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The bicentennial of the Voltaic battery(1800–2000): the artificial electric organMarco PiccolinoP ERSPECTIVESAlessandro Volta invented the electric battery at the end of 1799 and communicated his inventionto the Royal Society of London in 1800.The studies that led him to develop this revolutionarydevice began in 1792, after Volta read the work of Luigi Galvani on the existence of an intrinsicelectricity in living organisms. During these studies, Volta obtained a series of results of greatphysiological relevance, which led him to anticipate some important ideas that marked theinception of modern neuroscience.These results have been obscured by a cultural tradition thathas seen Volta exclusively as a physicist, lacking interest for biological problems and opposed inan irreversible way to the physiologist, Luigi Galvani.Trends Neurosci. (2000) 23, 147–151TWO CENTURIES AGO, on 20 March 1800,Alessandro Volta, a professor at the University ofPavia and Fellow of the Royal Society of London, sent aletter from Come, his native town, to Sir Joseph Banks,President of the Royal Society, announcing the inventionof a device capable of producing electricity ‘bythe mere contact of conducting substances of differentspecies’ 1 (see Fig. 1). This device, the ‘Voltaic battery’,marked the birth of a new era in the development ofmodern physics and important changes in our lifestyle.One year later, Volta was disappointed that the studiesprompted by his invention were devoted almostexclusively to determining the chemical effects of thenew device, and, in addition, that scientists, he said,‘seem to pay little attention to those other effectsreferred to as electrical–physiological effects, which arenevertheless unique and surprising, as I will explain toyou. On the contrary, I myself became largely involvedwith these effects since the beginning’ 2 . In a memoirwritten in 1802, after discussing the physiological effectsof variable-duration electrical stimuli brought aboutusing his battery, Volta remarked that the results obtainedfrom these and other experiments had manyinteresting applications that, if used correctly, mightbenefit the fields of both physiology and practicalmedicine 2 .Volta–Galvani: physics versus physiologyVolta’s interest in the medical and physiological problemsconnected to the study of electricity has beenobscured by a historical tradition that tends to viewhim as a champion of physics who was opposed to thechampion of physiology and medicine, Luigi Galvani.The well-known controversy between these two scientistsconcerned the origin of the electricity involved inthe muscle contractions brought about by metallic conductorsin frog preparations: Volta the physicist assertingthat this electricity was produced by metals, andGalvani the physiologist, claiming that it was intrinsicto the organism. According to this tradition, we are ledto believe that Volta had no genuine interest in animalphysiology and considered the problem of muscle contractionexclusively from a physical viewpoint. The inventionof the electrical battery was thus considered tobe the conclusive event in the controversy, sanctioningthe victory of Volta and, consequently, the dominanceof a physical viewpoint over a physiologicalinterpretation 3 .There is no doubt that the invention of the batterywas a landmark. The research wave set into motion in1791 by the first publication of Galvani’s experimentson muscle contraction became oriented almost exclusivelyin a physico–chemical direction. As Volta noted,after he had made his invention public, there had initiallybeen an outburst of studies concerned with thechemical effects of his battery. Among these effects, thedecomposition of water first observed by Nicholsonand Carlisle in England was particularly notable. At thebeginning of the 19th century, the most-exciting phaseof progress of electrical science was marked by the studyof the chemical effects of the Voltaic battery and of thechemical phenomena involved in the functioning of thebattery itself. Particularly important was the researchof Davy and then of Faraday, Davy’s successor at theRoyal Institution of London. It was here that a hugeVoltaic battery became available. However, Volta’s interestin the physiological aspects of electrical influencein animal organisms was genuine, and the results heobtained are of great importance, not only because theyled to the invention of the battery, but also because oftheir intrinsic biological relevance.Natural and artificial electric organsVolta started his experimental studies on the effects ofelectricity in muscle contraction in 1792, after readingthe recently published account of Galvani’s