Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Biomass Energy Foundation: BiomassBIOMASS ENERGYBIOMASS - THE ONLY RENEWABLE FUELHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingEnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreAbout theBEFLinksThe name "Biomass" wasinvented about 1975 todescribe natural materialsused as energy sources.The Office of TechnologyAssessment (OTA)estimated in 1980 thatbiomass could potentiallysupply more than 20% ofUS energy requirements -if we were serious aboutenergy independence(we're not, since oil and oilprofits are international).Biomass now supplies 3%of US energy (see EIAand their table of biomassconsumption).While biomass is one ofthe best forms ofrenewable energy, it is nota great fuel. It occurs in awide variety of formsTruck unloading wood chips (1 of 4) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: BiomassBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundation(wood, paper, trash, ...).This can be reduced bydensification(pelletization) to a uniformfungible fuel that can beeasily shiped, stored andused.Biomass varies widely in both mass and volume fueldensity. It varies in chemical composition and theproximate/ultimate analysis gives records this data. Itoften has high water content, and the different methodsof recording and measuring MC can be confusing.While biomass can be used directly (mostly in wood fires),it can be converted to higher forms of fuels. Biomass isconverted to various fuel forms in thermal (combustion,pyrolysis and gasification) processes and biological(fermentation and digestion) processes. Click here for aroad map to all the various biomass conversionprocesses.Probably most of you were exposed to chemistry in highschool and promptly forgot it. The chemistry of biomassand other conversion processes is very simple, involvingprimarily carbon, C, hydrogen, H and oxygen, O. A briefexplanation is given here in terms of a "Ternary diagram"of fuels which will help to keep the chemistry of fuelsstraight in your minds.Air Fuel Ratios for biomass pyrolysis, gasification andcombustion:Air is the primary requirement for these thermal reactions (2 of 4) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

Biomass Energy Foundation: BiomassBIOMASS ENERGYBIOMASS - THE ONLY RENEWABLE FUELHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingEnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreAbout theBEFLinksThe name "Biomass" wasinvented about 1975 todescribe natural materialsused as energy sources.The Office of TechnologyAssessment (OTA)estimated in 1980 thatbiomass could potentiallysupply more than 20% ofUS energy requirements -if we were serious aboutenergy independence(we're not, since oil and oilprofits are international).Biomass now supplies 3%of US energy (see EIAand their table of biomassconsumption).While biomass is one ofthe best forms ofrenewable energy, it is nota great fuel. It occurs in awide variety of formsTruck unloading wood chips (1 of 4) [10/9/2008 08:22:53]

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