Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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13.07.2015 Views a common well understood unit, the kWhr (either thermal or electrical). Now wecan compare apples and oranges on the same basis.The Energy Rosetta StoneThe Rosetta Stone enabled scholars to decipher the Hieroglyphics ofAncient Egypt into modern Greek and English.Our Rosetta Stone Energy table enables anyone to translate the obscureenergy units we now use into the commonly understood kilowatts.LIQUID FUELSThe first energy OPEC crisis of 1973 was all about oil, a source of liquid fuels. Weresponded by looking for alternate energy forms such as wind and solar, all well andgood, but not fuels. We formed a Department of Energy, DOE, but it should havebeen a Department of fuels.In 1974 I was embroiled in a controversy at MIT with the oil and motor companiesover the use of methanol as an alternative fuel. They won! As a result we have paidhigher prices for foreign oil and funded the terrorism that has taken a million lives,culminating in 9/11 in the U.S. Check it out at METHANOL.Now methanol has become even more important because one gallon of methanol canmake ten gallons of biodiesel, a superior replacement for petroleum diesel. Here atthe Biomass Energy Foundation we were the first to make and demonstrate biodieselfrom waste vegetable oil (yellow grease). If you would like to make a little biodiesel inthe kitchen, see our new recipe at Biodiesel in the Kitchen.Three billion people in the world cook slowly on smoky, inefficient woodfires. Wehave developed two novel "WoodGas CampStoves" that we believe far exceed the (6 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41] of any other biomass cooking device because it first turns the wood togas, and then burns the gas with the correct amount of air. They put out up to 3 and 6kW of heat (3kW is comparable to the big element on an electric stove). They burnonly 10 and 20 g of fuel/min (40% efficient). While they can be used indoors withminimal emissions, we recommend that all cooking be done outdoors or under ahood.. We hope similar designs will be used in developing countries where the needis greater, but we are developing our product first in the U.S., so we have developeda company to manufacture, market and distribute the stove.We believe that these stoves will have a much wider application in the developingcountries of the world. See our WoodGas Stove page for other information aboutWoodGas stoves. We hope to see a billion of these stoves in use in the next the nextfew decades.We have re-issued our 3 volume "Survey of Biomass Gasification" from 1980 as aone volume "Encyclopedia of Biomass Thermal Conversion". The NationalRenewable Energy Lab, (SERI then, NREL now) commissioned it as a prerequisitefor me to build gasifiers. It contains chapters by various experts on many aspects ofthermal conversion and other aspects of biomass for energy. I wish there weresomething more current that covers all aspects of biomass, but this is the best todate. See this and our other books on gasification and biomass in the BEFBOOKSTORE.SITE OVERVIEWBiomass Energy is the oldest, most widespread and practical form of renewableenergy. The residues from agriculture and forestry could provide 20% of U.S. energy.Biomass has been a major concern of mine since 1974, the first "energy crisis". Thispage has lots of information on the properties and availability of biomass in its manyforms, particularly moisture content, fuel densities, and the biomass analyses and (7 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41] a common well understood unit, the kWhr (either thermal or electrical). Now wecan compare apples and oranges on the same basis.The Energy Rosetta StoneThe Rosetta Stone enabled scholars to decipher the Hieroglyphics ofAncient Egypt into modern Greek and English.Our Rosetta Stone Energy table enables anyone to translate the obscureenergy units we now use into the commonly understood kilowatts.LIQUID FUELSThe first energy OPEC crisis of 1973 was all about oil, a source of liquid fuels. Weresponded by looking for alternate energy forms such as wind and solar, all well andgood, but not fuels. We formed a Department of Energy, DOE, but it should havebeen a Department of fuels.In 1974 I was embroiled in a controversy at MIT with the oil and motor companiesover the use of methanol as an alternative fuel. They won! As a result we have paidhigher prices for foreign oil and funded the terrorism that has taken a million lives,culminating in 9/11 in the U.S. Check it out at METHANOL.Now methanol has become even more important because one gallon of methanol canmake ten gallons of biodiesel, a superior replacement for petroleum diesel. Here atthe Biomass Energy Foundation we were the first to make and demonstrate biodieselfrom waste vegetable oil (yellow grease). If you would like to make a little biodiesel inthe kitchen, see our new recipe at Biodiesel in the <strong>Kit</strong>chen.Three billion people in the world cook slowly on smoky, inefficient woodfires. Wehave developed two novel "WoodGas CampStoves" that we believe far exceed the (6 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41]

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