MC95FR464_DS_REV2.0_20120104.pdf - ABOV Semiconductor

MC95FR464_DS_REV2.0_20120104.pdf - ABOV Semiconductor

MC95FR464_DS_REV2.0_20120104.pdf - ABOV Semiconductor


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MC95FR332/432/364/46410. INTERRUPT CONTROLLER10.1 OverviewThe interrupt controller has the following features to handle interrupt request from internal peripheralsor external pins.- support up to 16 interrupt sources NOTE- 6 group of 4 priority level- multiple interrupts handling- global enable by EA bit and selective control by IEx bit- Interrup latency : 3~9 machine cycles in single interrupt systemNOTE Interrupt controller can accept upto 24 interrupt sources, but there are only 16 interrupt sources inMC95FR332/432/364/464.Interrupt controller has 4 Interrupt Enable Registers (IE, IE1, IE2, IE3) and 2 Interrupt PriorityRegisters (IP, IP1). There are 16 interrupt sources in MC95FR332/432/364/464 and overall control isdone by EA bit in IE register. When EA is set to 0, all interrupt requests are ignored. When EA is setto 1, each interrupt request is accepted or not by INTnE bit in IEx registers. 16 interrupt sources areassigned to 6 groups and each group can have different priority according to IP and IP1 registers.By default all interrupt sources are level-triggered, but external interrupts can be set to operate inedge-trigger mode. If more than 2 interrupts of different group priority are requested almost at thesame time, the request of higher priority is serviced first. And among the requests of same priority, aninternal polling sequence determines which request is serviced, ie, the interrupt having lower prioritynumber in Table 10-2 is serviced first. Even in interrupt service routine, another interrupt of higherpriority can interrupt the execution of service routine for the lower priority by software configuration.InterruptGroupHighestLowest0 (Bit0) Interrupt0 Interrupt6 Interrupt12 Interrupt18 Highest1 (Bit1) Interrupt1 Interrupt7 Interrupt13 Interrupt192 (Bit2) Interrupt2 Interrupt8 Interrupt14 Interrupt203 (Bit3) Interrupt3 Interrupt9 Interrupt15 Interrupt214 (Bit4) Interrupt4 Interrupt10 Interrupt16 Interrupt225 (Bit5) Interrupt5 Interrupt11 Interrupt17 Interrupt23 LowestTable 10-1 Interrupt Group and Default PriorityJanuary, 2012 Rev.2.0 49

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