Farm*A*Syst - Michigan Water Stewardship Program

Farm*A*Syst - Michigan Water Stewardship Program

Farm*A*Syst - Michigan Water Stewardship Program


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FAS 107 • October 2008(Major revision — destroy old)FARM*A*SYSTFOR MICHIGAN PRODUCERSN*wellcalf hutcheshouseshopcompressedgasequipmentstoragegrainbins*AST—dieselelectricshutoffemergency tube**haybarndrycows*silo (empty)temporarymanurestorage* AST—gasolinestorage*surface drain*milkingparlorpesticidestoragelivestocklivestock*livestockliquidmanurestoragedrain outlet

<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>Farmstead Improvement Action PlanRisk List high-risk practice(s) Required Alternative low-risk practice (Include potential sources Action planquestion from <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> for MAEAP of technical and financial assistance.)and medium-risk verification?practices that do not Planned Indicate datemeet MAEAP completion when completedrequirements date(example)3.05 Pesticides stored on yes Install concrete pad with curbs for pesticide storage area. Nov. 2009 (✔) Completedpermeable floor Technical assistance — NRCS & MSUE. Cost share — NRCS & MGSP. October 31, 2009surface.(continued after work sheets)I understand that this farmstead assessment (<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>) and corresponding Farmstead Improvement Action Plan were developed on the basis that Ihave disclosed, to the best of my knowledge, all information pertaining to my farmstead operations.Farmstead address:Producer’s signature_________________________________________Street ____________________________________________________Date_________________________City ________________________________MI, Zip code __________<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> conducted by:<strong>Water</strong>shed name: __________________________________________Name ____________________________________________________❑ Aerial map with farmstead boundaries is attached.Title__________________________________Date ________________2

<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>Introduction<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> has been updated several times since itsintroduction to <strong>Michigan</strong> producers in 1994. The latestversion is designed to coordinate the <strong>Michigan</strong>Groundwater <strong>Stewardship</strong> <strong>Program</strong> (MGSP) and the<strong>Michigan</strong> Agriculture Environmental Assurance<strong>Program</strong> (MAEAP). <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> also includes relevant<strong>Michigan</strong> Right-to-Farm generally accepted agriculturaland management practices (GAAMPs).The <strong>Michigan</strong> Groundwater <strong>Stewardship</strong> <strong>Program</strong> isa cooperative effort between the <strong>Michigan</strong> Departmentof Agriculture, <strong>Michigan</strong> State University Extension,and the USDA Natural Resources ConservationService and <strong>Michigan</strong> Conservation Districts. The programis funded through fees assessed on sales of pesticidesand nitrogen fertilizers. MGSP-sponsored education,technical assistance and cost share help individualsreduce the risk of groundwater contaminationassociated with pesticide and nitrogen fertilizer use.The <strong>Michigan</strong> Agriculture EnvironmentalAssurance <strong>Program</strong> is a comprehensive, proactiveand voluntary agricultural pollution prevention program.It takes a systems approach to assist producers inevaluating their farms for environmental risks. Thethree systems are Livestock, Farmstead and Cropping.<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> assesses the environmental risks of theFarmstead System. For additional information, see:.The <strong>Michigan</strong> Right-to-Farm Act, P.A. 93, was enactedin 1981 to provide farmers with protection from nuisancelawsuits. This state statute authorized the<strong>Michigan</strong> Commission of Agriculture to develop andadopt GAAMPs for farms and farm operations in<strong>Michigan</strong>. These voluntary practices are based onavailable technology and scientific research to promotesound environmental stewardship and help maintain afarmer’s right to farm. The current Right-to-FarmGAAMPs are posted on the <strong>Michigan</strong> Department ofAgriculture Web site: .Producers who complete the <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> assessmentwill be able to determine what management, structuralor equipment changes (if any) will be needed for thefarmstead to be environmentally assured through theMAEAP.Once the producer develops and implements a plan toaddress the risks indicated by the <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>assessment, he/she can contact the <strong>Michigan</strong>Department of Agriculture (MDA) to request farmsteadsystem verification (517-373-9797). An MDA inspectorwill schedule a site visit to complete the verificationprocess. The owner of a MAEAP-verified farmstead willbe eligible for incentives and can enjoy the peace ofmind that comes from knowing that farmstead practicesare in conformance with the applicable Right-to-Farm GAAMPs. Verified farmstead systems are positionedto achieve regulatory compliance with state andfederal environmental laws.What is the Farmstead Assessment System?The Farmstead Assessment System (<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>) is a series of risk questions that will help you assess how effectively yourfarmstead structures, management practices and site conditions protect your water resources. The risk questions are groupedin the following sections:1 Farmstead soil evaluation 9 General livestock management2 <strong>Water</strong> well condition 10 Livestock manure storage3 Pesticide storage and handling 11 Livestock yard management4 Pesticide handler and worker safety 12 Silage storage5 Fertilizer storage and handling 13 Milking center wastewater treatment6 Petroleum product storage and management 14 Other farmstead environmental risks7 Waste management 15 Farmstead improvement action plan8 Septic system management3

<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>How does <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> Work?1) Select all relevant sections for your farm.2) Answer the risk questions by selecting the statementthat best describes conditions on your farmstead.Indicate your risk level in the column to theright. Skip any questions that don’t apply to yourfarmstead.Note: For MAEAP verification, complete the riskquestions with a <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> trained individual(groundwater technician, MSU Extension agent orNRCS resource conservationist).3) After completing each section of the risk questions,list the practices that present a high risk of contaminatingwater resources in the FarmsteadImprovement Action Plan. The plan is printed insidethe front cover of the bulletin. Also include mediumriskpractices that do not meet MAEAP verificationrequirements.4) In the Farmstead Improvement Action Plan, list:• Alternative practices, structures or equipment thatyou plan to implement or install that will helpreduce risks to water resources.• Sources of technical and financial assistance.• Target dates for accomplishing the changes.• Target date for MAEAP verification of yourFarmstead System.A Few Final WordsThe key to <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> is that, once you have identifiedthe risks to surface and groundwater, you implementa plan to reduce the risk(s).Some of the stewardship practices that will reducerisks may cost very little and take very little time toimplement. Other practices or structures may involveadditional cost and may not be implemented for a fewyears. It is important, however, to have a plan to follow.Once you have developed a plan and have implementedchanges to address the risks on your farmstead,you are ready for MAEAP verification of your farmsteadsystem.Agriculture’s Role in Protecting Surface and Groundwater4

Farmstead Soil EvaluationRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification1.01) What is the texture of the Very fine-textured soils: Medium-textured soils: loam, Coarse-textured soils: sand,dominant soil (0 to 5 feet deep) clay, clay loam, silty clay silt loam, sandy loam and fine sand, very fine sand, loamyat the farmstead? loam, sandy clay, sandy clay silt. sand, loamy fine sand andloam and silty clay. loamy very fine sand.1.02) What is the depth of the top- Greater than 40 inches. 30 to 40 inches. Less than 30 inches.soil and subsoil (A & B horizons)?1.03) What is the depth to the Greater than 6 feet. 3 to 6 feet. Less than 3 feet.seasonal high water table?1.04) What is the soil organic Greater than 4 percent. 1 to 4 percent. Less than 1 percent.matter content?1.05) What is the makeup of the Low-permeability materials: Highly permeable materials:geological materials more than silt, clay, shale, claystone. sand, gravel, fractured rock,5 feet underground? karst limestone.1.06) Is the farmstead site Site does not erode. Slight or occasional erosion, Significant erosion occurs No significant erosionsubject to visible soil erosion? with limited risk to surface water. annually. present at farmstead.<strong>Water</strong> Well ConditionRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification2.01) How old is the farm well? Less than 10 years old. 10 to 25 years old. More than 25 years old,or age is unknown.2.02) What kind of well do Drilled and grouted. Drilled and not grouted 1 or Large diameter (12 to 48you have? driven point or water jetted. inches) dug well, or constructionis unknown.2.03) Is the farm well classified Private: potable water for Public: water for drinking oras a private or public water drinking or domestic or household/farmstead purposessupply? farming purposes for family to persons other than themembers only. supplier (dairy farms orfarms with employees).A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.5

