08-21-2011-Sunday - Wise County Messenger

08-21-2011-Sunday - Wise County Messenger 08-21-2011-Sunday - Wise County Messenger

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VOLUME 132 - NO. 67 SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2011 DECATUR, TEXAS 22 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS 75¢INSIDE ...FEEDINGLAKE BRIDGEPORTChild killed in accident with gunDECATURCARESThe next story in ourFeeding Wise series takesa look back at a successfulfirst year and what liesahead for a food programthat helped local kids thissummer.See page 2ABy BRANDON EVANSAn entire community andcounty is in mourning aftera 12-year-old accidentallyshot and killed himself with ahandgun late Tuesday night athis parents’ house on CountyRoad 3504 near Lake Bridgeport.According to investigators,Grayson C. Garrett gained accessinto his parents’ gun safearound 11 p.m. His parentsand older brother were alreadyin bed.A gunshot awoke the family.His father rushed into theliving room to discover Garrettsuffering from a gunshotwound to the head. His father,Lake Bridgeport Fire ChiefWillie Garrett, attempted CPRbut was unsuccessful.“It’s a horrible, horrible accident,”said Sheriff DavidWalker. “We don’t have anyevidence to cause us to believethis was anything other thanan accident.”“He’d taken out the gun andwas messing with it,” saidChief Deputy Doug Whitehead.“The clip had been takenout, and he didn’t realize therewas a round in the chamber.”It’s the type of accident thatcould happen to almost anyfamily.“Like a lot of people aroundhere, they had guns in thehouse,” Whitehead said. “Theykept them in a safer placeContinued on page 13AGARRETTNEWS BRIEF ...FALL-OUTAUDITIONSAuditions for the WiseCountry Fall-Out show is 2to 4 p.m. Saturdays, Aug.20 and Aug. 27, in theG.C. Rann Little Theater atthe Wise County HeritageMuseum, 1602 S. Trinityin Decatur. Call (940)627-5586 for an auditiontime. The show is 7 p.m.Saturday, Nov. 12.Read more briefs,page 9APARADISEBody discovery leads to murder chargeIN SPORTS ...FIRST WIN INNEW HOMEThe Bridgeport Sissiesvolleyball team earned awin in their first game attheir new gym Tuesday,defeating cross-county rivalBoyd.See page 1BAREA DEATHSAND FUNERALSLAWRENCEBOWLINGDecaturGRAYSONGARRETTBridgeportBILL HARDENRhomeROYCE HOLTBoydTHOMAS RAWLEChicoRAY TINDOLDecaturSee page 14AWEATHER...INDEXNews Briefs ..... 9ACrime Report... 3AOpinion ........... 4AObits .............. 14ASports ...............1BClassifi eds .........2BWise County MessengerP.O. Box 149115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234www.wcmessenger.comON THE WEB ...Scan this QR(quick response)code with yoursmartphonecamera andyou’ll be takento our website.Messenger photo by Joe DutyGRIM TASK — Brant Hawkins, left and Jorge DeLuna of Hawkins Funeral Home in Bridgeport remove the victim from the crime scene. Her body was sent toTarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office for identification.By BRANDON EVANS the barn behind the house.”SWAT members located theA quiet, yellow-and-green home’s owner, Mark Schomburg,farmhouse located51, hiding inat the end of a longthe attic with a 15-gravel drive transformedyear-old male.into a siteBoth were detainedteeming with investigatorsfor questioning.after sheriff’sSchomburg was sub-deputies discoveredsequently chargeda dead woman on thewith murder. As ofproperty Wednesday.Friday afternoon, he“We carried out aremained in Wisesearch warrant, andCounty Jail on a $2our SWAT guys surroundedthe home,”Captain Kevin Ben-million bond.SCHOMBURGsaid Wise Countyton said SchomburgSheriff David Walker. “We did not confess to murder; eviwereable to locate two peopleinside the home, and a body in Continued on page 2ABy KRISTEN TRIBEA brand new pickup forConstable Tom Bishop isparked in Wise County.But the Precinct 1 officialtold the Messenger Thursdaymorning he won’t drivePhoto submittedLOCKDOWN — The sheriff’s office closed access to this home on County Road 3332 asthey conducted a thorough investigation of all three buildings Wednesday and Thursdayafter a dead woman was discovered in the storage shed out back.WISE COUNTYPickup ‘not proper,’ Constable Bishop saysit.“The pickup is not safe forthe kind of work I do …,” hesaid.County commissionersapproved purchasing thevehicle for Bishop at theirregular meeting last Monday,and it was deliveredlater in the week.Asset Manager Diana Alexandersaid the pickup isbeing held until she receivesdirection at Monday’s commissionersmeeting as towhen and how the exchangewill take place.“I’ve tried to explain tothem that a pickup’s not aproper police vehicle eventhough some agencies mayhave used them in thepast,” Bishop said. “I thinkthe general trend is to get“If a constable wants tothen I don’t see anythingwrong with a pickup …,” herid of them.primarily serve papers,explained.Continued on page 7A

VOLUME 132 - NO. 67 SUNDAY, AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> DECATUR, TEXAS 22 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS 75¢INSIDE ...FEEDINGLAKE BRIDGEPORTChild killed in accident with gunDECATURCARESThe next story in ourFeeding <strong>Wise</strong> series takesa look back at a successfulfirst year and what liesahead for a food programthat helped local kids thissummer.See page 2ABy BRANDON EVANSAn entire community andcounty is in mourning aftera 12-year-old accidentallyshot and killed himself with ahandgun late Tuesday night athis parents’ house on <strong>County</strong>Road 3504 near Lake Bridgeport.According to investigators,Grayson C. Garrett gained accessinto his parents’ gun safearound 11 p.m. His parentsand older brother were alreadyin bed.A gunshot awoke the family.His father rushed into theliving room to discover Garrettsuffering from a gunshotwound to the head. His father,Lake Bridgeport Fire ChiefWillie Garrett, attempted CPRbut was unsuccessful.“It’s a horrible, horrible accident,”said Sheriff DavidWalker. “We don’t have anyevidence to cause us to believethis was anything other thanan accident.”“He’d taken out the gun andwas messing with it,” saidChief Deputy Doug Whitehead.“The clip had been takenout, and he didn’t realize therewas a round in the chamber.”It’s the type of accident thatcould happen to almost anyfamily.“Like a lot of people aroundhere, they had guns in thehouse,” Whitehead said. “Theykept them in a safer placeContinued on page 13AGARRETTNEWS BRIEF ...FALL-OUTAUDITIONSAuditions for the <strong>Wise</strong>Country Fall-Out show is 2to 4 p.m. Saturdays, Aug.20 and Aug. 27, in theG.C. Rann Little Theater atthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> HeritageMuseum, 1602 S. Trinityin Decatur. Call (940)627-5586 for an auditiontime. The show is 7 p.m.Saturday, Nov. 12.Read more briefs,page 9APARADISEBody discovery leads to murder chargeIN SPORTS ...FIRST WIN INNEW HOMEThe Bridgeport Sissiesvolleyball team earned awin in their first game attheir new gym Tuesday,defeating cross-county rivalBoyd.See page 1BAREA DEATHSAND FUNERALSLAWRENCEBOWLINGDecaturGRAYSONGARRETTBridgeportBILL HARDENRhomeROYCE HOLTBoydTHOMAS RAWLEChicoRAY TINDOLDecaturSee page 14AWEATHER...INDEXNews Briefs ..... 9ACrime Report... 3AOpinion ........... 4AObits .............. 14ASports ...............1BClassifi eds .........2B<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234www.wcmessenger.comON THE WEB ...Scan this QR(quick response)code with yoursmartphonecamera andyou’ll be takento our website.<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyGRIM TASK — Brant Hawkins, left and Jorge DeLuna of Hawkins Funeral Home in Bridgeport remove the victim from the crime scene. Her body was sent toTarrant <strong>County</strong> Medical Examiner’s Office for identification.By BRANDON EVANS the barn behind the house.”SWAT members located theA quiet, yellow-and-green home’s owner, Mark Schomburg,farmhouse located51, hiding inat the end of a longthe attic with a 15-gravel drive transformedyear-old male.into a siteBoth were detainedteeming with investigatorsfor questioning.after sheriff’sSchomburg was sub-deputies discoveredsequently chargeda dead woman on thewith murder. As ofproperty Wednesday.Friday afternoon, he“We carried out aremained in <strong>Wise</strong>search warrant, and<strong>County</strong> Jail on a $2our SWAT guys surroundedthe home,”Captain Kevin Ben-million bond.SCHOMBURGsaid <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>ton said SchomburgSheriff David Walker. “We did not confess to murder; eviwereable to locate two peopleinside the home, and a body in Continued on page 2ABy KRISTEN TRIBEA brand new pickup forConstable Tom Bishop isparked in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.But the Precinct 1 officialtold the <strong>Messenger</strong> Thursdaymorning he won’t drivePhoto submittedLOCKDOWN — The sheriff’s office closed access to this home on <strong>County</strong> Road 3332 asthey conducted a thorough investigation of all three buildings Wednesday and Thursdayafter a dead woman was discovered in the storage shed out back.WISE COUNTYPickup ‘not proper,’ Constable Bishop saysit.“The pickup is not safe forthe kind of work I do …,” hesaid.<strong>County</strong> commissionersapproved purchasing thevehicle for Bishop at theirregular meeting last Monday,and it was deliveredlater in the week.Asset Manager Diana Alexandersaid the pickup isbeing held until she receivesdirection at Monday’s commissionersmeeting as towhen and how the exchangewill take place.“I’ve tried to explain tothem that a pickup’s not aproper police vehicle eventhough some agencies mayhave used them in thepast,” Bishop said. “I thinkthe general trend is to get“If a constable wants tothen I don’t see anythingwrong with a pickup …,” herid of them.primarily serve papers,explained.Continued on page 7A

2A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>PARADISEBody discovery leads to murder charge ...Continued from page 1Adence at the scene led to thecharge.The juvenile was releasedthe following day. His relationshipto Schomburg isstill unclear at this point,according to investigators,but they do not believe hewas involved in the allegedhomicide.Near noon Wednesday, thesheriff’s office acted on atip that a dead body mightbe located at a house on<strong>County</strong> Road 3332. It’s atthe intersection with <strong>County</strong>Road 3325, a mile off Texas114 between Paradise andBridgeport.Investigators soon discovereda gruesome sightinside a metal storage shedbehind the home. A narrow,blood-stained trail led fromthe home to the shed. Inside,the decomposing corpse of awoman was found wrappedin a blue tarp.A putrid stench hung inthe hot air under a glaringsun as crime scene investigatorsgleaned throughdetails. The Texas Rangersand Bridgeport Police Department’scrime scene investigatorassisted with thecase. Initially, the body wasso decomposed investigatorscouldn’t tell if it was a manor woman.The body was sent to Tarrant<strong>County</strong> Medical Examiner’soffice for identificationand to confirm the cause ofdeath. As of Friday afternoonthe woman had beenpositively identified,but authorities werewaiting to release hername until next of kinwere notified.“We do know therewas a violent homicidehere, but we are stillprocessing all the evidenceto find out when and whereand how it happened,” Walkersaid. “There are signs ofbiological evidence in allthree buildings.”Living near deathA husband and wife andtheir child lived above thegarage where investigatorsfound biological evidence relatedto the alleged murder.The family rented the livingarea above the detached garage,located in between thetwo-story home and the shedwhere the body was discovered.“They’ve been cooperativein the investigation,” Walkersaid.By BRIAN KNOXRead more online:wcmess.com/murderCaring forthe kidsFood program wraps upsuccessful first yearThe <strong>2011</strong> Decatur Caresprogram has been deemed asuccess by the group’s organizersand volunteers, andnow the question is how toserve even more nextyear?The program servedapproximately 5,500bags of food to qualifyingDecatur-area kidsthis summer. Whatlittle food was leftover was donated to <strong>Wise</strong>Area Relief Mission. Eachweek this summer sinceschool has been out, foodwas distributed to childrenFEEDINGwho qualified through theschool’s free and reducedlunch program. Each bag offood provided five meals.On Tuesday, organizersand volunteers met to discussthe success of the program’sfirst year. MayorJoe Lambert saidthat Decatur Caresgrew out of a desire tohelp fill a need in thecommunity.“If we have such afood shortage — foodinsecurity — here in thecounty, then we obviouslyneed to do something aboutit,” he said. “I look at <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> as the land flowingDECATURwith milk and honey ... Ithink it’s incumbent on usto share the bounty that wehave.”Sharing that bounty beganwith the need to raisemoney, and $50,000 wascollected to begin the program.Through careful planning,only about $22,000was spent on food, leaving$28,000 to be spent for futureprojects.<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyGRUESOME DISCOVERY — Sheriff David Walker walks away from the storage shed where an alleged female murder victimwas discovered Wednesday afternoon. A team of investigators assess details of the scene. The home, located betweenBridgeport and Paradise, is represented by the star on the map below.Tim Butler and his 12-year-old recently moved intoa home a couple hundredyards away from the crimesite. He said it’s a quietplace.“The only thing Iever hear is the neighbor’sdogs barking atnight,” he said.But news of thepossible murder nextdoor has made himcautious. He and hisdaughter stayed at a friend’shouse in Springtown the daythe discovery was made.“I went and got a gun today,”Butler said. “I keepit nearby now. I talked to awoman today about teachingmy daughter how to shoot.“You never think somethinglike this would happenin Paradise or <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.”Butler said he was warnedby someone familiar withSchomburg “not to talk tohim. There is somethingwrong with him.”“I would see him drive bysometimes in his red Jeep,”Butler said. “He would juststare at you with a weirdlook.”Living arrangementsBesides the family rentingthe rooms above the garage,Schomburg had people livingwith him on and off inthe main house, investigatorssaid.It’s believed the victimwas living with him at thetime of death, and they wereprobably in some type of relationship.But investigatorsare still trying to confirmthose details.“We’ve got a lot of work todo yet,” Walker said.A neighbor noticed a whitecar with Missouri licenseplates for sale placed at theend of the driveway in thelast week or two. The vehiclewas registered to the allegedvictim.According to court records,Schomburg sustained serioushead and spine injuriesin a traffic accident in 2003.He had an ongoing legal battlewith the Social Securityadministration to keep receivingchecks even thoughan administrative law judgedeemed him capable of workingagain after he had shownimprovement by 2006.According to court documents,Schomburg sufferedfrom severe headaches andvertigo following the accident.Apparently methadonetreatments had improvedhis condition and enabledhim to work in certain fields.Methadone is used for severe,chronic pain and tohelp recovering heroin addicts.Cynthia S. Schomburg divorcedthe suspect in November2009. The couple marriedin 1999. They shared custodyof an 11-year-old son.Mark Schomburg declineda request to be interviewedfrom jail for this story.To keep up with the latestdetails in this continuingstory, visit WC<strong>Messenger</strong>.com where updates will beposted.Email Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyBUILDING A MEAL — James Long, right, and other volunteers put together bags of food forthe Decatur Cares program. Volunteers would put the bags together on Mondays and thefood would be distributed on Tuesday mornings.“We scheduled 11,000meals — we didn’t quitehit that because we didn’thit our target every week.The target was 1,000 mealsContinued on page 6Awww.LookLocal<strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>.orgPhil MajorPresident & PublisherP.O. Box 149115 S. TrinityDecatur, TX 76234940-627-5987Fax 940-627-1004www.wcmessenger.comnews@wcmessenger.comKen RoselleSr. Account ExecutiveLori WhiteAdvertising SalesMark JordanVice President/General ManagerKen RoselleSenior Account ExecutiveKristen TribeAssistant EditorBrandon EvansErika PedrozaRichard GreeneSports EditorDave RogersLesa MajorEDITORIALBrian KnoxEditorMary WendellMack ThweattKeri Pritchard-WillertonGraphic ArtistMarissa HallJoe DutyPhotographerBUSINESS OFFICETeresa MayberryCLASSIFIEDSLori WhiteKelly GuessKristi BennettBusiness ManagerDonna BeanADVERTISINGLisa DavisAdvertising ManagerLaura BelcherMisty CogetPRODUCTIONTodd A. GriffithProduction Manager/WebmasterAndrew MayVideographerPierre MouaPeter FrancoSUBSCRIBER SERVICESLowell BurkettRoger WeberWesley RobinsonBrenda JewellCirculationJesse MathenyJames CraftTerry HardinSUBSCRIPTIONS$37 a year In-<strong>County</strong>$43 a year Out-of-<strong>County</strong>$49 a year Out-of-State$20 Digital Subscriptionwww.wcmessenger.com/subscribe________________________________Name________________________________________________________________Address________________________________City St. Zip________________________________Phone________________________________EmailMail to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>PO Box 149, Decatur, TX 76234or call 940-627-5987TIP LINE:Phone: 940-393-3450E-mail: tips@wcmessenger.comSUBMIT NEWSSubmit News, Sports, Letters tothe Editor, Lifestyle, Obituaries andUpdate items onlinewww.wcmessenger.com/submitADVERTISINGKristen TribeAssistant EditorPeter FrancoGraphic ArtsContact Lisa Davis, Lori White, MistyCoget, Kelly Guess or Laura Belcherat 940-627-5987www.wcmessenger.com/advertisingUSPS Publication No.688940ISSN 0746-8679The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> (ISSN 0746-8679) is publishedWednesday and Saturday by <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, Inc.,P.O. Box 149, 115 S. Trinity St., Decatur, Texas 76234-0149.Periodicals class postage paid at Decatur, Texas. Subscriptionrates: one year in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> $37; one year out of county $43;one year out of state $49.An erroneous refl ection upon the character, standing orreputation of any fi rm, person or corporation, which appearsin the columns of this paper will be corrected upon due noticegiven to the publication at the <strong>Messenger</strong> offi ce.Postmaster: Send address changes to: <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,P.O. Box 149, Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. 940-627-5987.http://www.wcmessenger.com. E-mail: news@wcmessenger.com.© <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>

