program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering

program self-study report - Lamar University Electrical Engineering


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allowing students flexibility in their career preparations and it addresses requests in the surveys for moreelectives.The comments towards <strong>program</strong> improvements from the commencement questionnaires since 2002 maybe summarized as follows along with <strong>program</strong> changes that are supported by the comments. It isimportant to note that change is not made for the sake of change nor does the department respond to everystudent comment with a change to the curriculum. Also, some changes become <strong>self</strong>-fulfilling propheciesin the sense that the change is decided on by the faculty and then is substantiated by student comment.• More equipment/improved equipment in labso We begin making major improvements to the labs on the summer of 2003 when theInfinity Project equipment was installed in the circuits/electronics/DSP lab.o In 2004 we installed National Instruments ELVIS systems for circuits and electronics.• Work on lab manuals.o Lab materials for our intro course, circuits, electronics and machines are on-line anddownloadable.• Availability of computers and software.o We standardized our engineering software on Visual C++, MATLAB, Multisim andLabView. These packages are available 24/7 to all EE students.o Electronic combination locks are installed on all teaching labs. Students are given uniquecodes and may use the computer lab (C1306) at any time. For special projects they can begiven a code to get into other labs as needed. Seniors enrolled in ELEN4206/4207 SeniorProjects have access to the projects lab (C1006) at all times during the fall and springsemesters.• Lab in microcomputerso A separate lab was added to ELEN4486 Microcomputer I for assembly language<strong>program</strong>ming and embedded systems development.• C++ <strong>program</strong>mingo QBASIC was replaced by C/C++ in ELEN1301 Intro to Computers.• Faculty improvementso Two new faculty were hired (PhD & Tenure Track).o These faculty replaced adjuncts and retired faculty.• IEEEo A junior faculty member took over the advisement of the IEEE Student Section and hasenergized activity.3.5 Materials Available for Review to Demonstrate Achievement of Program OutcomesThe following materials are available on-site for review:1. Required ELEN course materials collected in support of <strong>program</strong> outcomes fromFA05/SP06.2. Commencement Questionnaires and summaries since 2002.3. Faculty and Advisory Board meeting minutes and presentation materials.4. One-year, Three-year and Five-year out survey results with summaries.5. Senior Projects Display Boards (capstone course, ELEN4206/4207).EE Program Self-Study Report-2006 23

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