View File - Development Services - City of Oxnard

View File - Development Services - City of Oxnard View File - Development Services - City of Oxnard
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WATER RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT3.1.5 Port Hueneme Water AgencyAs noted above, PHWA provides potable water to the City of Port Hueneme, the ChannelIslands Beach Community Services District, the Naval Construction Battalion Center PortHueneme, and the Naval Air Weapons Station Point Mugu. PHWA has two primarysources of water for its supply: (1) desalted groundwater and (2) imported surface water.The City of Port Hueneme, the Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme, and theNaval Air Weapons Station Point Mugu all have individual wells; but these are primarilystandby facilities. The PHWA primary source of supply is groundwater from UWCD via theO-H pipeline. This water is desalted at the BWRDF to be compatible with the quality of theimported surface water from CMWD that is delivered via the Industrial Lateral. This sourceis used to supplement flows produced at the BWRDF. Water from both sources is combinedat the BWRDF site and fed into the distribution system. PHWA has been able to maximizeits use of the local groundwater by operating the BWRDF around the clock at a steady flowrate and storing excess water in the Pt. Mugu reservoir. Table 3-3 provides PHWA waterquality data from the City of Port Hueneme 2001 Consumer Confidence Report.PHWA operates the BWRDF, a successful project partially sponsored by the Bureau ofReclamation. The 4-mgd BWRDF desalinates local groundwater supplied by UWCD via theO-H pipeline. It is operated as part of a water quality improvement program to meet PHWAwater supply requirements and improve water quality. Although the BWRDF is operated byPHWA, it is actually located on City of Oxnard property. A lease for the use of the propertywas arranged in 1996 (Water Treatment, Plant Site Facilities and Land Lease Agreement,February 13, 1996) that reflected the intention of the City to develop a water reclamationfacility on the site. Provisions in the lease allow the City to unilaterally develop waterreclamation facilities on the remaining two-thirds of the parcel that the BWRDF is sited on.Over time, PHWA has been able to accumulate a sizeable unused groundwater allocation.The projected FCGMA groundwater allocations are shown below. These allocations aresubject to the same series 5 percent reductions scheduled for 2005 and 2010 as with thegroundwater allocations of the City.FCGMA Groundwater Allocation for PHWAParameter 2000 2005 2010 2020UWCD Allocation a 4,342 4,011 3,880 3,880PHWA Allocation b 1,637 1,529 1,313 1,313Total 5,979 5,540 5,193 5,193Notes:Includes baseline transfers of 421 AFY.Includes MWD transfers of 700 AFY.3.1.6 Ocean View Municipal Water DistrictOVMWD currently serves potable water to domestic and agricultural users on the OxnardPlain via the Ocean View pipeline. The Ocean View pipeline is a 16-inch-diameter asphaltconcrete pavement (ACP) line. Although the Ocean View pipeline serves some domesticusers, the number of service connections is small (estimated at 10 connections in the 1993Water Reclamation Master Plan and in the 1989 Inventory of Public and Private WaterPurveyors in Ventura County by the Ventura Local Agencies Formation Commission). TheW112003002SCO LW1458.DOC/ 033390002 37

