage 7

<strong>Kahungunu</strong>tangaCultu<strong>ra</strong>lly StrongRetention of our cultu<strong>ra</strong>l identity is pa<strong>ra</strong>mount for it is the soul of the <strong>Iwi</strong>,and is what makes us unique.In June 2009 the Tïhei <strong>Kahungunu</strong> booklet and CD were launched andsoon after, 300 sets consisting of the passport size booklet containing<strong>Kahungunu</strong> waiata, moteatea, ka<strong>ra</strong>kia and an accompanying CD weredelivered to every Ma<strong>ra</strong>e, Ku<strong>ra</strong> Kaupapa and Köhanga Reo in the<strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe. This was closely followed by a wave of Tïhei <strong>Kahungunu</strong>wananga being held at each Taiwhenua and in many ma<strong>ra</strong>e and at seve<strong>ra</strong>lplaces where <strong>Kahungunu</strong> whänau meet. This valuable resource has beenused at seve<strong>ra</strong>l hui held in the rohe.The revitalization of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> reo and tikanga is important toour identity as <strong>Kahungunu</strong>. For this purpose the Te Reo Unit continuedto identify opportunities to engage with providers, key stakeholders,Kaumätua, <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi and other relevant networks and have participatedin, and contributed to the developmental prog<strong>ra</strong>mmes and supported reoinitiatives.The concept, development and promotion of the Töku <strong>Iwi</strong> Board game of<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Trivia has proved a success and steady sales to registeredmembers give comfort that in some <strong>Kahungunu</strong> homes, whänau arehaving fun while learning basic history lessons about <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.The development of the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Reo Resource website hasalso been a great outcome which provides access to learning <strong>ra</strong>ck cards,posters, flash cards and some waiata.A review of the ‘He Mahere Hai Haumanu I Te reo O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>’St<strong>ra</strong>tegy has determined a way forward with new objectives andinitiatives.To help encou<strong>ra</strong>ge young men to participate in and realise their aspi<strong>ra</strong>tionsto korero on the paepae, an opportunity was given to <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi to attendthe Koroneihana in August 2009. This proved valuable for those whoattended.Page 8

TaiaoProtecting our EnvironmentNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted continues to place the protection ofour environment as a top priority. We believe that our environment has adirect influence on the health of our people; therefore we are interested inpreserving and protecting our air, water, lands, and our resources for thebenefit and survival of future gene<strong>ra</strong>tions.In July 2009, Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted invited <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi tobecome future <strong>Kahungunu</strong> eco warriors by taking part in a Taiohi TaiaoRangahau Wananga. Twenty four 12–16 year old <strong>Kahungunu</strong> students fromaround the rohe attended a four day wananga as research assistants thatincluded a field study of Napier Port in Hawke’s Bay. During the wanangastudents learned about biosecurity, environmental issues, research,project planning and mätau<strong>ra</strong>nga Mäori. In addition the <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi weregiven the opportunity to participate in a competition by submitting their500 word opinions about protecting the environment and the threats to ourwhenua, moana and wai Mäori. Twelve <strong>Kahungunu</strong> students submittedopinion pieces and were presented with a taonga for their efforts. Theirviews were published on our iwi website.The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Uta <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Tai (KKUKKT): Marine and Freshwaterfisheries st<strong>ra</strong>tegic plan was launched at the NKII AGM in November 2008.The KKUKKT st<strong>ra</strong>tegy aims to reinteg<strong>ra</strong>te the management of fisheries,freshwater and coastal resources within the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe and tobuild hapü and iwi capability and capacity. In June 2009 the <strong>Kahungunu</strong>ki Uta <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Tai (KKUKKT) steering group signed off on theimplementation plan for the KKUKKT st<strong>ra</strong>tegy. In April 2010 a <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Fisheries Management Unit was established at the iwi office to assistimplementing the st<strong>ra</strong>tegy. The unit consists of the Director of Fisheries,Dr Adele Whyte and Research Analyst, Ngaio Tiuka.Since the establishment of the unit, a Statement of Intent and an annualwork plan has been developed to guide us towards the achievement ofour vision:Kaitiakitanga o ngä <strong>ra</strong>wa a Tangaroa mö ngä uri whakatupu;Guardianship of Tangaroa’s multitudes on behalf ofall the gene<strong>ra</strong>tions yet to come.Relationships across sectors have continued to be developed andstrengthened, hapü have been assisted to develop their own d<strong>ra</strong>ft rohemoana management plans and information has been shared throughimproved communication including the production of a Fish Unit newsletter‘Hurumanu’.Page 9

WhanaungatangaStrong Vib<strong>ra</strong>nt Healthy Whänau, Hapü and <strong>Iwi</strong>TE ARA TOIORAAll activities, initiatives and outcomes lead to progressing Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong>- the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Wellness St<strong>ra</strong>tegy and the Pou of Strong Vib<strong>ra</strong>ntHealthy Whänau, Hapü and <strong>Iwi</strong>.Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> encompasses the <strong>Iwi</strong> Ka<strong>ra</strong>nga of:The Kaitoko Whänau team consists of Jenny Smith and Connie Collinswho started in April 2010 and their role is to enable, facilitate, implementand progress Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> - the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> wellbeing st<strong>ra</strong>tegy.EVENTSNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted produces events with the goal tostrengthen cultu<strong>ra</strong>l and communal ties, build pride in <strong>Kahungunu</strong>tanga andprovide economic opportunities for iwi members from such inte<strong>ra</strong>ction.The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Sport Awards hosted by Tamatea att<strong>ra</strong>cted a sell-outcrowd and the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Sportsperson for 2009 was champion shearerJohnny Kirkpatrick.The AGM Pa Sports Day at Splash Planet last year proved popular with32 ma<strong>ra</strong>e/whänau groups participating with 1200 players competing in 76teams and supported by 2,200 supporters.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Day Waitangi Day this year att<strong>ra</strong>cted 15,000 iwi members andsix Matariki events from Wairoa to Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa att<strong>ra</strong>cted 13,500 participants.Another 1,000 people attended 20 smaller Matariki events funded by theiwi and Te Puni Kokiri.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Regional Kapa Haka Contest proved popular with a greatpublic turn out at Te Aute College. First place winners were Te RerengaKotuku and Runners-Up were Tamatea Ariki Nui who will go on torepresent <strong>Kahungunu</strong> at Te Matatini in Gisborne next year.As a p<strong>ra</strong>ctice run to the Rugby World Cup in 2011, Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>joined Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union to host the NZ Mäori versus Englandgame attended by 17,000 avid fans. This proved a great success withthe iwi leading ceremonial protocols, providing anthem singers, groundannouncers, entertainment and a pre-game haka by 500 youth fromWairoa to Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa. NZ Mäori won 35-28.Page 10