<strong>Water</strong> Well Condition (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification2.04) What is the slope from the Well is upgrade from all Well is at grade from Well is downgrade or in awell to potential contamination contamination sources. most contamination sources. depression relative tosources? contamination sources.2.05) What is the condition of the No holes or cracks. Holes or cracks visible. Satisfactory well casing andwell casing and cap? Cap tightly secured. Cap loose or missing. <strong>Water</strong> cap present.can be heard running into well.Exposed well casing bent.2.06) From the well installation Continuous clay or shale Clay or shale layer less than 10 No protective layer (unconfinedrecord, is there a protective layer more than 10 feet thick. feet thick. aquifer).soil layer (confining material) in Or, Or,the soil formation? Continuous clay mixture Clay mixture less than 20 feetmore than 20 feet thick. thick.2.07) What is the depth of the More than 100 feet. At least 25 feet, but no Less than 25 feet, or nowell casing? Or, confining material. casing. 1Minimum of 60 feet with 10feet of clay or 20 feet of claymixture (confining material).2.08) What is the casing height 12 inches or more. From grade level to less than Below grade or in a pit orabove grade? 12 inches. 1 in a basement. 12.09) What is the well pump 25 gallons per minute or less. Greater than 25 gallons percapacity? minute.2.10) When was the last time the Within the past 10 years. Between 10 and 20 years. More than 20 years, or don'twell was inspected by a know when the well was lastprofessional well driller or inspected.pump installer?2.11) How do you prevent Anti-backflow device No anti-backflow device, Neither an anti-backflow Anti-backflow devicebackflow of fertilizer or installed and 6-inch air gap but air gap maintained. device nor air gap or air gap present orpesticide mixtures into your maintained above level maintained. 1,6 demonstrated.water supply? of liquid in sprayer tank.2.12) Is there an unused well No unused well, or abandoned Unused, unsealed well Unused well(s) properlylocated on the farmstead? well properly sealed. at farmstead. 1 sealed.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.6

<strong>Water</strong> Well Condition (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification2.13) How often do you test Tested yearly. Tested within the past 3 years. No water testing done, or more <strong>Water</strong> tests for nitrates andyour drinking water for nitrates than 3 years since last test. coliform bacteria within theand bacteria? the past three years.2.14) What are the No coliform bacteria <strong>Water</strong> contamination detected. <strong>Water</strong> contamination detected. <strong>Water</strong> tests within healthwater test results? or nitrate detected. Public water well(s) test below Public water well(s) test above advisory limits forhealth advisory limits. health advisory limits. 3 public wells.2.15) Is your farm or portions No. Yes or don’t know, and soil Yes, and soil characteristicsof your farm included in a characteristics and farming and/or farming operations posecommunity wellhead operations pose minimal risks to significant risks to groundwater.protection area? groundwater.2.16) If you have a frost-free yard DEQ-approved yard hydrant Yard hydrant is not DEQhydrantconnected to a water protects water supply from approved 1 , and there is nosystem, is the hydrant contaminated water anti-backflow valve.DEQ-approved? back-siphoned into thehydrant’s drain valve.Or, yard hydrant is notDEQ-approved 1 , but an antibackflowvalve is installedbetween the hydrant and thewater source.2.17) If your drinking water well Drinking water tested on a Drinking water isserves 25 or more people for quarterly basis. Average not tested. 360 consecutive days (type IIb arsenic level is less thanpublic water supply), has it been 10 ppb.tested for arsenic?2.18) If your groundwater and Pump capacity is less than Pump capacity is greater Farm records indicatesurface water pumps have a 70 gallons per minute than 70 gallons per minute compliance with watercombined capacity to pump (100,000 gallons per day). (100,000 gallons per day) use reporting.more than 70 gallons per minute Or, and water use is not reportedfor agricultural purposes, have Register and report annual to the state of <strong>Michigan</strong>. 14you registered and reported water use to <strong>Michigan</strong>water use to the state of Department of Agriculture.<strong>Michigan</strong>?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.7

Table 1. Farm well description and isolation distances.Farm well information Isolation distance (in feet) from:Description Private Fuel Pesticide Fertilizer Mix/ Liquid Dry Dirt Other Other Otheror public storage storage storage load manure manure animalarea storage storage lot12345678Pesticide Storage and HandlingRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification3.01) How far is your pesticide For private wells: For private wells: Appropriate pesticidestorage located from 150 feet or greater. Less than 150 feet. 1 storage isolation distancea water well? Or, for site characteristics.For public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farms oror farms with employees): farms with employees):More than 800 feet from the Less than 800 feet fromfarm well. the farm well. 3Or,Approved isolation distancedeviation for the well.Or,Between 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*3.02) How far is your pesticide Appropriate pesticidestorage located from surface 200 feet or greater Less than 200 feet with Less than 200 feet. storage isolation distancewater (drains, streams, ponds, appropriate security from surface water.catch basins on farmstead, etc.)? measures.*See groundwater technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.8

Pesticide Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification3.03) How are pesticides Just-in-time delivery Responsible, trained farm Untrained farm employeedelivered to the farm? provided by dealer or employee or family member or family memberfarmer to mix/load site. or dealer transports pesticides transports pesticides.to storage.3.04) What kind of structure Separate long-term or Pesticides stored in separate Pesticides stored in farmis used for pesticide storage? seasonal structure especially single-use structure not building used for multipledesigned for pesticide storage. designed or retrofitted for purposes.pesticide storage.3.05) What design features does Impermeable floor surface Impermeable floor surface Permeable floor surface Adequate secondaryyour pesticide storage have to does not allow spills to soak without curb. (wood, gravel or dirt floor) or containment for pesticidecontain spills and leaks? into soil. Curb installed on impermeable floor with cracks. storage.floor to contain leaks and Spills could contaminate soil.spills or individual package Drain in the floor that discontainment.charges to the environment. 43.06) What type of pesticide Metal or plastic shelving Metal or plastic shelves Bare wood shelving withoutstorage shelving is used? with shelf lips to prevent without lips. lips.containers from falling. Or, Or,And, Wood shelves, covered with No shelves—pesticide contain-Dry formulations are stored epoxy paint or plastic liner. ers are on the floor, where theyon upper shelves and may be damaged.liquids on lower shelves.3.07) What level of security is Fenced or locked area, Storage open to activities Open access to pesticide Adequate pesticideprovided for your pesticide secure from unauthorized that could damage containers storage could result in theft, storage security.storage? access. Storage separate or spill chemicals. vandalism, and injury tofrom all other activities. children, pets or wildlife. 183.08) What signage is posted on A highly visible, Pesticide storage sign The pesticide storage Pesticide storageyour storage facility? weatherproof sign indicates is posted, but "No Smoking" has no signs. signage present.that pesticides are stored is not posted.there. A "No Smoking" signis also posted.3.09) What kind of spill kit is A complete spill kit is Spill kit is immediately A spill kit is not available. 6 Spill kit with fireavailable at the pesticide immediately available. available, but no fire A fire extinguisher is not extinguisher presentstorage? A fire extinguisher approved extinguisher. available. at pesticide storage.for chemical fires is easilyaccessible and usable.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.*Producers who store certain bulk pesticides in containers that exceed 10 gallons or 100 pounds capacity may be subject to additional regulations. 49

Pesticide Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification3.10) What total quantities No pesticides stored at 1 gallon to 10 pounds of each More than 55 gallons or moreof pesticides are stored any time, or only seasonal pesticide in long-term storage. than 550 pounds of eachon the farm? use storage. pesticide in long-term storage.*3.11) What quantities of No liquids — all dry Some liquid More than 55 gallonsliquid pesticides do you store? formulations. formulations stored. of liquid formulations stored.*3.12) Do you store pesticides No pesticides stored, or only Pesticides with low and medium Pesticides with highwith high leaching potential? pesticides with low leaching leaching potential stored. leaching potential stored.potential.3.13) Have you reported No EHS stored or used. EHS stored or used on farm EHS stored or used on Records that indicate EHSextremely hazardous substances Anhydrous ammonia (EHS) have been identified and farm have NOT been have been shared with(EHS) to authorities? is not used on the farm. reported to local and state identified or reported. 19 authorities or that EHS areauthorities (if stored at or above not used on the farm.threshold planning quantity).3.14) What is the condition Original containers clearly Old containers with hard Containers have holes Stored pesticides inof stored pesticide containers? labeled. No holes, tears or to read labels. Patched or tears that allow satisfactory conditionweak seams. containers, metal containers chemical to leak. Some with labels attached.showing signs of rusting. containers have no labels. 183.15) How do you manage Pesticides accurately Some inventory process No pesticide inventorypesticide inventory control and inventoried. Old product used maintained. Unsure maintained. Unusabledisposal of unwanted products? first. Unusable product of status of unusable product maintained indisposed of through Clean product in storage. storage for indefinite time.Sweep program.3.16) Do you have a written Up-to-date plan developed More than one-year-old An emergency farm An up-to-dateemergency plan to deal with and shared with authorities plan or an incomplete plan plan has not been emergency plan.spills and other farm (if required), employees and is available. developed.emergencies? family members.3.17) Do you have a written A written drift management No drift management Drift management planpesticide drift management plan? plan available and utilized plan available. 6 on file.to minimize off-target drift.*See groundwater technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances. A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.10

