Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation: Database8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBIOSYNOxygen gasifier for CANADAmethanol productionProf. EstebanChornet819 821;esteban_chornet@nrel.gov819 8217955Dept. of GenieChimique, Univ. deSherbrooke, PQ,J1K 2R1, CanadaCompleted Wood Biosyn project for methanol. See Chapter38/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBRIGHTSTARSYNFUELS CO.Externally heated, USA Ron Menville 504 642 Box 539 St.steam reforming ofbiomass, for mediumBtu syngas2500Gabriel, LA 70776504 6422503Developingprojects US,Australia, EuropeSawdust,bark,MSW,bagasse,sludge, coal6 1 Proprietary medium energy gasificationtechnology for use for use in burners,rotary dryers, boilers, dryers, turbines,recip engines8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBURLINGTON IGCC Demonstration USA John Irving 802 865ELECTRIC, of Battelle gasifier at7482VERMONT (FERCO, existing wood plantBattelle)802 Pine St.,Burlington, VT05401-4891 (Plantat 111 Intervale Rd.Testing Wood 200 TPD,10 MWBattelle Columbus Double Fluid BedProcess, see Chapter 38/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGECARBONA (FormerlyTampella,Enviropower, andVattenfall)PressurizedFluidized BedUSA Kari Rasanen 358 933580300358 933580325Carbona Corp.,USA, 4501 Circle75 Pkwy, Su E5300, Atlanta, GA30339; Box 610,FIN-33101Tampere, FinlandGasification based power plants, seeChapter 39/20/99 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGE12/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGECESP (CompanhiaEbergetica de SanPaulo)COMBUSTION Fixed bed closeCONSULTANTS LTD coupled gasifiers tosupply cleancombustion gas atover 2,000 FBRAZIL Electrically heated gasifier for makingmethanolNEW ZEALAND Paul 37 Parkhill Rd.,Hastings, NewZealand600 units incommercialoperatinWood 2-60(chips, Mbtu/hrsawdust,shavings,etc.) papersl, Ag, barketc20 600 $100,000/MW(th) The Waterwide Close Coupled Gasifier isa proven system able to accommodateraw waste, gasify it, then clean andcombust the gas. Output is clean flue gasat over 2,000F.8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEELSAM/ELKRAFTFluidized Bed forBiocycle project;coal-strawcogasificationDENMARKMichaelMadsen45 44 6600 2245 44 6561 04SK Power Co.,Project Div.Lautruphoj 5-7, DK-2750 Ballerup,DenmarkBiomass,coal, strawIGCC, Press. Circ Fl Bed fromEnviropower, see Chapter 38/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEENVIROPOWER(Tampella, IGT)RecirculatingFluidized BedGasificationFINLAND Kari Salo 46 8 73960 00Teknikantie 12 S-162 87, Stockholm,SwedenProcess for large, central power plantsand IGCC, see Capter 3.46 8 73968 028/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEEPI (Energy Productsof Idaho, formerlyJWP)Steam, powerFluidized BedUSA Michael L.Murphy208 7651611208 4006 IndustrialAve., Coeurd’Alene, ID 83814,USACompany activein comb, fewgasifier projectsWood, Agres, sludge,rice hulls,RDF25MWth 3 3 Fluidized bed gasifiers for wood inOregon, California and Missouri, seeChapter 3.1/20/98 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEFERCO (FutureEnergy ResourcesCorp.)Developers of large USA Sim Weeks 404 831gasifier systems forefficient power(Burlington, Binaga)9355404 8140549www.future-energy.comFERCO, 950 EPaces Ferry Rd.,NE., SU 810,Atlanta, GA 30326ActiveWood chips, 5 MWe 3 Plant currently under testgeneral8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEFOSTER WHEELER(Formerly Ahlstrom,AB)Circulating FINLANDAtmospheric &Presssurized FBs forpowerRagnarLundqvist35852293314Foster WheelerR&D Center, SF-48601 Karhula,FinlandWood chips, 2 t/h-27t/h Now Foster Wheeler. Circulatingbark, peatFluidized Bed Gasifier, full scale inSweden, pilot on MSW. Exceeds 300 hrcommercial operating, see Chapter 3358522933099/30/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEGLOBAL ENERGY(AFT-IGCC)Combining Coal,MSW IGCC forclean powerUSA 513 6210077513 62159471500 ChiquitaCentre, 250 E. fifthSt., Cincinnati, OH45202Planning Coal, MSW (3 of 15) [10/9/2008 08:24:00]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Database12/15/98 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEHERMANRESEARCH PTY,LTDIDGCC Gasification AUSTRALIAsystem for powergeneration from highmoisture fuelsAnthonyCampisiAlf Ottrey61 29565976061 Technology, Development677 Springvale Rd.,Mulgrave, Victoria,Australia 3179Low