Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information


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Biomass Energy Foundation: CookstovesCOOKSTOVESHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingEnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreAbout theBEFLinksBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationHalf the world (~3 billion people) cooks substandard meals, consumingtoo much wood, breathing too much smoke and burning the kids. Mygrandmother had a wood/coal range that worked pretty well, but wood isdifficult to burn on a smaller scale. On first lighting the volatiles aredriven off faster than combustion air can be supplied. Then, when thewood is reduced to charcoal, it is difficult to supply enough air to makeflames. We think that our WoodGas stoves are the best fix for theseproblems. However, we don't think they are the only fix and there is a lotof good work going on around the world. The best way to keep in touchis to join the STOVE discussion group at the Renewable Energy PolicyProject, REPP.REPP maintains a discussion group on STOVES and GASIFICATIONwith archives of thousands of letters on file asking and answeringquestions about all aspects of biomass stoves and gasification. Anyoneseriously wanting to help with world stove problems should join thisgroup.The Aprovecho research institute is actively developing new improvedstoves and deploying them around the world. They also maintain aschool for cookstoves, alternative building methods etc. Worth a tripanytime. They will be having a Spring Cookoff in June 2003. Maybe I'llsee you there.I have long admired the wood stoves developed by Fred Hottenroth.Unfortunately, Fred died several years ago, but the stoves are still beingmanufactured by the ZZ Manufacturing Co.http://www.woodgas.com/cookstoves.htm (1 of 2) [10/9/2008 08:23:09]

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