DECATUR‘King of Dairy Queens’ madehuge impact on communityBy DAVE ROGERSLong before Donald Trumpwrote the book of the same title,Decatur’s Hollis Jones masteredthe art of the deal.“Even up to last week,he was always looking forsome kind of deal; ‘Howcan I make this work?,’”son-in-law Chad Harveyrecalled. “He didn’t needmoney, just the art of thedeal, putting somethingtogether.”“He was doing threebig deals he’s not aroundto complete, and now Ihave to finish them,” saidSue Jones, Hollis’ wife of 38 years.“I told him, ‘You don’t need to bedoing this. You need to stop,’ buthe wouldn’t. He told all the kids,‘Keep working. Work while youcan.’”Work for Jones, a native of Oklahomawho moved to Decatur andin 1969 opened the first of whatwould grow to be 53 Dairy Queenrestaurants, came to an end withhis death Aug. 13. He was 82. Hisfuneral was Wednesday at FirstBaptist Church in Decatur.A real rags-to-riches story,Jones was born into a rural farmingfamily in Choctaw, Okla., in1929. He, the youngest of ninechildren, grew up during the hardtimes of the Great Depression.He had no idea then whatwealth was, but amassed a fortunepracticing the art of the deal,and shared that wealth, quietly,with the people of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.“Hollis was always involved inthe community. He loved helpingpeople,” said J.K. Miller, a localdeveloper who was Jones’ bestfriend. “Most of the time, he wouldhave preferred to be anonymous.He gave because it was the rightthing to do, not for the glamour.”Jones was “a huge supporterfinancially” of <strong>Wise</strong> Area ReliefMission (WARM), the county’slargest food bank, according toRene’ Ashmore, its director.Although she has overseenday-to-day operationsof WARM for manyyears, Ashmore recalledmeeting Jones only onceor twice.The family requestsmemorials be made toWARM, 300 N. Trinity,JONES Decatur, TX 76234.Jones donated the landand was instrumental in buildingthe Decatur Public Library andthe Hollis and Sue Jones Park.The latter is the largest of thecity’s parks, featuring many ballfieldsand a playground and is locatedon Country Club Drive onthe site of Jones’ former estate.Named Decatur’s “Citizen ofthe Year” in 1987, Jones was alsoa big supporter of <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System.But he didn’t limit his giving tolarge scale.“If somebody needed it, hewas always there,” said Harvey,who along with Jones’ daughter,Amanda, owns Decatur’s CatfishO’Harlie’s restaurant and workedon deals with Jones for 20 years.“He was a big supporter of theYouth Fair. He bought the grandchampion every year. From a peeweefootball team to if a churchneeded a new organ, Hollis wasalways the person there to help.And he and Sue never wantedany publicity out of it.”Sue Jones estimated that herhusband paid college tuition for10 area grads over the years andHarvey recalls that on more thanone occasion Jones helped employeeswith personal expensesup to and including paying for funeralsfor their loved ones.“There are very few folks in thecity of Decatur which have donemore for the city and gave moreof their time and tried to makeDecatur a better place,” Harveysaid.Perhaps the most fondly recalledof Jones’ civic gifts wasoriginally a gift for the youngestof his four daughters, Amanda.It was a Christmas lights displaythat began, Sue said, whenAmanda was 3 years old andgrew each year through the timeAmanda graduated from highschool.People came from near and farto see the lights each Christmasseason, and the display was solarge airline pilots were known topoint it out to their passengers astheir planes passed overhead onthe flight path into DFW Airport.“Hollis liked to impress, andhe was the type that if he did it,it was going to be 100 percent ornothing,” Harvey recalls. “Everyyear he wanted it to be better thanthe prior year. He enjoyed it a lot.People would come from all overthe state. One year, Bob Phillipseven featured it on his TV show‘Texas Country Reporter.’”“That was kind of our gift to thetown for Christmas,” Sue Jonessaid. “We turned them on Thanksgivingnight, and it just grew byword of mouth. I had a counter tocount the cars. We had like 10,000cars a day come.“People from Dallas and OklahomaCity would call to see if thelights were on. They still call, andWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>Continued on page 13AWISE COUNTYCRIME REPORTFriday, Aug. 12600 BLOCK OF CEMETERYROAD — A man wanted hisroommate to leave.INTERSECTION OF COUNTYROAD 44<strong>21</strong> AND U.S. 287 — Astranded motorist was arrestedfor public intoxication.Saturday, Aug. 13700 BLOCK OF FARM ROAD1810 — A man wanted deputiesto make his girlfriend leave hishouse.100 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD4838 — A man reported thathis neighbor threatened him fordriving too fast.700 BLOCK OF COUNTYROAD 3340 — Trailers and airconditioning units were stolenfrom the location.200 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD4693 — A man reported thathis drunk girlfriend was causinga ruckus.<strong>Sunday</strong>, Aug. 14700 BLOCK OF PRIVATEROAD 4732 — A man washallucinating and calling 911repeatedly.200 BLOCK OF HICKORY — Ahouse was burglarized.Monday, Aug. 152500 BLOCK OF OLD DENTONHIGHWAY — A woman reportedthat someone is rearrangingitems in her yard.400 BLOCK OF PRIVATE ROAD2698 — A man said his homewas “struck by a projectile.”6700 BLOCK OF FARM ROAD<strong>21</strong>23 — A man and woman got3Ainto an argument about a dog ata convenience store.Tuesday, Aug. 161300 BLOCK OF U.S. 287BYPASS EAST — A suspiciousperson let the air out of the tiresof cars parked at a business.300 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD3661 — A woman wanted tofile a harassment report forreceiving a text from an exboyfriend.Wednesday, Aug. 17400 BLOCK OF WESTJACKSBORO — A man reportedthat his sister was causing adisturbance.300 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD1111 — A woman reported thatshe saw someone standing nearher property line.200 BLOCK OF ROOK RAMSEY— A man reported that a tireshop stole his tires.100 BLOCK OF COUNTY ROAD3141 — A woman reportedthat she was being harassed bypeople involved in the sale ofher timeshare.Thursday, Aug. 1810900 BLOCK OF SHADY OAKSDRIVE — Fishing rods andoutdoor furniture were stolenfrom outside a home.200 BLOCK OF ROOK RAMSEYROAD — A man walked into theSheriff’s Office and reportedthat acquaintances “flipped”him off.100 BLOCK OF LANGE WAY —A man reported that someoneloosened the drain plug on hisradiator.Notice of Public Hearing on Tax IncreaseThank You!The_______________________________________________City (name of Runaway of taxing unit) Baywill hold two public hearings on a proposal to increase total taxrevenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by _________2.27percent (percentage by which proposedtax rate exceeds lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax calculated under Chapter 26, Tax Code). Your individualtaxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of yourproperty in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted.The first public hearing will be held on ______________________7 p.m. (dateAug and30, time) <strong>2011</strong>at ____________________________________________.Runaway Bay City Hall (meeting 101 Runaway place) Bay Drive Runaway Bay, TexasThe second public hearing will be held on _____________________ 7 p.m. (dateSept and time) 7, <strong>2011</strong> at __________________________________________.Runaway Bay City Hall 101 (meeting Runaway place) Bay Drive Runaway Bay, TexasThe members of the governing body voted on the proposal to consider the tax increase as follows:FOR:AGAINST: nonePRESENT and not voting:ABSENT:Bettye Parker, Dan Ticer, Berry White, Mark AllanJerry St. JohnnoneDonna Brown, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Committee on Aging manager accepts a check for$500 from Brenda Jewell, subscriber services manager for the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>.City of Runaway BayThe average taxable value of a residence homestead in ________________________ last year was $ 136,313 (averagetaxable value of a residence homestead in the taxing unit for the preceding tax year, disregarding residence homesteadexemptions available only to disabled persons or persons 65 years of age or older). Based on last year’s tax rateof $ 0.57616 (preceding year’s adopted tax rate) per $100 of taxable value, the amount of taxes imposed lastyear on the average home was $ 785.38 (tax on average taxable value of a residence homestead in the taxingunit for the preceding tax year, disregarding residence homestead exemptions available only to disabled persons orpersons 65 years of age or older).City of Runaway BayThe average taxable value of a residence homestead in ________________________ this year is $ 135,239 (averagetaxable value of a residence homestead in the taxing unit for the current tax year, disregarding residence homesteadexemptions available only to disabled persons or persons 65 years of age or older). If the governing body adopts theeffective tax rate for this year of $__________ 0.58640 per $100 of taxable value, the amount of taxes imposed this year on theaverage home would be $ 793.04 (tax on average taxable value of a residence homestead in the taxing unitfor the current tax year, disregarding residence homestead exemptions available only to disabled persons or persons65 years of age or older).0.57616If the governing body adopts the proposed tax rate of $__________ per $100 of taxable value, the amount of taxesimposed this year on the average home would be $ 779.14 (tax on the average taxable value of a residencehomestead in the taxing unit for the current tax year, disregarding residence homestead exemptions available only todisabled persons or persons 65 years of age or older).Members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearings and express their views.Thanks to all the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> subscribers who helpedmake our recent subscription campaign a success. Your support hasallowed us to donate $500 of subscription proceeds to the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> Meals on Wheels program as our subscription campaignpartner.Your subscription will keep you informed of all the latest news, featuresand sports plus great advertising offers of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> merchantsand your support of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Meals on Wheels will helpto serve the wonderful folks throughout the county who depend ontheir services.115 South Trinity, Decatur940-627-5987

4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>OPINIONOUR VIEWSLooking back and looking forwardBy PHIL MAJORThirty years ago this week, a man lessthan half my age wandered into the <strong>Messenger</strong>newsroom, an office that housed three tofour people for years but now serves as thesolitary confines for one manager.Though he had never been a sports editor,he had landed a job as one, and it being theopening of football season, was thrown rightinto the weekly newspaper mix.Thus began a journey that continues today,with that grandfatherly-aged man nowsitting in the publisher’s chair, tasked withkeeping one of the best small-town papersin the country on course and in the black.But my how things have changed. Colorphotos are taken for granted, we shoot videoof some events, cover news “live” and tryto meet the expectation of instant, 24-hournews coverage that was first promoted bycable TV stations in the ’80s.Indeed some newspapers already broadcastevents live, such as sports, and thatday is coming soon for us as well.Other than pen and pad, weuse none of the equipment withwhich we produced the newspaperin 1981. Gone are waxers andphototypesetters. The Update haslong since stopped being producedon a typewriter and is availableelectronically worldwide almostinstantaneously.And of course we publish twice aweek.Those of us who never saw acomputer until we were out of collegenow carry tiny machines in our pocketsthat are far more powerful than those firstrudimentary Macs that allowed us to seewhat we produced on screen.A reporter can send back live reports,photos and video from the scene in realtime, on a device that’s called a phone butis so much more. It’s been one ofa long list of game-changers, ledby the Internet, which allows allinformation and feedback to appearpractically in real time.We have been challenged toperfect a model that, until recentyears, did not exist at all. And weare faced with doing it on the fly.We are gaining ground but stillare a long way from a satisfactorysolution.MAJOR Predictions of our quick demisewere greatly over-exaggerated.That which did not kill us has made usstronger, as well as more nimble, and hasgiven us a much broader perspective thanthe simple confines of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Texas.Events halfway around the world canimpact us with light speed.It’s been a heck of a ride, and I wouldn’tdo one thing any differently.Equipment has changed, our challengeshave changed and people’s expectationshave certainly changed. But what hasn’tis our desire and our pledge to bring <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> the best news coverage and advertisingpossible with the resources available.We think we’ve done a pretty fair job thusfar, but we have no intention of resting onthat.We will constantly strive to find new andbetter ways of doing things.I’ll plan to check back in another 10 years,just to see. Perhaps by then, your personalizednewspaper will be delivered via aninteractive, holographic image projectedfrom your VerySmartPhone.YOUR VIEWSThanks to Mrs. VickI hope this will read as a tribute to a wonderfuloman. Recently two of my friends, Joy Jones Litonand Louise Perkins White, and I went to Eagleountain Lake to visit Mrs. Mildred Vick. This formerecatur High School teacher was the wife of ourasketball coach, Harold Vick. I doubt that the Vicksould know how they affected the lives of the studentshey taught.We three girls, along with our departed friend, SanraSaling Stone, were the basketball girls of the classf Decatur High School 1959. We had four wonderfulears under the guidance of the Vicks. They taught usessons that would mold us into the women we beame.Mrs. Vick, a widow for many years, lives in the homelong the lake’s shore that she and her family cameo 50 years ago after leaving Decatur. One of the firsthings she proudly showed us was the view acrosshe lake where on a clear day she could see Decatur.eceiving and reading the <strong>Messenger</strong> is important toer as she still likes to keep up with the goings-on inise <strong>County</strong>.This year in November, she will be 95 years young,nd as they say, “she is still sharp as a tack.” Althoughhe is still able to live alone, she is never really alones her two daughters, Linda and Jane, and theiramilies are near. I think she always has something inhe kitchen for the grandchildren and great-grandchilren;she had even made cookies for us. Even thoughe three are in our 70s, we are still pleased Mrs. Vickalls us “her girls.”Decatur has been blessed to have a legacy of greateachers, and Mr. and Mrs. Vick are certainly amonghis group.Ann Dawson KakerBridgeportHoward has it wrongIn response to Mr. Jerry Howard’s letter to the editorAug. 14:Mr. Howard, I am not an expert on all the state dataused to evaluate the school district’s performance, butit is my understanding that most districts across <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> and the state did decline in the ratings, due tothe state raising the bar on what it takes to pass andending the Texas Projection Measure program. Thisyear, only 50 percent of districts in the state met AYP,whereas last year 78 percent did.I have never witnessed laziness by our school administration.I can only speak for myself, but seeingas how I have a little bit of an inside track because mywife happens to be one of those “lazy administrators,”my firsthand knowledge is that of extremely dedicated,hardworking, intelligent decision makers who havethe best interests of students in mind at every turn.As for our “Super” not manning up, I have never meta superintendent, or most any man for that matter, ashonorable, straightforward or with a bigger backbonethan the one we currently have. He exemplifies Christianbeliefs at every turn. I have spoken with him, andhe acknowledges that the success and challenges ofthe district ultimately fall to him. I truly believe hehas the best interest of every child in the decisionsthat he makes.When it comes to our school board, I also believethat these men have the best interests of all studentsin mind as they make difficult decisions for thedistrict. They have a very daunting job to do, and theywill never please everyone, but to insinuate they can’twalk and chew gum is demeaning. They give of theirtime and talents to tackle tough issues, and the onesContinued on page 5Here’s a sample of what some of our online readers arecommenting on this week.“True blue cowboy” published Thursday, Aug. 11I have known this man for close to 30 years and a finerperson you will not find.I used to run a boot repair shop in Springtown, andChester would stop by every morning just to say helloand drink a cup of coffee and visit. He always had a smileand a story to tell. At the time I had a 4-year-old son wholoved cowboys, and he would sit there in awe listening tohim. Whenever we passed him in town, Matt would hollerout, “Mom, there is Chester.”He is a true role model for younger generations of thenand today. I am proud to call him a friend.Theresa SouthwickChico“Stick to the truth” published Thursday, Aug. 11While there is no mention of free education in theU.S. Constitution, Article 7 (I think it is Article 7) of theTexas Constitution does say the state will provide freeeducation to its children. Scary to think of where we areheaded if we don’t educate our kids.D’Ann ElamJoshua“No raises in county budget” published Thursday,Aug. 11The price of everything has went up but no raises forthe workers. Sounds like a happy bunch of employees ...not.Chelsey SteeleAlvordONLINE VIEWS“Residents oppose beer sales near school property”published <strong>Sunday</strong>, Aug. 14Once again we see the sad double standards in play.For years, Alvord was forced to be dry, and those thatdidn’t like it were told it was the will of the majority!Now that the majority has voted Alvord wet, those thatlost can’t follow their own BS! I guess the majorityonly counts when it suits some self-proclaimed chosenone’s own agenda, right?Well, at least people can see who is honest and whois refusing to accept the will of the majority!Rusty WhiteBridgeport“Bishop will get pickup” published Thursday, Aug.18Let him walk.Jesse LowryNewarkThis man is such a joke to law enforcement. All hedoes is run up and down U.S. 380 East on traffic patroland make U-turns causing dangerous situations. Wehave state troopers to handle traffic patrol. I thoughthis job was to serve warrants.Nathan HornerAlvordRead more comments and add your own at the newWC<strong>Messenger</strong>.com.

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>5AYOUR VIEWSontinued from page 4I have personal relationships with are fine men with goodhearts.I realize much of the information you use is a matter ofpublic record, but I’m not sure where you are getting your“personnel” information since most of that information isconfidential. I do encourage you to request a meeting withthe superintendent, principals or other administratorsrather than spewing venomous opinions about what you“think” is happening.As we begin a new school year, I urge you to be an encouragerof people. It is easy to find the negative, but surelythrough your work in education you are aware of the researchthat shows that building people and education “up”is the right way to motivate success. I, for one, am proudof the people who make up our great school district. I hopeour community rallies around the teachers, administratorsand staff that do the most difficult job in existence! I willcontinue to lift up and pray for the people that touch ourchildren’s lives each and every day.Wade WatsonDecaturThanks for school suppliesI would like to thank all the generous people of <strong>Wise</strong>ounty who donated to the school supply drive so that chilrenwhose lives have been touched by domestic violenceould start school with a new backpack and necessary suplies.Community support is vital to our ability to provideervices.I want to give a special thank you to the two businesseshat served as drop-off points and had matching contribuions.Fifty-seven little faces will start school this weekith smiles because of you. Whether it was one notebook oreveral bags of supplies, thank you.Pat Slaytonon behalf of the staff and board of<strong>Wise</strong> Hope Shelter and Crisis CenterBridgeportUnsecure loads are unsafeLet’s secure our load!On the morning of Aug. 11, at 5:55 a.m. west of Chico, Ias proceeding east on Farm Road 1810 on my way to work.crested a hill and came upon the head for a V8 motor lyingn the middle of my lane with no time to avoid hitting it. Inly had time to utter one nasty word.From just looking one could not tell, but my car is totaled.y steering linkage was torn out upon impact, then myransmission crossmember and drive shaft. Upon furthernspection and other exterior findings, I knew my car beamea total loss.The motor head apparently fell or bounced out of someone’svehicle. Probably happened after the individual hitthe dip that is right over the crest of the road. I’m sure thatindividuals who drive 1810 know exactly where I’m talkingabout.Whatever the cause, my loss could have been avoided ifa load was secured. What if the vehicle that hit the motorhead had a higher center of gravity and/or was carryingchildren? A rollover? An injury? A death?Who would take care of my children if something hadhappened to me out of someone’s ignorance? Does anyoneeven care anymore?Food for thought.Harry HartChicoPickup is suitable for constableWhen I got my weekly <strong>Messenger</strong> and read where theconstable of Precinct 1 (where I live) did not want to drive apickup, I thought, “Are you kidding me?”I was taken back at such lack of consideration for my taxdollars and the constable’s idea that he needs to drive a$45,000 SUV with all the bells and whistles in order to dohis job.I am grateful that the <strong>Messenger</strong> enlightened those of uswho live in that precinct. And I am thrilled that the commissionerssaw through such waste and nonsense and didtheir job when it came to our tax dollars and how theyneeded to be spent.Guess what? A truck was approved, and a truck it shallbe! Thank you for doing your job!I would like to mention that come next March, there willbe a primary in regard to the constable position. We mightneed to give thought to all the drama that keeps happeningin that position and rethink who needs to be the nextPrecinct 1 constable. Keep your eyes and ears open betweennow and then!March will be here before you know it, and change mayjust be needed.Betty SmithDecaturAbout LettersThe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> welcomes letters to the editor.The deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday for publication the following<strong>Sunday</strong>. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday for publicationthe following Thursday.Letters are printed on a space-available basis on the editorialpage.All letters must be signed, and writers’ names will not bewithheld. Letters should include a return address and daytimephone number. Letters should not exceed 400 words.KAREN GARRETTI’D ENJOY HELPING YOU WITHYOUR NEW & USED-CAR NEEDS940-627-<strong>21</strong>77 jameswood.comBUICKCHEVYGMCHYUNDAIFirst Baptist Church of BoydNow Enrolling forMother’s DayOut Program6 months - 5 yearsFor more information callLaurie: 940-433-2607 ext. 204Bridal RegistryBrittany McKinnonBride Elect ofJerrod UnkartWedding: September 101650 FM 51 S, Suite 400 • Prada ShopsDecatur • 940-627-9188Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. • Sat., 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.(Major Credit Cards Accepted)Lilly ClabornBride Elect ofKyle KempShower: October 22Wedding: December 17READER’SWISE COUNTY MESSENGERCHOICE<strong>2011</strong> - 2012"Voted Best Placein <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> toBuy Wedding Gifts"WATER DISTRICT FORMNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATEThe __________________________________ <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Water Supply will hold a public hearing on a proposedtax rate for the tax year _______________ <strong>2011</strong> on ______________________________ 4 p.m., August 31, <strong>2011</strong> at__________________________________________________________________. Decatur City Hall, 201 East Walnut, Decatur, TXYourindividual taxes may increase or decrease, depending on the change in the taxable valueof your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and thetax rate that is adopted.FOR the proposal: _____________________________________________________________________J.E. Carson, Gary Cocanougher, Roy Eaton, Dwight Reeves and Sam Renshaw.AGAINST the proposal:_________________________________________________________________NonePRESENT and not voting:_______________________________________________________________NoneABSENT:____________________________________________________________________________None9:30pmThe following table compares taxes on an average residence homestead in this taxing unit last year totaxes proposed on the average residence homestead this year.Last YearThis YearTotal tax rate (per $100 of value) _________/$100 .1350 _________/$100 .1300AdoptedProposedDifference in rates per $100 of value$__________/$100 -.005Percentage increase/decrease in rates(+/-)__________% -3.70Average appraised value $____________ 112,455$____________ 112,809General exemptions available(excluding senior citizen’s or disabledperson’s exemptions) $____________ 0$____________ 0Average taxable value $____________ 112,455$____________ 112,809Tax on average residence homestead $____________ 151.81$____________ 146.65Annual increase/decrease in taxes ifproposed Tax tax rate is adopted (+/-)and percentage of increase (+/-)$____________ -5.16_____________% -3.40NOTICE OF TAXPAYERS’ RIGHT TO ROLLBACK ELECTIONIf taxes on the average residence homestead increase by more than eight percent, the qualified voters ofthe district by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether to reduce the operationand maintenance tax rate to the rollback tax rate under Section 49.236(d), Water Code.SUN8/<strong>21</strong>MON8/22TUES8/23WED8/24THUR8/25FRI8/26SAT8/27matt waynebarrett turner, mike ryanluke kaufmanbrian houser, colby yatesbrian burns, brian housertommy alversonSCOTTYTHURMANY & THE PERFECT TROUBLE BANDJOEY GREEN BANDGRANGER SMITHJustinMcbrideFreeCONCERTS& RODEOwith gate admissionsionArtists subject to change without notice.7:30pmNNightlypm Nightly

