Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation: Synthetic FuelsSYNTHETIC FUELS BY GASIFICATIONHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingGasification is used to make synthetic fuels and chemicalssuch as methanol, ammonia, diesel fuel and even (withmore difficulty) gasoline. It is difficult to imagine ourcurrent civilization continuing without them.In 1980 we built a high pressure biomass oxygen gasifierat SERI/NREL (now the National Renewable Energy Lab).Eventually that became the "Syngas, Inc." gasifier,operated on oxygen at 25 tons/d and on air at 75 t/d. (SeeFUNDAMENTAL STUDY AND SCALE UP OF THE AIR-OXYGEN STRATIFIED DOWNDRAFT GASIFIER: T.Reed, M. Graboski and B. Levie (SERI 1988) in Books.EnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreWhen fossil fuels are gone or too expensive we can makethese necessities from coal and biomass with thefollowing three stages of reactions:About theBEFLinks1. Manufacture of synthesis gas:Biomass (or coal) + O2 ==> CO + H2(carbon monoxide and hydrogen)2. Water gas shift adjusts CO/H2 ratio:CO + H2O CO2 + H23. Synthesis with CatalystCO + 2 H2 ==> CH3OH (methanol)CO + H2 ==> "(CH2)n" (diesel or gasoline,the Fischer Tropsch reaction) (1 of 2) [10/9/2008 08:23:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Synthetic FuelsBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundation3 H2 + N2==> 2 NH3 (ammonia)Sounds simple, but is usually done commercially inchemical plants making 50 -2000 tons/day.My specialty since 1974 has been the synthesis ofmethanol, a superior automotive fuel, from biomass.(Methanol is used at the racetrack in preference togasoline and would replace gasoline with a minimum ofchanges. Methanol is no better than ethanol as a fuel, butwould cost 1/4 as much to make and can be made frombiomass, waste, coal, natural gas, and oil (not from corn!).See the article from Science on methanol that changedmy career from material scientist at MIT in 1973 to Fuelscientist today. (2 of 2) [10/9/2008 08:23:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Synthetic FuelsSYNTHETIC FUELS BY GASIFICATIONHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingGasification is used to make synthetic fuels and chemicalssuch as methanol, ammonia, diesel fuel and even (withmore difficulty) gasoline. It is difficult to imagine ourcurrent civilization continuing without them.In 1980 we built a high pressure biomass oxygen gasifierat SERI/NREL (now the National Renewable Energy Lab).Eventually that became the "Syngas, Inc." gasifier,operated on oxygen at 25 tons/d and on air at 75 t/d. (SeeFUNDAMENTAL STUDY AND SCALE UP OF THE AIR-OXYGEN STRATIFIED DOWNDRAFT GASIFIER: T.Reed, M. Graboski and B. Levie (SERI 1988) in Books.EnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreWhen fossil fuels are gone or too expensive we can makethese necessities from coal and biomass with thefollowing three stages of reactions:About theBEFLinks1. Manufacture of synthesis gas:Biomass (or coal) + O2 ==> CO + H2(carbon monoxide and hydrogen)2. Water gas shift adjusts CO/H2 ratio:CO + H2O CO2 + H23. Synthesis with CatalystCO + 2 H2 ==> CH3OH (methanol)CO + H2 ==> "(CH2)n" (diesel or gasoline,the Fischer Tropsch reaction) (1 of 2) [10/9/2008 08:23:53]

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