WhanaungatangaThe Rugby World Cup offers many exciting opportunities for ourcommunities and Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> is working closely with members toorganise the George Nepia Exhibition at the Wairoa Museum, the RugbyHaka Festival in 5 towns and the Fiesta of Lights Drive Thru, Hastings.Other events during this time include the Waiata Mäori Music Awards andTakitimu Festival. Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> was the only iwi to be a part of aregion’s bid to host games.Mäori businesses have benefited from these events by providing servicesin event management, security, labour, fireworks, entertainment and salesof food, c<strong>ra</strong>ft, artwork, merchandise, fashion accessories, clothing andtaonga.Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted’s long term plan is for these eventsto become the premier seasonal gathering for the region at that time ofyear.Events have been recorded and reports can be viewed online in theCommunications Newsletter Archives www.kahungunu.iwi.nzKAHUNGUNUStrong Vib<strong>ra</strong>nt RangatahiMaking their markT<strong>ra</strong>ditionally and Cultu<strong>ra</strong>lly StrongInternationally RecognisedPage 11

WhanaungatangaCOMMUNICATIONSNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted is committed to communicating withits membership and the wider community to allow whänau the bestopportunities to keep abreast of events and activities that enhance themana and wellbeing of whänau, hapü and iwi. To achieve this the iwioffers communication through the following channels: A bi-monthly <strong>Hoea</strong><strong>ra</strong> newsletter, ‘Panui ki te iwi’ an email panui service, daily communitynotices via Radio <strong>Kahungunu</strong>, Board meeting summary notes posted onour iwi website soon after each meeting, media releases highlighting theiwi’s status in dealing with specific issues, a toll free calling number that isaccessible to whänau living outside the Hawke’s Bay region, advertisingthrough local, regional and national newspapers, timeless videos of eventsand special activities held in the past, and a website that is updated ona regular basis. All communication archives including media releases,board summaries and the <strong>Hoea</strong> <strong>ra</strong> newsletter can be viewed on the iwiwebsite www.kahungunu.iwi.nz. A website based calendar of eventsallows whänau to keep abreast of iwi activities and opportunities.One identified area of concern is the increasing number of incorrectaddresses. Although members are encou<strong>ra</strong>ged to keep the iwi informedwhen contact details change, this is an ongoing concern. The iwi continuesto network with organizations such as NZ Post, Tuhono and the Electo<strong>ra</strong>lEnrolment Centre to update addresses where we can.SPONSORSHIPSCultu<strong>ra</strong>l and sporting pursuits are an important aspect of personal, whänau,hapü and iwi development. This year Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>teddistributed sponsorship funding to 47 individuals and groups to encou<strong>ra</strong>geand recognise the pursuit or cultu<strong>ra</strong>l and sporting excellence by Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong>. Recipients represented and promoted Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ineither a national or international forum.Individual or GroupEvent or TournamentNgaa PuumanawawhitiYale University Summer SchoolDaniel ProcterWorld Surfing GamesDeena PuketapuNZ Under 16 BasketballNarelle HuataKahu<strong>ra</strong>ngi to North AmericaTe Timatanga A<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>u Trust Iron Mäori EventAshleigh Ahipene2009 A<strong>ra</strong>fu<strong>ra</strong> Games - Kick BoxingGeoffery Ahipene2009 A<strong>ra</strong>fu<strong>ra</strong> Games - Kick BoxingSa<strong>ra</strong> RangiWairoa Sportsperson of the yearWhariki TrustKu<strong>ra</strong> Tuarua “Tu Tangata” WhakataetaeKahu o te Rangi te Köhanga Reo Social Netball LeagueJaden MartinMuay Thai World ChampsBreana JonesNZ U16 Girls BasketballRugby League HBNZ Mäori Rugby League TournamentNgatai HuataNHW Music - Waiata Mäori Music AwardsHe Kahui Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>paKapahaka 12’s FestivalHurunuia<strong>ra</strong>ngiKaumätua Ball Kaumätua BallJocelyn te HuiaOceania Handball CompetitionKane HodgesNZ Under 16 Boys BasketballTe Matau A MauiMäori Touch NationalsBilly GloverIron Mäori SupportWilliam WinitanaIron Mäori SupportCrystal JessupHB U7 & U9 TouchJasmine Brown‘Tri Mäori’ Hawke’s Bay TeamPage 12

WhanaungatangaIndividual or GroupTuma<strong>ra</strong>ngai SciasciaMateus MarshMarion LakeAaliyah Smiler-AhkongAnaru BartlettMere WhaangaChoicesDale ThomasWairoa Thai Boxing ClubMoana HutanaMelanie GettinsMichael NukuRose PereHana-Lee Kereru-WainohuJulie FergusonTamatea Arikinui Kapa HakaHukarere Old Girls’ AssociationAlita HarrisBeverly Te HuiaTe Köhanga Reo Tari a Rohe O<strong>Kahungunu</strong>Hukarere Girls Netball TeamHe Toa Takitini Claimant GroupBronwyn HarmanHawks NBL BasketballEvent or TournamentTamatea Arikinui Kapa Haka Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l TripNZ Under 14 Boys BasketballNational Waka Ama Sprint ChampionshipsNZ Under 16 Girls BasketballWorld Indigenous Touch TournamentGifted Sands ExhibitionMaui ChallengeWorld Outrigger Canoe SprintsWairoa Muay Thai Fight NightDIY Ma<strong>ra</strong>e - Rongoma<strong>ra</strong>eroaISF XII Women’s World SoftballChampionships2010 World Outrigger Canoe SprintsNgäti Hineku<strong>ra</strong> ki Waikaremoana WanangaWorld Outrigger Canoe SprintsInternational Women’s 7’s TournamentTamatea Arikinui Kapa Haka – ItalyFashion ShowNZ Under 18 Women’s BasketballWomen’s Beach Handball WorldChampionshipsKöhanga Reo Matariki BallHukarere Girls College Senior NetballHe Toa Takitini Wananga with Sir TipeneO’Reagan2010 Family Works Fashion Show700 tickets + 36 corpo<strong>ra</strong>te at 9 home gamesSCHOLARSHIPSNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted continues to distribute benefits to itsmembers to encou<strong>ra</strong>ge and recognise the pursuit of academic knowledgeand qualifications by Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> taui<strong>ra</strong>. During the 2009-2010financial period forty (40) taui<strong>ra</strong> studying in their third or final year of theirdegree or post g<strong>ra</strong>duate studies received $500.00 each. Two (2) $5000.00scholarships were awarded to postg<strong>ra</strong>duate taui<strong>ra</strong> undertaking researchin Environmental Science and Te Reo me öna tikanga. A list of successfultaui<strong>ra</strong> follows:Name Rohe Institute of Learning (Course of Study)Ka<strong>ra</strong>lyn Norma Ropina Davie Heretaunga E.I.T Hawke’s Bay (Bachelor of Nursing)Natalie Ngahuia Goldsmith Heretaunga Victoria University (Bachelor of Arts in MäoriResource Management & Psychology)Rawinia Riripeti Hape Heretaunga Te Wananga O Aotearoa (G<strong>ra</strong>duate Diplomain Professional Supervision)Patrick Phillip Hape Heretaunga Victoria University (Bachelor of Arts withHonours - Mäori Language and Mäori studies)Raella Donna ElizabethKahuroaHeretaungaPage 13Waikato University (G<strong>ra</strong>duate Diploma inEarly Childhood)Peter Bowen Kireka Heretaunga Te Wananga O Raukawa (Masters inEducation)Rebekah Rose Munro Heretaunga E.I.T Hawke’s Bay (Bachelor of Nursing)Lisa-Marie Pohatu Heretaunga Otago University (Diploma in Public Health)