6A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>SUNSETDrought has grounded Fly Without WingsBy ERIKA PEDROZAThis summer’s dance withthe record temperaturesof 1980 has affected everyoutdoor activity — businessand recreational — in thearea.Fly Without Wings inSunset is not immune.The non-profit organizationthat provides horsetherapy for the physicallyand mentally handicappedand the emotionally abusedtemporarily closed its doorsthis month because of thesizzling temperatures.“Kids couldn’t take theheat,” founder and presidentJim Johnson said.“It’s 100 degrees by 10. Thetherapy wasn’t much therapywhen they were outthere in the heat like that.So we closed for a monthand intend to open back upby the first of September, ifit’s cool enough.”However, Johnson fearsthe facility may be shutdown permanently if theydon’t find a solution to anotherheat-related problem.“We need hay — roundbales, horse quality — ormoney for feed,” he said. “Weneed to feed our animals.We had a pasture donatedto us so we could take thehorses out to graze aboutthree days a week. But thatpasture is all dried up. Wehave absolutely no grassthere.”Consequently, the organizationseeks the generosityof donors to help feed theanimals used in therapy.“We just want to takecare of our horses,” Johnsonsaid. “That’s all we ask for,because without the horses,there is no program. If wecan’t feed the horses, we’llhave to shut down.”Mary Otto of Decatur isorganizing an effort to helpprovide some relief.The eight-month <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> resident is collaboratingwith people of herAmish community in centralIllinois to bring a truckloadof hay by Tuesday.“A neighbor had asked meto bring in a load for (us to)use (to feed our animals),and I saw that (Fly WithoutWings) needed hay. So Istarted putting the wheelsinto action,” she said. “Ifpeople wanted to donatehay off this load, I’m hopingit’s not more than $8 a bale.They’re going for about $10at local feed stores.“(Johnson) is doing agood thing not only for thedisabled, but also for thecommunity as a whole,” shesaid. “I hope people step upto help the organizationout.”Those interested can callOtto at (<strong>21</strong>7) 5<strong>08</strong>-6837 oremail cabincove@hotmail.com.To donate to Fly WithoutWings directly, visit www.fly-withoutwings.org or call(940) 393-1161 or (940) 427-2404.Email Erika at epedroza@wcmessenger.com.WISE COUNTY<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Brian KnoxCARD OF THANKS — First Baptist Church of Decatur MinisterKen May reads a thank you card from a family served by theDecatur Cares program at Tuesday’s wrap-up dinner.Caring for the kids ...Photo Courtesy of AppleContinued from page 2Aa week for 11 weeks,” saidAnna Nicholas, one of theprogram’s organizers. Themeals were distributed atthe Decatur school district’ssupport services building,next to Nicholas’ daycarefacility.While the money shouldeasily allow the program tocontinue in its current formnext summer, manyof the program’s organizersare lookingto build upon itssuccess.“Obviously, wewant to do thisagain next year, but thereare other things in other areasthat we can get into andcertainly share the bountythat we have,” Mayor JoeLambert told the group oforganizers and volunteersTuesday. “ ... We need to setout some goals and priorities.There is a lot of work tobe done, and you can makethis as big as you want tomake it. It’s a challenge,but one thing I’ve learnedabout <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> is it’s avery generous bunch of peoplewho live here. You justmention something abouthelping a child, and peoplestart jumping on, and awayit goes.”Looking forward, Lambertmentioned the need toestablish a non-profit statusfor the program and designateofficers or a board ofdirectors. He said he hopedthe group could meet againthis week to begin planningfor the future.First Baptist ChurchMinister Ken May, who alsohelped organize DecaturCares, suggested trying tomake the program more ofa year-round opportunity inthe future.“Hopefully part of that visionis not just a summerprogram, but every weekendthat kids don’t have somethingto eat, we could be apart of that,” he suggested.Nicholas said there are alot of directions the programcan go in the future.“There are an unlimitedamount of things that couldbe done. I wouldn’t mind doinga hot meal,” she said.The final set ofmeals for the <strong>2011</strong>Decatur Cares summerfood programwas distributedTuesday, and theprogram’s participantswere given an evaluationform. The results seemto confirm the program’s success.When asked how helpfulthe donated food was inmeal planning, respondentsgave it an average of 4.9 ona 1 to 5 scale, with 5 beingthe most positive response.The location was given a4.8, and the pick-up timewas also given a 4.8.But perhaps the most tellingsign of success were thecomments offered by thosewho had been helped.“Thank you very much.There are some weeks withoutthis food we would bewithout,” said one participant.“There are not words toexpress what you have donefor us. Thank you just seemsso little for all you havedone,” said another familyin a letter read by Mayat Tuesday night’s wrap-upmeeting.More information aboutthe program can be foundonline at DecaturCares.com.To read more from ourFeeding <strong>Wise</strong> series, visitFeeding<strong>Wise</strong>.com online.Between June 1 and August 31, <strong>2011</strong>,every time you swipe or swipe and sign using yourFirst Financial Bank VISA® Debit Card, your name isentered into our iSwipe, iSign, iWin giveaway!The more you use your Visa® Debit Card, the betteryour chances of winning. One iPad2 will beawarded each month during the contest, so startswipin’ and signin’ for your chance to say iWin!If you don’t have a First Financial Bank Visa® DebitCard, get in the game! Call or come by our customerservice department and say “iWantOne” today!Apple is not a participant in or a sponsor of this promotion. Certain restrictions may apply. Limited time offer.Go to www.ffin.com for contest rules, alternative entry methods and more information.

8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>Added property to increase revenueBy ERIKA PEDROZABridgeport council memberscame a step closer infinalizing a financial planfor the 2012 fiscal year byapproving a budget and proposinga tax rate to fund itat their meeting Tuesday.Council members votedunanimously to move forwardwith a $17,132,502budget to be funded by aproposed tax rate of 58.75cents per $100 valuation,the city’s same rate since2005.This budget will collect<strong>21</strong>.07 percent more propertytaxes than last year.“We are not increasing thetax rate,” said Amy Standard,director of financialservices. “It is an increasein revenue from propertiesadded to the tax roll.”By DAVE ROGERSChico’s School Board voted4-1 to freeze employees’salaries at <strong>2011</strong> levels, thenunanimously approved a2012 budget of $8.8 millionat Thursday night’s meeting.Although this year’s generalfund portion of thebudget is nearly $1.8 millionless than in <strong>2011</strong>, SuperintendentMike Jonescited uncertainty aboutstill-to-be-determined enrollmentnumbers and state“recapture” surcharges inrecommending the districtnot approve new money foremployees.Jones said a paperworkbackup at the Texas EducationAgency caused by layoffsat the agency resultingfrom the Legislature’s $10billion education cuts haddelayed the TEA’s approvalof Chico’s proposed tax rateof $1.27858 per $100 valuation.That in turn caused himto recommend that trusteeshold off on approving therate.Chico’s 2012 general fundbudget is $7,319,995, nearly20 percent lower than the$9,132,306 general fundbudget for <strong>2011</strong>.The new budget reflectsa $243,000 (7 percent) reductionin instructional expenses,with the differencereflecting mostly payrollsavings from eliminatingsome jobs in the spring andsummer. Reductions from$78,175 to $<strong>21</strong>,623 in healthFREE ALZHEIMER’S WORKSHOPMEMORY LOSS:WHAT’S NORMAL AND WHAT’S NOTAN INFORMATIVE WORKSHOP FOR THE COMMUNITYWednesday, August 24, <strong>2011</strong>10:00 A.M.-11:30 A.MPublic hearings on thetax rate are 7 p.m. Tuesdays,Aug. 23 and Sept. 6,at City Hall.The board alsoapproved a pair ofitems regarding anEconomic DevelopmentCorp. project,the Aurora Terradevelopment, includingan agreementto transferretail water utilityservice between theWest <strong>Wise</strong> SpecialUtility District andthe city of Bridgeport andan infrastructure cost-sharingagreement between theEDC and the development.But before acting on theitems, Mayor Keith McComis,council members andEDC Executive DirectorWilliam Myers debated theDecatur Civic Center2010 West US 380 Decatur, TX 76234Determine when memory loss is a• Determine when memory loss is a warning signwarning sign of Alzheimer’s disease.of Alzheimer’s disease.Recognize the different signs of• Recognize the different signs of Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’s disease.disease.•UnderstandUnderstandthethenecessarynecessarystepsstepstoto getting agetting a diagnosis.diagnosis.•LearnLearnaboutaboutresourcesresourcesthatthatcancan improve qualityimprove quality of life.of life.services and from $127,811to $76,506 in guidance andcounseling also result inpart from job cuts.The biggest decrease inbudget figures from last yearto this is that last year’s generalfund budget included$2.024 million for constructionand renovations, withonly about $64,000 budgetedin the same column thisyear.The only major increasesfrom last year’s budget to thenew one come from $250,000allocated to purchase schoolbuses and nearly $1.5 millionexpected to be the “recapture”(or “Robin Hood”)money the district mustpay the state because it hasbeen deemed a property-richdistrict.A year ago, the districtpaid out $890,028 in recapturemoney. This year’s estimatedpayout is $1,496,691.Five new propane-fueledschool buses were orderedearlier this year, at roughly$100,000 each, thanks toa matching grant from theNorth Central Texas Councilon Governments that willpick up half the cost.Jones reviewed the budgetand tax numbers withtrustees in required publichearings at the start ofThursday’s meeting. No parentsor other citizens werepresent with the exceptionof the superintendent anddistrict business manager,five board members, twocampus principals and onereporter.Trustees J.D. Coffman andBRIDGEPORTcity’s role in EDC projects.“I’m not saying the cityshouldn’t help; they should,”McComis said. “Somewherewe have to drawthe line on whatthe city does forthis other stuffand what the citydoes taking care ofwhat’s inside thecity.”The council alsoapproved: a three-yearMCCOMISCHICOagreement allowing<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Pee Wee Football Associationuse of the LawdwinBall Fields free of charge; the distribution of alcoholat the Edge FitnessCaveman Xtreme Saturday,Sept. 10, at the NorthwestOHV Park; a $5,000 hotel occupancydisbursement for thatevent; a two-year interlocalagreement with the NorthCentral Texas Council ofGovernments for 911 communicationsystem service,equipment, addressing andmaintenance; renewal of a $1,149.75maintenance contract withSyn-Tech Systems Inc. forthe FuelMaster AviationFuel Management systemat the city airport; and appointing Pat Slaytonto the Bridgeport HousingAuthority Board of Directorsto replace BobbyBrazier who stepped downafter being elected to thecouncil in May.Email Erika at epedroza@wcmessenger.com.Budget will include ‘salary freeze’Paul Cantrell were absent.Jones said the new budgetshows a $<strong>21</strong>4,000 surplus,and it was tempting tospend that on pay raises foremployees. But the superintendentsaid that with uncertaintyremaining on exactlyhow new state fundingformulas will affect the district,his inclination was towait until after Christmaswhen those numbers aresettled, and consider thena lump-sum bonus to helpemployees with increasedpersonal expenses, such as a9 percent rise in health insurance.“I’m proud of our employeesand think they deservea raise,” Jones said, but “Idon’t want to give a false impressionor hope to people,”by guaranteeing a one-timebonus in the spring.When it was time to voteon a resolution to approvea freeze in the 2012 salaryschedule, trustee G.A. Bucknerobjected.“I think we need to put inthere that we will look at it(a bonus) in February,” hesaid.Trustee Noel Ruddickagreed. Kind of.“I think we should look atit,” he said, “but I don’t thinkwe need to put it in the resolution.”No change was made tothe resolution’s originalwording, and Buckner votedagainst it.In other business Thursday,the school board: Voted 5-0 not to let theresults of the state’s End ofCourse exams affect classranking or course credit.This comes after the Legislaturepassed a law thissummer mandating thatEnd of Course exams count15 percent of final coursegrades.Normally, final coursegrades determine whether astudent gets credit for passingor failing a course andfigure into the grade-pointaverage used to determineclass ranking.But Jones told trusteesthat the Texas Associationof School Boards had instructedmembers they hadthe option to not let coursecredit or class ranking decisionsbe affected by EOCexam results, and the Chicotrustees chose it.“The new EOC is requiredto count 15 percentof the final course grades,”Jones said. “But final coursegrades were not defined bythe Legislature.” Discussed the possibilityof recording board meetings(audio and/or video)and asked Jones to gatherinformation regarding costsand recommendations; Approved the 2012 StudentCode of Conduct; and Accepted a $17,500 bidto Craig Moss Backhoe Serviceto build a 6-foot fencebetween Tabor Lane eastof the football field to FarmRoad 2982 on the west sideof the district’s three campuses.Email Dave at drogers@wcmessenger.com.THE NEWGAINESVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION, LLCCattle : Friday Hogs - Sheep - Goats : TuesdayCOME JOIN US!The New Gainesville Livestock would like toThank You for Your Business! Everyone isinvited to our Customer Appreciation Dinnerto discuss and inform you on the New StateLaws pertaining to bleeding cows. Comeenjoy some good home cooking! Feel freeto bring your spouse and kids. There will beplenty to go around! We look forward to seeingeveryone and doing business with you.We appreciate our customers.Thank you, RedboneSATURDAY, AUGUST 27 • 7:30 P.M.1920 Refinery Rd. Gainesville, Texas940-665-4367SubmitYOURlocal news...www.wcmessenger.com/submitRANDYWILLIAMSBUICK • CHEVY •CADILLACGMC •HYUNDAI•PRE-OWNED940-627-<strong>21</strong>77Let RANDY SAVE YOU MONEY onYour Next NEW or PRE-OWNED Vehicle!We Have Moved!Rebecca Bradford, O.D.Now Located1451 West Business 380Building 4 (before 2K Pawn Shop)Decatur940-627-7929BRIDGEPORTIRON & METALWE PAYTOP PRICESFOR ALL METALSState Certified ScalesAccurate WeightsMONDAY - FRIDAY8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.SATURDAY8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.3261 S. HWY 101 • BRIDGEPORT • 940-683-2005FINANCIAL FOCUSBrush Up on Your Investment EducationYou don’t need to have youngchildren to be keenly aware thatwe’ve reached that “back-toschool”time of year. Whether you’reshopping for school supplies or not,you may want to take a cue fromthis season to think about gettinga little more education yourself—specifically, investment education.Many people find the language ofinvesting to be confusing, but with alittle effort, you can learnimportant concepts and principles.And the more you know aboutinvesting, the better off you’ll bebecause, in the investment world asin other areas of life, knowledge ispower.So take just a few minutes toread more on these basic investmentconcepts:• Growth — You purchase sometypes of investments with the hopethat their value will rise over time.Of course, over the short term, theprices of growth-oriented investmentscan and will fluctuate, sometimessubstantially, and the preservation ofyour principal is not guaranteed.• Income — When you invest inincome-oriented or fixed-incomevehicles, you receive incomein the form of interest payments.The market value of fixed-incomeinvestments can also fluctuate, but ifyou hold them until maturity, youcan generally expect to receive theoriginal principal value.• Investment risk — When mostpeople talk about investment risk,they are usually referring to thepossibility of losing money — andthat is indeed an ever-present risk.But all investments carry sometype of risk. When you invest inCall or visit your local financial advisor today.1822 Hwy 51 SouthDecatur, TX 76234940-627-1620fixed-income investments, forexample, you may incur interestrate risk — the risk that the value ofyour investment will drop if interestrates rise. Or you may encounterpurchasing power risk — the risk thatyour rate of return may not keep upwith inflation.• Risk tolerance — Generallyspeaking, your risk tolerance refersto what type of investor you are. Ifyou’re an aggressive investor, youmay be willing to accept greaterrisk in exchange for potentiallyhigher returns, whereas if you’re aconservative investor, you’ll takelower returns if you can receivegreater preservation of principal.• Time horizon — Your investmentstrategy will be partially based onyour time horizon — the number ofyears in which you plan to invest.Your time horizon will likely stretchinto your retirement years.• Diversification — Diversificationis an important factor in investmentsuccess. By spreading yourinvestment dollars among an arrayof investment vehicles, you can helpreduce the impact of volatilityon your portfolio, althoughdiversification, by itself, can’tguarantee a profit or protect againstloss.While far from exhaustive, thislist of investment terms can help yougain a clearer understanding of the“nuts and bolts” of investing — andperhaps encourage you to furtheryour investment “education.”This article was written by EdwardJones for use by your local EdwardJones Financial Advisor.

12A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>2010 Annual Drinking WaterQuality Report(Consumer Confidence Report)City of Alvord940-427-5916WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTMaximum Contaminant Level Goal or: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health.MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.Maximum Contaminant Level or MCL: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGsas feasible using the best available treatment technology.Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal or MRDLG: The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected riskto health. MRDLGs do not refl ect the benefi ts of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level: The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of adisinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.mrem: Millirems per year (a measure of radiation absorbed by the body)ppb: Micrograms per liter or parts per billion - or one ounce in 7,350,000 gallons of water.na: Not applicable.Avg: Regulatory compliance with some MCLs are based on running annual average of monthly samples.ppm: Milligrams per liter or parts per million - or one ounce in 7,350 gallons of water.Coliform Bacteria2010 REGULATED CONTAMINANTS DETECTEDSPECIAL NOTICERequired Language for ALLCommunity Public Water SystemRegulated ContaminantsINFORMATION ONSOURCE OF WATERVIOLATIONS TABLEINFORMATION ABOUTSECONDARY CONTAMINANTSMany constituents (such as calcium, sodium, or iron) which are oftenfound in drinking water, can cause taste, color, and odor problems.The taste and odor constituents are called secondary constituents andare regulated by the State of Texas, not the EPA. These constituentsare not causes for health concern. Therefore, secondaries are notrequired to be reported in this document but they may greatly affectthe appearance and taste of your water.