Pesticide Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification3.18) How far is your mixing and For private wells: 150 feet or For private wells: Appropriate mixing andloading area from the water well? greater. Less than 150 feet. 1 loading area isolationdistance for siteFor public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farms or characteristics.or farms with employees): farms with employees):More than 800 feet from the Less than 800 feet from thefarm well. farm well. 3Or,Approved isolationdistance deviation for the well.OrBetween 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*3.19) How far is your mixing and More than 200 feet. Less than 200 feet, with Less than 200 feet, without Appropriate mixing andloading area from surface water appropriate security measures. appropriate security measures. loading area isolationor catch basins? distance from surface water.3.20) How do you reduce the Mixing and loading pad with Mixing and loading in the field No mixing and loading pad. Satisfactory explanation ofpotential for surface and curb keeps spills contained. without mix/load pad. Different Permeable soil. Spills soak into mixing and loadinggroundwater contamination Sumps allow collection and location every time reduces ground. Same location every procedures. No evidence ofat the mix/load area(s)? transfer to storage. risks to groundwater. Or, time. burned vegetation.mixing and loading onconcrete pad without curbs.3.21) How do you prevent Anti-backflow device No anti-backflow device, Neither an anti-backflow Anti-backflow devicebackflow or backsiphoning installed and 6-inch air gap but air gap maintained. device nor air gap or air gap present orof pesticide mixtures maintained above level of maintained. 1,6 demonstrated.into your water supply? liquid in sprayer tank.3.22) How do you prevent tank Sprayer monitored Sprayer seldom or never Satisfactory explanationoverflows when filling the sprayer? when being filled. monitored when being of spray tank fillingfilled. procedures.3.23) How do you measure Measuring devices labeled A variety of unlabeled Set of dedicated measuringpesticides, additives and water and kept in pesticide measuring devices used. devices for pesticides.quantities when loading storage area. Devices Devices may be used Spray tank capacitiesyour sprayer system? rinsed and rinse water put for other purposes.Tank labeled.into spray tank. Tank capacities not identified.capacities labeled.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Bold Italic indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.11

Pesticide Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification3.24) How do you transfer Closed system for all liquid All liquid and dry products All liquid and dry productspesticide products from their and dry products transfers. hand poured. Sprayer hand poured. Sprayercontainers to your sprayer tank? fill port easy to reach. fill port hard to reach.3.25) What do you do with Spray mixture applied to Spray mixture dumped Satisfactory explanation ofexcess spray mixture? labeled site at or below at farmstead or in nearby procedures for excesslabeled rate of application. field or pond. 4,6 spray mixtures.3.26) How do you rinse your Sprayer system rinsed on Sprayer rinsed out at Satisfactory explanation ofsprayer system? pad or in field. Rinse water farmstead. Rinse water procedures for rinsingapplied to labeled site at dumped at farmstead or in sprayer system.or below labeled rate of nearby field or pond. 4,6application.3.27) How do you clean the Sprayer washed on pad. Sprayer washed in field. Sprayer washed at farmstead.exterior of the sprayer? Wash water collected and Different location each time. Rinse water dumped atapplied to labeled crop. farmstead or in nearby fieldor pond. 4,63.28) How do you rinse Containers are triple-rinsed Disposal of partially Rinsed jugs stockpiled forand dispose of empty or power-rinsed, punctured filled containers. Burning of recycling or landfilling.pesticide containers? and returned to dealer. Bags containers on the farm No unrinsed jugs onare returned to dealer or taken property. 9 farmstead.to licensed landfill.3.29) What types of pesticide Where available, all pesticide Some pesticide products are Most pesticides are purchasedcontainers are purchased? products are purchased in purchased in recyclable or in containers that requirerecyclable or returnable returnable containers. special handling or treatmentcontainers to reduce the before disposal.number of empty containersthat require disposal.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.12

Pesticide Handler and Worker SafetyRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification4.01) How are pesticide All handlers/workers are Handlers/workers are not Pesticide applicatorhandlers/workers trained on certified pesticide certified pesticide applicators certification or WPSpesticide use and handling? applicators or have had and have not had WPS training.Worker Protection training. 20Standard (WPS) training.4.02) How do you inform Central notification of Central notification provided, No central notificationhandlers/workers of risks pesticide applications is although not all posting provided. 20associated with pesticide provided. Display requirements are met. 19applications? includes EPA-approvedsafety poster, emergencymedical information andpesticide applicationinformation.4.03) What supplies do you Clean water, soap, dispos- A decontamination site A decontamination site is notprovide handlers/workers for able towels and clean is provided, although not all available. 20pesticide decontamination? coveralls (handlers) are WPS requirements are met. 19available for all handlers/workers within 1 ⁄4 mileof worksite.4.04) How are workers notified Oral and/or posted No notice about pesticideof pesticide applications? warnings about pesticide application provided. 20application provided.4.05) Who provides and All label-required PPE WPS requirements for PPE not provided. 20maintains personal protective provided and maintained PPE partially met. 19equipment (PPE) and trains by employer. Training onhandlers on its use? use of PPE provided.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.13

Fertilizer Storage and HandlingRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification5.01) How far is your fertilizer For private wells: For private wells: Appropriate fertilizerstorage located from a 150 feet or greater. Less than 150 feet. 1 storage isolation distancewater well? for site characteristics.For public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farmsor farms with employees): or farms with employees):More than 800 feet from Less than 800 feet fromthe farm well. the farm well. 3Or,Approved isolation distancedeviation for the well.Or,Between 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*5.02) How far is your fertilizer 200 feet or greater. Less than 200 feet with Less than 200 feet. Appropriate fertilizerstorage located from surface appropriate security storage isolationwater (drains, streams, ponds, measures. distance from surfacecatch basins on farmstead, etc.)? water.5.03) Is your fertilizer storage Storage facility labeled No sign.facility (both liquid and dry) "Fertilizer", or the fertilizeridentified with a sign? containers labeled withfertilizer analysis.5.04) What level of security is Fertilizer storage areas are Fertilizer storage facilities Adequate fertilizerprovided for your fertilizer secure when not in use. are not locked or secured by any storage security.storage? Fertilizer is not stored in means. Open access to theft,the direct presence of fuel vandalism and children exists.products or pesticides. Fertilizer is stored in the directpresence of fuel products and/orpesticides.5.05) How often is the fertilizer At least annually. No regular inspections of Evidence fertilizer storagestorage area inspected for the storage facility. is inspected at leastsafety concerns? annually.5.06) Do you have a written Up-to-date plan developed More than one-year-old An emergency farm Up-to-dateemergency plan to deal with and shared with authorities plan or an incomplete plan plan has not been developed. emergency plan.fertilizer spills, discharges and (if required), employees and is available.other farm emergencies? family members.* See groundwater technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.14

Fertilizer Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification5.07) What total quantities of liquid No liquid fertilizer stored Less than 2,500 gallons. More than 2,500 gallons.fertilizers are stored on the farm? at any time.5.08) What quantities of dry No dry fertilizer stored Less than 20 tons. More than 20 tons.fertilizers do you store? at any time.5.09) What kind of structure is A structure or device Storage allows fertilizer contact Satisfactory dry fertilizerused for dry fertilizer storage? capable of preventing with precipitation and/or storage facilities.contact with precipitation surface water.and/or surface water.5.10) What kind of container is Stored in containers Liquid fertilizer stored in Satisfactory liquid fertilizerused for liquid fertilizer storage? approved for and containers not approved for or primary storage containers.compatible with the compatible with the fertilizerfertilizer being stored. being stored. Or fertilizer storedin underground tanks.5.11) How long is liquid fertilizer Less than 60 days. 60 to 270 days. More than 270 days.stored on your farm?5.12) Do you have secondary All liquid fertilizer is stored Containers with greater than Containers with greater than Satisfactory liquid fertilizercontainment for liquid fertilizer with secondary containment. 2,500-gallon capacity or all 2,500-gallon capacity or all secondary storageyou store on your farm? containers located at a single containers located at a single containers, if required.site with a combined total site with a combined totalcapacity of greater than 7,500 capacity of greater than 7,500gallons have secondary gallons do not havecontainment. secondary containment. 75.13) What is the condition of Tanks, hoses, fittings Tanks, hoses, fittings and Rusty, aged, worn, damaged Satisfactory condition ofstorage tanks, hoses, valves and and valves are in good valves have some rust or or leaking storage tanks, liquid fertilizer storagefittings used for liquid fertilizer? condition, well maintained and signs of wear. Tanks were hoses, fittings or valves. 4 system.compatible with previously used forthe fertilizer being stored. underground petroleumstorage and are in faircondition.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.15