WhanaungatangaName Rohe Institute of Learning (Course of Study)Te Rangimarie Saunders Heretaunga E.I.T Hawke’s Bay (Bachelor of Nursing)Courtney Michelle SciaScia Heretaunga Otago University (Bachelor of Commerce -Accounting)Hana Rose RongomaiwahineScottHeretaunga Victoria University (Masters in Architecture)Meri Louise Te Hika<strong>ra</strong>ngiWichman - RobinDiana Caroline AnnavaleNorlingSariah Atareta Pa<strong>ra</strong>hiHeretaungaNgä Pari<strong>ra</strong>u ONgä Pari<strong>ra</strong>u OTe IkaTe Wananga O Aotearoa (Maunga Ku<strong>ra</strong> ToiDegree of Mäori Visual Arts)Te Ika Waikato University (G<strong>ra</strong>duate Diplomaof Teaching - Early Childhood)Waikato University (Bachelor of SocialSciences)Pani Sinclair Chamberlin Tamatea Waikato University (Bachelor of Law)Jessica Courtenay Molnar Te Upoko O Whitireia Community Polytechnic (BachelorTe Ikaof Nursing)Rebecca Janice AdamsJacob Ta<strong>ra</strong>whai EdwardsRoberta Ma<strong>ra</strong>ea MatiriaHawaiki<strong>ra</strong>ngiMathew MullanyHemi SkipperDianne Taihaere Nathan WepaTe Upoko OTe IkaTe Whanganuiä-OrotüTe Whanganuiä-OrotüTe Whanganuiä-OrotüTe Whanganuiä-OrotüTe Whanganuiä-OrotüVictoria University (Bachelor of Arts, Majoringin Psychology)Otago University (Bachelor of Medicine /Bachelor of Surgery)Te Wananga O Aotearoa (Bachelor of MäoriArt)Otago University (Postg<strong>ra</strong>duate Diplomaof Arts)Te Wananga O Aotearoa (Bachelor of MäoriArt - Toi Paematua)Massey University (PHD - Mäori PatientsPerspectives of Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Safety)Carl Victor Anderson Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa Otago University (Bachelor of Commerce)Rebecca Mary Jury Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa Massey University (Bachelor of HealthScience)Aroha Pani Pirere Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa Waikato University (Bachelor of Teaching &Bachelor of Arts)Pania Michelle Kathrine ReiriSmithWai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa Te Wananga O Aotearoa (Te KorowaiAkonga / Bachelor of Teaching - Mäori)Blair Tiaki Bennett Wairoa Waikato University (Bachelor of Sports andLeisure)Matariki Ngarongo Brown Wairoa Massey University (G<strong>ra</strong>duate Diploma inTeaching)Shane Earl Gilmer Wairoa Bay of Plenty Polytechnic (Bachelor ofApplied Science / Major EnvironmentalMonitoring)John Richmond Hatherly Wairoa Otago University (Bachelor of Commerce)Christina Whitney Marshall Wairoa Massey University (Bachelor of ScienceDegree)Kaea Gordon Matenga Wairoa Auckland University (Bachelor of HealthScience)Tesa Maria Porter Wairoa Otago University (Bachelor of Medicine andSurgery)Christine T<strong>ra</strong>cey Smith Wairoa Te Wananga O Aotearoa (Bachelor of <strong>Iwi</strong>Environmental Management)Eve<strong>ra</strong>rd Patrick Smith Wairoa Te Wananga O Raukawa (KaitiakitangaPutaiao)Michelle Tokoroa (Shelly) Tai Wairoa Te Wananga O Raukawa (Degree Mäori Lawand Philosophy)Page 14

WhanaungatangaName Rohe Institute of Learning (Course of Study)Joseph Taurua Terrill Wairoa E.I.T Hawke’s Bay (Bachelor of Arts Mäori)Henare Te Rongonui Waihape Wairoa Waikato University (Masters Degrees in Lawand Science)Pita Hukinga Walker -RobinsonWairoaTe Wananga O Aotearoa (Bachelor of <strong>Iwi</strong>Environmental Management)Tuirina Kaa Memory Wehi Wairoa Waikato University (Bachelor of Arts -Honours)Research Scholarship RecipientsMere Joslyn Whaanga Wairoa Waikato University (PHD Thesis - Rata- T<strong>ra</strong>ditional p<strong>ra</strong>ctice to agricultu<strong>ra</strong>lshareholding.)Zeb Tamihana Nicklin Wairoa Te Wananga O Raukawa (PoutahuWhakaako<strong>ra</strong>nga)REGISTRATIONSNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted continues to encou<strong>ra</strong>ge regist<strong>ra</strong>tionsat events and through activities. The Regist<strong>ra</strong>tion database enables us toidentify registered people who are entitled to benefits, scholarships, andother assistance, and distinguish people who are able to offer skills orservices to the iwi. It maintains the contact information of our membershipand allows us the opportunity to communicate more effectively with ourmembers.Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted currently has 20,493 registeredmembers. 866 members registered during this financial year between 1July 2009 and 30 June 2010. The bar g<strong>ra</strong>ph below indicates members byTaiwhenua/Rohe and Tau<strong>ra</strong>here. The pie g<strong>ra</strong>ph shows the increase ofnew members by area.Total Members by areaTau<strong>ra</strong>here a te AoTe Upoko o te IkaTe Raki/Tämaki Makau<strong>ra</strong>uTe WaipounamuNgä Pari<strong>ra</strong>u o te IkaWhanganui a OrotüWairoaWai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>paTamateaTämaki-nui-ä-RuaHeretaungaNo Taiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>here/NMW15441938833957891272593822272022454371940 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000New Members by area1st July 2009 - 30th June 2010Whanganui ä Orotü 143Wai<strong>ra</strong><strong>ra</strong>pa 74Tamatea 44Tämaki Nui ä Rua 10Wairoa 199Heretaunga 315Page 15Ngä Pari<strong>ra</strong>u o te Ika 27Te Waipounamu 8Te Raki/Tämaki Makau<strong>ra</strong>u 17Te Üpoko o te Ika 19Tau<strong>ra</strong>here a te Ao 1No Taiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>here/NMW 9