experiments4 . However, his interest in the involvement ofelectricity in ‘animal economy’ (that is, ‘physiology’ ina broad sense) pre-dated the publication of Galvani’swork, as documented by a letter he addressed ten yearsearlier to Mme de Nanteuil 5 .In this letter, Volta discussed the possibility of theexistence of a genuine ‘animal electricity’, an electricitythat, as he clearly stated, ‘would be essentially linkedto life, which would depend on some of the functionsof animal economy’. In his opinion, this expressionwas not suited to those forms of electricity that couldbe produced ‘by rubbing the back of a cat, by curryingMarco Piccolinois at theDipartimento diBiologia, Universitàdi Ferrara, Italy.0166-2236/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0166-2236(99)01544-1 TINS Vol. 23, No. 4, 2000 147

The bicentennial of <strong>the</strong> Voltaic battery(1800–2000): <strong>the</strong> <strong>artificial</strong> <strong>electric</strong> <strong>organ</strong>Marco PiccolinoP ERSPECTIVESAlessandro Volta invented <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong> battery at <strong>the</strong> end of 1799 and communicated his inventionto <strong>the</strong> Royal Society of London in 1800.The studies that led him to develop this revolutionarydevice began in 1792, after Volta read <strong>the</strong> work of Luigi Galvani on <strong>the</strong> existence of an intrinsic<strong>electric</strong>ity in living <strong>organ</strong>isms. During <strong>the</strong>se studies, Volta obtained a series of results of greatphysiological relevance, which led him to anticipate some important ideas that marked <strong>the</strong>inception of modern neuroscience.These results have been obscured by a cultural tradition thathas seen Volta exclusively as a physicist, lacking interest for biological problems and opposed inan irreversible way to <strong>the</strong> physiologist, Luigi Galvani.Trends Neurosci. (2000) 23, 147–151TWO CENTURIES AGO, on 20 March 1800,Alessandro Volta, a professor at <strong>the</strong> University ofPavia and Fellow of <strong>the</strong> Royal Society of London, sent aletter from Come, his native town, to Sir Joseph Banks,President of <strong>the</strong> Royal Society, announcing <strong>the</strong> inventionof a device capable of producing <strong>electric</strong>ity ‘by<strong>the</strong> mere contact of conducting substances of differentspecies’ 1 (see Fig. 1). This device, <strong>the</strong> ‘Voltaic battery’,marked <strong>the</strong> birth of a new era in <strong>the</strong> development ofmodern physics and important changes in our lifestyle.One year later, Volta was disappointed that <strong>the</strong> studiesprompted by his invention were devoted almostexclusively to determining <strong>the</strong> chemical effects of <strong>the</strong>new device, and, in addition, that scientists, he said,‘seem to pay little attention to those o<strong>the</strong>r effectsreferred to as <strong>electric</strong>al–physiological effects, which arenever<strong>the</strong>less unique and surprising, as I will explain toyou. On <strong>the</strong> contrary, I myself became largely involvedwith <strong>the</strong>se effects since <strong>the</strong> beginning’ 2 . In a memoirwritten in 1802, after discussing <strong>the</strong> physiological effectsof variable-duration <strong>electric</strong>al stimuli brought aboutusing his battery, Volta remarked that <strong>the</strong> results obtainedfrom <strong>the</strong>se and o<strong>the</strong>r experiments had manyinteresting applications that, if used correctly, mightbenefit <strong>the</strong> fields of both physiology and practicalmedicine 2 .Volta–Galvani: physics versus physiologyVolta’s interest in <strong>the</strong> medical and physiological problemsconnected to <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>electric</strong>ity has beenobscured by a historical tradition that tends to viewhim as a champion of physics who was opposed to <strong>the</strong>champion of physiology and medicine, Luigi Galvani.The well-known controversy between <strong>the</strong>se two scientistsconcerned <strong>the</strong> origin of <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ity involved in<strong>the</strong> muscle contractions brought about by metallic conductorsin frog preparations: Volta <strong>the</strong> physicist assertingthat this <strong>electric</strong>ity was produced by metals, andGalvani <strong>the</strong> physiologist, claiming that it was intrinsicto <strong>the</strong> <strong>organ</strong>ism. According to this tradition, we are ledto believe that Volta had no genuine interest in animalphysiology and considered <strong>the</strong> problem of muscle contractionexclusively from a physical viewpoint. The inventionof <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>al battery was thus considered tobe <strong>the</strong> conclusive event in <strong>the</strong> controversy, sanctioning<strong>the</strong> victory of Volta and, consequently, <strong>the</strong> dominanceof a physical viewpoint over a physiologicalinterpretation 3 .There is no doubt that <strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> batterywas a landmark. The research wave set into motion in1791 by <strong>the</strong> first publication of Galvani’s experimentson muscle contraction became oriented almost exclusivelyin a physico–chemical direction. As Volta noted,after he had made his invention public, <strong>the</strong>re had initiallybeen an outburst of studies concerned with <strong>the</strong>chemical effects of his battery. Among <strong>the</strong>se effects, <strong>the</strong>decomposition of water first observed by Nicholsonand Carlisle in England was particularly notable. At <strong>the</strong>beginning of <strong>the</strong> 19th century, <strong>the</strong> most-exciting phaseof progress of <strong>electric</strong>al science was marked by <strong>the</strong> studyof <strong>the</strong> chemical effects of <strong>the</strong> Voltaic battery and of <strong>the</strong>chemical phenomena involved in <strong>the</strong> functioning of <strong>the</strong>battery itself. Particularly important was <strong>the</strong> researchof Davy and <strong>the</strong>n of Faraday, Davy’s successor at <strong>the</strong>Royal Institution of London. It was here that a hugeVoltaic battery became available. However, Volta’s interestin <strong>the</strong> physiological aspects of <strong>electric</strong>al influencein animal <strong>organ</strong>isms was genuine, and <strong>the</strong> results heobtained are of great importance, not only because <strong>the</strong>yled to <strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> battery, but also because of<strong>the</strong>ir intrinsic biological relevance.Natural and <strong>artificial</strong> <strong>electric</strong> <strong>organ</strong>sVolta started his experimental studies on <strong>the</strong> effects of<strong>electric</strong>ity in muscle contraction in 1792, after reading<strong>the</strong> recently published account of Galvani’s experiments4 . However, his interest in <strong>the</strong> involvement of<strong>electric</strong>ity in ‘animal economy’ (that is, ‘physiology’ ina broad sense) pre-dated <strong>the</strong> publication of Galvani’swork, as documented by a letter he addressed ten yearsearlier to Mme de Nanteuil 5 .In this letter, Volta discussed <strong>the</strong> possibility of <strong>the</strong>existence of a genuine ‘animal <strong>electric</strong>ity’, an <strong>electric</strong>itythat, as he clearly stated, ‘would be essentially linkedto life, which would depend on some of <strong>the</strong> functionsof animal economy’. In his opinion, this expressionwas not suited to those forms of <strong>electric</strong>ity that couldbe produced ‘by rubbing <strong>the</strong> back of a cat, by curryingMarco Piccolinois at <strong>the</strong>Dipartimento diBiologia, Universitàdi Ferrara, Italy.0166-2236/00/$ – see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0166-2236(99)01544-1 TINS Vol. 23, No. 4, 2000 147

M. Piccolino – The Voltaic battery P ERSPECTIVESwould be inappropriate to assign <strong>the</strong> phrase of ‘animal<strong>electric</strong>ity’, something that he had considered fullypertinent about 20 years earlier 8 .It is perhaps appropriate to recall what Volta wrotein 1802 (Ref. 5). By discussing <strong>the</strong> different ways conductivematerials can be arranged in order to obtain acurrent, Volta noted <strong>the</strong> effectiveness of an assemblyof one metal (conductor of <strong>the</strong> first class in his classification)with two different liquids (second-class conductors),in addition to <strong>the</strong> usual combination of twodifferent metals with a liquid. Afterwards, he wonderedwhe<strong>the</strong>r an electromotive force could also be obtainedby putting toge<strong>the</strong>r three different conductors of <strong>the</strong>same class (for example, three different metals or threedifferent liquids). He had not yet been able to produceany relevant <strong>electric</strong> sign by such combinations in hisexperiments. ‘But’, he added, ‘if not art, nature hasfound <strong>the</strong> way to succeed with this in <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong> <strong>organ</strong>sof Torpedo and trembling eel (Gymnotus <strong>electric</strong>us),etc., which are built up exclusively of conductors of thissecond class, that is, humid ones, without anyone of<strong>the</strong> first class, without any metal. And perhaps we arenot far from <strong>the</strong> possibility that also art could imitate<strong>the</strong>m.’ Thus, nature (in this specific case <strong>the</strong> animalkingdom) might open to <strong>the</strong> physicist unsuspectedpossibilities that he should try to imitate with his art.Volta’s electro–physiological experimentsIn <strong>the</strong> work of Volta, ‘<strong>electric</strong>al–physiological’ doesnot only allude to <strong>the</strong> possibility of reproducing in aphysical device <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong> phenomena of living <strong>organ</strong>isms.In <strong>the</strong> course of <strong>the</strong> studies that led to <strong>the</strong> inventionof <strong>electric</strong> battery, Volta made a series of importantobservations of proper physiological relevance that havebeen largely ignored by <strong>the</strong> scientific tradition. This isperhaps also <strong>the</strong> consequence of <strong>the</strong> <strong>artificial</strong> limits thatexists between physics and physiology, erected by acertain culture that was scarcely aware of <strong>the</strong> objectivedifficulty of tracing <strong>the</strong> boundaries between sectors ofscience in <strong>the</strong> 18th century.Volta anticipated, by about half a century, <strong>the</strong> fundamentalidea of <strong>the</strong> functional <strong>organ</strong>ization of nervoussystem, <strong>the</strong> doctrine of ‘specific nervous energies’ ofJohannes Müller 9 . As it is well known, this doctrinestipulates that <strong>the</strong> physiological effects of nerve stimulationdepend on <strong>the</strong> type of nerve stimulated and noton <strong>the</strong> type of stimulus used to achieve <strong>the</strong> stimulation.If different stimuli are used for stimulating <strong>the</strong> eye oroptic nerve, such as mechanical or chemical irritations,or light or <strong>electric</strong>ity, <strong>the</strong> result will be, in any case, aluminous sensation. The same holds true for most o<strong>the</strong>rtypes of sensation, such as taste, hearing and somaticsensations. In Volta’s formulation, this law of <strong>the</strong> constancyof nerve stimulation effects also encompassesmotor nerves. In his second memoir on animal <strong>electric</strong>ity,published in May 1792, during <strong>the</strong> initial periodof his electrophysiological investigations, Volta wrote,It, <strong>the</strong>refore, becomes manifest that according towhich nerve is stimulated and to what is its naturalfunction, such is <strong>the</strong> effect that ensues correspondingly,that is to say as regards sensation and motion,when that nervous virtue is activated on subjecting itto <strong>the</strong> influx of <strong>electric</strong>al fluid.He had just mentioned <strong>the</strong> experiment of <strong>electric</strong>alstimulation of his tongue with a bi-metallic arc, an experimentthat, varied in a multiplicity of forms, wasFig. 2. The ‘<strong>artificial</strong> Torpedo’ of Cavendish capable of delivering <strong>electric</strong> shocks even whenimmersed in water. The graphical illustration of current flow first used here anticipates <strong>the</strong> representationof <strong>the</strong> ‘lines of force’ of <strong>electric</strong>al field suggested by Faraday in <strong>the</strong> 19th century.This is one of <strong>the</strong> first successful applications of physical modelling to biology. Reproducedfrom Ref. 7. © University Library of Pisa, Italy.reported repeatedly in future publications and privateletters 5 .From a communication that he sent a few monthslater for publication to Tiberius Cavallo, a Fellow of <strong>the</strong>Royal Society, we learn that Volta carried out this experimentwith <strong>the</strong> initial purpose of eliciting musclecontraction in living humans. The tongue seemed particularlyappropriate because of its muscular nature,its accessibility and <strong>the</strong> low <strong>electric</strong>al resistance of itsmucous surface. Contrary to his expectations, however,he did not obtain any contraction by using a tin–silverarc, but perceived instead a clear acid taste 5 . Volta interpretedthis effect correctly as being caused by <strong>the</strong>stimulation of nerve fibres coming from <strong>the</strong> gustatorypapillae. Next, he tried a similar experiment on <strong>the</strong> eye,and he found that <strong>the</strong> bi-metallic contact induced alight sensation <strong>the</strong>re 5 .He also endeavoured to stimulate <strong>the</strong> acoustic andolfactory systems. At <strong>the</strong> beginning he did not succeedin producing any acoustic sensation with a bi-metallicarc, but, after <strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> battery, he was ableto produce a noise by applying two probes connectedto a battery of 30–40 silver–zinc elements into both ears.Volta never succeeded in producing an odour sensationby applying <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>al stimulus into <strong>the</strong> interior ofnose, not even by using <strong>the</strong> powerful <strong>electric</strong>ity of abattery of many elements. However, he succeeded ineliciting somatic sensations by applying his ‘metallic<strong>electric</strong>ity’ to skin or to a mucous surface. Althoughinitially he referred to <strong>the</strong>se sensations as tactile, afterwardshe decided that <strong>the</strong>y were more akin to pain. Thesensations were particularly acute and hard to tolerateif <strong>the</strong> stimulus was applied to a sore surface. After <strong>the</strong>invention of <strong>the</strong> battery he discovered that <strong>the</strong> painfulsensation grew when <strong>the</strong> power of battery was increased,and with batteries of 20 elements it could not be enduredeven for a few seconds.In his electro–physiological experiments, Voltashowed a particular ability to obtain important informationby using simple devices. Taste sensation can beelicited, he said, by using a silver and copper coin. ATINS Vol. 23, No. 4, 2000 149

P ERSPECTIVESM. Piccolino – The Voltaic batteryFig. 3. Schemes of <strong>the</strong> connections between various metals, humid conductors, animalpreparations and human bodies, similar to those used by Volta to illustrate his multifacetedexperiments on <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ity produced by metallic contacts. Courtesy of <strong>the</strong> IstitutoLombardo – Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Milan, Italy.visual sensation can be elicited by using a blunt tinfoil(or a zinc lamina) and a silver spoon: <strong>the</strong> tinfoil is putinto contact with <strong>the</strong> conjunctiva of <strong>the</strong> eye corner and<strong>the</strong> spoon used to contact <strong>the</strong> interior of mouth.Volta liked to combine different physiological effectsin a single experiment; for example, putting one of <strong>the</strong>two metals in contact with <strong>the</strong> tip of his tongue and <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r with conjunctiva. As <strong>the</strong> two metals were connectedtoge<strong>the</strong>r, he experienced both a light and a tastesensation. The experiment could be fur<strong>the</strong>r complicatedby forming a chain that included, besides <strong>the</strong> experimenter’seye and tongue, a frog preparation 5 . Closing<strong>the</strong> circuit also elicited, in addition to <strong>the</strong> double sensation,contraction of <strong>the</strong> frog’s leg. By using o<strong>the</strong>rarrangements, Volta could produce a taste sensation inone subject and a visual sensation in ano<strong>the</strong>r, besideseliciting <strong>the</strong> contraction of a frog (see Fig. 3).This way of combining different effects in a singleexperiment might apparently represent <strong>the</strong> tendencyof <strong>the</strong> 18th-century science towards stage effects. InVolta, however, it reflected more <strong>the</strong> tendency to capture<strong>the</strong> essentials in a scientific result, making it easyto show and to reproduce. In <strong>the</strong> communication of<strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> battery he invites <strong>the</strong> reader torepeat one of his multifaceted experiments by exploiting<strong>the</strong> strong <strong>electric</strong>al power of <strong>the</strong> new apparatus.But <strong>the</strong> most curious of all <strong>the</strong>se experiments is, tohold <strong>the</strong> metallic plate between <strong>the</strong> lips and in contactwith <strong>the</strong> tip of tongue; since, when you afterwardscomplete <strong>the</strong> circle in <strong>the</strong> proper manner, youexcite at once, if <strong>the</strong> apparatus is sufficiently largeand in good order, and <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong> current sufficientlystrong and in good course, a sensation of lightin <strong>the</strong> eyes, a convulsion in <strong>the</strong> lips, and even in <strong>the</strong>tongue, and a painful prick at <strong>the</strong> tip of it, followedby a sensation of taste. 