rank Up to 300coals, MWconsideringbiomasspartners2 10 t/h (10MW demo)Fluid-bed gasifier with integrated gascooling/fueldrying system and 5 MW gasturbine. New Lahti gasifier beingdeveloped. Also R&D, Equipment andConsulting (Alf Ottrey).8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEHURST BOILER &WELDING CO.Underfed stokergasifier-combustorfor Heat, power,steamUSA Gene Zebley 912 346 hboiler@rose.net3545912 US Hwy 319South, Coolidge,GA 31738-0529active>600 types;Up to55%MCwood, MF,tires,sludge,paper0.4 to 56MBTU/hrper unit30 >400 $1M/MWt Leading mfgr of fixed bed gasificationsystems for heat and power, R&D andsupport. Provide engineering, fabricationand mfg "in house". 200+ employees,l,see Chapter 3.8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEIMTRAN VOIMACombined cyclepowerprocess usingsteam drying,injectionFINLAND S. Hulkkonen 358 985614612358 IVO, Rajatorpantie8, Vantaa, 01019IVO FinlandPilot plant forsteam drying…Highmoisturewood, peat,papersludge1 pilot dryer High pressure fuel drying and steaminjection, air blown pressurizedgasification, combined cycle8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGE8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEKVAERNERENVIROPOWERINC.LURGIUMWELTTECHNIKGMBHCirculating Fluid BedGasifier for powergeneration, cementor lime kilnsUSA Herbert. J.Fruth410 3561111GERMANY Rainer Reimert 49 695808353010055 Red RunBlvd., Owings Mills,Md 21117Lurgi-Allee 5, P.O. In design, tested RDF, wood, 14 MW el,Box 11 12 31, D- pilot scale bark, carbon 50-10060295 Frankfurt amash, waste MW(th)Main.Used in Elsam Gasifier, Euro. Comm. ,Fixed & fluidized bed gasifiers, seeChapter 3.49 69580826288/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGE8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGENEW ENGLANDPOWER SERVICEPOWER GASIFIERSINTERNATIONALCompletegasificaiton systems,40-5000kWUSA Raymond L.Coxe508 3669011X3120UK Nigel Viney 44 767680 35144 767683 29825 Research Drive,Westborough, MA.0158229 St. Neots Rd.,Sandy,Bedfordshire, SG19ILG, U.K.40-5,000kWSee TBR letter, brochure, planning 500-5MW gasifier demoComplete gasificaiton systems, 40-5000kW8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEPOWER SOURCES,INC.Owner operator ofVarious commercialgasifiers for steam,hot air, powerUSA Dennis C.Williams704 5255819704 9140 ArrowPointPlvd., Su 370,Charlotte, NC282737 Gasificationand combustionWood,papersludge, ricehulls, otherbiomassTo 330 tpd 12 3 Gasifiers,4 combu2 wood waste gasifiers, one rice hullgasifier1/20/98 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEPRM ENERGYSYSTEMS, INC -FABRICATION ANDTESTINGMulti zone, fixedgrate, co-currentLarge gasifiersystems for heat,steam powerUSAW. N. (Bill)Scott918 8351011918 Box 581742, Tulsa,OK 74158Many units Rice 10-1,000 t/d $1,500 -around the world husk/straw,bark,sawdust,RDF, etc...$2,500/kWe;$1.4Mfor 100 t/dLicensed for design and construction ofPRMES type gasifiers8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEPRM ENERGYSYSTEMS, INC.-CORPORATEOFFICESMulti zone, fixedgrate, gasifier forprocess heat,steam, power.USA Ron Bailey Jr., 501 7672100501 PRMES, 504WindamereTerrace, HotSprings, AR 71913Many unitsaround the worldRice 10-1,000 t/d 15 18 gasifiers, $1,500 -husk/straw,bark,sawdust,RDF, etc...15 pla $2,500/kWe18 operating systems in US, Australiaand Malaysia, Costa Rica, many newplants building, PRMES (see alsoPRIMENERGY) over 500,000 tons/yrinstalled capacity, planning MSW, seeChapter 3.8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEPROLERINTERNATIONALReforming HC waste USAto syngasDennisCaputo, VP713 62737374265 San Felipe, #900; Houston, TX770271800 kgdemo plantDeveloped a 50 t/d pilot unit for MSW,producing 300 Btu/scf -synthesis gas¦.Have 100 hr continuous713 62727378/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGE12/15/98 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEPUROXQBEG LTD(QueenslandBiomass EnergyGroup Ltd.)Fixed bed updraftslagging gasifier fordisposal of MSW,steam, syngasR&D &Commercializationof IGCC powercogen for sugarprocessingoperationsUSAHiroshiTamura415 3451338AUSTRALIA Terry Dixon 61 74952760061 QBEG, C/-SRI, Box Planning5611 Mackay MailCentre, Australia4741951 Mariners Island Closed, 1997 MSW 200 t/d 1 inBlvd., San Mateo,Chichibu,CA 94404operaSugar canebagasse,trash, in2,000; woodchips, coalcofire, post20025 MW IGCC(Long