<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company LtdChairman’s ReportFor the year 2009 - 2010Tïhei Maurio<strong>ra</strong>He honore he kororia ki te atuaHe maungarongo ki te whenuaHe whakaaro pai ki ngä tängata katoaKa mihi rä ki ö tätau mate e hinga mai rä, e hinga atu räHaere koutou ngä mate, haere atu räMoe mai koutou i te ArikiKa äpiti hono, tätai honoRätau te hunga mate ki a rätauKa äpiti hono, tätai honoTätau te hunga o<strong>ra</strong> ki a tätauTënä tätau katoaIt is my pleasure to present to you the annual report of <strong>Kahungunu</strong> AssetHolding Company Limited (KAHC) for the year ended 30 of June 2010.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company Limited (KAHC) was established in2005 by Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> iwi Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted (NKII) to receive and managethe Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries settlement on behalf of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.The initial (population based) settlement was received in 2006. Since thenthe company’s role has been expanded to manage other assets of Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted. In July 2009 KAHC received the coastlinebased settlement quota and quota shortfall cash as a result of a settlementagreement with neighbouring iwi.The key assets owned by KAHC include fishing quota, income shares inAotearoa Fisheries Limited (who in turn own 50% of Sealord and a <strong>ra</strong>ngeof other seafood companies), shares in Napier Mussels Limited, shares inFiorldland Lobster Company Limited, some non-settlement quota sharesin CRA4 and cash.The company has the following objectives:• To build intergene<strong>ra</strong>tional wealth for Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>• To maximise the financial return on the assets• To build a sustainable capital base for the future.The Company’s st<strong>ra</strong>tegy includes diversification of the asset portfolio. In2009/2010, the company has actively searched for a suitable commercialproperty investment. It has also developed a concept and f<strong>ra</strong>mework for itsnon-fisheries investments called Aunty’s Garden.A full feasibility study is underway to test the Aunty’s Garden conceptbefore any investment decisions are made.The ope<strong>ra</strong>ting profit for the 2009-2010 year was $2,733,835 compared to$2,028,815 the previous year.I am also pleased to report an increased equity position of $52,222,904 forthe year ended 30 June 2010 compared to $34,370,866 for the 2009 year.This increase in equity is posted after payment of the $1,400,000 dividendto the shareholder, Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted.I take this opportunity to thank the Directors for their co-ope<strong>ra</strong>tion and thewisdom that has been evident in the delibe<strong>ra</strong>tions of the Board to date.Pao<strong>ra</strong> Ammunsen, resigned his position as director during the year andthe Board extends its appreciation to Pao<strong>ra</strong> for his contribution to thecompany during his tenure. The shareholder is working on a process forthe appointment of a replacement director.Kati mö tënei ripoataTënei te mihi ki a koutou e pae neiTënä koutou katoaHarry Haerenga<strong>ra</strong>ngi MikaereChairmanPage 16

Statement of Financial PerformanceFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010Consolidated*Parent*2010 2009 2010 2009$ $ $ $INCOMEAdminist<strong>ra</strong>tion 827,361 425,751 214,548 247,687Hi Ika 2,996,702 2,607,609 88,900 53,216Mätau<strong>ra</strong>nga 313,873 341,854 313,873 341,854Hauo<strong>ra</strong> 114,500 197,202 114,500 197,202Mauri O<strong>ra</strong> 62,617 401,752 62,617 401,752Taiao 61,914 33,886 61,914 33,886Merchandising 9,294 7,166 9,294 7,166Governance 3,478 931,635 1,403,478 2,240,204Total Ope<strong>ra</strong>ting Income 2 4,389,739 4,946,855 2,269,124 3,522,967LESS EXPENDITUREAdminist<strong>ra</strong>tion 1,012,998 984,272 870,912 760,699Communication 48,028 59,914 48,028 59,914Hi Ika 668,559 496,101 79,354 107,598Mätau<strong>ra</strong>nga 295,752 390,022 295,752 390,022Hauo<strong>ra</strong> 52,180 170,432 52,180 170,432Mauri O<strong>ra</strong> 260,788 852,000 260,788 852,000Taiao 22,324 59,356 22,324 59,356Merchandising 5,441 4,324 5,441 4,324Governance 481,820 674,764 369,764 493,327Total Expenses 3 2,847,889 3,691,185 2,004,542 2,897,672Net Surplus/(Deficit) for year 1,541,850 1,255,670 264,582 625,295* Consolidated means group (refer to note 1 on page 19). Parent means Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted.Statement of Movements In EquityFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010Opening Equity as at 1 July 37,169,136 35,913,466 3,998,272 3,372,977Net Surplus/Deficit for the year 1,541,850 1,255,670 264,582 625,295Total recognised revenues& expenses 1,541,850 1,255,670 264,582 625,295Contributions from/Distributions to ownersFishing Asset Settlement 4 15,518,204 - - -Less: Taiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>here distribution 5 - - - -15,518,204 - - -Closing Equity as at 30 June 6 54,229,190 37,169,136 4,262,854 3,998,272These financial statements must be read in conjunction with the accompanying notesPage 17

Statement of Financial PositionAS AT 30 JUNE 2010ConsolidatedParent2010 2009 2010 2009$ $ $ $ASSETSNON CURRENT ASSETSMotor vehicles & plant 7 210,137 133,826 207,437 129,980Quota 8 26,730,371 9,796,871 - -Investments & advances 9 20,847,070 20,847,070 2,218,485 1,218,485Total Non Current Assets 47,787,578 30,777,767 2,425,922 1,348,465CURRENT ASSETSBank and cash 10 10,884,345 9,173,533 4,952,575 4,352,945Debtors 40,340 273,432 66,452 323,413Investments & advances 9 - - - 1,000,000Prepayments - 11,386 - 11,386Stock on hand 11 460 2,000 460 2,000Settlement quota receivable 12 - - 1,617,057 -Accrued income 571,002 235,647 118,914 109,388Total Current Assets 11,496,147 9,695,998 6,755,458 5,799,132TOTAL ASSETS 59,283,725 40,473,765 9,181,380 7,147,597LIABILITIESNON CURRENT LIABILITIESVehicle lease 13 44,350 - 44,350 -Total Non Current liabilities 44,350 - 44,350 -CURRENT LIABILITIESCreditors 375,038 467,786 239,029 312,480Provisions 14 4,275,501 2,506,252 4,275,501 2,506,253Vehicle lease within 1 year 13 44,350 16,650 44,350 16,650Taiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>hereg<strong>ra</strong>nts payable 5 45,429 45,429 45,429 45,429Income in advance 269,867 268,512 269,867 268,512Total Current liabilities 5,010,185 3,304,629 4,874,176 3,149,324TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,054,535 3,304,629 4,918,526 3,149,324EQUITYRetained earnings 6 6,361,468 4,983,072 3,053,287 2,952,159Reserve fund 6 1,209,567 1,046,113 1,209,567 1,046,113Fisheries Asset Settlement 6 46,658,155 31,139,951 - -TOTAL EQUITY 54,229,190 37,169,136 4,262,854 3,998,272TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 59,283,725 40,473,765 9,181,380 7,147,597These financial statements were authorised for issue by the board on 15 October 2010.Chairman - Ngähiwi TomoanaBoard Representative - Rill MeihanaThese financial statements must be read in conjunction with the accompanying notesPage 18