Fertilizer Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification5.14) How do you manage Leakage cleaned up Spilled fertilizer recovered, Contained leakage not Satisfactory explanation ofprecipitation and clean up immediately. Appropriate but secondary containment recovered. precipitation and leakageleakage, if it occurs, in your products are used to clean surface not cleaned up after management in theon-farm liquid fertilizer residual fertilizer off of the a spill or leakage. Leakage discharged with secondary containmentsecondary containment facility? surface of the secondary accumulated precipitation. 4 facility.containment structure.Contained precipitation/fertilizer mixture spreadon field at or belowagronomic rate.5.15) How do you prevent A permanent or temporary Drips and leakage contained No system in place Satisfactory explanation ofleakage when filling storage mix/load pad used during in buckets placed under to capture and prevent spills. tank filling procedures.tanks, sprayers or mobile loading operations. Spills couplers. Collected fertilizercontainers? cleaned up immediately. reused. Spills cleaned up Leakage from hose connectionsOr, immediately. allowed to drain ontoFertilizer loaded in the field at unprotected soils.different locations every time.Spills cleaned up immediately. Spills not cleaned up. 4Or,Dry couplers used to reducespills and drips when loadingliquid fertilizers. Spillscleaned up immediately.5.16) If on-farm fertilizer An operational pad (concrete There is no operational pad When required, an operabulkstorage capacities require or portable pad) or a closed or closed containment system tional pad or closedsecondary containment under containment system is used. for loading and unloading containment system isRegulation 642, is an operational bulk fertilizer. 7 present.pad or a closed containment Fertilizer loading and unloadsystemused? ing operations are supervisedat all times.5.17) How do you prevent Anti-backflow device No anti-backflow device, Neither an anti-backflow Anti-backflow devicebackflow or backsiphoning installed and 6-inch air gap but air gap maintained. device nor air gap or air gap present orof fertilizer mixtures into your maintained above level of maintained. 1,4 demonstrated.water supply? liquid in sprayer tank.5.18) What do you do with Fertilizer applied to cropland Excess fertilizer stored until Excess fertilizer applied toexcess fertilizer when at or below agronomic rate. next year. cropland without agronomicfield operations are complete? Or, considerations.Excess fertilizer returned todealer. Fertilizer dumped at farmsteador in nearby field or pond. 4,6A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.16

Fertilizer Storage and Handling (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification5.19) How do you clean out your Fertilizer equipment rinsed Fertilizer equipment not rinsed. Sprayer rinsed out at farmstead.liquid fertilizer storage, transfer on pad or in field. Rinse Rinse water dumped atand application equipment? water applied to cropland farmstead or in nearbyat or below agronomic rate. field or pond. 4,65.20) How far is your mixing and For private wells: For private wells: Appropriate mixing andloading area from the water well? 150 feet or greater. Less than 150 feet. 1 loading area isolationdistance for siteFor public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farms characteristics.or farms with employees): or farms with employees):More than 800 feet Less than 800 feet fromfrom the farm well. the farm well. 3Or,Approved isolation distancedeviation for the well.Or,Between 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*5.21) How far is your mixing More than 200 feet. Less than 200 feet, with Less than 200 feet, without Appropriate mixing andand loading area from surface appropriate security appropriate security measures. loading area isolationwater? measures. distance from surface water.5.22) When not in use, where Supply vehicle returned to a Fertilizer and pesticide Map showing where vehiclesdo you park loaded planting secure location when not (including treated seed) should not be parkedand spray supply vehicles in use. Fertilizer and supply vehicle left in an adjacent. No evidence(trailers and trucks) to protect pesticides (including treated unsecured location. vehicles left in unsecurewater resources from accidental seed) properly stored more Or, location.fertilizer and pesticide spills than 150 feet down Fertilizer and pesticidesand mischievous activities? gradient from any well. stored less than 150 feetfrom any well. 1*See groundwater technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.17

Petroleum Product Storage and ManagementThis section is designed to help meet environmental concerns related to petroleum storage; it is not intended to represent all of thelegal requirements for storage and handling of petroleum products on the farm.Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationAll petroleum storage facilities6.01) Are fuel storage tanks Each tank is designed for the Belowground tank being used Fuel tanks useddesigned for the way they’re way it is being used and for aboveground petroleum appropriately.being used and compatible compatible with the material storage, aboveground tankwith the material stored? stored. being used for undergroundpetroleum storage, or tankdoes not meet specificationsfor usage. 166.02) Are fuel storage piping, Fuel storage piping and Fuel storage piping or Fuel storage equipmentsecondary containment and equipment are designed for equipment not designed for the appropriate for use.related equipment designed for the way they are being used way it is being used. Belowtheway they’re being used and and compatible with the ground piping on all undercompatiblewith the material material stored. ground tanks or abovegroundstored? tanks of greater than 1,100gallon capacity not corrosionprotected. 166.03) Do you monitor for and Owner and operator ensure Tank and piping not monitored No fuel leaks present.repair any leaks? that releases do not occur. and repaired on abovegroundtanks equal to or less than1,100 gallons capacity.Tank and piping notmonitored and repaired onall tanks greater than 1,100gallons capacity. 166.04) What design features does Impermeable and compatible Permeable surface such as Impermeable surfaceyour fueling station have to surface for fuel transfer asphalt surface for gasoline. 16 present for fuel transfer.prevent spills from entering such as concrete withoutthe groundwater, surface water cracks.or subsurface soils?6.05) Is your fill opening separate Yes. No. 16from your vent opening?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.18

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification6.06) How far is your fuel For private wells: For private wells: Appropriate fuelstorage from a water well? 50 feet or greater for most Less than 50 feet for most storage isolationstorage tanks. storage tanks. 16 distance from water well.300 feet or greater for tanks Less than 300 feet for tanksgreater than 1,100 gallon greater than 1,100 galloncapacity or without capacity without secondarysecondary containment. containment. 16For public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farmsor farms with employees): or farms with employees):800 feet or greater from the Less than 800 feet from thefarm well. farm well without anOr, approved deviation, protec-Approved isolation distance tive features or secondarydeviation for the well. containment. 3Or,Between 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*6.07) Does your tank have Double-walled tank with No secondary containment for No secondary containmentsecondary containment? continuous space between tanks equal to or less than when combined abovethetwo walls, tank in 1,100 gallons capacity. ground storage capacity isconcrete vault or tank in diked 1,320 gallons (55 gallonarea. containers or larger) 21 oraboveground tank isgreater than 1,100 gallons 16 .6.08) If you have a combined Plan developed and copy No plan. 21aboveground petroleum storage present at farm facility.capacity of greater than 1,320gallons (counting 55-galloncontainers and greater) and couldreasonably discharge intonavigable waters of the UnitedStates, do you have a spillprevention control and countermeasure(SPCC) plan?*See Groundwater Technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.19

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationFarm motor vehicle fuel storage tanks with capacity equal to or less than 1,100 gallons6.09) Do you have a lockable Fill pipe equipped with No lockable closure onclosure on each tank’s lockable closure. fill pipe. 16fill opening?6.10) How far is your tank from Tank is more than 50 feet Tank 50 feet or less. 16 Appropriate fuela storm drain, surface water away or has some other storage isolationor designated wetland? engineering control present distance from surfacethat would control or divert water.a spill from reaching a stormdrain, surface water ordesignated wetland.6.11) How far is your (non- - More than 40 feet from a - Located inside a building.fire-protected) tank from building, structure or a - 40 feet or less frombuildings and property lines? property line. a building, structure or a- More than 25 feet from a property line.public way. - 25 feet or less from a publicway. 166.12) How many tanks (equal Three or fewer. More than three. 16to or less than 1,100 gallons)do you have at each site at onefacility?6.13) How far apart are your 100 feet or greater. Less than 100 feet. 16fueling sites at your facility?6.14) Are the portable fueling UL-approved tank and Adequate portable fueling Inadequate portable fueling Adequate portable fuelingtank and transfer system adequate fueling system. system that reduces risks. system that poses risk of system.adequate to reduce risk of environmental contamination.environmental contamination?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.20

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationAboveground Tanks6.15) Is your tank labeled Yes, labeled according to con- Tank not labeled with contents.according to its contents with tents (Gasoline or Diesel) and Tanks storing gasoline notletters 3 inches or more with the following: “FLAMMA- labeled: FLAMMABLE — KEEPin height? BLE” [or “COMBUSTIBLE”] FIRE & FLAME AWAY. Tanksand “KEEP FIRE AND storing diesel not labeled:FLAME AWAY”. COMBUSTIBLE — KEEPIf tank is not a fire-protected FIRE & FLAME AWAY. 16type, it is also labeled:“KEEP 40 FEET FROMBUILDINGS”.6.16) Is the tank elevated off the Tanks supported on steel or Tank not elevated at least Appropriate tankground to protect from corrosion? wood supports with adequate 6 inches. 16 elevation.strength and stability, orelevated at least 6 inches onsolid timbers or cement blocks.6.17) Are siphons, manifolds or Siphons not present on Yes, manifold(s) present Yes, siphons or internal No siphons or internalinternal pressure discharge tank(s). Multiple tanks on tanks installed prior pressure discharge device(s) pressure discharge devicesdevices present on tank(s)? not connected together (no to 2003. present. Yes, manifold(s) present. No manifoldsmanifold). No internal on tanks installed after present on tankspressure discharge device 2003. 16 installed after 2003.present.6.18) Is your tank dispenser Yes, locked or otherwise No. 16(top-opening tank) or discharge made inoperable.connection (gravity dischargetank) made inoperable whennot in use?6.19) Does your top-opening Yes. No. 16tank pump discharge orgravity discharge tank have aself-closing nozzle?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.21