WATER RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORTsource of water to the Ocean View pipeline is groundwater delivered by the O-H pipeline.The quality of water would be similar to that as shown in Table 3-1 for UWCD groundwaterquality from the City of Oxnard 2000 Consumer Confidence Report. On average, the TDS ofthis water would be approximately 1,100 mg/L. UWCD holds FCGMA pumping allocationsin trust for OVMWD, which are shown below.FCGMA Groundwater Allocation for OVMWDAvailable Groundwater, AFYGroundwater Source Historical Allocation 2000 – 2004 2005 – 2009 2010UWCD suballocation 600 600 600 6003.1.7 AgricultureIrrigation water for agricultural use on the southern Oxnard Plain and Pleasant Valley areasis supplied by several sources, including private groundwater wells operated by farmers,water provided by the UWCD PTP system, water provided by the PVCWD system, theOVMWD Ocean View pipeline, and water provided by other local special districts.Agricultural irrigation supplies and land use are described below for the PTP, PVCWD, andOVMWD systems, which would be integrated into the GREAT Program to deliver recycledwater to growers in lieu of pumping groundwater. In addition, land use is described in thevicinity of the Duck Club because this area represents another opportunity to providerecycled water for agricultural use in lieu of pumping groundwater.Pumping-trough PipelineUWCD built and operates the PTP to deliver water to agricultural users on the Oxnard Plainin lieu of pumping their shallow groundwater. The PTP delivers surface water divertedfrom the Santa Clara River when it is available. When there is insufficient surface wateravailable, five wells along the PTP system pump groundwater from the LAS. Figure 3-5shows the crop types and pumping by PTP users. The PTP users are strictly agriculturalirrigators and supplement the UWCD supply with groundwater from their own wellsduring peak periods. The quality of surface water delivered through the PTP reflects thewater quality of Santa Clara River diversions (Figure 3-4). The quality of pumpedgroundwater is variable with individual well (Figure 2-21).Pleasant Valley County Water DistrictThe PVCWD serves agricultural interests to the east of the PTP service area. PVCWD usesboth groundwater and surface water to supply its customers. Surface water is provided byto PVCWD by UWCD from the Santa Clara River when it is available. Eleven wells alongthe PVCWD system pump groundwater from the LAS. Figure 3-6 shows the crop types andpumping by PVCWD users. As with the PTP, the PVCWD users are strictly agriculturalirrigators and supplement the PVCWD supply with groundwater from their own wellsduring peak demands. The quality of surface water delivered through the PTP reflects thewater quality of Santa Clara River diversions (Figure 3-4). The quality of pumpedgroundwater is variable with individual well (Figure 2-21).W112003002SCO LW1458.DOC/ 033390002 38

WATER RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORTsource <strong>of</strong> water to the Ocean <strong>View</strong> pipeline is groundwater delivered by the O-H pipeline.The quality <strong>of</strong> water would be similar to that as shown in Table 3-1 for UWCD groundwaterquality from the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxnard</strong> 2000 Consumer Confidence Report. On average, the TDS <strong>of</strong>this water would be approximately 1,100 mg/L. UWCD holds FCGMA pumping allocationsin trust for OVMWD, which are shown below.FCGMA Groundwater Allocation for OVMWDAvailable Groundwater, AFYGroundwater Source Historical Allocation 2000 – 2004 2005 – 2009 2010UWCD suballocation 600 600 600 6003.1.7 AgricultureIrrigation water for agricultural use on the southern <strong>Oxnard</strong> Plain and Pleasant Valley areasis supplied by several sources, including private groundwater wells operated by farmers,water provided by the UWCD PTP system, water provided by the PVCWD system, theOVMWD Ocean <strong>View</strong> pipeline, and water provided by other local special districts.Agricultural irrigation supplies and land use are described below for the PTP, PVCWD, andOVMWD systems, which would be integrated into the GREAT Program to deliver recycledwater to growers in lieu <strong>of</strong> pumping groundwater. In addition, land use is described in thevicinity <strong>of</strong> the Duck Club because this area represents another opportunity to providerecycled water for agricultural use in lieu <strong>of</strong> pumping groundwater.Pumping-trough PipelineUWCD built and operates the PTP to deliver water to agricultural users on the <strong>Oxnard</strong> Plainin lieu <strong>of</strong> pumping their shallow groundwater. The PTP delivers surface water divertedfrom the Santa Clara River when it is available. When there is insufficient surface wateravailable, five wells along the PTP system pump groundwater from the LAS. Figure 3-5shows the crop types and pumping by PTP users. The PTP users are strictly agriculturalirrigators and supplement the UWCD supply with groundwater from their own wellsduring peak periods. The quality <strong>of</strong> surface water delivered through the PTP reflects thewater quality <strong>of</strong> Santa Clara River diversions (Figure 3-4). The quality <strong>of</strong> pumpedgroundwater is variable with individual well (Figure 2-21).Pleasant Valley County Water DistrictThe PVCWD serves agricultural interests to the east <strong>of</strong> the PTP service area. PVCWD usesboth groundwater and surface water to supply its customers. Surface water is provided byto PVCWD by UWCD from the Santa Clara River when it is available. Eleven wells alongthe PVCWD system pump groundwater from the LAS. Figure 3-6 shows the crop types andpumping by PVCWD users. As with the PTP, the PVCWD users are strictly agriculturalirrigators and supplement the PVCWD supply with groundwater from their own wellsduring peak demands. The quality <strong>of</strong> surface water delivered through the PTP reflects thewater quality <strong>of</strong> Santa Clara River diversions (Figure 3-4). The quality <strong>of</strong> pumpedgroundwater is variable with individual well (Figure 2-21).W112003002SCO LW1458.DOC/ 033390002 38

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