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20101 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIESReporting EntityNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted (the society) is an incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted societyestablished under the Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted Societies Act 1908 and is a registered charityunder the Charities Act 2005.Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted has seve<strong>ra</strong>l subsidiary entities.The reporting entity comprises the society and consolidated group of the societyand its subsidiaries. The financial statements are prepared under gene<strong>ra</strong>llyaccepted accounting principles.Measurement BaseThe accounting principles recognised as appropriate for the measurement andreporting of earnings and financial position on an historical cost basis are followedwith the exceptions as noted below.Differential ReportingThe society qualifies for differential reporting as it is not publicly accountable,and not large in size. The society has taken advantage of all available differentialreporting exemptions except for FRS 19 GST.Specific Accounting PoliciesThe following specific accounting policies which materially affect the measurementof financial performance and financial position have been applied.(a) ConsolidationThe purchase method of consolidation has been applied in preparingthe consolidated financial statements. All inter entity t<strong>ra</strong>nsactions andbalances have been eliminated on consolidation.(b) Ope<strong>ra</strong>ting RevenueThis represents revenue earned from the sale of the society’s productsand services, investment income on the society’s investments, andincome earned on cont<strong>ra</strong>ct for services net of any credit allowed. Projectrelated income is recorded on an accruals basis, consistent with thedegree of project completion.(c) DepreciationDepreciation has been calculated using <strong>ra</strong>tes permitted by the IncomeTax Act 2004.Vehicles20-32% DVComputer Equipment & Plant 10-60% DV(d) Income TaxThe society is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act2005 so qualifies for an income tax exemption under the Income Tax Act2007.(e) Fixed AssetsFixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.Page 19

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010(f)Investments and AdvancesInvestments and Advances are recorded at cost or estimated netrealisable value if there has been a permanent diminution in value.(g) Quota and SharesThe shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited and Quota received under theFisheries Asset Settlement process have been included at the valueestablished by Te Ohu Kaimoana on t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer. Market acquisitions ofshares or quota are recorded at cost and adjusted for impairment wherenecessary.(h) InventoryInventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.(i)(j)DebtorsDebtors are stated at their estimated net realisable value.Taiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>here distributionTaiwhenua/Tau<strong>ra</strong>here distributions are recorded as a movement inequity.Changes in Accounting PoliciesThere have been no changes in the accounting policies during the year. Allpolicies have been consistently applied.2 INCOMEIncome includesConsolidatedParent2010 2009 2010 2009$ $ $ $Dividends 120,590 91,431 1,400,000 1,400,000Interest Income 421,743 306,526 172,637 64,732Gain on Sale of Properties - 804,204 - 804,204Rental Income - 17,318 - 17,318Takitimu Festival Income - 335,209 - 335,2093 EXPENSESExpenses includeDepreciation 56,296 54,039 53,908 53,684Bad and doubful debts - - - -Audit fees 20,142 23,548 12,496 16,040Board member hono<strong>ra</strong>ria/committee fees 224,551 185,367 152,551 132,867Donations 18,016 161,882 18,016 161,882Loss on sale of assets 5,243 1,743 5,243 1,743Rent 55,631 14,148 55,631 14,148Takitimu Festival Expenses - 656,102 - 656,102Page 20

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20104 FISHING ASSET SETTLEMENTIn accordance with the Fisheries Act 2004, <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Companyhas received fishing settlement assets to manage on behalf of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>Iwi</strong>. The company has received additional settlement of fishing quota during theyear, valued at $15,316,443 by TOKM at the date of t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer, plus cash totalling$320,761 of which $119,000 was paid to Ohu Tiaki O Rangitane Te Ika A MauiTrust and Te Atiawa ki te Upoko O Te Ika A Maui Potiki Trust to gain agreementon Southern boundary (net settlement $15,518,204).5 TAIWHENUA /TAURAHERE GRANTS PAYABLEThe board requires certain criteria to be met prior to payments of g<strong>ra</strong>nts.The expectation is that each Taiwhenua and Tau<strong>ra</strong>here can fulfil the criteria.ConsolidatedParent2010 2009 2010 20096 EQUITY$ $ $ $Opening Balance - Retained earnings 4,983,072 3,879,537 2,952,159 2,478,999Net Surplus for the year 1,541,850 1,255,670 264,582 625,295Less: Taiwhenua Distribution - - -Less: T<strong>ra</strong>nsfer to Reserve Fund (163,454) (152,135) (163,454) (152,135)Closing balance Retained earnings 6,361,468 4,983,072 3,053,287 2,952,159Opening Balance Reserve Fund 1,046,113 893,978 1,046,113 893,978Add: T<strong>ra</strong>nsfer from Retained earnings 163,454 152,135 163,454 152,135Closing Balance Reserve Fund 1,209,567 1,046,113 1,209,567 1,046,113Opening Balance FisheriesSettlement Assets 31,139,951 31,139,951 - -Add: Fisheries SettlementAssets Distribution 15,518,204 - - -Closing Balance FisheriesSettlement Assets 46,658,155 31,139,951 - -Total equity 54,229,190 37,169,136 4,262,854 3,998,272For prudential purposes the board of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc has resolved to set aside intothe reserve fund an amount of annual income each year as an enduring capital base for theSociety.7 MOTOR VEHICLES & PLANTParent 2010Original Accum ClosingCost Depn ValueVehicles 255,719 108,825 146,894Plant & Machinery 175,523 114,980 60,543431,242 223,805 207,437Consolidated 2010Vehicles 255,719 108,825 146,894Plant & Machinery 181,020 117,778 63,242436,740 226,603 210,137Parent 2009Vehicles 195,986 129,883 66,103Plant & Machinery 154,338 90,461 63,877350,324 220,344 129,980Consolidated 2009Vehicles 195,986 129,883 66,103Plant & Machinery 158,594 90,871 67,723354,580 220,754 133,826Page 21

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20108 QUOTAIn 2007 and 2010 the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company received quota as partof the Fisheries Settlement.Under the Mäori Fisheries Act 2004, the company must not sell its settlementquota until two years after t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer from Te Ohu Kaimoana. After two years, thecompany can only sell its settlement quota to another iwi or to a member of the TeOhu Kaimoana group. The quota has been recorded at the value placed on it forsettlement purposes.In addition to the settlements, further quota has been purchased and is recorded atcost.9 INVESTMENTSInvestments in SubsidiariesConsolidatedParent2010 2009 2010 2009$ $ $ $Shares TRONK Ltd (100%) - - 15,732 15,732Shares <strong>Kahungunu</strong> AssetHolding Company (100%) - - 2,200,000 1,200,000- - 2,215,732 1,215,732Shares in other companiesAotearoa Fisheries Ltd 19,874,735 19,874,735 - -Fiordland Lobster Company 953,850 953,850 - -Napier Mussels Ltd (40%) - - - -20,828,585 20,828,585 - -AdvancesTamatea Taiwhenua 18,485 18,485 18,485 18,485Napier Mussels Ltd 195,592 195,592 195,592 195,592Less: Provision (195,592) (195,592) (195,592) (195,592)18,485 18,485 18,485 18,485Amount due from/(to) SubsidiariesTu Kahu Ltd - - - -TRONK Ltd - - (15,732) (15,732)- - (15,732) (15,732)20,847,070 20,847,070 2,218,485 1,218,485Amount due from/(to) Current Subsidiaries<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company - - - 1,000,000- - - 1,000,000The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company has received, as part of the 2007Fisheries Settlement 7,874 shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd (AFL). Thisrepresents a 6.3% holding in that company. The shares have been recorded atthe value established by Te Ohu Kaimoana on t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer. The net book value ofthe <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company’s shareholding in AFL as disclosed inits Annual Report at 30 September 2009 was $22,547,575 (2008: $20,043,676).Under the Mäori Fisheries Act 2004, the company must not sell its AFL shares untiltwo years after t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer from Te Ohu Kaimoana. After two years, the company canonly sell its AFL shares to another iwi or to a member of the Te Ohu Kaimoanagroup.The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company owns 11,590 ordinary shares and100,000 redeemable convertible shares in Fiordland Lobster Company (FLC). Thisrepresents a 5.0% holding in that company. These shares have been includedat cost. The net book value of the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company’s shareholding in FLC as disclosed in its Annual Report at 31 March 2010 was $2,658,504(2009: $1,788,061).Page 22

