Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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13.07.2015 Views aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationimportant.Learn More...It always has been, and remains, our intention to keep the prices of our merchandise as reasonable as possible. In fact, we havenot changed the prices of our books (with the exception of number 16) in several years. However, in part because we are a smallfoundation and because "nonprofit" does not mean "go broke," we are forced by increased printing costs and higher U.S. PostalService charges finally to increase our prices. So, starting May 1, 2008, most of the prices for our merchandise are slightly higher.At least one price, however, is lower!Visit our Bookstore!We have many hard-to-find books! (2 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41], on to Tom Reed's wildly popular and informative Woodgas site...!The World has been developing "Alternative Energy" - Solar, Wind, Geothermal etc.for 35 years since the first oil embargo. While these have niche applications, they arenot fuels. They are intermittent, costly and unlikely to replace more than 10% of ourcurrent fossil fuel needs.Alternative Energy Sources are a RED HERRING tolerated to divert our attentionfrom our real needs. Oil is a fuel and its products can be used anywhere, anytime.The era of "cheap oil" is over and now we need to find ALTERNATIVE FUELS (notalternative energy).Oil prices are rising and availability falling. I expect prices to at least double every 5years. This will make a profound difference to our Civilization. Our Earth would be farbeyond its carrying capacity for Humans if it weren't for cheap oil. We hear a lotabout substituting "alternate energy". We aren't running out of energy - we arerunning out of "cheap oil", and need to find an "alternate fuel source"...Our green earth is already covered with plants and trees busily converting sunlight tobiomass products and fuel. All we need to do is learn how to use the fuel fraction,mostly wasted today. See our page on Biomass Energy for details.While we have deplored the "hydrogen economy" as a red herring for practicalenergy, the WoodGas made by well known technology has a high concentration ofhydrogen and is VERY clean burning. So, we have been using and promoting"hydrogen rich gas" as an alternate name for the "producer gas" made from wood andcoal. We are now also involved in reforming liquid fuels to a hydrogen rich gas."Woodgas" is my nickname for the gases that can be made from wood, otherbiomass and waste for heat, power and synthesis of ammonia and fuel. (It is alsocalled "producer gas", "synthesis gas" etc.). I have worked in this field since the first (3 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41] aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationimportant.Learn More...It always has been, and remains, our intention to keep the prices of our merchandise as reasonable as possible. In fact, we havenot changed the prices of our books (with the exception of number 16) in several years. However, in part because we are a smallfoundation and because "nonprofit" does not mean "go broke," we are forced by increased printing costs and higher U.S. PostalService charges finally to increase our prices. So, starting May 1, 2008, most of the prices for our merchandise are slightly higher.At least one price, however, is lower!Visit our Bookstore!We have many hard-to-find books! (2 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:18:41]

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