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>13ADECATURSubscribeOnline.www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeHigher PurposeDance StudioGlorifying God with the TalentsHe has ProvidedClasses begin September 20Ages 3 years - 12th gradeDecatur Visitors Center106 S. Trinity • Decatur<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Brian KnoxContact Ashley Little940-393-3269higherpurposedance.comhigherpurposedance@gmail.comHONORING HOLLIS — The Dairy Queen in Decatur closed Wednesday in honor of Hollis Jones, who died Aug. 13. Jones andhis family own several restaurants, including the DQ.‘King of Dairy Queens’ made huge impact ...Continued from page 3Awe moved from that houseabout 14 years ago.”Fittingly, Jones donatedthe lights to the city of Decaturwhen he was throughwith them. The city hungthe lights around the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> Courthouse anddowntown. Many of thelights are still in annualuse.Animals were another ofJones’ myriad interests, andhe put together a large exoticanimal park on his propertyon Country Club Drive.“When we lived acrossfrom the country club, wehad a wildlife park overthere,” Sue Jones recalls.“He had about 50 differentkinds of wild species, allkinds of camels and elk andllamas, kangaroos. He had agiraffe.“You could drive up andride down the fence row andsee them all.”Jones dropped out of highschool at 17 to join the Marines.He returned to Oklahomatwo years later andfinished high school, thenenrolled at age 20 at theUniversity of Oklahoma.He dropped out after twoyears.“Hollis was notorious forsaying, ‘a college degree isgreat, but there are somethings that just can’t betaught,’” Miller said. “I reallythink that was just anice way of him saying thathe was smarter than theprofessors.”Jones worked a series ofodd jobs at first (policeman,oil field, salesman) beforejoining Allied Finance inthe early 1950s, Miller said.He worked nearly 20 yearsThere are very few folks in thecity of Decatur which have donemore for the city and gave moveof their time and tried to makeDecatur a better place.with the company and roseto become vice presidentover numerous branches inthe Southwest.Then he took a leap offaith into the restaurantbusiness.“He figured out if there wasa way for him to be able to dowhat he wanted to do, to givehis family more than whathe was given, he needed togo out on a limb,” Harveysaid. “He knew if he wantedto succeed on his terms, heneeded to work for himself.”Jones built and openedDecatur’s first Dairy Queenalongside U.S. 81/287 in1969.“Hollis recalled that thefirst winter was tough,” Millersaid. “He micro-managedeverything. Daily countingthe cups, plates and foodused, he knew where he wasfinancially at any particularmoment.“Gradually, business grew,and he soon had the No. 1Dairy Queen in the entirecountry. His business modelwas set. Over the next 10 orso years, he built 52 moreDairy Queens throughoutTexas. He was the King ofDairy Queens.”Chad HarveyJones’ strategy soundedsimple.“He’d always tell us if you’llrun things right, treat yourcustomers and employeesright, out of default, you’llmake money,” Harvey said.“He was able to make moremoney than most people,because he knew what to doand when to do it.“We always joked that everythinghe touched turnedto gold. But Hollis had a realknack for thinking thingsthrough before he openedhis mouth. He analyzed everythingand had the abilityto say if it would work orwouldn’t work, and he wasright nine times out of 10, ormore than that.“I don’t know of anythinghe put in that was a failure,business-wise,” his son-inlawsaid.Jones sold most of hisDairy Queens, except forones in Decatur and Bridgeport,which are still run byfamily. Along with Miller andHarvey, he developed real estate,both commercial (HollyCenter in Decatur, 380 Centerin Bridgeport among others)and residential.He and Miller spent manyhours driving together “lookingfor property.”Jones and his wife traveledextensively in recentyears, taking around-theworldcruises and spendingweeks at a time touring theUnited States and Canadain a motor coach. They hadvacation homes in Californiaand Colorado.“He had a really good life,”Sue Jones said. “When hewasn’t working, he loved totravel.”But Jones never stoppedworking.“He was business 24/7,” hiswidow said. “He said he wasgoing to work until the dayhe died. And he did.”Email Dave at drogers@wcmessenger.com.Reds Take-5Joanne Pham, MDBoard Certified in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck SurgeryMedical & Surgical Treatment for Disorders of the Ear, Nose & ThroatAllergy Testing & TreatmentJudy A. DeMorest, AuD CCC-ABoard Certified in AudiologyTeen Night ClubIs having a back-to-school dancefor TEENS only!Ages: 13 to 17<strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>6 p.m. - 10 p.m.$10 AdmissionLive K&A DJ(Kenny Salazar)Hip Hop, Tecno &CumbiaConcession AvailableWill be Adult SupervisedCome Party Party Party!940-683-4002Hearing Aid Dispensing & Servicing• Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation for All ages• Custom Comprehensive Earmolds Hearing for musicians, Evaluation Hunters, for Pediatrics Swimmers & Adults and more• Hearing Aid Evaluations Custom Earmold Fitting(940) 627-79971600 W. US Business 380, Suite A Decatur TX, 76234101 Industrial, BridgeportENT and Allergy Clinic, PALAKE BRIDGEPORTChild killed in accident ...Continued from page 1Athan a lot of people. A lot ofpeople stick guns betweenmattresses or just wrappedup in something in the backof a closet.”“It could happen to anybody,”Walker echoed.As a fire chief, Garrett isused to showing up at thescenes of accidents, firesand medical emergenciesto help others. This time hewas the one in need.“In <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, this isa personal thing,” Walkersaid. “(Garrett) knew theemergency responders thatshowed up as his house.That helps. The family willhave a much needed supportsystem to help them.”Grayson would have beena seventh grader at BridgeportMiddle School.“I got the privilege toget to know Grayson lastspring when I took over asprincipal here,” said middleschool principal TravisWhisenant. “His family isvery involved in the community.He was a terrificyoung man, and this is adevastating loss to all ofus.”Whisenant said there willbe additional counselors onhand when students startthe school year Thursday.“This is going to be atough time for the familyand for all the schoolkids that were friends withGrayson,” Walker said.A scholarship fund hasbeen established in memoryof Grayson. Donations canbe made at The CommunityBank in Bridgeport.Email Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.

14A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>AREA DEATHS AND FUNERALSLawrence Linzley Bowling1916-<strong>2011</strong>Funeral for Lawrenceinzley Bowling, 95, ofecatur is 2 p.m. <strong>Sunday</strong>,Aug. <strong>21</strong>, at CountrysideBaptist Church near Decaturwith Jeff Tackett officiating.Burial will followat New Fairview Cemetery.Visitation was to be 5 to 7p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, atCoker-Hawkins FuneralHome.Bowling died Wednesday,Aug. 17, <strong>2011</strong>, in Decatur.Born March 25, 1916,in Little Elm, he marriedIsabelle Annie Teague inOctober 1935 in Decatur.Bowling was a rancherand retired from LockheedMartin after working 39years. He was a lifetimemember of the Decatur MasonicLodge and a memberof the Countryside BaptistChurch.Bowling was preceded indeath by his wife in March2000.He is survived by daughterBeverly Contakos; sonsLAWRENCE BOWLINGGary Bowling, Robby Bowlingand Rickey Bowling;five grandchildren; and fivegreat-grandchildren.Pallbearers are ScottBowling, Tony Jackson,Chris Contakos Jr., BarryBowling, Dodd Bowlingand Tom Talley.Honorary pallbearers areElton McCurdy, Bob Hugginsand Eric Staton.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>Grayson Conner Garrett1999-<strong>2011</strong>Funeral for Grayson ConerGarrett, 12, of Bridgeortwas to be 10:30 a.m.aturday, Aug. 20, at Graceellowship Church in Pardisewith the Rev. Rickooper and Mark Moorefficiating. Burial was toollow at West Bridgeportemetery.Garrett died Wednesday,Aug. 17, <strong>2011</strong>, in Bridgeport.Born April 7, 1999, in Decaturto William and Robin(Kelton) Garrett, he was astudent at Bridgeport MiddleSchool. He was a memberof Bridgeport FFA andplayed football.He is survived by hisparents; brother J.D. Garrettof Bridgeport; grandparentsButch and JanetGarrett of Bridgeport andRandy and Corinne Keltonof Boyd; great-grandmothersInez Kelton of Tennesseeand Frances Force ofBridgeport; and aunts, uncles,cousins and extendedfamily.Pallbearers were to beJason and Cotton Paradise,Alvin and Aaron Peyton,GRAYSON GARRETTDoug and Dalton Hudson,Scotty Ford and Mo Coffman,Tommy and JohnFreeman, Kenny, Quintonand Brady Hudson and Bill,Mason and Caleb Cline.Honorary pallbearerswere to be Klayton Canovaand <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> firefighters,law enforcement officersand emergency medicalservices personnel.Memorials may be madeto a scholarship fund atThe Community Bank inBridgeport.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>Graveside service for RayTindol, 85, of Decatur wasto be 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug.20, at Oaklawn Cemeterywith the Rev. Ken May officiating.Tindol died Thursday, Aug.18, <strong>2011</strong>, in Decatur.Born Sept. 19, 1925, inCady to Daniel and AnnieMae (Ray) Tindol, he was aretired teacher and rancher.He earned his bachelor’s andmaster’s degrees from HowardPayne University, andmarried Eva Ray HawkinsJune 17, 1972, in Decatur.Tindol served in the U.S.Navy during World War II.Upon his return from theservice, he began his teachingcareer. He taught mathand science at Three Rivers,Pleasanton, Beeville, Calallen,Mathis, Tilden and Decatur.He was a longtimemember of First BaptistMemorial service for BillHarden, 70, of Rhome was tobe 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20,at the First Baptist Churchof Alvord. The Rev. BillCleveland was to officiate.Harden died Monday, Aug.15, <strong>2011</strong>, in Decatur.Born Aug. 18, 1940, in ElkCity, Okla., to John Williamand Willie (Penn) Harden,he was a retired pipelineconstruction supervisor andserved in the U.S. Army.Harden was deacon at theFirst Baptist Church of Alvordand volunteered at TheHills Nursing and Rehabilitationin Decatur.He is survived by daughtersLisa Gayle Rivera andhusband, Joe, of Denton,and Kimmie Schneider andhusband, Dale, of Giddings;sons William Harden Jr. andwife, Melanie, of Corinthand Jerry Allen Harden andFuneral for Royce “Dean”Holt, 66, of Boyd was to be2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, atChristian-Hawkins FuneralHome in Boyd with burial tofollow at Boyd Cemetery. RobertDodson was to officiate.Holt died Wednesday, Aug.17, <strong>2011</strong>, in Denton.Born Nov. 5, 1944, in FortWorth, to James and Pansy(Taylor) Holt, he was a retiredretail manager and a memberof the Church of Christ.He camped, fished and spenttime with his family, especiallyhis grandson.Holt is survived by daughterDonna Jean Hodgkinsand husband, Glen, of Boyd;Ray Tindol1925-<strong>2011</strong>Bill Harden1940-<strong>2011</strong>Royce ‘Dean’ Holt1944-<strong>2011</strong>RAY TINDOLChurch of Decatur.Tindol was preceded indeath by brother NevilleTindol and sister MyrnaParadis.He is survived by his wife;daughter Sandy Tindol ofDecatur; and brother DanTindol of Brownwood.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>BILL HARDENwife, Tess, of Denton; eightgrandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren;brother GaleHarden and wife, Phyllis, ofPampa; and a nephew.Memorials may be madeto The Hills Nursing and Rehabilitation,201 E. Thompson,Decatur, TX 76234.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>ROYCE ‘DEAN’ HOLTgrandson Jered Paul Hodgkinsof Boyd; and other relativesand friends.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>Thomas Marshall Rawle1920-<strong>2011</strong>Funeral for Thomas MarshallRawle, 91, of Chicowas Aug. 14 at CornerstoneBaptist Church. Larry Cornelland the Rev. Ray Cobbofficiated. Burial followedat Preskitt Cemetery.Rawle died Thursday,Aug. 11, <strong>2011</strong>, in Decatur.Born June 30, 1920,in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> to JohnThomas and Clyde (Wallace)Rawle, he marriedNeoma Marie Little Nov.15, 1939, in Bridgeport. Hewas a farmer and a memberof Cornerstone BaptistChurch.Rawle was preceded indeath by his sister, HazelCobb, and brother, W.D.Rawle.He is survived by hiswife; son Nolan Rawle ofChico; daughter Kay Milliganand husband, Leslie,of Azle; granddaughtersSuzanne Stewart and husband,Woody, of Azle, SonyaMcClanahan and husband,We honor most all funeral plansoffered by any funeral home.1401 Halsell • Bridgeport940-683-1704Rick’s Metal Recycling3280 S Hwy 101 • Bridgeport, TX940-683-3770TOP PRICE ACCURATE WEIGHTON ALL METALS• #1 Short Iron $230/ Ton• #2 Short Iron $220/Ton• Long Iron $200/Ton• Tin $200/TonTHOMAS RAWLEMark, of Haslet and LisaLittle of Chico; and greatgrandchildrenAaron Stewart,Chris Moore, Breannaand Hunter McClanahanand Ashley and Trey Little.Pallbearers were MarkMcClanahan, ChristopherMoore, Aaron Stewart,Trey Little, D.J. Lusty, TomRawle and Justin Romine.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>• Car Bodies w/title $200/Ton• Aluminum Cans 70¢/lb• #1 Copper $3.20/lb• #2 Copper $3.00/lbMon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

SPORTSSUNDAY, AUGUST <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>SECTION BVOLLEYBALL<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Joe DutyUNDER THE BRIGHT LIGHTS — Shelbi Fry hits the ball as a photographer’s flash pops in the background Tuesday in the Sissies’ first game in the Bridgeport SpecialEvents Center. Bridgeport beat Boyd in three games.Gem in new gymSissies open new building with sweepSTANDING TALL — Bridgeport’s Madyson Hancock hitsthe ball back over the net during the Sissies’ win overBoyd.By RICHARD GREENEOn the opening night for theBridgeport Sissies’ new gym,Madyson Hancock and MariahClayton built their own wall atthe net.The duo combined for 18 killsand six blocks for kills in theSissies’ three-game sweep of theBoyd Lady Yellowjackets in thefirst game at the Bridgeport HighSchool Special Events Center.Bridgeport won 25-17, 25-15,25-11.“It’s exciting,” said Hancockabout opening the new gym witha victory. “I was little nervous.This is the most fans we’ve hadall season.”Bridgeport coach Lynn Larsonadded: “It’s a nice way to openthe new gym. The girls playedvery relaxed.”Even more important thanopening the new building on theright foot, the Sissies improvedto 8-1 to start the season. It wasthe team’s seventh straight victory.“We’ve started the season well,”Hancock said. “Our team hasbeen together for a while, and weknow what to expect from eachother.”Larson expected the Sissies toface some challenging competitionover the weekend at theFort Worth Brewer Tournament,starting with Peaster.“We’ll have some tough matches,but we need that type of measuringstick,” Larson said. “Weneed to start speeding up the offenseand need to work in moreplays.”Boyd dropped to 2-7 with theloss. Coach Misty Shepard saidher squad continues to improve.“Everyone is learning to playtogether, and we’re getting there,”Shepard said. “We still have a lotof things to work on. But we’restarting better than in the past.”Bridgeport grabbed a 15-7 leadin the opening game on a kill byShelbi Fry. She put down fivekills in the match.Bridgeport built the lead to 22-13 on an ace from Taylor Hensonfollowed by a Hancock kill. Hancockput down 11 kills.The Sissies closed the game ona Boyd service error.In game two, Boyd led early, 7-4, after a Marley McCune blockfor a kill and two Bridgeport hittingerrors. The Sissies quicklyturned the game around on twoblocks for kills by Mariah Claytonwithin a three-point span.Clayton finished with four blocksfor kills to go along with sevenkills on hits.Continued on page 8BKnights sneak by Panthersy RICHARD GREENEThe Lindsay Knights scoredn a quarterback sneak fromwo yards out with two secondseft to edge the Paradise Panhers14-7 in the live quarter ofhursday’s scrimmage.Lindsay also found the endone twice in the controlledFOOTBALLscrimmage, while Paradisescored once in the final tuneupbefore the season opener Aug.26 at Venus.Paradise coach Danny Neighborssaid he saw several positivesand things the Pantherswill need to improve on beforeheading to Venus.“I thought the effort wasgood and that we played hard,”Neighbors said. “I liked theway the offense played. Defensively,we can’t give up the bigplay like we did.”Lindsay connected on a 70-yard touchdown pass on itsfirst offensive play of the live,8-minute quarter to take a 7-0Continued on page 8BCATCHING ON— Paradisereceiver KylerChristianhauls in apass duringthe Panthers’scrimmagewith LindsayThursday.<strong>Messenger</strong> photo byJoe DutyTAKING ON THE BESTThe Northwest Texans will have a stiffearly-season test Sept. 2 when they headto Allen to play the Eagles.The Eagles begin the season ranked No.1 in the Associated Press’ Class 5A statepoll. Allen is also ranked No. 1 by TexasFootball and The Old Coach Friday NightFootball magazines.RUNNING FOR A SPOTThe Decatur girls and boys cross country teamswere to run their final time trials Saturday before theopening meet Aug. 27.Decatur coach David Park will use the time trialto pick teams for the Birdville 6-mile relay at Tarrant<strong>County</strong> Community College’s Northeast Campus.He expected 10 to 11 runners for each team to bein competition for the varsity teams.COMING THURSDAYThe <strong>Messenger</strong>’s <strong>2011</strong>Fall Sports Preview will beavailable starting Thursday.The 56-page sectionfeatures previews of thecounty’s seven footballteams along with photos ofother fall teams.