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010The shares in Napier Mussels Limited have been t<strong>ra</strong>nsferred to <strong>Kahungunu</strong> AssetHolding Company during 2009 at nil value. The fully provisioned advance to NMLremains in the parent entity.The Society’s wholly owned subsidiary companies are registered in New Zealand.ConsolidatedParent2010 2009 2010 200910 BANK ACCOUNTS$ $ $ $Petty Cash 60 100 60 100Cheque Account 552,261 106,568 533,036 (30,952)Call Account 220,408 208,227 2,660 68,772Term Deposits 10,111,616 8,858,638 4,416,819 4,315,02510,884,345 9,173,533 4,952,575 4,352,945Deposits totalling $2,658,444 (2009 $2,506,254) arise from fishing receipts and arebeing held in trust subject to resolution of disputes regarding allocation.11 STOCKS ON HANDMerchandise 460 2,000 460 2,000460 2,000 460 2,00012 SETTLEMENT QUOTA RECEIVABLEKahunganu Asset Holding Company Ltd holds CRA3 quota to the value of$1,617,057 which is payable to Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. as part of an agreedsettlement between Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. and Rongomaiwahine <strong>Iwi</strong> Trust (refernote 16)13 MOTOR VEHICLE FINANCESTotal instalments outstanding 88,700 16,650 88,700 16,65088,700 16,650 88,700 16,650Payable within 1 year 44,350 16,650 44,350 16,6501-2 years 44,350 - 44,350 -2-5 years - - - -88,700 16,650 88,700 16,65014 PROVISIONSThe provision is an amount of $2,658,444 set aside to settle the dispute with theRongomaiwahine <strong>Iwi</strong> Trust in accordance with the deed of settlement signed 21 July2006. The exact amount of the settlement is not known as the dispute is still to besettled.15 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSThe society enters into t<strong>ra</strong>nsactions with and on behalf of its subsidiaries TeRunanganui O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Ltd, and the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding CompanyThe society collects and distributes funds on behalf of and to constituent Taiwhenuaand Tau<strong>ra</strong>here organisations.There are common board members between the society and the Taiwhenua andTau<strong>ra</strong>here organisations.During the year the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company paid a dividend of$1,400,000 to the society.Page 23

Notes to and Forming Part of theFinancial StatementsFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued)The society paid fees to the directors during the year. The value of these areshown in note 3.There was $17,000 outstanding at balance date relating to these t<strong>ra</strong>nsactions.The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company paid consultancy fees to Chris O’ReillyConsultancy Limited in which Mr C. O’Reilly a director, has an interest; to BrierleyBusiness Development Ltd in which Mr P Brierley, a director, has an interest andto Mrs C Teariki. These were paid at normal commercial <strong>ra</strong>tes, and there was$13,802 outstanding at balance date.H Mikaere is a director of <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company Ltd, AotearoaFisheries Ltd and Napier Mussels Ltd. A Ropiha is the Gene<strong>ra</strong>l Manager of<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company Ltd and a director of Fiordland LobsterCompany Ltd. T<strong>ra</strong>nsactions between Kahunugunu Asset Holding Company andFiordland Lobster Company include quota sold to FLC, dividends and directorsfees received from FLC.N Tomoana is a director of Treaty Tribes Coalition Ltd and Chairman of Te OhuKai Moana Trustee Ltd. Membership fees were paid from Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted to Treaty Tribes Coalition Ltd. Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Ltdpaid Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted income relating to the “<strong>Kahungunu</strong> kiUta <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Tai” project. Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Ltd also distributedFisheries Settlement Assets to the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company as detailedin note 6.16 SUBSEQUENT EVENTSOn 23 August 2010, the society was deregistered from the Charities Register forfailing to file annual returns as required by Section 42 of the Charities Act. Reregist<strong>ra</strong>tionwas achieved on 7 September 2010.There have been no other events subsequent to balance date that have an effecton these financial statements.In 2009 the following were disclosed as subsequent events:<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company issued a further 1 million shares to itsshareholder, Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted.Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted has reached a settlement with Rangitane whichresulted in the t<strong>ra</strong>nsfer of 501m quota shares valued at $16.9m (plus $0.3m incash) from Te Ohu Kai Moana to <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Asset Holding Company Limited. Ofthis, the CRA3 quota is t<strong>ra</strong>nsfe<strong>ra</strong>ble to Rongomaiwahine <strong>Iwi</strong> Trust as part of anagreed settlement.17 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIESThe society agreed to purchase a double hulled waka for $500,000 with settlementno later than 1 January 2011. At the request of the vendor, settlement has beendeferred.The board has made a commitment to put $1,000,000 cash or in kind towards the<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Centre.18 OPERATING LEASE COMMITMENTSNon-cancellable ope<strong>ra</strong>ting lease rentals are payable by the parent as follows:-2010 2009$ $Within one year 35,302 56,593Greater than one year 73,546 99,038108,848 155,631Page 24

Audit ReportTo the Members of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>tedWe have audited the financial report on pages 17 to 24. The financial report providesinformation about the past financial performance and Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted(the society) and group and financial position as at 30 June 2010. This information isstated in accordance with the accounting policies set out on pages 19 and 20.Board’s ResponsibilitiesThe Board is responsible for the prepa<strong>ra</strong>tion of a financial report which gives a true andfair view of the financial position of the society and group as at 30 June 2010 and of theresults of ope<strong>ra</strong>tions for the year ended 30 June 2010.Auditors’ ResponsibilitiesIt is our responsibility to express an you an independent opinion on the financial reportpresented by the Board.Basis of OpinionAn audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence relevant to the amounts anddisclosures in the financial report. It also includes assessing:• the significant estimates and judgements made by the Board in the prepa<strong>ra</strong>tion ofthe financial report, and• whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the society and groupcircumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.We conducted our audit in accordance with New Zealand Auditing Standards. Weplanned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanationswhich we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to obtainreasonable assu<strong>ra</strong>nce that the financial report is free from material misstatements,whether caused by f<strong>ra</strong>ud or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the ove<strong>ra</strong>lladequacy of the presentation of information in the financial report.Other than in our capacity as auditors we have no other relationship with or interests inthe society or its subsidiary companies.Unqualified OpinionWe have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required.In our opinion:• proper accounting records have been kept by the society as far as appears from ourexamination of those records; and• give a true and fair view of the financial position of the society and group as at30 June 2010 and the results of ope<strong>ra</strong>tions for the year ended on that date.Our audit was completed on 15 October 2010 and our unqualified opinion is expressedas at that date.Chartered AccountantsHastings, New ZealandPage 25