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification6.20) If you have a single-walled Yes. No, combustible materialstank in a dike with rain protection, used or design is such thatare your roof or canopy and vapors collect under thesupports constructed of roof or canopy. 16non-combustible material anddesigned so vapors don’t collect?6.21) If you have tank covered, Yes. No. 16are roof and canopy supportslocated on edge of dike oroutside diked area?6.22) If you have tank covered, Yes. No. 16is the lowest elevation of theroof or canopy 6 feet or higherabove the top of the tank?6.23) If you have tank covered, Yes. No. 16does the normal tank vent extendthrough the roof or canopy?Underground storage tanks6.24) Has your fuel tank been Yes. No leaks detected. No. Appropriate reporttested for leaks within the indicates no leakspast three years? present.6.25) Do you have corrosion pro- Yes, properly engineered, No, tank or piping in contacttection on all parts of your tank(s) installed, maintained and with soil without corrosionor piping that are in contact inspected (every three years) protection or unmaintainedwith the soil? corrosion protection provided protection. Not inspected atfor tank, piping or portions least once everyin contact with the soil. three years. 166.26) Do you have any unused If tank present, it has been Tank present and not empty,fuel storage tanks on your farm? emptied, cleaned of liquid and clean and/or vapor free.sludge, rendered vapor free Tank fill opening not securedand safeguarded from to prevent trespassers fromtrespassing. putting chemicals in tank. 16A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.22

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationFarm motor vehicle fuel storage tanks with capacity greater than 1,100 gallons6.27) Is your tank registered, Yes. No. 16 Proof of valid tankand do you display proof of registration.valid registration?6.28) Do you have spill protection Spill protection (catch basin) Tank fill pipe does not have Catch basin installedon tank fill pipe? installed and maintained on spill protection. 16 on fuel tank.tank fill pipe.6.29) Do you have an emergency Emergency control No emergency control Appropriate disconnectcontrol disconnect for electrically disconnect located 20 to 100 disconnect present. 16 control present.operated fueling systems? feet away from dispensingarea.6.30) Do you have absorbent Spill kit present. No spill kit. 16 Spill kit present.materials, a container with lidand a non-metallic shovel todeal with a petroleum spill?6.31) Has your fuel tank been Yes. No leaks detected. No. Appropriate reporttested for leaks within the past indicates no leaksthree years? present.Aboveground storage tanks with capacity greater than 1,100 gallons6.32) Does your tank have Yes, double-walled tank or No. 16 Appropriate secondarysecondary containment? tank within diked area. containment.6.33) How far is your tank from From From From Less than distance indicatedbuildings, property lines and bldg. lot line public way for type of tank. 16public ways?In-vault tank up to 15,000 gallons. 15 feet 15 feet 10 feetProtected aboveground tank6,000 gallons or less. 5 feet 15 feet 5 feet6,000 to 16,000 gallons or less. 15 feet 25 feet 10 feetOther secondary containmenttank up to 12,000 gallons. 40 feet 50 feet 25 feetA boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.23

Petroleum Product Storage and Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification6.34) Do you have a fence to Tank or property fenced or Unprotected fromprevent unauthorized entry? tank within vault with entry unauthorized entry. 16protected from unauthorizedentry or vandalism.6.35) Do you have crash pro- Yes, guard posts or No. 16 Crash protectiontection for your tank and piping? appropriate barrier installed present for fuel tank.for crash protection.6.36) Is your tank labeled Yes, labeled according to con- Tank not labeled. 16according to its contents with tents (Gasoline or Diesel) andletters 3 inches or more in with the following “FLAMMABLEheight? [or COMBUSTIBLE] LIQUIDS”and “KEEP FIRE AWAY”.Underground tank with capacity greater than 1,100 gallons6.37) Do you have any unused If aboveground tank present, Aboveground tank presentfuel storage tanks on your farm? it has been emptied, cleaned and not empty, clean and/orof liquid and sludge, rendered vapor free. Tank fill openingvapor free and safe- not secured to preventguarded from trespassing. trespassers from puttingchemicals in tank. 166.38) Did you have a professional Professional installation. No. 16(trained and certified by the tankmanufacturer) install your tank?6.39) Do you have insurance or Yes, meet the $500,000 Unable to demonstrate financanyou demonstrate financial financial responsibility level cial responsibility for third partyresponsibility should you have a for tanks less than 10,000 injury and property damagefuel release? gallons. due to accidental release. 166.40) Do you have any unused No, tanks have been removed Underground tank removed or In-ground tank has been leftunderground fuel storage tanks from ground and the site. filled with inert solid material unused for 12 months,on your farm? Excavation site checked for (where removal risked building or removed tank still on site. 16evidence of contamination damage). Excavation not(site assessment). checked for contamination. 16Any contaminationpresent was properly handled.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.24

Waste ManagementRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification7.01) How do you manage All waste recycled or disposed Household waste burnedhousehold waste and waste of in a licensed solid waste on site (if allowed by localgenerated on the farm? facility or incinerator. government). Farm wasteburned on site. 97.02) Do you have a farm dump? No farm dump, or farm dump Farm dump exists but not Farm dump still in use.properly cleaned up and being used.closed.7.03) If you have a household Ashes collected and disposed Ashes stored or disposed of on Ashes stored or disposed oftrash burn barrel or incinerator, of in licensed landfill. the farm more than 300 feet on the farm within 300 feetwhat do you do with the ashes? from a well or surface water. of a well or surface water.7.04) How do you dispose of Recycled or reused appropri- Empty and partiallyhazardous product containers ately, or disposed of at filled containers(treated seed bags, feed bags, licensed landfill, or hazardous burned or disposed offeed additives, etc.)? waste collection service used, on the farm. 9or returned to the dealer.7.05) How do you dispose Recycled. Burned in approved waste Dumped on the farm. 8 Evidence of proper oilof waste oil? oil heater or furnace. recycling or disposal.7.06) How do you dispose of Recycled. Disposed of in municipal sewer Dumped on the farm. 8 Evidence of proper antifreezeused antifreeze? (with municipality’s approval). recycling or disposal.7.07) How do you dispose of Recycled. Disposed of on the farm. 12scrap tires?7.08) How do you dispose of Recycled. Disposed of or stored on the Evidence of proper batterylead-acid batteries? farm. 8 recycling.7.09) How do you dispose Used up, taken to household Liquid evaporated in open air, Burned or disposed of or Evidence of properof paints, solvents, cleaners? hazardous waste collection sludge taken to licensed landfill. stored on the farm. 8 recycling or disposal.or recycled.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.25

Waste Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification7.10) How far from water wells For private wells: For private wells:are farm hazardous products 150 feet or greater. Less than 150 feet. 1stored? Or,For public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farms oror farms with employees): farms with employees):More than 800 feet from the Less than 800 feet fromfarm well. the farm well. 3Or,Approved isolation distancedeviation for the well.Or,Between 75 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*7.11) Are used motor oil, new Oil in acceptable containers Oil stored in acceptable Oil stored in leaking Acceptable oil storageoil and hydraulic oil stored in stored on impermeable floor containers but with inadequate containers. Evidence of oil demonstrated.acceptable containers and or in secondary containment isolation from any well. soaking into the soil.properly isolated from and with reasonable isolationdrinking water wells? from any well.7.12) Are floor drains present No, or all drains go to an Floor drains are made Floor drains are discharged Quantities of hazardousin farm buildings? appropriate system designed inoperable except when to surface water, 4 are materials stored in secondaryfor the materials drained. used for appropriate materials, vulnerable to spills, or drain containment or floor drainsor materials are stored in hazardous materials to plugged to prevent spills orsecondary containment to inappropriate systems. 4 major losses from enteringprevent leaks from entering drain. the drain.7.13) Do you have a mercury No. Yes. No mercury manometermanometer on the farm? gauges on the farm.7.14) Do you have other mercury- No. Some mercury-containing Yes, many mercury-containingcontaining devices on the farm? devices. devices.(Examples include thermostats,thermometers, irrigation switches,septic lift station switches andother switches.)*See Groundwater Technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.26

Septic System ManagementRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification8.01) Is the bathroom in the farm Bathroom in farm building Waste drains to manure or If there is a bathroombuilding connected to a connected to septic tank building pit. 16 No septic in the barn, it must beseptic system to treat the waste? and drainage field. system. Direct discharge of connected to a functioningOr, wastes to environment. 4 septic system.No bathroom in farm building.Note: when there is a septic system for the bathroom in the farm building, complete the remainder of this section for both the farm building and house septicsystems. If not, complete it for the house septic system.8.02) Is your septic system Tank and drainfield designed Capacity just meets wastewater Design capacity is much lessadequately sized to treat to handle more wastewater requirements. than potential flow of wastewastewatergenerated in your than required, based on water. Or no septic system:house? number of bedrooms in house direct discharge of wastesand soil characteristics. to environment. 48.03) What is the age of your Less than 5 years old. 6 to 20 years old. More than 20 years old.septic system?8.04) What distance separates Greater than 50 feet from Less than 50 feet from athe septic tank and private wells, (75 feet from private well(s) 1 (less than 75drainage field from water wells? public wells including feet from public wells,dairy farms and farms including dairy farms andwith employees). farms with employees). 38.05) When was the last time Within the past 5 years. 5 to 10 years. More than 10 years ago.the septic tank was pumped out?8.06) Who pumps out the Licensed contractor. Farmer/self or unlicensedseptic tank? contractor. 108.07) How is the drainfield Vehicles and other heavy Vehicles, livestock, heavyprotected from traffic, deep- objects or activities kept objects or other disturbancesrooted plants and structures? away from drainfield area. permitted in area. TreesNo deep-rooted plants, planted in or directly nextpavement or structures to the drainfield.over the drainfield.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of local, state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.27

