Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation: GasificationevenMunicipalSolid Wasteas well,though thesematerials areharder togasify.Brieflybiomass canbe gasifiedpyrolytically byheating to>400 C,yielding also25% charcoaland LOTS ofcondensibles -tars). Or it canbe gasifiedwith air tomake"producer gas"(typically CO22%; H2 18%;CH4 3%, CO26% and N251%). DuringWorld War IIthere wereover a millionsmall gasifiersrunning cars,trucks, boatsand buses(seeHISTORY).OR it can begasified withoxygen tomakesynthesis gas (3 of 5) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Gasification(typically 40%CO, 40% H2,3% CH4 and17% CO2, drybasis) whichcan be used tomakemethanoI,ammonia anddiesel fuel withknowncommercialcatalyticprocesses. Iexpect thatgasificationwill be evenmore useful inthe future aswe deplete ourlow cost fossilfuels. Formore on this,visitSYNTHETICFUELS.I have beenparticularlyinterested insmallgasifiers fordistributedpower,cookstoves ortransportation.Visit that site ifyou areinterested inkW rather thanMW.Database (4 of 5) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Gasification(typically 40%CO, 40% H2,3% CH4 and17% CO2, drybasis) whichcan be used tomakemethanoI,ammonia anddiesel fuel withknowncommercialcatalyticprocesses. Iexpect thatgasificationwill be evenmore useful inthe future aswe deplete ourlow cost fossilfuels. Formore on this,visitSYNTHETICFUELS.I have beenparticularlyinterested insmallgasifiers fordistributedpower,cookstoves ortransportation.Visit that site ifyou areinterested inkW rather thanMW.Database (4 of 5) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

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