Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation Bookstore - technical books about renewable fuels plus Woodgas camp stovesAdd item #1 to my shopping cart.BIOMASS DOWNDRAFT GASIFIERENGINE SYSTEMS HANDBOOK: T.Reed and A. Das, (SERI-1988) Over amillion wood gasifiers were used topower cars and trucks during World WarII. Yet, there are now only a fewcompanies manufacturing gasifiersystems. The authors, who have spentmore than 20 years working with variousgasifier systems, discuss the factors thatmust be correct to have a successful"gasifier power system." Our mostpopular book, the "new Testament" ofgasification.ISBN 1-890607-00-2140pp $35Add item #2 to my shopping cart.GENGAS: THE SWEDISH CLASSICON WOOD FUELED VEHICLES: (SERI-1979) T. Reed, D. Jantzen and A. Das,with index. This is the "Old Testament"of gasification, written Englishtranslation, of "Gen-Gas", written by theSwedish Royal Academy at the end ofWW II after successfully converting 90%of transportation of WW II Sweden towood gasifiers.ISBN 1-890607-01-0340pp $40 (6 of 19) [10/9/2008 08:22:58]

Biomass Energy Foundation Bookstore - technical books about renewable fuels plus Woodgas camp stovesAdd item #5 to my shopping cart.PRODUCER-GAS: ANOTHER FUELFOR MOTOR TRANSPORT: Ed. NoelVietmeyer (The U.S. National Academyof Sciences-1985) A seeing-is-believingprimer with historical and modernpictures of gasifiers. An outstanding textfor any introductory program.ISBN 1-890607-02-680pp $10Add item #7 to my shopping cart.SMALL SCALE GAS PRODUCER-ENGINE SYSTEMS: A. Kaupp and J.Goss. (Veiweg,1984) Updates GENGASand contains critical engineering dataand good common sense, indispensablefor the serious gasifier project. Ali Kauppis thorough and knowledgeable.ISBN 1-890607-06-1278pp $35Add item #6 to my shopping cart. (7 of 19) [10/9/2008 08:22:58]

Biomass Energy Foundation Bookstore - technical books about renewable fuels plus Woodgas camp stovesAdd item #1 to my shopping cart.BIOMASS DOWNDRAFT GASIFIERENGINE SYSTEMS HANDBOOK: T.Reed and A. Das, (SERI-1988) Over amillion wood gasifiers were used topower cars and trucks during World WarII. Yet, there are now only a fewcompanies manufacturing gasifiersystems. The authors, who have spentmore than 20 years working with variousgasifier systems, discuss the factors thatmust be correct to have a successful"gasifier power system." Our mostpopular book, the "new Testament" ofgasification.ISBN 1-890607-00-2140pp $35Add item #2 to my shopping cart.GENGAS: THE SWEDISH CLASSICON WOOD FUELED VEHICLES: (SERI-1979) T. Reed, D. Jantzen and A. Das,with index. This is the "Old Testament"of gasification, written Englishtranslation, of "Gen-Gas", written by theSwedish Royal Academy at the end ofWW II after successfully converting 90%of transportation of WW II Sweden towood gasifiers.ISBN 1-890607-01-0340pp $40 (6 of 19) [10/9/2008 08:22:58]

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