Septic System Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification8.08) Are there any signs of Household drains flow Household drains run slowly Sewage odors noticed in thetrouble with the septic system? normally. No sewage odors or soil over drainfield is house or near the drainfield.inside or outside. Soil over sometimes wet. Drains plugged or back up.drainfield firm and dry. Soil wet or spongy in drainfieldWell water tests negative for area. Well water tests positivecoliform bacteria. for coliform bacteria.8.09) What records do you Good map and records of Some records maintained. No map and maintenancemaintain on your septic system? system repairs and records kept.maintenance are kept.8.10) How frequently is the Solid kitchen wastes and Moderate use of the septic Frequent use of the septicseptic system used for grease grease are not disposed of system for solids and grease system for solids and greaseand solid waste disposal from in the septic system. disposal from the kitchen. disposal from the kitchen.the kitchen?8.11) What kinds of farm Moderate use of cleaning Moderate use of cleaning Heavy use of cleaning products.cleaners, solvents and other products that end products. Small amounts Septic system used to disposechemicals are poured down up in wastewater. Hazardous of hazardous chemicals of hazardous chemicalsthe drain? chemicals never poured poured down drain or toilet. (solvents, degreasers, acids,down drain or toilet. oils, paints, disinfectants,pesticides). 48.12) How do you conserve <strong>Water</strong>-conserving fixtures Some water-conserving steps No water-conserving practices.water in your household? and practices used. Drips taken (low-flow shower heads, High-volume standard bathroomand leaks fixed immediately. fully loaded washing machine fixtures used. Leaksor dishwasher). not repaired.8.13) How is water softener Underground drainage Open ditch, farm field drain. Septic system.recharge water handled? separated at least 50 feetfrom well and septic systems(75 feet from the farm wellfor dairy farms or farms withemployees).8.14) How are discharges from Grassed area, open ditch, Septic system.footer drains, basement sumps field drain.and roof drainage handled?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.28

General Livestock Management)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationNote: large, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOS) may be subject to additional regulations. 21,49.01) Did you follow the <strong>Michigan</strong> Yes, with MDA verification. Yes, followed siting GAAMP No. Conformance with siteRight-to-Farm site selection and Yes, and MDA recommendations. selection and odorodor control guidelines to site verification is not Have not been verified by MDA. control GAAMP.a new or expanding livestock required.production facility Or,(after August 1, 2003)? Not applicable.9.02) Do you have a utilization Total nutrient production is Manure nutrient production isplan for the manure nutrients known, and sufficient crop unknown, or nutrient productiongenerated on your farm? acres available to use manure exceeds land capacity, or nonitrogen and phosphorus plan exists for manure utilization.safely. Manure applicationsdiscontinued if the soilphosphorus test reaches300 pounds per acre (150ppm) of Bray P1 phosphorus.Or other utilizationplan safely uses manurenutrients.9.03) What livestock manure Records kept of manure Some manure management No written records available.records do you maintain? analysis, soil test reports records maintained.and rates of manureapplication for individualfields. Records maintainedfor 5 years.9.04) Do you have an Up-to-date written plan Incomplete or out-of-date No emergency action plan Up-todate emergencyemergency action plan in the available and understood action plan available. that deals with manure spills. farm plan.case of a manure spill? by all farm employees.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.29

General Livestock Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification9.05) How are animal mortalities Animals are buried, incinerated Animals are not buried, Completion of BODA supplehandled?(requires permit), landfilled, incinerated, landfilled, placed ment supports that theplaced in a compost pile or in a compost pile or picked up disposal of dead animalpicked up by a rendering by a rendering service after bodies is done according toservice within 24 hours of 24 hours of death. the Bodies of Dead Animalsdeath, or stored for a max. of Or, Act (BODA), as amended in7 days at 40 degrees F or a Stored for more than 7 days at 2007.max. of 30 days at 0 degrees F 40 degrees F or more thanbefore proper disposal of the 30 days at 0 degrees F before Up-to-date burial or compostcarcass.disposal of the carcass. 15 ing forms on file. Seewww.maeap.org for applicableBodies of Dead Animals burial or composting recordsupplemental assessment has forms.been completed (availablefrom technician).9.06) How do you dispose of Sharps are put into a Disposal at landfill without Use of a labeled,animal healthcare needles puncture-resistant container, protective containment, or puncture-proofand syringes? labeled and taken to disposed of on the farm. 2 container for sharps.licensed landfill.9.07) How do you dispose of Taken to licensed landfill or Flushed down the drain,unwanted or unusable animal veterinarian or distributor dumped on the farm ormedications and healthcare for disposal. dumped in the manure pit. 4products?9.08) Do livestock waterers have All waterers have backflow Most waterers have backflow No backflow prevention for Backflow prevention onbackflow prevention to protect prevention built into the prevention. livestock waterers. 1 livestock waterers.the well from contamination? waterers or in the water lineto the waterers, or an air gap.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.30

Livestock Manure StorageRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationLiquid manure storage systems10.01) How far is your manure For private wells: For private wells: Appropriate wellstorage from any wells? 150 feet or greater. less than 150 feet. 1 isolation distance forsite characteristics.For public wells (dairy farms For public wells (dairy farms oror farms with employees): farms with employees):-More than 800 feet from the less than 800 feetfarm well. from the farm well. 3Or,-Approved isolation distancedeviation for the well.Or,-Between 200 and 800 feet withapproved storage and welland protective site features.*10.02) Is your manure storage System designed to NRCS System designed to NRCS or Storage constructed with no Appropriate manurelocated near any surface water? or private engineering private engineering formal design standards or storage design andspecifications and properly specifications and properly specifications. Facility not isolation from surfacemaintained. More than maintained. Less than 300 properly maintained. Evidence water.300 feet from surface water. feet from surface water. of previous discharge ofmanure or high potential fordischarge. Less than 300 feetfrom surface water.10.03) Are areas adjacent to Banks are mowed and Banks are not mowed Lack of maintenance around Progressive planningearthen manure storage ponds inspected regularly for regularly. Woody plant storage site. Numerous areas in storage evaluation checklistproperly maintained? potential problems. material present. need of repair. Burrows present. completed (www.meap.org).No brush, trees or burrowspresent.*See groundwater technician for additional information on criteria for reduced isolation distances.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.31

Livestock Manure Storage (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification10.04) What design standards Construction design for Storage was designed and Storage was designed and built Appropriate manure storagewere utilized for manure storage manure storage and treat- built by professionals, but the without engineering standards design and installationstructures? ment facilities meets specs. as-built design standards are or is a natural depression demonstrated. Completedand guidelines found in MI unknown. area. 4 progressive planning storageNRCS-FOTG, Concrete Man- evaluation checklisture Storages Handbook (www.maeap.org) or as-built(MWPS-36), Circular Concrete engineering standardsManure Tanks pub.TR-9 available.(Midwest Plan Service, 1998).For steel: Manual of SteelConstr., Amer. Institute of SteelConstruction. For concrete:Bldg. Code Req. for ReinforcedConcrete, ACI 318, Amer.Concrete Institute. No evidenceof overflow. For earthen storage,the permeability of theearthen liner is known.10.05) How are freeboard Minimum freeboard is known No evidence of manure over- Evidence that manure over- Appropriate manure storagemaintained and overflow and observed. A minimum flowing storage. flowed the storage structure. management demonstrated.prevented in storage structures? freeboard of 12 inches Freeboard level is unknown Safe freeboard level(6 inches for fabricated Safe freeboard level is known and unmarked. indicated on storage. Runoffstructures) plus the addi- but not visibly marked. is calculated.tional storage volume necessaryto contain the preci- Freeboard not alwayspitation and runoff from a maintained.25-year, 24-hour storm event.Freeboard markers are inplace. No evidence that manurehas been over the calculatedsafe freeboard level.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.32