®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE EQUAL HOUSING®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE2B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>MESSENGER CLASSIFIEDSReal Estate for Sale Rentals Employment Services Farm and Ranch• Real Estate for Sale• Acreage• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplexes• Homes• Lots• Mobile Homes• Wanted to Buy• Apartments• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplex Housing• Homes• Mobile Homes• Rooms• Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots• For Lease• Wanted to Rent• Wanted to Lease• Facilities• Storage Buildings• Business Opportunity• EmploymentInformation• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service• Medical/Dental• Miscellaneous• Offi ce• Retail/Sales• Trades• Work Wanted• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringPets Merchandise for Sale Transportation Announcements Notices• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• Auctions• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to Buy• Card of Thanks• Let’s Swap• Lost & Found• Personal• Wanted• Farm Equipment • Livestock Stud Service• Fencing• Livestock Supplies• Lawn & Garden • Miscellaneous• Livestock• Mowing• Livestock Care/ • Pasture & FeedTraining • Poultry• Livestock Lost & FoundALL CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR ONLINE AT WWW.WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASS• Legal Notices• Public NoticesREAL ESTATE FOR SALECALL 940-627-5987 & GET RESULTS!Business HoursMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Deadlines:Classified Line AdsThursday Edition: 10 a.m. on Tuesday<strong>Sunday</strong> Edition: 10 a.m. on FridayClassifi ed Gold: 10 a.m. on FridayReal Estate AdsThursday Edition: 3 p.m. on Thursdaythe week before<strong>Sunday</strong> Edition: 3 p.m. on TuesdayClassified Display AdsThursday Edition: Noon on Friday<strong>Sunday</strong> Edition: Noon on WednesdaySpecial Offers:5-week Service Special: Place an ad of 20words or less for 4 weeks in the BusinessServices classifi cation of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong> for $58. Receive a bold headingand the 5th week FREE! Also, run the samead in Classifi ed Gold and the total is $90(20 words or less).4-week For Sale Special: Place an adof 20 words or less for 2 weeks in anyFor Sale classifi cation of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong> for $29. Receive a bold headingand extra 2 weeks FREE! Also run the samead in Classifi ed Gold and the total is $45(20 words or less).Classified Advertising Policy:Classifi ed ads for the <strong>Sunday</strong>/Thursday editionare $14 per week for 20 words or less(each additional word is 70¢). To also runthe same ad in Classifi ed Gold, the priceis $22 per week ($1.10 each additionalword).Error Responsibility:Customers are asked to check their ad immediatelyafter it appears in the paper andreport at once any error found. Claims foradjustment should be made at that time.The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> is responsiblefor an incorrect ad only the fi rst time itruns, so check your ad carefully.Classified Gold goes into <strong>21</strong>,000additional homes.Payments:In person:115 South Trinity St., DecaturBy mail:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149Decatur, TX 76234-0149AcreageLAND RUSH2+ acre homesite, restricted to1,800 square foot, site built home. 6miles south Decatur, off FM 730South. (817)929-2716.•Sunset-8.83 acres, 25x75 horse barn,tank, water. $59,500•AlvordSchools-10.3 acres, wooded withdeep well. $75,000•N.Sunset-150 acres, Denton Creek, goodfarm & hunting place. $3,500 per acre•N.Sunset-20 acres Hwy 101. $80,000•N.Alvord-Prime Hwy. 287 & CR Frontage16+ acres. $12,000 per acre•N.Alvord-13 acres, two CR frontage,$6,500 per acre.•LakeBridgeport-Waterfront property,2/1.5 remodel. $95,900•Sunset-167 acres, good cattle & horseplace, 40x40 building, stock tank, well &septic. $2,995 per acre•AlvordISD-4.71 acres, no mobiles.$9,000/acre•SunsetHwy101-30x40commercialbuilding. Good business or makes a nicehome. $69,500 Seller anxious•Sunset-26+/- acres, new stock tank.$5,000 per acre. Owner Finance.•Decatur-5+ acres, good Hwy 380 frontage.$145,000•Alvord-5+ acres, Alvord school, heavilywooded. $35,000•N.ofBowie160 acres, rough and rugged$2,595/acres•ParkSprings-9+ acres $4,500 per acreOwner Financing. PENDING•Sunset-Hwy. 287 93 beautiful acres, barn,coastal, lots of tanks. $3,500 per acre.•S.ofBoyd-32+ acres FM 730 on TrinityRiver. $6,500 per acre•E.ofSunset-2-10 acre tracts, sell one orboth. $4,500 per acre.Sun Set Realty - Jim Boyd,Associate940-845-<strong>21</strong>20940-393-04<strong>21</strong> CellCondos/town homesMUST SEE!Beautiful, updated 3/2. Full-size appliancesstay. Ready to move in.Best buy, $53,000. Mac, AmericanDream Realtors, (940)575-4464.Homes2-BEDROOM, 1-BATHDecatur. Great rental property. Motivatedseller. $65,000.(817)600-3404.3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHframe house on 1 acre, 7 milesnorth of Chico on FM 2265. FSBO.(940)644-5436.3/2 farmhouse, updated, CH/A, thermalwindows, metal roof, 2.25 acre,fenced, shade/fruit trees, storagebuilding. $149,000. Lesley Nivens,Realtor, (940)367-3652.3/2 for sale, 1,852 square feet. 15<strong>08</strong>Hovey, Bridgeport. Estate sale, 4storage units. $82,500. Call Dusty,(817)5<strong>21</strong>-8242.4/2, RECENTLY UPDATEDbrick home on 15 acres next to LBJGrasslands in Alvord. Stock tank,pipe fencing, 40x60 shop with office& full bath. $275,000.(940)627-4323, (940)389-2966.4/3.5/3 FORMAL DININGstudy, game room, 3,916 squarefeet. Brookhollow Estates, Decatur.$325,000. (940)255-5424.40x60 metal building for sale withapproximately 1,000 square foot livingquarters and 1,200 square footstorage. Located on +/- 3.64 acres.(940)389-5588.FSBO4-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,600 squarefeet, hard-wood looking tile, upgrades.Decatur. $500/down,$800/month, including taxes, USDAqualified. Great rental property.(940)393-1196.BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIE4-bedroom, 2-bath, acreage, horsesOK! Cowboys, too? Ready for quickmove-in. $473/down, $788/month.(940)294-6398.Mini-farm, 2,000 square foot homewith 5 acres, 3 barns, and corral.Located off Business 101 in Chico.More acreage available. $125,000.(940)393-3817.NEW CUSTOM BRICK HOMESStarting from $1,100/month. Your lotor ours. 100% financing available.Model home in Runaway Bay, opennow for viewing. (817)733-3444.CHICO/ALVORD3/2.5/2 brick. Open living, fence withoutside building. Extra acreage ifneeded. (940)575-4251.CHEROKEE HILLABEAUTIFULPLACETOCALLHOME!Looking For A Great Place To Build YourDream Home? Call Us About Our Special PricingJack CannonBroker940-368-1811Eric Cannon940-393-5317Let Us Help You BuyYour HUD Home.HUD Approved RealtorsHOMESPARADISE – 3/2/2 ON 20+ ACRES. $379,000DECATUR – 4,000 SQ. FT. METAL HOME ON19+ ACRES. $249,900RHOME – 4/2 ON 6+ ACRES. $134,500DECATUR – 3/2 $72,900SANGER – 4/3/2 $183,500DECATUR – 2/1 $78,000FORESTBURG – 3/2 $29,900DECATUR – 2/1 $59,500DENTON – 5/4/3 $329,000LANDRHOME – 88 ACRES. $345,735BRIDGEPORT – 6+ ACRES. $499,000DENTON–5ACRES.$149,000ALVORD – 1.55 ACRES. $24,500ALVORD – LOT FOR SALE. $14,500DECATUR – 2.8 ACRES. $19,900BOWIE – LAKE FRONT PROPERTY!5ACRES.$150,000ALVORD – 20 ACRES. $150,000DECATUR – MULTI-FAMILY LOTS. $25,000SUNSET–5ACRES.$37,000COMMERCIALDECATUR – 1,944 SQ. FT. ON 4+ ACRES.$220,000DECATUR – 6/6 $199,000DECATUR – OVER 10,000 SQ. FT. ON11+ ACRES. $349,000Search The MLS ListingFor All Homes OrProperties AtWWW.CANNONREALTY.NETKOZY KOTTAGE3-bedroom, 2-bath, privacy. Very EZqualify. $289/down, $674/month.(940)294-6398.LARGE 2/1/2 BRICKceramic tile throughout, carpet inbedroom, open concept on cornerlot. $89,900. Agent, (817)228-4715.LEASE TO OWNBrand new brick homes in RunawayBay. Limited supply. $1,400/month.(817)733-3444.Lots13 LOTS FOR SALE2/10 mile south of public boat ramp,Main Street, Lake Bridgeport Citylimits. $16,000. Call (409)789-1694.3 LOTS, RUNAWAY BAYlevel, ready to build, large greenspace in rear. (940)<strong>21</strong>0-8517.For sale or lease, large lot west ofBoyd, 4.23 acres. With utilities.Owner finance, (817)281-4311.LOTSAlvord: .45 acres, zoned MF, cornerof W. Elm and Franklin, $32,500. Alvord:.5+ acres, 500 <strong>Wise</strong> Street,$9,500 Decatur: Restricted 5+acres, new doublewide ok, $69,500.(940)393-8740.Mobile Homes4/2 double wide near Boyd on 1acre. For sale or rent, owner finance.(817)422-3023 or(817)281-4311.www.wcmessenger.comPreferred Properties940-627-19901814 S. FM 51 • DecaturEach office is independently owned and operated.OPPORTUNITY7.269 acre tract of land with water well and septic. Manufactured or stickbuilt homes OK. $55,000 Call MarilynGolf course lot located on the 12th fairway of Runaway Bay.$12,000 Call MarilynGorgeous treed lot, 3/2/2 brick with WBFP, office, storage building, coveredpatio, privacy fenced backyard. $168,000 CallMarilyn39.88 acres of hills and woods, and a beautiful newly built home readyfor you to move in! Lots of wildlife, tank, pretty views, seclusion, and storagebuilding. $370,000 Call Rhonda5.88 acre lot in restricted subdivision. $30,000 Call MarilynHwy 114 Corner Commercial Lot office/retail location high traffic count.Zoned C-1. $70,000 Call Marilyn BrannonWooded & private 17 acre tract with rolling terrain and 3/1 frame house,storage building and large carport. $148,000 Call Marilynwww.remax-preferredproperties-decatur-tx-us.comFSBO, nice 3-bedroom, 2-bath doublewide on city lot, fenced backyard.506 Decatur Street, Alvord.$42,000. (918)697-0172.LARGE HOME NEARTEXAS MOTOR SPEEDWAYAlmost 3,000 square foot livingarea. Like new home on corner lot,privacy fence, 4 mature trees,paved driveway, 4-bedroom,2.5-bath. Only $726/month andsmall deposit. Call (940)367-8072.OWNER FINANCENO BANKSNewark, low payments, damagedcredit okay, 3/2. (682)286-0693.#0036227.Remodeled 5/3 on 2 acres. Tons oftrees, new carpet, paint, and appliancesFinancing available.(940)367-7542.10 acres with 4/3 refurbished homeset up and completely remodeledBridgeport ISD. (940)367-7542.Huge 4/3 modular home on 1 acrecul-de -ac lot. Tons of oak trees andcompletely remodeled w/new carpet,paint, and appliances. Will arrangefinancing! (940)367-7542.Refurbished 4/3 on 5 heavilywooded acres. Horse barn, toolshed, well house w/another toolshed. We arrange financing.(940)367-7542.Sue Ann Denton, Inc.Decatur1606 W. Bus. 380940-627-3<strong>08</strong>0RBMOBILEHOMES.COMMove, set-ups, re-levels. In & out ofstate. Licensed, bonded, insured.Repos. Free estimates.(940)683-5547. RBI #36191.WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV.Best deal on moving, set ups. Freeestimates. Bonded, licensed & insured.(940)433-3117;(817)291-4522 (9a.m.-4p.m.); email,wmsmhs55@centurylink.netRentals RENTALSRENTAApartmentsRhome817-638-5100• Apartments • BusinessProperty • Condos/TownHomes • Duplex Housing• Homes • Mobile Homes •Rooms • Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots • For Lease •Wanted to Rent • Wanted toLease • Facilities • StorageBuildingsCabins & efficiency apartments forrent, including some as low as$500/month w/all bills paid. Boydarea. Excellent location.(940)433-3133.Eighter Decatur Apartments. Furnished,cable, all bills paid.(940)799-7572.Bridgeport192 W. Hwy. 380940-683-3<strong>08</strong>0•JanaBearden•MarthaCleveland•JayConquest•JoeyDuncan•SueAnnDenton•BobGrommesh•KimHolt•SteveJones•AngieKasner•JaneKasner•RobertMeek•SueMeek•SandyOnks•TonyaShaffer•KayStanfield•AngieUselton•MelissaDayDecatur- Just listed! Outstanding Energy Efficient custom3 bedroom, 2 bath home with Pella windows, hand scrapedwood floors, granite countertops and vaulted ceilings all on10.3 acres. This home boasts of a geothermal zoned heatingand cooling system. Natural gas tank less water heater andheavy gauge metal roof. Acreage is treed and fenced. Thishome is custom in every way!Northwest ISD- Just listed! 3 bedroom, 2 bathhome on one of the large lots in neighborhood.Open living/kitchen area. Lots of kitchen cabinetsfor extra storage. Split bedrooms.Bridgeport- Just listed! Immaculate starter home in a private country setting on 2 heavilytreed acres. Garage area ready to be converted into living space or 3rd bedroom. Plumbed for2nd bathroom with central heat and air. Kitchen boasts custom cabinets. Vaulted ceiling in livingarea. A large yard accented by a workshop for extra storage.Chico- Just listed! 3 bedroom, 2 bath DW on 63 acres. Heavily treed, rolling hills nice views.Creek runs on the west side of property. Abundant wildlife. Great ideal building spots for yourdream home.Chico- Just reduced! Beautiful and well maintained home on Lake Bridgeport. Recentlyupdated with new kitchen appliances and counter tops. New hand scraped wood floors. Fullwrap around deck has awesome views of lake. Home is on 7 treed acres and is very private.12x16 hot tub room. A storage business onsite that could be expanded.Runaway Bay- Just listed! Lake view and pool view from the balcony of this one bedroomcondo. Many updates have been done. This would make a great home, weekender, orinvestment property. Minutes away from marina, golf course and pool.Slidell ISD- Just reduced! Nice starter home that needs some TLC. The home is on 47 acresof beautiful land that would be a great place for your livestock.Chico- Just listed! Laundry mat with 15 washers, 14 dryers, stainless steel table, vendingmachines, laundry carts, office and furniture. Two bathrooms. All located with excellent frontageon Hwy 101.Beautiful Lake Bridgeport, Runaway Bay, North Star Pointe, Moonlight Bay, Sunset Bay,Silver Lakes, Bridgeport Airport Estates- A large variety of lake lots and waterfront lotsavailable. Call our office first!<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s#1 Real Estate Company(per MLS statistical data)www.century<strong>21</strong>sueanndenton.comFor more information: 817-994-5765www.cherokeehilltexas.comrhoneycutt@h2dev.comAn H2 Development projectHwy 51RANDY W. PARKER-OWNER/BROKERLISA G. CARAWAY, MANAGING PARTNER/REALTOR301 S. Washburn, Suite D 940-627-90401107 8th St. Bridgeport 940-683-0090For more information about us and our listings visitwww.parkerpropertiestexas.comBest ofWISEFEATURE PROPERTYImmaculate, MOVE IN READY 3 bedroom, 2 bathhome nestled in a quiet neighborhood with MATURETREES and pride of ownership reflected. Sprinklersystem, HUGE BACKYARD with storage shed, NEWroof, NEW hot water heater, CEILING FANS in everybedroom, galley kitchen, BUILT-INS in family room,woodburning fireplace. TRANSFERABLE termitewarranty through Terminex. WANT NEW FLOORINGor paint? Generous decorating ALLOWANCEAVAILABLE! Call Susan 817-8<strong>21</strong>-66591205 Halsell St, Bridgeport • 940-683-40<strong>08</strong>Fred Meyers, BrokerMike Jones, Realtor 940-393-5229Jared McComis, Realtor • 940-399-7530EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY1901 WILD HORSE- 4/3.5/2 brick home on 2.685 acres in Mustang Creek with lots of amenities. $255,000.Call Mike Jones for more information.NEW LISTING- 44+/- acres of raw land with a creek running through the property. Plenty of spaces to buildyour dream home with wildlife on property. $127,250NEW LISTING-Looking to build in the city limits of Bridgeport, 12 residential lots with scattered trees, andminutes to everything. PRICED AT $110,000JUST LISTED-Beautiful acreage to build you dream home with mature trees, rolling pasture land, stock tanks,and wildlife. PRICED AT $5,250/ACRE<strong>21</strong>7 ASTON DRIVE-Deep water, great location, 3/2 with 2 story dock, boat house, shade trees and landscaped.REDUCED WAS $549,000 NOW $490,000 Call Mike Jones for more information.165 ASTON DRIVE-Lake cabin by the dam on Lake Bridgeport. 2/2.5 enclosed back porch. Crappie/boat housegrandfathered in. Currently being updated. $309,000 Call Mike Jones for more information.2204 FAIR OAKS DR-Custom 3/2.5/2 rock/brick home with open lr, dr & kitchen in Bridgeport. REDUCED TO$224,000144 NOTTINGHAM CIRCLE- Nice 3/2 home in Bridgeport REDUCED TO $115,000FAIR OAKS DRIVE-corner over-sized lot on Fair Oaks Drive in Bridgeport $37,0001105 HOVEY-Looking to put your business with Hwy frontage then this building is for you $149,9001111 HALSELL ST- lots of potential here could be restaurant or office space $92,0001702 EDGEWOOD-Investors look here-Well established apartment complex in Bridgeport.CR 3678-10+/- acres with a good mix of trees & coastal has that great spot to build your home $79,900SEGUNDO DR-Corner lot in Runaway Bay with scattered trees $7,0001505 16TH ST-Fixer Upper in Bridgeport 3/2/1 frame home $58,000<strong>21</strong>5 HART CT. Immaculate 2-story brick home on 2 landscaped lots in Runaway Bay.587 CR 1743-Bring Offer this great weekender or permanent home 2/1.5 furnished home Reduced to $50,000RIDGEWOOD DR- Looking to build that dream home on interior lot with several trees in BISD. $30,000HALSELL ST.-Great commercial possibilities in this building located in Bridgeport $199,500Sherry Layton940-399-8246sherrylayton@embarqmail.comLisa G. Caraway,940-393-2476lisagcaraway@yahoo.comBruceFurgerson817-996-3202bfrealtor.comGussie Groves,GRI ERS940-627-4397gussie@embarqmail.com2009 CeCe Lisby940-399-9141cecelisby@yahoo.comLandmark Home--Lovingly restored and maintained! Here it is! Large 3,181 sq.ft. brick home with 2 livingSpacious 2 story home plus guest house or private office. areas,4 bedroom 3 baths. Freshly painted and ready toParklike yard and patio. 305 E. Shoemaker St. $193,000 go! Super value at recently reduced price of $249,000.For Information on All of my properties go towww.bfrealtor.comDon't make a move without Parker Properties. Call today for any of your real estate needs.BEAUTIFUL HARDWOOD 7ACRESsandy loam soil,FLOOR, tile, 10’ceilings, 3/2/2 great house, great price. John Lanieron large lot. $124,900940-627-9714$247,500jrlanier@gmail.comBoyd - Cutest 3/2, WBFP, 2 car garage. $148,500Sunset - Beautiful 4/2, WBFP, game room, 3 acres. $273,500Decatur - Very clean, well maintained, 3/2, bonus room, 1 acre. $173,250Rhome - Cute 3/1, Big shop with office, 1 acre. $112,500Decatur - ONE OF KIND, 5,200 sq. ft. on 24+ acres.Too much to list! $925,000RENTAL - Decatur 2/2 log cabin on 13acres $2200 MonthlyRENTAL - Decatur 3/2 w/gameroom on 3 acres $1750 MonthlyVisit: 1wisehome.com for more info on this home.Country Living – 10 acres, beautiful cedar 2/1 – two story with open loftthat can be bedroom or office. Bay window, enclosed porch. 1/1 guest house,unfinished, tank/pond, horse barn, fenced, storage building. $125,000