term50-200MWe)5 MweunderConstr$2400/kWe$1020 nth plAn advanced, slagging oxygen gasifier,closed for political reasons, see Chapter3.Sugar industry in Australia has 3400MWe potential; building on Maui gasifier;plant to be constructed near sugar site by2004. (4 of 15) [10/9/2008 08:24:00]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Database8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBIOSYNOxygen gasifier for CANADAmethanol productionProf. EstebanChornet819 821;esteban_chornet@nrel.gov819 8217955Dept. of GenieChimique, Univ. deSherbrooke, PQ,J1K 2R1, CanadaCompleted Wood Biosyn project for methanol. See Chapter38/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBRIGHTSTARSYNFUELS CO.Externally heated, USA Ron Menville 504 642 Box 539 St.steam reforming ofbiomass, for mediumBtu syngas2500Gabriel, LA 70776504 6422503Developingprojects US,Australia, EuropeSawdust,bark,MSW,bagasse,sludge, coal6 1 Proprietary medium energy gasificationtechnology for use for use in burners,rotary dryers, boilers, dryers, turbines,recip engines8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEBURLINGTON IGCC Demonstration USA John Irving 802 865ELECTRIC, of Battelle gasifier at7482VERMONT (FERCO, existing wood plantBattelle)802 Pine St.,Burlington, VT05401-4891 (Plantat 111 Intervale Rd.Testing Wood 200 TPD,10 MWBattelle Columbus Double Fluid BedProcess, see Chapter 38/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGECARBONA (FormerlyTampella,Enviropower, andVattenfall)PressurizedFluidized BedUSA Kari Rasanen 358 933580300358 933580325Carbona Corp.,USA, 4501 Circle75 Pkwy, Su E5300, Atlanta, GA30339; Box 610,FIN-33101Tampere, FinlandGasification based power plants, seeChapter 39/20/99 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGE12/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGECESP (CompanhiaEbergetica de SanPaulo)COMBUSTION Fixed bed closeCONSULTANTS LTD coupled gasifiers tosupply cleancombustion gas atover 2,000 FBRAZIL Electrically heated gasifier for makingmethanolNEW ZEALAND Paul 37 Parkhill Rd.,Hastings, NewZealand600 units incommercialoperatinWood 2-60(chips, Mbtu/hrsawdust,shavings,etc.) papersl, Ag, barketc20 600 $100,000/MW(th) The Waterwide Close Coupled <strong>Gasifier</strong> isa proven system able to accommodateraw waste, gasify it, then clean andcombust the gas. Output is clean flue gasat over 2,000F.8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEELSAM/ELKRAFTFluidized Bed forBiocycle project;coal-strawcogasificationDENMARKMichaelMadsen45 44 6600 2245 44 6561 04SK Power Co.,Project Div.Lautruphoj 5-7, DK-2750 Ballerup,DenmarkBiomass,coal, strawIGCC, Press. Circ Fl Bed fromEnviropower, see Chapter 38/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEENVIROPOWER(Tampella, IGT)RecirculatingFluidized BedGasificationFINLAND Kari Salo 46 8 73960 00Teknikantie 12 S-162 87, Stockholm,SwedenProcess for large, central power plantsand IGCC, see Capter 3.46 8 73968 028/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEEPI (Energy Productsof Idaho, formerlyJWP)Steam, powerFluidized BedUSA Michael L.Murphy208 7651611208 4006 IndustrialAve., Coeurd’Alene, ID 83814,USACompany activein comb, fewgasifier projectsWood, Agres, sludge,rice hulls,RDF25MWth 3 3 Fluidized bed gasifiers for wood inOregon, California and Missouri, seeChapter 3.1/20/98 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEFERCO (FutureEnergy ResourcesCorp.)Developers of large USA Sim Weeks 404 831gasifier systems forefficient power(Burlington, Binaga)9355404 8140549www.future-energy.comFERCO, 950 EPaces Ferry Rd.,NE., SU 810,Atlanta, GA 30326ActiveWood chips, 5 MWe 3 Plant currently under testgeneral8/1/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEFOSTER WHEELER(Formerly Ahlstrom,AB)Circulating FINLANDAtmospheric &Presssurized FBs forpowerRagnarLundqvist35852293314Foster WheelerR&D Center, SF-48601 Karhula,FinlandWood chips, 2 t/h-27t/h Now Foster Wheeler. Circulatingbark, peatFluidized Bed <strong>Gasifier</strong>, full scale inSweden, pilot on MSW. Exceeds 300 hrcommercial operating, see Chapter 3358522933099/30/97 GASIFIERSYSTEMS-LARGEGLOBAL ENERGY(AFT-IGCC)Combining Coal,MSW IGCC forclean powerUSA 513 6210077513 62159471500 ChiquitaCentre, 250 E. fifthSt., Cincinnati, OH45202Planning Coal, MSW (3 of 15) [10/9/2008 08:24:00]

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