Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas Stove TestimonialsBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationmotorcycle, whichis pretty loadeddown when I'm outfor several days.My dad didn'treally think itwould work, untilhe tried it, andnow he's abeliever. He threwaway his WWIIGerman cookstove, and nowuses nothing butthe WoodGascamp stove.Anyone withquestions cancontact me at:justindorrance-athotmail-dot-comJunstin D,Customer SDJan 5, 2007 (2 of 11) [10/9/2008 08:24:35]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas Stove TestimonialsUsing a few woodpellets and somesaw dust, I was ableto get the stoverunning well in aminute or two. Then Iput on my lunch.Soup with meat balls!With the stove onhigh, the soup wasboiling in short order.Then I put the stoveon low, and it made anice cooking fire forabout 30 minutes.Then I dumped outthe ashes and it wascool about 15minutes later.I'm pleased with yourstove, and will enjoytaking it on my nextcamp out.John H, PrescottAZOct 4, 2006 (3 of 11) [10/9/2008 08:24:35]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas Stove TestimonialsBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationmotorcycle, whichis pretty loadeddown when I'm outfor several days.My dad didn'treally think itwould work, untilhe tried it, andnow he's abeliever. He threwaway his WWIIGerman cookstove, and nowuses nothing butthe WoodGascamp stove.Anyone withquestions cancontact me at:justindorrance-athotmail-dot-comJunstin D,Customer SDJan 5, 2007 (2 of 11) [10/9/2008 08:24:35]

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