®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEWISECOUNTYMESSENGERWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>3BREAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENTBRIDGEWOODExecutive SuitesBridgeport, TX1, 2 & 3 BedroomsAvailableCall Marilyn Gokey940-536-9346www.BridgewoodExecutiveSuites.comBusiness property30x40, 3-bay shop building on cornerof Highway 114 & CR4590.(817)281-4311.Retail or commercial office space,Hwy. 287 South. (940)627-0074.100% FINANCINGRHOME: 1999, 3/2/2, 1,611 sq. ft.,100% financing or seller will pay 3%towards closing cost. $105,000206 S EwingBoyd $47,900Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886Adorable 2 bedroom bungalow on largecity lot near schools. Recently updatedinterior has rustic charm. This home has acovered front porch, metal roof as well as2 storage buildings.136 Cowan CrossingDecatur $43,920Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886New subdivision adjacent to the LBJ NationalGrassland. Several Ponds, beautiful rolling hills,large oak trees, heavily wooded nice lots, wildlifeavailable, paved winding roads, minimum 2 acrelots. Can combine lots for larger acreage. Thislot has new 375 ft water well on site1709 FM 2264Decatur $285,000Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886Bring your horses! 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathson approximately 10 acres. Great roadfrontage, 40X80 barn with 2 stalls and tankroom. Oversized utility room, wood burningstove, grand 2 story entry.1871 LeonaBellevue $504,000Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886160 acres of Texas Countryside. Nice level,fenced, good roads, open pastures excellentfor grazing or farming. Beautiful grove of Oaktrees and charming 1,340 sq. ft. 2/1 home.The #1 Independently OwnedReal Estate Company in theMetroplex and TexasBEAUTIFUL DECATUR SQUARE2officespacesavailableforrent.$325 & $425/month. Call CannonRealty, (940)393-5317.Commercial property. 2,100 squarefoot, 3-year-old office building.Available August 15. 1485 FM 2264,Decatur. Shop & yard can be madeavailable. (817)980-6230, David.Office/warehouse for lease. Up to10K+ square feet in Decatur at$4/square foot + nnn. Broker,(940)577-5499.Condos, town homesRunaway Bay condo, 1/1, 1 level,$625/month, $200/deposit. Ownerpays water/sewer/trash. No pets orsmoking. (940)627-4397, Gussie.Runaway Bay, 1-bedroom condo,large front porch, single story,washer/dryer. $675/month.(940)626-9603.Runaway Bay, 1-bedroom, 1-bathcondo, $575/month, $500/depost.Call Donna, (940)389-1615.Sharon Blessing, Agent940-577-2488 • 940-627-4427Robert Shaffer, Agent • 940-255-4684Lisa Estrada, Broker • 940-577-5499104 N. Trinity • Decatur, TX 76234“Located on the historic Courthouse Square”LOOKDECATUR: 201 William Allen. A simplyunique and charming home with 3/2/2, bonusroom and upgrades throughout.Paradise: Quaint cedar home, horse barn, fencing, pond and 10 acres. Only $149,000.Bridgeport: 12.2 ACRES of coastal and a pond on Pleasant View Rd. $6,800 per acre.Boyd: REDUCED! Nice 3/2 Farmhouse on 19+ ACRES of coastal, sandy soil, fencing, ag exempt! CR 4681Decatur: LIKE NEW 3/2/1 home is a must see for you today! 106 Hale Only $117,500.Boyd: Commercial site on Hwy 114, 1 acre. $55,000 Owner carryForestburg: 40 beautiful acres with spring fed pond. $5,000 per acreForestburg: 1909 Historical Home, 1,925 sq. ft.restored/updated in 2002. $99,500Decatur: MUST SELL! 2003, 1,520 sq. ft. on over 11 acres. $185,000Boyd: 4/3/2, 3,158 sq. ft. located on 3.9 acres with horse barn. $399,000Paradise: TREE FARM!!! 28+ acres, will divide. CR 3381 Owner CarryParadise: 3/2 home, shop on 5 treed acres. $135,000Decatur: 20 acres, Hwy 287. $9,550 per acreDecatur: 1,000 to 10,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse space. $4 per sq. ft. + expDecatur: Duplexes for sale – 6 units! Owner/investor look NOW!Decatur: Very nice 3/2 homes. Great starter homes! $99,000 - $127,000940-891-3229ebby.comThe FirstName in RealEstate!945 CR 4371Decatur $294,900Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886Incredibly beautiful custom home on 2 fencedacres. The grand entryway greets you with 14 ft.ceilings & custom tile work. Crown molding & 10ft. ceilings, French doors open to study with builtinOak desk, bookshelves & scraped floors. Openconcept with large covered back patio.449 Cozy CoveChico $339,000Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886Julie Downe 817-239-2390How relaxing to spend the night on the water, the daysunning on the upper deck or get into your boat justout the door to play on the lake. Large shop 40x18,boat ramp, paved drive and parking. Room to buildyour Dream Home.17622 FM 455Slidell $ 90,000Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-6886Lovely 3/2 manufactured home on 1.49 acres(approx.518ft.ofFM455roadfrontage).Attached wood front & back porches with adetached covered carport.102 W Aurora Vista TrailAurora $69,900Julie Downe 817-239-2390Jamie K Miller 817-505-68861.22 acre home site in Aurora VistaNew Home Community faces Southwith a North backyard. Corner lot.Runaway Bay, remodeled 3/2, upstairscondo. View of pool, lake, golfcourse. Owner finance consideredor lease. www.TheLink4u.com,(940)389-6515, broker.WATERFRONT CONDO2/2, upstairs, Harbor Shores. Boatramp, golf course close by. Pool access.$775/month, $700/deposit. Nopets/smoking. (817)988-3530.Duplexes2-bedroom, 1-bath, with large extraroom that could be 3rd bedroom,duplex in Alvord, fenced yard.(940)393-3842.3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHduplex for lease in Alvord.$675/month plus $400/deposit.Please call (940)427-7375.Decatur, 3-bedroom, 1-bath duplex.Available Sept. 1. $850/month,$700/deposit. (940)389-1963.All real estate advertising in thisnewspaper is subject to the FairHousing Act which makes it illegalto advertise “any preference, limitationor discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin,or an intention, to make any suchpreference, limitation or discrimination.”Familial status includes childrenunder the age of 18 living withparents or legal custodians, pregnantwomen and people securing custodyof children under 18.940.627.9010Search the entire MLSon your Smart phone atwww.prudentialworldwiderealtors.comLOCATED AT1705 S. FM 51, SUITE 104DECATUR, TEXAS0 HWY 101 NChico- Nice 40.941 acreswith highway frontage onHWY101, the property hasgood build sites with treesand open acreage, completelyfenced, and has a pond.MLS# 11566896 $147,388Call Larry Mader for moreinformation2005 S Falcon DriveDecatur- Beautiful 3-2-2 is locatedjust down the street from Decaturschools. The home sits on a largelot with privacy fence, storagesheds and a deck at the back forentertaining and a HVCA wasreplaced in 2009. The home hassplit bedrooms, large masterbath with dual sinks. Hurry thisone is priced right to sell! MLS#1164<strong>08</strong>07 $176,000 Call GinaClark for more information602 Grand Oaks CourtAlvord- This home is a must see,beautiful 3-2.5-2 brick and stonehome setting on a large lot with greatoak trees. A large wooden deck onthe back of the home offers a greatplace for a family barbecue or just agreat place to relax. This home has acoffered ceilings in the kitchen withgranite counter tops, a large livingarea with a fireplace, and a study withawallofbuilt-inshelvesandadesk.MLS# 11555739 $239,000 Call LarryMader for more informationGina Clark817-253-6935Marcy Caraway817-<strong>21</strong>9-3500PUBLISHER’S NOTICE:Nani Breashears940-577-1452Shirley Munn940-626-9372Deena Rue Lesley Nivens817-247-3111 940-367-3652BRIDGEPORTVery nice, large 3/2 in great location.No pets/smoking.(940)427-8425.Duplex in Alvord, 2 to 3-bedroom,2-bath. No pets, $650/month,$350/deposit. (940)393-2386 or(940)<strong>21</strong>0-0198.Duplexes. Decatur, 2/2,$750/month. Bridgeport, 2/2,$750/month. Bridgport, 3/1.5,$775/month. $600/deposit. CallDonna, (940)389-1615.LAKE BRIDGEPORT DUPLEX3/2, close to boat ramp.$750/month, $250/pet deposit,$600/deposit. (817)988-3530.Homes2-bedroom, 1 3/4-bath, 1-car garage,brick, CH/A, fenced backyard,Decatur City limits. Available immediately.(940)627-6553.This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising forreal estate which is in violation ofthe law. Our readers are herebyinformed that all dwellings advertisedin this newspaper are availableon an equal opportunity basis. Tocomplain of discrimination callHUD toll-free at1-800-669-9777. Thetoll-free telephonenumber for thehearing impaired is1-800-927-9275.461 W Hobbs StreetBoyd- Wonderful, traditional farmhouseset on a beautiful lot with pecan andpeach trees. House was substantiallyupdated in 2000 to include metalroof, CH & A, flooring, double planedwindows etc. 3 good storage bldgs.Fenced yard. Enclosed porch off master.Storm cellar. Mineral rights are available.MBR & study are joined to form largesuite. A must see. A country homewith the convenience of town. MLS#11491037 $149,500 Call Lesley Nivensfor more information3<strong>08</strong> S Hubbard StreetAlvord- Country living withall the modern conveniences,located on 1.84 acres. Splitmaster, all the bedrooms aredownstairs, Media room can be4th bedroom, wood laminatedfloor, open kitchen, nice layoutplus barn. MLS# 11641064$194,900 Call Nani Breashearsfor more information102 Mesquite CourtDecatur- Beautiful custom home withgreat curb appeal. The home has formaldining, media room, wonderful kitchenwith granite countertops and stainlesssteel appliances. The living room has awoodburning fireplace. The floors in livingarea are scrapped wood and the living areaand kitchen are an open concept. Splitbedrooms. The master bath has a gardentub, separate sinks, and large shower. Themaster closet is oversized. Media room offliving area. MLS# 11551795 $239,900 CallBeverly Whetsell for more informationPatti Thrasher940-577-2733Donnie Roberts940-399-0983Barbara Gentile817-229-2469Beverly Whetsell940-399-9545EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITYJanice Phillips940-393-5240Larry Mader940-627-45232 HOMES AVAILABLE3/2/2, total electric, brick, 1701 &1631 Chenoweth, Decatur.$1,300/month. Pets welcome, nopet deposit. 1-year lease. (6-monthor month-to-month lease available.)(817)247-0246.SpenceProperties.com1509 N. Bus. 287Decatur - 2/1AVAILABLE SEPT. 1$995/month200 CyndiluDecatur - Custom 3/2AVAILABLE SEPT. 1$1,995/month817-825-46473-bedroom, 2-bath for rent inBridgeport. $1,200/month,$1,000/deposit. (940)389-90<strong>08</strong>.3/1.5 on private farm. Referencesrequired. $600/month, 1st & lastmonth's rent required. Diane,(817)343-0451.Boyd, Hilltop Village. 3-bedroom,2-bath, $900/month, $600/deposit.Now leasing new houses,$925/month, $750/deposit. CallDonna, (940)389-1615.Bridgeport, 3-bedroom, 2-bathhome. Available Sept. 1.$1,075/month, $1,000/deposit.(940)389-1963.CLOSE TO LAKE3-bedroom, 1.5-bath, carpet/tile, allelectric, very clean, fireplace, appliances.$995/month, plus deposit,references & lease. (940)575-4891.Country living. 2/2/1, brick, 9 milesnorth of Decatur. $900/month plusdeposit. (817)980-1930.DECATUR HOUSE FOR RENT2-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-car garage,new paint/carpet, CH/A, shadetrees, storage building.(940)393-0600.Old country farm house, 2/1 on 2acres, wood floors. $700/month, 1st&lastmonth’srentrequired.Springtown.Diane, (817)343-0451.RENTALSAlvord: 20 acres, with RV hookup,water/septic. Decatur: 3/1,$890/month, 505 Sewell.If you need your rental propertyleased or managed, call CannonRealty, (940)368-1811.Mobile HomesTriple wide mobile home, 3/2 with30x30 shop, in Alvord area.(940)389-1115.Ready for a Challenge?NURSE CLINICIAN andLICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSEAt the Texas facility located atGainesville State School, TYCApply online!http://jobs.utmb.eduWe offer a fantastic benefit package that includes comprehensivemedical coverage, State of Texas retirement benefits, life insurance,work/school program, generous paid time off and holidays!CORRECTIONAL MANAGED CAREwww.utmb.edu/cmcRoommate wantedUTMB is an EO/AA Employer M/F/D/VTo apply online visit http://jobs.utmb.eduFor more information contactKevin Martin (409)747-2694 kelmarti@utmb.edu orPam Mulloy (254)865-8901 x6338 pamulloy@utmb.eduWestern TransportationSandford Oil CompanyHazardousMaterial DriversWe are seeking Class A & B CDL Driverswith Hazardous Material endorsement.Competitive Pay + OvertimeIf you are interested,please call 940-627-1005Paid Insurance401(k) PlanPaid HolidaysPaid VacationNice EquipmentBridgeport area, roommate wanted.$125/week all bills included. Dish,refrigerator, no drugs.(940)<strong>21</strong>0-5902, leave message.Spaces & lotsBoyd Mobile Home Park. One mobilehome lot available to rent.(940)389-3617.SUMMER SPECIALfor monthly guests, 50% off 2ndmonth’s rent. Springtown RV Park,3<strong>08</strong>0 W. Highway 199, Springtown.(817)220-4678. Daily, weekly,monthly rates. Covered/uncoveredspaces. Laundry. Free Internet.Storage BuildingsDECATUR SELF STORAGEVOTED BEST SELFREADER’SCHOICE STORAGE IN WISECOUNTYFree lock with rental of unit•Wesellboxesandmovingsupplies•Climatecontrolledunitsavailable•U-HaulDealer-Trucks,Trailers,etc.Ask about our special!1100 E. Bus. 380 • Decatur940-627-6434Toll Free: 877-718-8875<strong>2011</strong>-2012www.decaturselfstorage.netGot to getrid of itnow?Sell it quick inthe classifieds!Call 940-627-5987to find out just how wellClassified Ads work!EMPLOYMENTEMPLOYM• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous• Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work WantedBusiness opportunityCOMPLETE SALON SET-UP6stylingstations,6stylingchairs,6mats, lockers w/combination locks,2shampoobowls,1dryer&muchmore. Call for details,(817)781-0565.FOR SALEEstablished convenience store/baitshop near <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Park, Chico,TX. Serious inquires only.(940)644-2000, leave message.

4B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>EMPLOYMENTEmployment information!!ATTENTION!!Advertising under this classificationis normally not a bona fideopportunity. Typically, companiesadvertising here offer informationabout potential employment.Some are selling this information.We suggest that ourreaders thoroughly investigatethese advertisers before investingany money.ChildcareAfter-school teacher/busdriverneeded, 12:30-6p.m., Mon.-Fri.High school diploma or GED required,minimum 18-years-old. Applyin person, College Street Childcare,805 S. College, Decatur.Food serviceWendy’s in Decatur is hiring shiftmanagers. Fast food experience required.Apply at Wendy’s, 1180 S.FM 51, Decatur.Medical/DentalFull TimeRNContact Joy Henry940-567-6633Ext 260faithcommunityhospital.comSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions,• MDSCOORDINATORExperience a MustApply In Person At701 West Bennett Rd., DECATUR or call940-626-2800EEO M/F/D/VSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions,• CNAs10P.M. - 6A.M.• FT RNsDAYS• CERTIFIEDMEDICATION AIDES• FT DIETARY AIDEApply In Person At701 West Bennett Rd., DECATUR or call940-626-2800EEO M/F/D/VLooking for a challenge? DialysisCenter seeking tech. Dialysis experiencenot required, will train. Canbe RN or LVN. Call (940)612-1642o r e m a i l :twhite@thedialysiscottage.com.“We Are Lookingfor YOU!”TheHillsNURSING &REHABILITATIONLVN2:00-10:00$2500 SIGN-ON BONUSCNAs$1000 SIGN-ON BONUSDietaryCookDish WashersAPPLY IN PERSON AT201 E. THOMPSON, DECATURor FAX RESUMEto 940-627-3937 EEO/M/F/D/WPediatric nurse practitioner wanted.Part-time employment,evening/weekend hours. Phone(940)627-8044; fax (940)627-8055.Email officemanager@childclin.comor fax resume.Part-time nursing position for busymedical clinic. Please fax resume to(940)627-7416.For an exciting careerin private sectorcorrections, considerthe industry leader.CORRECTIONSCORPORATION OF AMERICAis seeking applicants for thefollowing positions at its BridgeportPre-Parole Transfer Facility• Registered Nurse• Correctional Officer• Shift Supervisor• Quality AssuranceManagerExcellent Benefits PackageFull-time:Health, Dental and Vision Ins., Life Ins.401(k) Retirement Plans • Stock OptionsPersonal & Sick Leave • Paid HolidaysService/Employee recognition programsCareer Advancement OpportunitiesApply online at:www.cca.com940-683-<strong>21</strong>62CCA is an equal opportunity employerM/F/Vet/DpMiscellaneousMike’s Pipe Inspection looking forfull-time oilfield service hand. Manual,outdoor labor. Experience preferred.40+ hours, must be availablenights & weekends. Must have validdriver’s license. Call Brian at(940)577-6729.Accepting applications for housekeepersat The Lodge in RunawayBay. Weekend work a must. Applyin person. Call for appointment toapply, (940)575-2252.Decatur ShellTruck StopNow HiringFull TimeCustodian/Handymanfor the outsideApply in Person9 a.m.-3 p.m. Contact Clint1306 E. Business 380 • DecaturHPS, LLC; DECATUR, TEXASOpen positions: order processingand fulfillment personnel, manufacturingworker, webmaster/helper.Apply and/or see more info at:www.papilio.com/employment.JANITORIAL POSITIONfull-time with benefits, early morningand/or late evening required. Applyin person at James Wood Motors,Decatur.Lube tech needed. 1st Choice TruckLube. (940)627-3223.Kyle Erwin Construction LLC,Now acceptingapplications for experiencederiencRoustabout ut Pusher withCDLHydro Excavator/OperatorraMust pass drug test.Office: 940-433-2228 044333-22228•Fax: 940-433-23<strong>08</strong>270 CR466868•RRhome, TX 76078The City of Bridgeport is acceptingapplications for the following positions:Water Plant Operator ApprenticeWater Plant SupervisorEconomic DevelopmentAdministrative Asst.Youth Program Supervisor forafter School Program (Part time)NOW HIRINGexperienced meat cutter, meatwrapper and other positions listedon our website. Apply at MarketPlace, 1202 S FM 51, Decatur or:www.marketplacegrocery.com.Now hiring for front counter positionat Comet Cleaners. High school diplomaor equivalent required. Paidvacations & holidays. Apply in person,1400 FM 51 South, Decatur.(940)627-1122.OfficeDATCU has positions available!TELLERS, REAL ESTATE LOANORIGINATOR. Please visit our websiteat www.DATCU.org for more informationand to apply on-line. EOE.OIL FIELD SERVICEIS HIRING A TOTER TRUCK DRIVERMinimum 2 yrs. experience required.Moving mobile homes in the oilfield.Competitivesalary Pay && Benefits. benefits.Call 940-626-2274 Mickey at• RN’s ICU*IP Rehab *Med/Surg*CVICUBehavioral Health*Surgery*Wound Care• LVN’s Med/Surg*Behavioral Health• CNA’s Med/Surg*Behavioral Health• Laboratory - MT/MLT• HIMS - Clinical Coder• QA - Joint Commission Coord. LVN/RN• Bariatrics - Nurse Practitioner or PA• CVICU- Ward Clerk• Maintenance - Maintenance Tech• HIMS - EDM Analyst• Boyd OP/PT - Therapy TechPart time/PRN• Behavioral - Clinical Therapist• Wellness -Exercise&ZumbaInstructor• WCCA - Nurse Practitioner2000 S. FM 51 • Decatur, TX. 76234 - A not for profit hospitalwww.wiseregional.com - EOE - Job Line: 940-626-2525Please fax your application and resume to Judi Conger at 940.683.3401or jconger@cityofbridgeport.net. For job description or applications,please go to our website at www.cityofbridgeport.net. They will be postedon the employment page. The City of Bridgeport is an Equal OpportunityEmployer.PlatinumOilfieldServicesNow taking applications for the following positions:WARRIOR ENERGY SERVICESAre you an outstanding employee in the Coil tubing industry?Are you ready for a change?We at Warrior Energy Services have heard your voice.Here at Warrior this is a NEW WAY WITH NEW PAY!If you’re ready to be part of something exciting and rewarding with careeropportunities then you will be ready for all of the BIG changes that Warriorhas to offer, like feeling appreciated and a part of a real team?We now have career opportunities for YOU!!Coil Tubing OperatorsAt least 6 months exp. Or willingness to trainMust have a Class A CDL with the ability to obtain hazmat endorsementClean driving recordAbility to pass DOT physical and Drug screenCoil Tubing Service Supervisors3 to 5 yrs field related exp.Must have Supervisory exp. In Coil TubingClass A CDL preferredPump OperatorsOperate and maintain all pumping equipment • 1 or more yrs. Pumping exp. in aservice company or oilfield operating company • Strong mechanical aptitude & stronginterpersonal skills • Class A CDL with clean driving record-hazmat endorsementrequired • Ability to pass DOT physical, drug screen and background checkWarrior offers competitive salaries as well as benefits such as medical, dental, vision and a 401k.Please send resume to jobs@bwwc.com or fax 866-262-5278For more information call 940-626-1504 or come by the office at3271 US Hwy 287 South, Decatur, TX 76234You will be glad you made the change!Equal opportunity EmployerTRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDEDTransport Transport Drivers Drivers Needed Needed• 22 years minimum ageTransport Drivers NeededApplications at elitewellsiteservices.comor Apply in person atCleburne area:12319 Bus. Hwy817.925.5154287, Fort Worth, 76179Scott940-<strong>21</strong>0-2949 or 940-389-1132 for BridgeportBridgeport area: 940.393.5525 KirbyBRIDGEPORT OPERATIONSHanson Aggregates, Inc., one of the World’s largestproducers of construction materials, is now acceptingapplications for the following positions: GeneralLabor, Plant Lube Tech, Base Plant Operator, PlantMaintenance, and Warehouse Clerk for the BridgeportOperations. Hanson offers comprehensive medical/dental/vision benefit plans, a competitive 401(k) plan, paidvacation and competitive wages.Applications can be picked up in the office betweenthe hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.Plant Location:1443 S. Hwy 101Chico, Texas 76431Hanson Aggregates is an Equal Opportunity Employer.SEEKING EXPERIENCEDCDL DRIVERS• Competitive Pay & Overtime• Company Benefit Package401(k), Bonus Plan, Health & Life InsuranceApply withinCertified Forklift Operator• 2 years verifiable driving experience2379 Hwy 287 North Decatur• Class A CDLWinch Truck Driver 2222yearsyearsminimumminimumage;• We pay you for yourage;experience940-627-1755Hot Shot Driver 2 years verifiable • Employee and Familyverifiabledriving Healthdrivingexperience;Insurance22 years experience;• Night minimum shift premium age;CDL RequiredClassClassA CDL;CDL;Looking for justMinimun 1 Year Oilfield Experience & Rig Moving• Night shift bonusPlease apply in person: We 2 years Cleburne area: 817.925.5154 ScottWepaypayyou verifiableyouforforyour drivingBridgeport yourexperience experience;254 CR 3503, Suite 200 • Bridgeport TX 76426area: experience940.393.5525 Kirbythe right job?EmployeeEmployeeandandFamilyFamilyhealthhealthinsuranceClass A CDL;insuranceUNDERWRITING OFFICER/NightNightshiftshift ELITE premiumpremium WELLSITE SERVICESNight We payNightshift youshiftbonus for your experiencePORTFOLIO MANAGERbonus NOW HIRINGNORTHSTAR BANK OF TEXASClass A CDL Driver with Tanker EndorsementEmployee Cleburneand Cleburnearea: Familyarea:817.925.5154 health insuranceDenton TX817.925.5154ScottNight shift with possible day shift. Must be ScottMust have at least 3-5 years of previous Night Bridgeport shift 25 years premium of age, have good driving record, 2 yearsBridgeportarea:area:940.393.5525940.393.5525Kirbybank underwriting experience in real estate, tractor trailer experience. Pass drug screen. Kirby <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifieds Onlinehealthcare, and commercial lending.www.messenger.com/classNight shiftEndbonusdump & Bobtail experience a plus.For more information regarding the position,please go to our website at www.nstarbank.comhttp://www.nstarbank.com “Careers”.EOEBRIDGEPORT STONENOW HIRINGMaintenance – ProcessEquipmentRepair and maintenance of aggregate processingequipment. Mechanical and electrical repairs to plantprocessing equipment. $18-<strong>21</strong> hr.ElectricianRepair and maintain the electrical system and equipmentrelated to the aggregate industry. Lays out, constructs,assembles, installs, inspects, maintains, modifies,troubleshoots and tests electrical systems andequipment. $18-25 hr.Utility-Crew MemberPlant preventive maintenance, Equipment Operator,Plant Operator and Maintenance Helper.Operates small equipment. $12-$14 hr.TXI Industries, Apply at Plant1795 S Hwy 101 • Bridgeport, Texas