Ngāti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>INCORPORATEDAnnual Plan2010-2011The Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Incorpo<strong>ra</strong>ted annual plan details the annualplan objectives, activities and performance measures that will be focusedfrom July 2010 to June 2011. The activities are based on the followingNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Inc. st<strong>ra</strong>tegies that promote Strong, Vib<strong>ra</strong>nt, HealthyWhänau, Hapü & <strong>Iwi</strong>.He Mahere Rautaki Hai Haumanu I Te Reo O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>The Revitalization of Te Reo o Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>Kahungunu</strong> Ki Uta, <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Ki TaiMarine and Freshwater Fisheries St<strong>ra</strong>tegic PlanTe A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>The <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Well-being St<strong>ra</strong>tegyThe work within the annual plan will be undertaken bydesignated staff, supported by the Support Services team.Page 26

Annual PlanHE MAHERE RAUTAKI HAI HAUMANU I TE REOO NGÄTI KAHUNGUNUSTRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE REVITALIZATION OFTE REO O NGÄTI KAHUNGUNU 2006 – 2027“Nähana te kahu i whatu, hai tänikoniko mä te iwi”ANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESSupport the Revitalisationof Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Paepae.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Cultu<strong>ra</strong>lCentreGrow <strong>Kahungunu</strong>LeadershipSupport the Mätau<strong>ra</strong>ngaand Reo St<strong>ra</strong>tegyProvide cultu<strong>ra</strong>l supportto the Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong>and <strong>Kahungunu</strong> kiUta <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki TaiSt<strong>ra</strong>tegiesACTIVITIESCreate a Succession Planning Toolkit thatcontains advice and planning templates.Publish and Produce Resources to promote<strong>Kahungunu</strong> reo on <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Paepae and in alldomains.Complete the review of He Mahere Rautaki HaiHaumanu I Te Reo O Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.Produce a Feasibility Study/Scoping Report on theimplementation of the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Centre.Plan and hold at least ten (10) Tïhei <strong>Kahungunu</strong>wänanga throughout the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe andTau<strong>ra</strong>here.Manage the Ministry of Education <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Cultu<strong>ra</strong>l Standards (KCS) and Community BasedLearning Initiatives (CBLI) cont<strong>ra</strong>cts.Provide cultu<strong>ra</strong>l support for the Kaitoko Whänauand Fish Directo<strong>ra</strong>tes as necessary to promotecross office integ<strong>ra</strong>tion.TAIAO‘Protecting our Environment’Advocate the broadenvironmental interestsof Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> at anational level.Monitor, contributeor assist with inputto regional plans andpolicy throughout the<strong>Kahungunu</strong> rohe topromote our interests inthe whenua, ngä awa, ngäroto, and the rohe moana.Maintain a watching brief on changes toenvironmental legislation and governancestructures;Attend and contribute to pan-iwi engagement fo<strong>ra</strong>where iwi input is sought on Te Taiao.Investigate and analyse the need for input toregional and district plan and policy changes;Where tangata whenua input is lacking due tolimited resources or capacity, contribute expertisewithin prescribed budget.Page 27

Annual PlanANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESDevelop and maintainrelationships withpersonnel from other iwiworking within the Taiaofunction.Build lasting relationshipswith governmentdepartments, industryand statutory managerswith a role in Te Taiaoissues, for greater<strong>Kahungunu</strong> influenceover natu<strong>ra</strong>l resourcemanagement.Promote proactive useof the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>communications networkto better inform theBoard, hapü, ma<strong>ra</strong>e,and <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi of keyenvironmental issues andconcerns.Develop a t<strong>ra</strong>iningst<strong>ra</strong>tegy that promotesand enables kaitiakitangathrough building skills,expertise and capacity ofhapü and iwi to respondto and participate in TeTaiao.Facilitate environmentalresearch opportunities topromote <strong>Kahungunu</strong>tangathroughout our rohe,Aotearoa and the world.Maintain a watching briefon government ministriesrelevant to <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Taiao interests andchanges or amendmentsto environmentallegislation.ACTIVITIESMaintain and utilise existing networks forpromotion of Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Taiao interests;Communicate effectively with other iwi resourcemanagement personnel;Support pan-iwi advocacy to promote ourenvironmental interests.Where our hapü/taiwhenua are not involved withlocal and regional government, facilitate greaterinte<strong>ra</strong>ction;Assist Crown agencies, industry, consultantsand local government with direct engagement ofmandated tangata whenua representatives;Assist with provision or peer review of technicaldata.Provide bi-monthly reports to senior managementand the NKII Board;Utilise alternative media to <strong>ra</strong>ise awareness ofpending environmental issues within our rohe;Contribute to the Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> website onTaiao issues.Develop and hold wananga for Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>ra</strong>ngatahi around Te Taiao;Contribute to other wananga within our rohe withan environmental focus.Investigate environmental research opportunitieswith multi-unit participation;Promote the use of cultu<strong>ra</strong>l impact assessmentswithin local government resource managementstructures;Investigate the use and ope<strong>ra</strong>tion of GlobalInformation Systems for ready access, sto<strong>ra</strong>geand retrieval of cultu<strong>ra</strong>l data.Maintain regular contact with key ministriesincluding MFE, MAF, ERMA, DOC, and MED.Page 28

Annual PlanKAHUNGUNU KI UTA, KAHUNGUNU KI TAIMARINE AND FRESHWATER FISHERIES STRATEGIC PLANKaitiakitanga o ngä <strong>ra</strong>wa a Tangaroa mö ngä uri whakatupu;Guardianship of Tangaroa’s multitudes on behalf of all thegene<strong>ra</strong>tions yet to come.ANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESEstablish fisheriesgovernance inf<strong>ra</strong>structureand ope<strong>ra</strong>tional capacitywithin Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Assist hapüdevelopment of rohemoana managementplans to support localmanagement of fisheries.Develop fisheriesinformation system(s)and database(s). Usedatabases to informdecisions and researchneeds.Develop relationshipsacross sectors withinfluence over fisheriesin the rohe and worktowards agreement onlocal management offisheries.Develop acommunications st<strong>ra</strong>tegyand ‘one-door policy’that co-ordinates allfisheries activities within<strong>Kahungunu</strong>.ACTIVITIESTe Roopu Whakamana Governance hui.Identify national and international research fundingstreams and apply for funding to support Fish UnitActivities.Hold a series of 2-day wananga to enable allinterested hapü to come together to developa rohe-wide rohe moana (and awa/waiümanagement template.Encou<strong>ra</strong>ge and assist hapü to use themanagement template to create their own rohemoana (awa/waiü) management plan.Explore available options for database(s), includeanalysis of options to protect intellectual propertyand to collect information without breachingcopyright protection.Present options to hapü.Develop rohe-wide st<strong>ra</strong>tegy for engagement withall users.Invite all stakeholders to a hui.D<strong>ra</strong>ft a communication and ‘one-door’ policy forendorsement.Advertise communication st<strong>ra</strong>tegy both internallyand externally.Work with NKII communication team to promotethe fisheries activities within <strong>Kahungunu</strong>:Promote fisheries as a way to revitalize hapü andwhänau wellbeing.Maintain a visible <strong>Kahungunu</strong> presence atSeaweek 2011 events.Fish Unit to make themselves available in eachTaiwhenua on a rotational basis.Page 29