1Far from adopting exclusively an ‘electro–physical’viewpoint, as it has been claimed, Volta operated a continuousand fruitful exchange between an electro–physical and an electro–biological perspective in hisinvestigations. From <strong>the</strong> tongue experiment, first performedin 1792, he was able to determine <strong>the</strong> polarityof metallic current, four years before he could measureit with a physical instrument. He noticed that <strong>the</strong> acidsensation produced by application of <strong>the</strong> tin pole of <strong>the</strong>bi-metallic arc to <strong>the</strong> tongue could be reproduced bydischarging a positively charged Leyden jar on <strong>the</strong> tip of<strong>the</strong> tongue. Moreover, from <strong>the</strong> maintained characterof <strong>the</strong> acid sensation perceived, Volta concluded that abi-metallic contact produced a continuous flow of <strong>electric</strong>ity.Having established <strong>the</strong> continuous (potentially‘perpetual’, as he liked to say) character of metallic current,he could <strong>the</strong>n conclude that <strong>the</strong> transient appearanceof contractions in frog legs, which occurred only at<strong>the</strong> making and breaking of circuit, was not due to anintermittent character of <strong>the</strong> current produced by metals,but to a physiological property of nerve excitability.In his experiment on vision, he initially noticed thatlight sensation occurred only at <strong>the</strong> onset and at <strong>the</strong>offset of <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>al stimulus. However, aware of<strong>the</strong> continuous character of <strong>the</strong> metallic current, heendeavoured to produce a maintained sensation, andeventually was able to perceive a steady dim light whenone of <strong>the</strong> poles of <strong>the</strong> bi-metallic circuit was appliedclose to <strong>the</strong> eye and <strong>the</strong> experimental room was completelydarkened 5 . However, as this continuous light wasvery faint, he concluded that, in order to stimulateeffectively, it was necessary to make and break <strong>the</strong> circuitin rapid alternation. This method, which he alsoused for obtaining tetanic contraction in frogs, precedes<strong>the</strong> method of impulse trains used in modern times.Volta was particularly skilful in <strong>the</strong>se experiments:with <strong>the</strong> ability to break and make alternatively, ‘andwith more or less rapidity’, <strong>the</strong> contact between <strong>the</strong>two metals he was able, in 1793, to produce a ‘sensationof a undulating, and, as it were, sparking light, andeventually of an almost continuous light’. A flickerfusionexperiment with an <strong>electric</strong>al stimulus providedby only a tinfoil and a silver spoon!Volta noticed that <strong>the</strong> effect of <strong>electric</strong>al stimulationoften depended on stimulus polarity, thus anticipatingsomewhat <strong>the</strong> ‘law of polar excitation’ developed fully byPflüger more than 50 years later 10 . In his tongue experimen<strong>the</strong> noticed that <strong>the</strong> taste changed from ‘acid’ to‘alkaline’ when <strong>the</strong> polarity of <strong>the</strong> stimulus was inverted.Moreover, he noticed that sensation of pain upon stimulationof skin or of a mucous surface was excited by asmaller intensity current with stimuli of negative polarity.He also anticipated Pflüger, at least partially, bynoting that stimuli of a given polarity were more effectiveat <strong>the</strong> onset of current application, whereas oppositepolarity stimuli were usually more effective at currentoffset. In 1795, he could produce both onset and offsetcontractions in a single experiment. A bi-metallic arc wasused for connecting two frog preparations through twoglasses filled with a saline solutions. One preparation wasplunged with its spinal cord on <strong>the</strong> side of <strong>the</strong> negative<strong>electric</strong>ity and with its legs on <strong>the</strong> positive <strong>electric</strong>ity side,while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r frog was arranged in <strong>the</strong> opposite way.One frog contracted at <strong>the</strong> moment when <strong>the</strong> circuitwas established, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r when it was broken 5 .In particular, Volta was able to counteract experimentallypossible objections to his conclusions. It couldbe surmised that <strong>the</strong> acid taste perceived in tongueexperiment was merely due to <strong>the</strong> metals <strong>the</strong>mselvesand not to <strong>the</strong> passage of current. In order to address thisobjection, he first showed that <strong>the</strong> acid sensation did not150 TINS Vol. 23, No. 4, 2000