Livestock Manure Storage (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationSolid-bedded manure systems10.06) How do you temporarily Manure is stacked in different Manure is stacked in the same Appropriate temporarystack manure at the farmstead? locations where runoff control location every year. Evidence manure stacking demonstratprotectsneighboring land that manure-contaminated ed (at the farmstead).areas and prevents direct runoff flows to surface waterdischarge to surface waters or to adjacent property. 4or groundwater.10.07) Where do you temporarily Stacked on impermeable Stacked on medium-textured Stacked on coarse-texturedstack manure at the farmstead? surface or fine-textured soil. soil. Runoff does not reach soils, or earthen livestock yardRunoff does not reach surface surface water or pond in low receiving limited hoof traffic.water or pond in low areas. areas.10.08) How long is manure Less than 90 days. Stacked in More than 90 days but less than 365 days or more. Stacked in Manure not stacked for moretemporarily stacked at the farm- different locations each time. 365. Stacked in different loca- same location each time. than 365 days.stead? tions each time.10.09) How do you temporarily Manure stacked downslope Stacked at least 50 feet away Manure stacked within 50 feet Appropriate temporarystack manure in relation to from surface water or more from surface water. Runoff of surface water. No means manure storagesurface water? than 300 feet upslope. All water is diverted to vegetated of runoff or leachate control. demonstrated.manure runoff collected and filter strips or other means to Slope is toward surface water. Adequate isolationperiodically land applied. prevent runoff into surface from surface water.Storage is watertight and water.meets or exceedsrecommended capacity.10.10) How are your solid Constructed with a floor of Constructed with floor of fine- Earthen floor constructed with Appropriate manuremanure storage structures impermeable material or medium-textured soils. coarse-textured soils. Rainfall storage design anddesigned and constructed? (concrete, asphalt) and with Leachate will have direct and leachate will have direct management forwalls that prevent leachate contact with earthen floor or contact with the earthen floor leachate/runoff.from entering surrounding side walls. Leachate and or sidewalls. Runoff andsoils. Roof or cover prevents rainfall/snowmelt runoff leachate are uncontrolled.rainfall from entering storage. discharged into a designed Structure floor is less than 2 feetsystem. above groundwater level.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification. Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.33

Livestock Manure Storage (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification10.11) How are your buildings Constructed with a floor of Medium- to fine-textured soils, Building has an earthen floor Appropriate manurewith bedded manure packs impermeable material or fine- limited bedding provided, some on coarse-textured soil and is storage design anddesigned and constructed? textured soil. Adequate rainfall or runoff enters manure subject to runoff from the roof management forbedding is provided to area. <strong>Water</strong>ers in the building. or adjacent land areas. leachate/runoff.maintain solid nature of Floor is more than 2 feetmanure. No rainfall or runoff above groundwater level.enters the manure area.No waterers in the building.Floor is more than 2 feetabove groundwater level.10.12) Is runoff from Provisions made to control Inadequate runoff control. Signs Manure storage runoff Appropriate runoffmanure storage area(s) and/or treat runoff from of manure runoff past perimeter adversely affecting surface control from manuredirectly discharging to stored manure. A designed of vegetated area or exceeding and/or groundwater quality. 4 storage area(s).surface or groundwater? and maintained vegetative storage basin capacity.infiltration area or runoffstorage basin effectivelyhandles storage runoff.Livestock Lot ManagementRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification11.01) How far is the livestock Fifty feet or more from Less than 50 feet Appropriate livestocklot located from any well? residential wells (75 feet from from residential wells 1 (less isolation distancethe farm well for dairies or than 75 feet from the farm from water well(s).farms with employees). well for dairies or farms withemployees). 311.02) How far is the livestock More than 300 feet from sur- Livestock lot is 75 to 300 feet Evidence that manure- Appropriate livestocklot located from surface water? face water, or vegetative from surface water, or veget- contaminated runoff water isolation distancebuffers are in place. ative buffers are in place. flows from yard to surface from surface water.And, And, water or to adjacentRunoff control protects neigh- Runoff control protects neigh- property. 4boring land areas and prev- boring land areas and preentsdirect discharge to sur- vents direct discharge to surfacewaters or groundwater. face waters or groundwater.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.34

Livestock Lots Management (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification11.03) What efforts are made to Provisions are made to Most roof water and upslope No clean water system in place. Appropriate cleandivert roof water and upslope collect, store, utilize and/or watershed drainage is diverted Most roof water and upslope water managementwatershed drainage from treat manure accumulations around livestock lot. <strong>Water</strong> that watershed drainage runs for livestock lot(s).becoming contaminated with and contaminated runoff contacts manure is treated or through lot.manure? from outside open lots used contained and applied tofor raising livestock. Clean cropland.runoff is diverted away fromthe livestock lot.11.04) How is livestock yard All yard runoff is directed No evidence of runoff flow Evidence of runoff flow to Appropriate runoffrunoff managed to protect to a properly designed and to surface water or ponding surface water or intermittent control for livestocksurface water and groundwater? maintained runoff storage in low areas. Dense waterway. 4 lot(s).basin, or runoff is directed vegetation or cropland that isto a designed settling basin annually harvested existsand vegetated infiltration between yard and surfacearea where vegetation is water.annually harvested. Noevidence of runoff tosurface water or pondingin low areas.11.05) How often is manure Manure is scraped and Manure is seldom scraped and Appropriate manurescraped and removed from removed periodically from removed from yard and feeding management inlivestock lots? livestock lot or other heavy and watering areas. livestock lot(s).use areas.11.06) What type of floor or base Properly maintained concrete Continuous-use, compacted Poorly compated dirt or gravel Appropriate floor ordoes the livestock lot have? or compacted asphalt. dirt or compacted gravel. layer as indicated by plant base in livestock lot(s).Minimal plant material growing. growth.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.35

Silage StorageRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification12.01) How far is your silage More than 300 feet. 50 to 300 feet. Less than 50 feet.storage located from a waterwell?12.02) How far is silage storage More than 300 feet. 50 to 300 feet. Less than 50 feet.from surface water?12.03) What type of soil do you Fine-textured soils (clays). Medium-textured soils Coarse-textured soils (sands).have on your property? (silt loam, loam).12.04) Does untreated silage No. Yes. No evidence of leachateleachate or polluted runoff runoff and/or ponding.run to a low area and pond?12.05) Is clean water (rain water, Clean water is diverted Clean water comes in contact Clean water washes storedsnow melt, etc.) diverted away from stored feed. with stored feed. feed from storage area.away from stored feed?12.06) Are silage leachate and Provisions made to control Designed system in place No system in place. Or lack Appropriate silagepolluted runoff collected and/or and/or treat leachate from but not maintained. of appropriate management. leachate management.treated? stored silage to protect Or discharge to surface orgroundwater and surface ground water. 4waters from a direct discharge.Designed system or managementcontrols in place.12.07) At what moisture content Generally below 67 percent. Between 67 and 80 percent. Over 80 percent. Lack of excessivedo you typically harvest and silage leachate.store silage?Bunker silos12.08) What type of floor does Concrete, asphalt or lined Earthen floor with fine-textured Earthen floor has permeable A maintained imperviousthe silage storage have? surface. No cracks or cracks soils. soils or concrete, asphalt or surface or fine-texturedrepaired. lined surface with many cracks. earthen floor.12.09) Is silage covered? Tight-fitting cover, no leaks. Cover leaks. No cover.12.10) Are the silage pad and Pad is kept clean. Evidence of spilled or loose Pad is not kept clean.surrounding area kept clean silage.and free of loose silage?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.36

Silage Storage (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification12.11) Is silage kept with a Yes. Mostly vertical. No.vertical face to reduce contactwith clean water?12.12) Do you have an Up-to-date written plan Incomplete or out-of-date No emergency action plan An up-to-dateemergency action plan for times available and understood by emergency action plan that deals with excess leachate. emergency action plan.when leachate production all farm employees. available.exceeds current managementcontrols?Upright silos12.13) If there is a floor drain, Yes. No. 4 Appropriate silageis leachate collected, treated leachate managementand/or stored, and applied at demonstrated.agronomic rates?12.14) How often is the silo Twice a year. Once a year. Less than once a year.inspected?12.15) For sealed silo systems, No. Yes. Leachate is treated Yes. Leachate is not treatedis leachate evident around the or stored. or stored.outside of the silo?12.16) For glass-lined storage Less than 6 years. Between 6 and 40 years. Older than 40 years.facilities, how old is the lining?Silage bags12.17) Are holes repaired and Yes, holes are repaired Some holes are repaired. Holes are not repaired, andthe bag watertight? and the bag is watertight. moisture is entering the bag.12.18) Is plastic disposed of in Yes. No.a licensed landfill?12.19) Is there a mechanism Yes. No. Leachate runs from bags Effective leachatefor collecting or treating to surface water. 4 management.accumulated leachate?A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.37

