Z3 Sell Sheet

Z3 Sell Sheet

Z3 Sell Sheet


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Safer Less Stressful EasierSIRENMaking Your Job EZier!• Backlit brightness is nowofficer adjustable just likethe dashboard dimmerswitch giving you the appropriatelighting for your eyes!• PA microphone volume canalso be adjusted by the officershould the need arise.• PA stuck mic sensor automatically returns the sirento normal function should the microphone switchget stuck in PA mode.• Built in "Battery Voltage Check" Sensor shuts downlights and sirens when voltage runs below a programmedsetting. No more dead batteries after a call!• Sleep Mode Timer to shut the lights and siren off aftera specific preset time if the ignition is turned off.• Horn-ring transfer allows you to effortlessly scrollthrough siren functions on the steering wheel withouthaving to take your eyes off the road.• Built in Park Kill to automatically turn lights and sirenfunctions off when the vehicle is put in park. This featureis also designed for positive or ground inputs sothat park kill can also be activated by other inputs.• Built In Siren lock function that does not allow sirentones to come on until emergency lighting is activated.• All of these great features can be programmed in asnap to your specific needs!See the <strong>Z3</strong> Video!Go to code3pse.comScan this codewith your smartphoneor tablet(need QR app) toview video, photosand additionalinformation aboutthe <strong>Z3</strong> Siren.Phone: (314) 426-2700Fax: (314) 426-1337www.code3pse.comC3<strong>Z3</strong>SIREN0611

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