program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering


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• Transfer function, block diagram, and signal flow graph. (2)• State variable analysis, controllability, observability. (8)• Control system stability. (4)• Root locus techniques. (2)• Time domain analysis and design. (4)• Frequency domain analysis and design. (2)Structure: Two 75-minute lectures per week. No labs. Homework assignments approximately weekly.Homework often requires use of MATLAB. Two 75-minute exams and a two-hour final.Policy: Regular attendance at lecture is assumed, please make arrangements with Dr. Myler if you need tomiss class. Please place cell phones on silent, vibrate or off before coming to class. Use of laptops or anydevice that access the Internet during lecture is not permitted. Audio recording of lectures is permitted,but please let Dr. Myler know that you plan to do so. Please do not bring food or beverages into class.Homework due dates will be given when homework is assigned. Late homework is subject to a 50%penalty. No homework is accepted after the solution is given or discussed in class. Students areencouraged to work together on homework; however, only individual work should be submitted. It isyour responsibility to know exam dates and start times. No make-up exams will be given unless priorarrangements are made with Dr. Myler. Late arrivals to exams are permitted up until the first student tocomplete the exam leaves.Contribution to professional component:Math and basic science 0.0 (units)<strong>Engineering</strong> Topics 3.0 (units)Does this course contain significant design experience?YesPrepared by: Dr. Harley Myler May 2006EE Program Self-Study Report-2006 78

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