program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering


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IEEE Robot – the robot entered in the IEEE Region V 2006 Conference competition in SanAntonio had to autonomously navigate a simulated warehouse environment and move coloredobjects from one room to another. The team placed 11 th of 32.TSGC Advanced Robotic Technology – a NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium sponsoredproject to remotely control a rover vehicle via Internet.RFID Data Transmission – this team demonstrated the use of RFID to produce both a wireless andbattery free keyboard.Auto-on Amplifier – team designed and constructed an amplifier that would sense signal at theinput and turn on automatically. The intended use is for PA systems in classrooms that are onlyused when a device (computer, VCR, tape recorder, etc.) is plugged in.Fire Fighter Telemetry – this was a large project that consisted of two teams, one team developedthe radio location hardware to locate and identify a firefighter in a building and the other producedthe software and GUI for the system.Programs containing the modifier “electrical” in the title must also demonstrate that graduateshave a knowledge of advanced mathematics, typically including differential equations, linearalgebra, complex variables, and discrete mathematics.Table 4.1 listed mathematics and science courses taken by our students that develop knowledge ofdifferential equations, linear algebra, complex variables and discrete mathematics. DifferentialEquations are given extensive treatment in MATH3301 and complex variables are also coveredthere. Linear algebra is treated in MATH2318 as well as some aspects of discrete math. Figure 8.1illustrates the demonstration linkages into our <strong>program</strong> outcomes base (required courses).Figure 8.1 Linkage between advanced mathematics instruction and curriculum skill usage andassessment.EE Program Self-Study Report-2006 38

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