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>5BEMPLOYMENTSERVICESFARM AND RANCHACCOUNTING CLERKDavid’s Western Store/NRS is lookingfor candidate with proven generalaccounting office skills. Our officehandles all accounting relatedtasks for 3 retail stores andcatalog/Internet activities. Job heavyin data entry with other acct andgeneral office duties. Prefer candidateswith 2+ years experience,good communication skills, teamworkand detail oriented. Experiencewith Accpac a plus. Competitivepay, 401k and other benefitsavailable. Email resume to:hr@nrsworld.com; fax to:(940)627-3536; or mail to: HR-Accounting,c/o David’s WesternStore, 1410 S FM 51, Decatur, TX76234.Retail/Sales$17/HOURDenton <strong>County</strong> manufacturing outletaccepting applications for customerrelations representatives. Companyoffers paid vacation, benefits &sign-on bonus. Call The Human ResourcesDepartment on Sun.,11a.m.-4p.m.; Mon., Tues., Wed.,9a.m. to 5p.m. at 469-252-3200; orapply online,www.cleanairtechs.com.WANTEDRETAILMANAGERExperience NeededMust Be Hands OnSend Resume toP.O. Box 149 • Decatur, 76234Attn: LWJuanda’sConsultingSeeking Bilingual (Spanish)Sales Person&Office Clerical PositionEmail resume:inquiry@jcctexas.comTradesThe Elegant g TouchDecatur Nail & Day SpaNow Leasing StationsforEstheticianMassage TherapistContact Jodi940-627-6362605 Business 287, Suite 106, DecaturRICK’S SATELLITE& ELECTRONICSSeeking AnExperiencedSATELLITEDISH INSTALLERApply in Person PreferredCall or See Rick Smith106 W. ArcherJacksboro940-567-2205 or800-662-1396Accepting applications for qualitiedtorch men. Apply in person, RICK'SAUTO REPAIR & TOWING, 3280 S.Highway 101, Bridgeport;(940)683-3720.CDL drivers needed for end dump.Apply in person, Pat’s TruckingCompany, 927 FM 1658, Bridgeport.Company drivers and owner operatorswanted. Home daily, paidweekly, incentive programs. Enddump & pneumatic tanker.(817)589-7063.No job is too small!Bridgeport OilfieldServices3078 S. Hwy. 101Bridgeport, TX 76426Phone: 940-683-0029Fax: 940-683-0031Email:bridgeportoilfieldservices@yahoo.comExperienced hydraulic crane operator,40-10 ton. 401k, insurance.<strong>Wise</strong>, Parker, Jack counties.(940)389-1837.Hendershot Equipment is now takingapplications for service manager.Qualified applicant must havea strong technical background.Leadership skills and customer relationshipskills will be a necessary requirement.Apply online at HendershotEquipment.com;or apply in personat 1841 N U.S. Highway 287Decatur, TX; (940)627-5451.Hiring CDL drivers. Tanker endorsementand end dump. (940)389-2579or (940)427-4953.Hiring CDL/hydro-vac driver/operator.Call (940)389-3617.Looking to hire experienced vacuumtruck drivers, starting at$15.50/hour. Insurance programavailable. Call (940)626-8248 or(940)389-0399.Mechanici/maintenance personneeded for 18-wheeler, trailers,lights, tires, etc. Forestburg area.(940)964-2415.Mike’s Pipe Inspection is looking foran experienced hard bander. Mustbe willing to travel & be availablenights & weekends. Must have validdrivers’ license. Contact Dustin:dschleepr@homail.com.Now hiring Class A CDL drivers with2-years experience. Oilfield/environmental/constructiontransportation.Paid weekly, insurance, Aflac,paid vacations and much more. CallDaniel, (800)448-6323.Taking applications for shop/fieldmechanics, shop welder/fabricatorfor oil field trucks, trailers & equipment.Fast paced environment. Alsoaccepting applications forroust-abouts. Please apply in personat 191 PR1400, Bridgeport, TX,76426.Truck driver needed. Must haveClass A CDL, clean MVR, passpre-employment drug test. Knuckleboom experience a plus. Fax resumeto (817)636-2593; call(817)638-9053.Welders needed. Apply in person,Hometown Welding, 1803 E. Highway114, Boyd, TX. Must passwelding test.SERVICChildcarePROCTOR ST. PRESCHOOL611 N. Proctor, Alvord.Enrolling for full-time,ages 18-months to5-years, 7a.m.-6p.m.12 max. Sally,(940)389-5967, (940)427-2692.BusinessSERVICES• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringRick’sENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESRoll/Off ContainerService forTrash & Debris RemovalHaz-Mat Containment &Removal940-683-3770Bridgeport, TX 76426Advances for your accounts receivables.Same day turn-around. Cashflow problem solved. Call(940)872-7110.STONE WORK & CONCRETERetaining walls, patios, rock entries,houses, landscaping. Small brickjobs. Decatur references. 20-yearsexperience. Major credit cards accepted.Insured/bonded.(817)919-4487.JOE TUCKER DRYWALLSheetrock ✣ Tape ✣ Bed ✣ Texture.New construction, remodeling,add-ons. Call (940)389-0029.Oilfield Services:Blow-out RepairPipeline WorkPlant WorkPower WashingPainting ProjectsRight of Way RepairASPHALTSEALCOATIs your driveway or parking lotLOOKING tired and thirsty!!!We can make it look new.Call Autumn for a free estimate940-242-3223www.tuckerserviceco.comSince 1980Justin, TXRemember627-SLABFor all your concrete needs!Insist on QualityConcrete, Inc.Ty Kennedy 940-627-SLABFREE ESTIMATESHousecleaningAVANT CLEANING SERVICEIt’s not clean until it’s heavenlyclean. Windows, commercial/residential,car detailing, carpet cleaning,upholstery, lawn care.Bonded/insured. (940)799-7720.Let me fix itHAIL ORWIND DAMAGE?CALL• Free Estimates• References•WorkwithInsuranceCompanies25 years ExperienceLicensed & Insured940-441-4544JESSE KRALAll around carpenter/handyman. Nojob too small. Remodels, wood/tilework, decks, pole barns, fencing/repair,more. (940)627-7414,(913)596-8487.KC’S APPLIANCEInstallations, LLC. Repair, 31-yearsexperience. Keith Cornell,(940)393-5877.MIKE’S RV SERVICEService calls, insurance work, fullrepairs, parts, washing/detailing.Also work on horse/enclosed trailers.Michael, (940)399-7565.R. Reyes HomeRemodeling•WeAreTheBathroomDoctorsRepairs & Installations•CompleteHomeRemodeling&MoreSECOND TO NONE in CustomerSatisfaction & Finish ProductRenier Reyes940-399-9450940-399-3460RREYESHR.COMRUSSELL’S HOMEIMPROVEMENT& REPAIRDecks, Drywall,Add-ons,Flooring, RoofingMuch MoreFor FREE Estimates call940-389-4943FARM AND RANCHFARM ARANCFarm Equipment2003 ELITE 3-HORSEaluminum slant trailer. Customweekend package, ramp, mangers,loaded, no water. Excellent condition.$18,500. Bridgeport,(817)944-5494.4510 JOHN DEERE2005 tractor, 50 HP diesel, MX6bush hog, John Deere 48 backhoeattachment. (940)<strong>21</strong>0-1061,(940)389-4271.Brand new Top Hat horse trailer,real clean, excellent condition.$2,500/OBO. (817)793-5641.Fencing3D FARM & RANCH SERVICESAll types fencing, metal buildings,carports, custom gates, entrances,cattle guards, mobile & shop welding,general clean-up, skid steerwork. YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT!!(940)<strong>21</strong>0-1242.AFFORDABLE FENCINGAll types, including chainlink, wood privacy, vinyl,farm fencing. Installationor repair. (940)626-9290.www.affordablefencing.netBOBBY’S FENCEAll types fencing. Free estimates.Over 25-years experience.(817)444-3<strong>21</strong>3.FARM & RANCH FENCINGPipe & cable,non-climb, barbedwire, entrances, solargate operators, repairs.Made in USA.Jim, (940)367-7505.Lawn and gardenAFFORDABLE LAWN SERVICEMowing, weedeating, hedges,flower beds, tilling, tree trimming &haul off. (940)389-6407.TREES TRIMMED & REMOVED36 years in business, insured. Allmajor credit cards accepted.(817)444-<strong>08</strong>61, Teater.Fence Pipe and Supplies2 3 /8 -2 7 /8 -3 1 /2 -4 1 /2 -5 1 /2Square & Rectangle TubingC-PurlinDomed Caps and SpringsAll Types of SteelAuthorized DealerFlusche Enterprises, Inc.940-759-2203 Muenster, TX• Farm Equipment • Fencing• Lawn & Garden • Livestock• Livestock Care/Training• Livestock Lost & Found• Livestock Stud Service• Livestock Supplies• Miscellaneous • Mowing• Pasture & Feed • Poultry“Quality service at afair price.”In addition to regular oilfield operations, ourcompany is equipped to perform many otherservices. Call or come by for a free job evaluationquote. We would love to workOrganizationfor you.Work performed: Construction cleanup, Demolition/LotClearing, Mowing, Equipment Hauling,Dozer & Backhoe Services, Hot Shot Runs,Fencing Projects (Barb Wire, Pipe Fence, ChainLink Fence), Dirt/Gravel WorkALL PRO LAWN CARELawn service, landscaping,tree trimming.Dependable, affordable,free estimates.Call for ourAugust specials. Dylan,(817)891-1600.SS LAWN CAREFull lawn care service. Mowing,landscaping, tree trimming, fertilization,flower beds and more. Referencesavailable. 10-years experience.Commercial/residential. CallShane for free estimate.(940)<strong>21</strong>0-9444.LivestockBOER & MIXED BREED GOATSfor sale. Some can be licensed100% pure bred. $20-$135. Boydarea. (817)320-<strong>08</strong>41.C BAR M TACK-FEED-HORSES143 CR4396, Decatur, TX. Cash,checks, credit cards.www.cbarm.net, (817)929-3612.DAIRY GOATS FOR SALENubian, Lamancha and Saanenmilking does, <strong>2011</strong> kids, yearlingsand bucks. Wether goats available.(940)<strong>21</strong>0-2506.I BUY & SELLall kinds of animals. Goats, sheepcows/calves. (940)748-2790,(817)909-9911.LLAMASweanlings (6-months-old), adults,bred females, guardians & pet quality.We provide training & supportfor new owners. (940)433-5897.REG. APHA PAINT-BRED MAREwith loud <strong>2011</strong> Tobiano stud colt.Colt could be cutting prospect. Exposedto same stallion for 2012 foal.Located in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.bcjewelltx@yahoo.com or(940)433-5032 after 5:30.TAYLOR FARMSCattle, goats, hogs (roasting/freezersizes), chickens, layers, roosters,chicks. Letting you be in charge ofwhat’s put on your table.(940)627-3385/Livestock lost and foundLost, 5 miles north Decatur, Highway287. Young black bull, tag #25&red,middle-agedcow&calf.Allhave Bar A brand, right hip.(940)627-5797.Strayed from our farm, Black Angusbull, approximately 1,700 lbs., CircleSbrand.OldDecaturRoad,1mileeast of Alvord. (940)427-7228,(940)255-1953.MowingACREAGE MOWINGTractor services. Plowing, seeding,aerating, tilling, fertilizing available.Tommy, (940)482-6578.CUSTOM ROUND HAY BALINGCutting, baling, field mowing services.Experienced, professionalcrew. Hay for sale. Contact ScottSmith, (940)399-7613,(817)489-0714.Pasture and feedHAYHorse & Cow Quality50 years of actual servicein Hay Sales.Try us andsee if our prices can be beat!Thank you,Danny Taylor940-389-5000Charles H. Taylor940-393-2728CUSTOM ROUND/SQUAREbaling , mowing, plowing,grain drill, treestrimmed, gardenstilled. Some hauling.Call (940)393-9616 or(940)683-3148.287 SELF STORAGENOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPursuant of Chapter 59, Texas Property Code,public sale to satisfy landlord’s lien to be held at287 Self Storage, 13340 Hwy 287, Haslet, Texas817-439-1900.The sale will begin at 10 am on August 24, <strong>2011</strong>.Property will be sold to the highest bidder. Seller reservesthe right to reject any bid. Sale will consistof furniture, misc. household, appliances, tools and misc.belonging to the following persons:Misty Barnhart, Amber Flottmann(Cash or Cerifi ed Funds Only).HAY FOR SALEPremium, super sized, horse qualityalfalfa square bales. 3x4x8, heavybales. $165. (940)389-0645.LONESOME DOVEFEEDWhole corn $9.9550#, check our lowprices. Also sellingNatural LonghornBeef. 1231 CR4380, Decatur,(940)389-2945.PoultryGUINEAS FOR SALEAdults & keets, ready to turn out &catch grasshoppers. Several colorvarieties available. (940)389-7870.Pets• PetsPETS!!ATTENTION!!We suggest that our readers thoroughlyinvestigate any advertiserbefore investing any money.1/2 BLACK MOUTHCur/Catahoula pups. 1st shots,wormed, 8-weeks-old.(940)255-2538.3 single moms desperate to findhomes for their babies. Gray tigerand white w/gray spot kittens. Freeto good homes. (940)577-3311,(940)389-9944.AKC COCKER SPANIELpuppies, 11-weeks-old. Asking$250. (817)266-1987,(817)266-4612.AKC MINI SCHNAUZER5 males, 1 female. Born July 2,<strong>2011</strong>. $350-$400. Call(940)627-3231, or text(530)448-9242 for more information.BOXER PUPPIESfor sale. No papers, parents onpremises. Shots/wormed, dewclaws, tails docked. $150/each.(940)389-3637.FULL BLOOD BLUE HEELERSfor sale. Parents on site. $75/each.(940)<strong>21</strong>0-3950.MINIATURE PUPPIESAustralian shepherd/blue heeler,9-weeks-old, shots. 4 blue merle females,1 black tri male. $50/each.(940)<strong>21</strong>0-2506.POODLE PUPPIESCKC/DRA full registration. DOB,6-22-11. Tails docked, dew clawsremoved. Parents on site.$500-$600/each. (817)636-2826.southernbellejewels@hotmail.com.YORKSHIRE TERRIERSCKC registered, born 6-5-11, allshots/wormed. Females, $650;males, $550. Family raised, parentson site. (940)627-7947,(443)907-3989.MERCHANDISE FOR SALEMERCHANFOR SAClothing/JewelryGORGEOUS WEDDING DRESSNever used, price tags still attached!Size 8, Oleg Cassini, beaded, strapless.Include tiara, veil, slip, jewelry.Paid $1,100; asking$425/OBO. Call (940)389-1828.FurniturePETS• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• AuctionsARMOIRE & BEDSAntique armoire for clothes/shoes,$300. Off white girls twin poster bedwith trundle, mattresses, $350. Antiquefull size poster bed, maplewood, box springs and mattress, 4drawer chest. $450. (940)627-2310.MOVINGSelling oak desk, credenza, oakpool table, baby grand piano,king-size bedroom suite, sofa. Callfor details, (940)627-3651.Queen-sized mattress set, extradeep. 2 sets of sheets. $500/OBO.(940)627-5626.