M. Piccolino – The Voltaic battery P ERSPECTIVESappear when <strong>the</strong> metals were in contact with tongue,but not in contact with each o<strong>the</strong>r. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, heshowed that <strong>the</strong> acid taste could be perceived even when<strong>the</strong>re was no direct contact of tongue with metal: forexample, when tongue tip was plunged in a glass filledwith water that, in turn, was in contact with <strong>the</strong> positiveelectrode. He also performed a striking experiment,in which <strong>the</strong> solution used for <strong>the</strong> contact with <strong>the</strong> tipof <strong>the</strong> tongue was alkaline. Immediately as he plungedhis tongue tip, he perceived an acid taste (which heattributed to current passage) that was subsequently followedby an ‘alkaline’ sensation, as <strong>the</strong> solution diffusedand reached <strong>the</strong> tongue surface 5 .Although Volta did not write works that dealt exclusivelywith physiological and medical <strong>the</strong>mes, <strong>the</strong> interestfor <strong>the</strong> physiological and medical relevance of hisdiscoveries appears clearly in his writings. In 1793, hediscussed different arrangements suitable for <strong>electric</strong>stimulation of <strong>the</strong> visual system. Among o<strong>the</strong>r possibilities,he remarked that <strong>the</strong> experiment also succeededwhen <strong>the</strong> tips of <strong>the</strong> bi-metallic arc were placed insidemouth; for example, in <strong>the</strong> opposite sides of mouthvestibule. This experiment is easy to reproduce, becauseit does not involve <strong>the</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r heroic procedure ofputting one of <strong>the</strong> metallic tips on <strong>the</strong> eyeball (it canbe conveniently performed in modern times by usinga 4.5 V battery, for example). Volta wrote 5 ,On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand I am persuaded that <strong>the</strong> experimentwould succeed even in persons blind for cataract,or any o<strong>the</strong>r fault, except for insensibility or paralysisof optic nerves.Therefore, <strong>the</strong>se trials could be of some utility,allowing one to discover if such fault exists. Moreover,who knows if, being well administered, <strong>the</strong>y could beof some help in this same paralysis, both initial, ormore or less advanced.In 1802, Volta indeed used <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ity of his batteryfor <strong>the</strong>rapeutic purposes, although, in this case, to treatdeafness ra<strong>the</strong>r than blindness.Concluding remarksIt is interesting to note that <strong>the</strong> communication to<strong>the</strong> Royal Society in 1800 on <strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> batteryis to a large extent concerned with results and discussionsof physiological relevance. In <strong>the</strong> final pages,after discussing at length <strong>the</strong> effects of <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ityof <strong>the</strong> battery in promoting sensations and movements,Volta wrote 1 ,All <strong>the</strong> facts which I have related in this long paperin regard to <strong>the</strong> action which <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong> fluid, whenexcited and when moved by my apparatus, exerciseson <strong>the</strong> different parts of our bodies which <strong>the</strong> currentattacks and passes through – a current which is notmomentaneous, but which lasts, and is maintainedduring <strong>the</strong> whole time that this current can follow<strong>the</strong> chain not interrupted in its communication; in aword, an action, <strong>the</strong> effects of which vary according<strong>the</strong> different degrees of excitability of <strong>the</strong> parts, as hasbeen seen – all <strong>the</strong>se facts, sufficiently numerous, ando<strong>the</strong>rs which may be still discovered by multiplyingand varying <strong>the</strong> experiments of this kind, will open avery wide field of reflection, and of view, not onlycurious, but particularly interesting to medicine.There will be a great deal to occupy <strong>the</strong> anatomist, <strong>the</strong>physiologist, and <strong>the</strong> practitioner.Two centuries later, we can consider how prophetic<strong>the</strong>se words were, by considering <strong>the</strong> immense developmentof electrophysiology, and <strong>the</strong> tremendous