Milking Center Wastewater TreatmentRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification13.01) How many gallons of Fewer than 10 gallons. 10 to 20 gallons. More than 20 gallons.water do you use per cow forcleanup of the milking center?13.02) Where are milking center Stored in partitioned off, Stored in a location where Stored in high-traffic areachemicals, disinfectants and protected area away a spill could reach the drain. near drains.antibiotics stored? from drains.13.03) How is plate cooler 100% of plate cooler water Less than 10,000 gal/day are More than 10,000 gal/day are Appropriate cooling waterwater handled? is reused for livestock watering discharged onto ground surface. discharged onto ground managementor other livestock-related use. Discharged water does not surface or intercept surface demonstrated.Or, permitted for discharge. intercept surface water. water without a permit. 4Total collection method. If this method is not used, skip to the next section.13.04) Is all wastewater collected, All wastewater is directed to a Most wastewater is collected Wastewater is not collected Appropriate collectionstored and applied at designed storage area and or treated. or treated. of wastewateragronomic rates? waste applied to fields at demonstrated.agronomic rates. Records of application.Milking system septic systems. If this method is not used, skip to the next section.13.05) Is the septic system Yes. No. System operatingdesigned to handle the volume effectively, without evidenceof wastewater? of a discharge.13.06) Is the septic system Tank pumped as needed or Annual pumping. Tank is rarely or neverperiodically pumped? every 3 to 4 months. pumped.13.07) Is all milkhouse water Yes. Some water is not treated Collection and treatmenttreated by the septic system? or is discharged to tile, of all wastewaterinlet or drainage ditch. 4 demonstrated.13.08) What are your parlor First pipeline rinse captured Some milk poured down drain. All waste milk poured downcleanup practices? and added to barn manure. Some manure and excess drain. Manure and excess feedWaste milk never poured down feed removed before frequently washed down drain.drain. Manure and excess wash-down.feed removed from parlorbefore wash-down.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation. Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.38

Milking Center Wastewater Treatment (continued)Risk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verificationApplication of wastewater to designed filter strip system. If this method is not used, skip to the next section.13.09) Is pretreatment such as a Yes, properly sized settling Undersized settling tank, No pretreatment.settling tank or lagoon utilized? tank, lagoon or other pretreat- lagoon or other pretreatmentment system used. system.13.10) Is the system designed Yes. Infiltration area effectively Infiltration area shows minor No. Infiltration area has Properly operatingto handle the capacity of treats the quantity of waste- erosion, wastewater ponding excessive erosion, wastewater system.wastewater generated? water generated. Treatment or burned vegetation. ponding or burned vegetation.area is managed to preventpollution to waters of thestate.13.11) How is the designed Vegetation maintained and Occasional maintenance. No maintenance. Vegetation maintainedinfiltration system maintained? harvested at least once per and harvested.year. Accumulated solids Records ofremoved, if needed. maintenance.Direct discharge to surface or groundwater.13.12) Is wastewater directly No. Milk parlor and Yes. 4 No discharge present.discharged to a lake, drainage milkhouse wastewater isditch, stream or field? managed in a manner toprevent discharge intosurface water.A boxed risk level indicates the level required for environmental assurance verification.Bold print indicates a violation of state or federal regulation.Blue print (bold Italic) indicates conformance with Right-to-Farm guidelines.39

Other Environmental Risks at Farmstead SystemRisk Question Low Risk - 3 Medium Risk - 2 High Risk -1 Your Records or evidence for(recommended) (potential hazard) (significant hazard) Risk MAEAP verification14.01) Are there other activities, No. Yes, plan to mitigate the Yes, but no plan to No otherproducts, processes/equipment, contamination risk. mitigate contamination environmental risksservices, byproducts, and/or risk. found at farmstead.wastes at this farmsteadthat pose contamination risksto groundwater orsurface water?Farmstead Improvement Action PlanDevelop your farmstead improvement action plan for risks on your farmstead beginning on the inside cover of this bulletin. Once you have implemented your plan, you canrequest MAEAP verification of your farmstead system.40

Table 2. Federal, state and local environmental requirements for operation of this farm business.This table contains the typical requirements for a farm business. There may be additional environmental requirements due to the type of operation and location.Contact the local or state permitting agencies for further information: MDEQ Environmental Assistance Hotline — 1-800-662-9278, MDA information — 1-800-292-3939.Environmental Description Frequency Administering Your expirationregulatory agency daterequirementsPrivate pesticide Any persons using or supervising the use of restricted-use pesticides 3 years MDA/Pesticide andapplicator (RUP) in the production of an agricultural commodity on their own or their Plant Pest Managementcertification employer’s land must be a certified pesticide applicator. Division (PPPM)Pesticide safety The federal Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides Each employee MDA/PPPMtraining for pesticide requires employers of pesticide handlers and workers to train employees on must be trainedworkers pesticide safety. Agricultural employers must be able to verify compliance. every 5 yearsNPDES permit National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for large 5 years or as MDEQ/<strong>Water</strong> BureauCAFO concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). noted on permitFarm motor vehicle Fuel storage tanks have to be certified (aboveground) Annual MDEQ/Waste andfuel storage tanks or registered (underground); a site plan has to have been Hazardous Materialsgreater than 1,100 submitted to the DEQ before the installation is placed into service. Divisiongallon capacity Smaller tanks have other requirements to be met.(above- and belowgroundtanks)Air use permit Permit to install and operate equipment or processes which may emit air Before MDEQ/Air N.A.contaminants (incinerators for burning animal carcasses or manure, and constructionbiodigesters and associated equipment are examples).Groundwater Any discharge of waste or waste effluent into or onto the ground (e.g., egg 5 years MDEQ/<strong>Water</strong> Bureaudischarge permit wash water and milk cooling water [over 10,000 gallons/day] that isdischarged), and any livestock facility over 5,000 animal units.Well permit A person who installs a well, pump or pumping equipment shall comply Before Local health N.A.with applicable laws, regulation, ordinances and codes. construction departmentSeptic permit The first step in the process of determining if a piece of land that does Before Local health(house and farm not have municipal wastewater services available can be considered construction departmentoperation) for an on-site septic system. N.A.Land and water Construction activities (dredging, filling, draining, construction, structure Before MDEQ/interface construction placement) in, across, under water. construction Land and <strong>Water</strong>permits Management Division N.A.41

Table 2. (continued)Environmental Description Frequency Administering Your expirationregulatory agency daterequirementsSoil erosion and Earth change activities within 500 feet of a lake or a stream, or that will Before County soil erosionsedimentation disturb an area greater than 1 acre in size. construction permitting agencycontrol permit<strong>Water</strong> use reporting Agricultural water users with the capacity to withdraw surface or annual MDAgroundwater that exceeds 100,000 gallons per day (70 gallons perminute) are required to report actual water withdrawals annually.Other Description Administeringenvironmental agencyguidelinesManure management The <strong>Michigan</strong> Right-to-Farm Act (Act 93 of 1981) requires the establishment MDAand utilization of generally accepted agricultural and management practices (GAAMPs).Agricultural producers who voluntarily follow these practices are provided protectionfrom public or private nuisance litigation. The GAAMPs are reviewed annually.The latest GAAMPs can be accessed at: http://www.michigan.gov/mda.Pesticide utilizationand pest controlNutrient utilizationSite selection and odorcontrol for new andexpanding livestockproduction facilitiesIrrigation water useMAEAP verification: MAEAP systems verification is valid for three years. MAEAP verification in good standing is MDAlivestock, farmstead, dependent on following the practice specific to each system, being in conformance with theand cropping systems applicable GAAMPs, an annual plan review and update (livestock system) and updates asnecessary as conditions change on the farm.42

Table 3. Legal citations for environmental risks in <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>Footnote <strong>Michigan</strong> Law Description1 Public Health Code, Public Act 368 of 1978 Part 127: <strong>Water</strong> Supply and Sewer Systems2 Part 138 Medical Waste Regulatory Act3 Safe Drinking <strong>Water</strong> Act, Public Act 399 of 19764 Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act 451 of 1994 Part 31: <strong>Water</strong> Resources Protection5 Part 55: Air Pollution Control6 Part 83: Pesticide Control7 Part 85: Fertilizers8 Part 111:Hazardous Waste Management9 Part 115: Solid Waste Management10 Part 117 Septic Waste Servicers11 Part 121: Liquid Industrial Waste12 Part 169: Scrap Tires13 Part 201: Environmental Response14 Part 327 Great Lakes Preservation15 Bodies of Dead Animals Act, Public Act 239 of 1982 as amended16 Fire Prevention Code Public Act 207 of 1941 Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids17 Grade A Milk Law, Public Act 266 of 2001Federal Law18 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)19 Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, also know as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act20 Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides21 Clean <strong>Water</strong> Act43

<strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong>Farmstead Improvement Action Plan (continued)Risk List high-risk practice(s) Required Alternative low-risk practice (Include potential sources Action planquestion from <strong>Farm*A*Syst</strong> for MAEAP of technical and financial assistance.)and medium-risk verification?practices that do not Planned Indicate datemeet MAEAP completion when completedrequirements dateMAEAP Verification Action PlanTarget date for MAEAP verification of Farmstead SystemDATETarget date for MAEAP verification of Cropping SystemTarget date for MAEAP verification of Livestock SystemFor MAEAP verification, contact MAEAP Office at the <strong>Michigan</strong> Department of Agriculture: 517-373-9797.MSU is an affirmative-action equal-opportunity employer. <strong>Michigan</strong> State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age,disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status. ■ Issued in furtherance of Extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 20, 1914, in cooperationwith the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thomas Coon, Extension director, <strong>Michigan</strong> State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824. ■ This information is for educational purposes only. Reference tocommercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. This bulletin becomes public property upon publication and may be printedverbatim with credit to MSU. Reprinting cannot be used to endorse or advertise a commercial product or company.Major revision (destroy old). 10:08, $3, for sale only.44

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