6B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>MERCHANDISE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICESGarage sales!!ATTENTION!!Garage sale ads must be called inBEFORE 10a.m. Tuesday to run inthe Thursday edition. If you wantyour garage sale ad in All Around<strong>Wise</strong> also, it MUST be called in before10a.m. Friday THE WEEK BE-FORE the sale. We do not run garagesales the weekend before thesale.Alvord, 1107 E. Pine St., Fri.-Sat.,Aug. 19-20, 8a.m.-? 3-family garagesale.Aurora, 1901 Highway 718, Aug.19-29, Fri., 9a.m.-4p.m., Sat.,8a.m.-3p.m. No early birds. Toomuch to list!Booth rental for Fall Festival, October1 at Trinity Baptist Church inBoyd. Email for details, treyboy16@hotmail.comor call(817)313-3824.Boyd, 244 CR4581, off Highway114, Fri.-Sat., Aug. 19-20,9a.m.-2p.m. Garage sale,toddler/men’s/women’s clothing,miscellaneous items.Boyd, 263 CR4678, Fri.-Sun., Aug.19-<strong>21</strong>, 8a.m.-3p.m. Indoors, stay outof the heat. Everything must go!!Moving sale.Bridgeport, 1720 Boston, Sat., Aug.20, 8a.m.-? Moving sale, everythingmust go!Decatur, 119 W. Ridge, Holly Ridge,Thur.-Sat., Aug. 18-20, 8a.m.Clothes, furniture, TVs, etc. Toomuch to list.Decatur, 1402 N. Business Highway81/287, Thur.-Sat., Aug. 18-20,8a.m.-? Clothes, toys.Decatur, 200 Ridgeview Court, Aug.19-20, Fri., 8a.m.-1p.m., Sat.,8a.m.-5p.m. 3-families, furniture,clothing, much more.Decatur, <strong>21</strong>4 Mockingbird Lane, DecaturAcres, Fri.-Sat., Aug. 19-207a.m.-2p.m. Children’s/adult’s clothing,home decor, etc.Decatur, 3000 Wildhorse (MustangCreek), Fri.-Sat., Aug. 19-20,7a.m.-? Multi-family, huge sale!Quilting fabric, scrapbook supplies,books, Beanie Babies, computer,TV, drill, antique horse bits, beltbuckles, miscellaneous householditems.Miscellaneous2006 POLARIS HAWKEYE 2X4Gibson Les Paul Studio model,electric guitar. Antique gun collection.(940)627-2980.ATTENTION: COLLECTORS& ENDURANCE TRAIL RIDERSMcClellan reproduction saddle,great for trail riding. WWI 30-caliberammo belt and 45-caliber ammopouch. One steel helmet. Bowie,(940)872-9556.BRAND NEWDell laptop, $700/cash OBO. BlackberryBold 9700, $250/cash OBO.(940)393-5967.FIREPOWER FP-235arc welding system, this welder isbrand new, never used, $350. Dysonvacuum cleaner with attachments$250. Bowflex complete system,purchased 5-years ago but donot use, $600. Treadmill with incline,$125. Elliptical machine,$75.00. Stationary bicycle, $40.Please call (940)399-8053 or(940)399-82<strong>08</strong>, Chico.FOR SALE16’ trailer with 2’ dove tail, $800.Cattle trailer, $500. Windmill, $900.(940)626-1143.FREE WOOD PALLETScall Mark at (940)627-5987.LIMITED EDITION MARTINCOWBOY III GUITAR#299 of 750, with case. Call(940)872-9556.QUILT FRAME FOR SALEGrace QMP birchwood frame. Sizedfrom crib to king. Requires amid-arm machine. $500.(940)389-4150.Storage building, 8x16, metal siding,40” wide door, in good shape.$750/OBO. Pictures available viaemail: smikurt@gmail.com.(817)636-2<strong>08</strong>0.• CarsTRANSPORTCarsTRANSPORTATION• Boats• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to BuyTOP DOLLAR PAIDfor junk cars & trucks.(817)220-5682.I’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARSas well as your good used cars.Arvin, (817)925-8768.2006 SCION XB64,000 miles, great gas mileage,Billet grill, underbody LED lights, 7”DVD screen in dash, custompaint/wheels/exhaust. $9,500 (belowKelly Blue Book).(940)<strong>21</strong>0-5535.2005 TOYOTA CAMRYFSBO, $6,350, $450/down. Excellentcondition, loaded.(940)575-2204 or (940)389-1803;see at 516 Balboa Drive, Runawaybay.2005 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan,140,000 miles, very clean, new tire.$4,200/OBO. (605)484-2745.DEPENDABLE CARS & TRUCKS$3,500 or less. Cowgirl Auto Sales,804 Business Highway 287, Decatur,TX; (940)626-0070. Let’s dobusiness! www.cowgirlautosales.com.2009 NISSAN ALTIMAblack with gray interior. 60,100miles. Minor damage to left frontheadlight and bumper. $13,000.(940)389-2980.Portable mechanic work. Also, buyall cars/truck, no matter condition orlocation. (940)366-5003.1984 CORVETTE134k miles, runs great, new paint,new instrument panel, original engine,special wheels & tires. Notrades. Serious inquiries only.(940)683-2942.You AreApproved!100% ApprovalNoCreditCheck!Cars &Trucksstarting$799 dn.at 799We alsobuy cars!107 S. Hwy. 287 • DecaturBehind Dairy Queen940-626-8000Visit our websitewww.bmgautosales.comRecreational vehicles2007 HARLEY DAVIDSONFLSTC Heritage Soft tail CL, 2864miles. Over $30k invested, $17KOBO. (817)247-5828.POP-UP CAMPERFixer upper, structurally sound,needs cosmetic repair. $600/OBO.(940)389-7730.Pickups/Vans/SUVs2009 CHEVROLET SILVERADO2500 HD, extended cab, 24k miles,white, Vortec V-8, power everything,like new. $29K (940)399-9743.2001 DODGE CUMMINS DIESEL3/4 ton extended cab, Danarear-end, 5-speed transmission,used as farm truck. Engine, AC,drive train excellent. (940)393-2254;kempangus@wisewb.com.Heavy EquipmentI BUY SEMI TRUCKSany condition, any location! Freepick up. (940)627-9301.You’ve got it...Somebody wants it.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifiedswww.wcmessenger.com/classLost and foundLost: 2 Makita circular saws in Decatur.Reward! (940)393-5098.NOTICESLegal notices• Legal Notices• Public NoticesLEGAL NOTICENotice is hereby given that theState National Bank of Texas, 104West Park, Iowa Park, Texas 76367has filed an application with theComptroller of the Currency onAugust 17, <strong>2011</strong>, as specified by 12CFR 5, for permission to establish afull service domestic branch at 1501W Business Hwy 380, Decatur,Texas 76234.Any person wishing to commenton this application may file commentsin writing with the LicensingManager, Southwestern District,500 N Akard, Ste 1600, Dallas,Texas 75201 within 30 days of thedate of this publication.PUBLIC NOTICEApplications for Indigent HealthCare Program is available at 1101West Rose Ave., PO Box 815, Decatur,Texas 76234 or call(940)627-4203, extension 230.Eligible persons must meet thestandards set forth by the State DepartmentHealth Care Services.Eligible persons must meet thefollowing requirements: Residency,Household Composition, Incomeand Resources.Applicants must provide all verificationand requested information.www.wcmessenger.com/businessdirectoryNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE(REAL ESTATE)BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT Of EXE-CUTION issued out of the 271st JudicialDistrict Court of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>,Texas, in a certain cause numberedCV09-12-1059. On the 27 day ofApril A.D. 2010, styled: BASF Corporationvs. Catalyst Partners, Inc.,to me, as Sheriff directed and delivered,I have levied upon this 13 dayof July A.D. <strong>2011</strong> and will betweenthe hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00P.M. at approximately 10:00 on thefirst Tuesday in September A.D.<strong>2011</strong>, it being the 6 day of saidmonth, at 101 North Trinity Decaturof said <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, proceed to sellat public auction to the highest bidder,all right, title and interest, if any,which the defendant had on the 13day of July A.D. <strong>2011</strong>, or at any timethereafter, of in and to the followingdescribed properties:1) ABST: A-23 ACH &B2) SUBD: BLOCKRT CAMPSOUTH, LOT : 3ACRES: 0.140Said property is levied on as theproperty of Catalyst Partners, Inc.and will be sold to satisfy the judgmentfor $202,186.16 Dollars.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND on this22 day of July A.D. <strong>2011</strong>.David Walker, Sheriff<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, TexasBy Troy R. GreggCivil DeputyAlcohol PermitsApplication has beenmade with the Texas AlcoholicBeverage Commissionfor a Mixed BeveragePermit by Galas HospitalityCorporation doing businessas Galas Goodtimesto be located at 262 CR3503, Bridgeport, Texas76426.Officers of said Corporationare:Gala Woolsey, President.Duane Espinoza, VicePresident.Shirley Stewart,Secretary/Treasurer.Notice to CreditorsNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary for the Estateof BARBARA B. HARRELL, Deceased,were issued on August 5,<strong>2011</strong>, Cause No. PR3150, pendingin the <strong>County</strong> Court of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>,Texas to: CARL E. HARRELL.The address of the IndependentExecutor is in Jackson <strong>County</strong>, Oregon,and the post office address is:CARL E. HARRELL939 Beaver Creek RoadJacksonville, Oregon 97530All persons having claims againstthis Estate which is currently beingadministered are required to presentthem within the time and in the mannerprescribed by law.Dated this 5th day of August ,<strong>2011</strong>.MINCEY-CARTER, PCBy: James M. Mincey, Jr.State Bar No. 14176300Jeffrey S. HamiltonState Bar No. 24050712Attorneys for Applicant122<strong>21</strong> Merit Drive, Suite 200Dallas, Texas 75251Telephone: (469)916-1980Facsimile: (469)916-1988ATTORNEYS FOR THE ESTATE.Public HearingsPUBLIC HEARINGThe City of Lake Bridgeport willhold a public hearing on the proposedFY <strong>2011</strong>-2012 budget at 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 6,<strong>2011</strong>, at the Lake Bridgeport CityHall, 301 S. Main St.WISE COUNTYWATER SUPPLY DISTRICTPUBLIC NOTICETHE WISE COUNTY WATER SUP-PLY DISTRICT WILL HOLD A PUB-LIC HEARING IN REGARD TOTHE FISCAL YEAR <strong>2011</strong>-2012BUDGET ON MONDAY, AUGUST31, <strong>2011</strong> AT 4:00 P.M. AT THE DE-CATUR CITY HALL, 201 E. WAL-NUT, DECATUR, TX.Call 940-627-5987for statewide advertisingthrough Tex-Scan

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>7BWISEBUSINESSNEEDElectric,Inc.DIRT?NEW CONSTRUCTION,RENOVATIONS & REPAIR• Custom gunite pools• Maintenance repairon all poolsOVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESSColby Williams940-393-3944• Service• Small Jobs• Big Jobs• Commercial• Residential• 65’ Bucket Truck• Trenching• Small Backhoe• Oilfield• Mobile Homes940.626.9901TDLR #25059• Top Soil• Gravel• RoadBase• Fast Delivery• CompetitivePrices• FriendlyServiceWhen you need hauling Be <strong>Wise</strong>:Choose <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> Trucking that is!<strong>Wise</strong>TruckingRodney Lisby940-399-9481Local Dealer:Serving your area over 28years. Here to help yousign up on ALL of the greatpromotions and here forservice too!Interested in HDTV &New DVR recorders?Call about Upgrade &New System Special.AUTHORIZEDRETAILERRICK’S ELECTRONICS940-627-6905 • Decatur940-567-2205 • JacksboroCompetitivepriceson:• Gravel• Base• TopsoilFor Prompt, Friendly Service call:940-399-9481Rodney LisbyBoot Camp & Yoga4 Sessions per Week$199/monthlyWe’ve moved!Our New Location12<strong>08</strong> S FM, Suite I-1Decatur, TXwww.jrobs.com“When only theBest will do”2010 W. US 380P.O. BOX 894Decatur, TX 76234940-627-2369Fax 940-627-2600www.decaturciviccenter.com0907501TXClassicCary F Bohn CLU ChFC, Agent402 W Walnut StDecatur, TX 76234Bus: 940-627-5616www.carybohn.comFLOORCOVERINGSServing <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> and Beyondwith over 30 years experience.• Wood • Ceramic• Carpet • Vinyl • Laminate• Stained Concrete• Luxury Vinyl PlankVisit Our Showroom at900 W Thompson • Decatur(behind Prada Shops)940-626-0014Financing and Late AppointmentsAvailablewww.classicfloorcoverings.netCar+ HomeSavingsTotal average savings of$696*Let me show you how combininghome and auto policies can reallyadd up. Like a good neighbor,State Farm is there. ®CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7*Average annual household savings based on national 2009 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching.Each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products.State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (auto), Bloomington, IL,State Farm Lloyds (home), Dallas, TXFULL LINEGARDEN CENTERHOME OWNED HOME GROWN1551 Preskitt Rd. • Decatur940-627-3453SUMMER/FALL HOURS:Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.WE OFFERLANDSCAPEDESIGN &INSTALLATION!New HoursBeginning in MarchSubscribeOne Year,In-<strong>County</strong>........................ $37One Year,Out-of-<strong>County</strong>................. $43One Year,Out-of-State................... $49SubscribeOnlineSilk Screen PrintingEmbroidery • Vinyl LetteringT-Shirts • HoodiesCaps • ApparelTeam Uniforms • “Bling”Fire Retardant ClothingBanners • Yard SignsKelly Read & Gay Read940-969-3680328 Schoolhouse Rd.www.hometowntees02@yahoo.com• Custom Home Design& Construction• Complete Remodels& Fire Restoration• Kitchen and BathSpecialistswww.heritagecreeknorth.com817-846-5997homes@heritagecreekconstruction.comNEW HOME OUT OF THEQUESTION?REMODELING TOO STRESSFUL?Let us ease your mindCOMPLETE REMODELINGRoom Additions • Patio Covers• Kitchens & Baths • GarageDAN PROCTORCUSTOMS HOMESSince 1976817-881-9023www.wcmessenger.com/subscribe.comOne Year In-<strong>County</strong> $35 $37 One Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> $43 $40One Year Out-of-State $49 $45 One Year Digital Subscription $20Two Year In-<strong>County</strong> $70 $60 Two Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> $80 $70Two Year Out-of-State $90 $80 Two Year Digital Subscription $40First Name: _______________________________________________Last Name: _______________________________________________Our 67th Year Serving<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>HOLMESAuto SupplyQuality NameBrands YouCan Trust803 W. Main • Decatur940-627-2350www.holmesautosupply.comCIRCLE SSTORES1201 South FM 51 • DecaturVOTEDBESTCONVENIENCESTORE940-627-3637$1.19HamburgersWednesdays11a.m. - 2 p.m.Hot Breakfast &Folger’s CoffeeBrewed DailyCall In Deli Ordersfor FASTER SERVICE!940-627-3637TablesInside & Outsidefor Your DiningConvenience!Store Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - 10 p.m.Grill Hours: Mon.-Fri., 5 a.m. - 2 p.m.Deli Box Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - 6 p.m.CUMMINSDIESELOIL CHANGE$68.95Up to 12 QUARTS ofSHELL ROTELLA Libertys$68.95GAS VEHICLES:$28.95Up to 6 quarts of Pennzoil + Filter+16-point Service CheckImports & performance vehicles slightly higherUS 287 North, Decatur940-627-6700SERVICE & PARTS7:30-6:00 Monday-FridayAddress: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________City: ___________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________Phone: ___________________________________________________E-mail: ___________________________________________________Credit CardCheck #: ____________Credit Card Type: ________________________ Exp.: ______________Credit Card Number: _______________________________________Submit payment to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>PO Box 149 • 115 South Trinity • Decatur, TX 76234

8B WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Sunday</strong>, August <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>SPORTSontinued from page 1Bead.The Knights had a 35-yardass play and 22-yard runo set up the winning touchownin the final seconds.Lindsay’s other possessionf the quarter ended with aumble at its 34-yard line.aradise couldn’t capitalizen the opportunity, turninghe ball over on downs afterJosh McDowell pass fellncomplete.McDowell finished 8-for-8 for 102 yards.His <strong>21</strong>-yard pass to Chaseeynolds started the Panhers’scoring drive in theuarter. He threw a 25-yardouchdown to Andrew Simsn the Panthers’ first-teamffense’s final play.“I was pleased with theay he played, especiallyn the quarter,” Neighborsaid.Sims punched in the Panhers’touchdown in theuarter from two yards outith 3:36 left on a thirdnd-2.He ran for 47 yards oneven carries and caughtwo passes for 54 yards.Jarrett Roper added 38ards on seven carries, andale Johnson ran for 30 onix rushes.Reynolds had two catchesor 25 yards.FOOTBALLKnights sneak by Panthers...<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyRUNNING FOR DAYLIGHT — Paradise quarterback Josh McDowell runs away froma Lindsay tackler during Thursday night’s scrimmage.The Decatur Lady Eaglescontinued their early-seasonroll Tuesday with a threegamesweep of the WhitesboroLady Cats.Decatur won 25-14, 25-12,25-18.After winning the first gamecomfortably, the Lady Eaglesplayed several reserves ingames two and three.Decatur was off Friday andwill return to action Tuesdayat Kennedale. The LadyEagles will then head to theArlington Invitational Aug.26-27.Chico def. PoolvilleThe Chico Lady DragonsContinued from page 1BHer blocks jumpstarted a12-1 Sissies run.“They were pretty tough,”said Boyd hitter Parker Tateabout Bridgeport blockersClayton and Hancock. “Wealso got down on ourselves.”Sabrina Garza made it <strong>21</strong>-10 with her kills off an assistfrom Henson. Garza was thefourth Bridgeport hitter to recordat least five kills.Setter Tiffany Hawkinshanded out 11 assists andHenson 10 to the various hitters.VOLLEYBALLLady Eaglessweep Whitesborooutlasted Poolville in fivegames Tuesday to get overthe .500 mark.The Lady Dragons improvedto 5-4 with the 24-26,25-19, 25-13, 23-25, 15-6 victory.Hannah Avants put down19 kills to go along with her13 digs and five blocks.Mallori Moss added 15 killsand 11 digs.Molli Umphress doled out<strong>21</strong> assists and Araliza Galindo14.Cameron Bowyer made 11digs.Chico took on JacksboroFriday at home.Gem in new gym...“We’re mixing up our offense,and it’s made a big difference,”Larson said.Bridgeport completed a 10-point game two victory on aBoyd hitting error.The Lady Yellowjackets tookanother early lead in gamethree, 4-1, after a BrooklynScarborough block for a kill.The Sissies then made anothercharge, tying the gameat 5 on a Clayton kill. Bridgeportwent on a 20-5 run toclose the match for the openingwin in the Sissies’ newhome.THIS YEAR,FIGHTLIKEGIRL!AWISE COUNTY MESSENGER<strong>2011</strong>BREASTCANCERAWARENESSSPECIAL SECTIONBe part of improving healthcare for <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> residents and part of serving those in need.Whether your business directly serves patients through screenings and equipment,through products and services that make survivors look good and feel better aboutthemselves, or you simply want to be a part of something that increases breast cancerawareness and provides valuable information about available programs, call today to beincluded in this venture. A portion of the proceeds will help fight breast cancer in <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>.Publication Date: Sept. 29Advertising Deadline: Sept. 13Call 940-627-5987,for more information.

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