importancereached by <strong>electric</strong>ity in its diagnostic and<strong>the</strong>rapeutic application to medicine.The 18th century, an ‘<strong>electric</strong>al century’ par excellence,ended with <strong>the</strong> invention of <strong>the</strong> battery, and a newepoch began. In <strong>the</strong> science of enlightenment, <strong>the</strong> barriersbetween different disciplines were much lessdefined than in modern times, mainly because of <strong>the</strong>revolutionary phase of scientific progress. This imposeda great interchange of scientific ideas and methods.The tradition that has seen Volta exclusively as <strong>the</strong>physicist, in modern acceptance, opposed to <strong>the</strong> physiologist,Galvani, was developed mostly in <strong>the</strong> 19thcentury. It has been revived in modern times as a ‘casehistory’ for some philosophies that aim to exalt <strong>the</strong>importance of external influences and a priori conceptionson <strong>the</strong> activity of scientists 3 . Besides contributingto <strong>the</strong> neglect of <strong>the</strong> electro–physiological workof Volta, it risks under evaluating some importantaspects of <strong>the</strong> controversy between Galvani and Volta(see Refs 11,12).How could we apply to old epochs those categoriesused to distinguish sectors of science in modern times?It would be difficult to assign many of <strong>the</strong> 17th- and18th-century scientists to physics, or to medicine, or tophilosophy, and this is particular for <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>electric</strong>ity.In 1600, more than a century before Volta, <strong>the</strong>word ‘<strong>electric</strong>ity’, in its modern sense, first appeared inDe Magnete, a milestone in <strong>the</strong> historical developmentof electrology, written by William Gilbert 13 . Gilbert was<strong>the</strong> physician of Queen Elizabeth I.Instead of relying on distinctions that are more orless <strong>artificial</strong>, and particularly inappropriate for <strong>the</strong>understanding of science history, we could perhapsapply to <strong>the</strong> scientific work of Volta what Niels Bohrsaid in 1937, when commemorating <strong>the</strong> bicentennialof <strong>the</strong> birth of Galvani 14 :[this] immortal work…which inaugurated a newepoch in <strong>the</strong> whole field of science, is a most brilliantillustration of <strong>the</strong> extreme fruitfulness of an intimatecombination of <strong>the</strong> exploration of <strong>the</strong> laws of inanimatenature with <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>the</strong> properties of living<strong>organ</strong>isms.Selected references1 Volta, A. (1800) On <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ity excited by <strong>the</strong> mere contact ofconducting substances of different species. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc.90, 403–4312 Volta, A. (1923) Le Opere di Alessandro Volta (Vol. 2), Hoepli3 Pera, M. (1992) The Ambiguous Frog, Princeton4 Galvani, L. (1791) De viribus <strong>electric</strong>itatis in motu muscularicommentarius. Bon. Sci. Art. Inst. Acad. Comm. 7, 363–4185 Volta, A. (1918) Le Opere di Alessandro Volta (Vol. 1), Hoepli6 Walsh, J. (1773) On <strong>the</strong> <strong>electric</strong>al property of Torpedo. Philos.Trans. Roy. Soc. 63, 478–4897 Cavendish, H. (1776) An account of some attempts to imitate <strong>the</strong>effects of <strong>the</strong> Torpedo by <strong>electric</strong>ity. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. 66,196–2258 Polvani, G. (1942) Alessandro Volta, Domus Galileiana9 Müller, J. (1844) Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen, Hölscher10 Pflüger, E. (1859) Untersuchungen über die Physiologie des Electrotonus,Hirshwald11 Piccolino, M. (1997) Luigi Galvani and animal <strong>electric</strong>ity: twocenturies after <strong>the</strong> foundation of electrophysiology. Trends Neurosci.20, 443–44812 Piccolino, M. (1998) Animal <strong>electric</strong>ity at <strong>the</strong> birth of electrophysiology:<strong>the</strong> legacy of Luigi Galvani. Brain Res. Bull. 46, 381–40713 Gilbert, W. (1600) De Magnete, Short14 Bohr, N. (1937) Biology and atomic physics. In Celebrazione delSecondo Centenario della Nascita di Luigi Galvani, pp. 68–78, ParmaAcknowledgementsThe author thanksLucia Galli-Restaand Lionel Lovitchfor critically reading<strong>the</strong> manuscript,Liramalala Rakotobefor collaboration,and Livia Iannucci,Carlo AlbertoSegnini and MonicaTortora for help inaccessing oldscientific literature.TINS Vol. 23, No. 4, 2000 151

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