Annual PlanANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESDevelop a t<strong>ra</strong>ining anddevelopment st<strong>ra</strong>tegy thatbuilds skill, expertise andcapacity of hapü and iwifisheries managers and<strong>ra</strong>ngatahi.Develop policythat supports hapüengagement withfisheries users across allsectors.Assist hapü to developjoint ventures withthe <strong>Kahungunu</strong> AssetHolding company.Share the <strong>Kahungunu</strong>ki Uta, <strong>Kahungunu</strong> kiTai integ<strong>ra</strong>ted fisheriesmanagement modelacross the Pacific and theworld.ACTIVITIESSupport and develop <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi hui.Develop relationships with local schools,develop and deliver educational and researchopportunities.Identify t<strong>ra</strong>ining opportunities for hapü e.g.SeaFIC, NIWA etc and source funding.Match t<strong>ra</strong>ining with needs as identified by hapürohe moana plans.Nationwide st<strong>ra</strong>tegy for engagement of all relevantagencies, including Ministry of Fisheries and TeOhu Kaimoana.Invite all stakeholders to a hui.Work with the Asset Holding Company and hapüto identify potential commercial joint ventureopportunities.Explore international research opportunities anddevelop a joint research funding proposal.Explore cross-disciplinary research opportunitieswithin the NKII office and develop a jointresearch funding proposal e.g. Vib<strong>ra</strong>nt, HealthyCommunities (Whänau O<strong>ra</strong>);Cultu<strong>ra</strong>lly strong (tikanga and tangaroa).TE ARA TOIORA O NGÄTI KAHUNGUNUStrong, Vib<strong>ra</strong>nt, Healthy Whänau, Hapü & <strong>Iwi</strong>Coordinate Opportunitiesfor more effective servicedelivery to achievewhänau resilience andwellbeing by:• Encou<strong>ra</strong>ging a seamlessservice environment forwhänau.• Eliminating barriersthat inhibit wellbeing ofwhänau.Facilitate, broker andadvocate support withextended whänau andagencies on behalf ofwhänau.Develop a <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Ahuriri me Heretaungaprofile.Review Social Services funding and criteria for theHawke’s Bay Region.Assess social service delivery for the Hawke’s Bayregion.Engage with 40 whänau – assessing whänauneeds, provide guidance and support and assistwhänau to gain full access to government andcommunity based support services to addresstheir identified needs.Develop a whänau database to t<strong>ra</strong>ck the successof whänau we are assisting and to identifyprospective projects.Page 30

Annual PlanANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESDevelop wellbeinginitiatives and st<strong>ra</strong>tegiesto progress and enhancewhänau, hapü, iwiwellbeingProgress the aims of theTe A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> o Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> – WellbeingSt<strong>ra</strong>tegy for Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong>.Increase qualityresources to whänau toachieve wellbeing.To provide opportunitiesfor whänau to:• Gather knowledge forwellbeing• Create an opportunityto plan for and evaluatewellbeing whänau.ACTIVITIESAssist and facilitate the development of a<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Tobacco Action Group Plan toenhance the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Tobacco Free St<strong>ra</strong>tegy.Review the Hawke’s Bay DHB Tu Mai HealthSt<strong>ra</strong>tegy.Review the Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> Wellbeing St<strong>ra</strong>tegy.Assist and facilitate the Te Tumu Whakahaere oTe Wero Board.Investigate and develop a resource kit for tamarikicovering:• Keeping Safe• Self help directory/kit/roadmapHold two (2) Wananga covering:• Te A<strong>ra</strong> Toio<strong>ra</strong> – the pathway to wellbeing.• The ‘State of O<strong>ra</strong>’ for <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.SUPPORT SERVICES“Provide quality service to support and realise the AnnualObjectives”Establish a SupportServices unit thatprovides proactivesupport to staff, the boardand our members.Enhance communicationsand regist<strong>ra</strong>tionsby participating andencou<strong>ra</strong>ging participationin community eventsat a local, regional andnational level.Provide opportunities for staff up-skilling andt<strong>ra</strong>ining.Prepare clear policies and processes for staff andboard.Develop systems that deliver quality support.Record and capture <strong>Iwi</strong> activities.Provide quality administ<strong>ra</strong>tion support to the staff/board.Plan and organise regular engagements withTaiwhenua and Tau<strong>ra</strong>here offices to develop twoway communications.Develop and write and disseminate twelve (12)press releases that enhance iwi events andst<strong>ra</strong>tegic statements.Keep the iwi website updated with currentinformation including the calendar of events.Page 31

Annual PlanANNUAL PLAN OBJECTIVESImplement ICT priorities1-9.Develop and enhancerelationships withsuppliers and providers.Delivery of successfulevents throughout therohe.Continue to support theprovision of scholarshipsand sponsorships tomembers.Develop an EconomicSt<strong>ra</strong>tegy to promoteeconomic supportthroughout the rohe.ACTIVITIESPrioritize the ICT objectives.Develop and manage the iwi website for Te Reoand Fish units.Develop and produce e-panui.Develop a generic database for all directo<strong>ra</strong>tes.Network with potential suppliers and providers toensure best opportunities.Review current cont<strong>ra</strong>cts and agreements.Implement regular reviews.Explore opportunities for out-sourcing sales.Plan, organise and promote the following annualactivities:• Matariki Celeb<strong>ra</strong>tions in each region;• AGM Pa Sports Day 2010;• <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Pakeke Golf Tournament;• <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Sports Awards;• Waitangi/<strong>Kahungunu</strong> day celeb<strong>ra</strong>tions;Engage in the planning and iwi Involvementaround the Rugby World Cup 2011.Review the sponsorship policy to ensuresponsorship opportunities for members whorepresent <strong>Kahungunu</strong>;Review the scholarship criteria to ensurescholarship opportunities for <strong>Kahungunu</strong> taui<strong>ra</strong> intheir 3rd or final year of tertiary study;Provide a Research Scholarship to three (3) taui<strong>ra</strong>studying in either ICT, Environmental Science orTe Reo.Develop an economic st<strong>ra</strong>tegy to promote thegrowth of <strong>ra</strong>ngatahi.Promote leadership activities to enhance theeconomic wellbeing of our people.Page 32

Images from 2009 AGM Pa Sports


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