Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information

Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information Gasifier Experimenters Kit - Pole Shift Survival Information
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Untitled Documentcontemporary carbon and solar transactions- whether through theirforms of photosynthesis to carbohydrates to animal respiration, orthrough the gasifier/digestor preparations of hydrocarbons tocombustion to mechanical energy to electrical energy.somehow i think there is art here. but haven't quite figured it outyet. though i think it looks somehting like this . . .here's a musing from the shipyard list today about such that i thoughyou might enjoy.----------------------------------------------------------------------from the shipyard list:subject: scented fuelsdate: todaycontinuing on the idea of "fuel is food" for the metabolic needs ofour artifical life machines. injesting the samehydrocarbons/carbohydrates that we do, exhaling the same co2 and h2oas we do. all of which goes round and round in the fabulous organicchemistry of life. with solar radiation providing the power toendothermically restructure the C and H into better sprung forms, sowe can "burn" it again, exhaling heat and co2 and h2o again. remindingus yet again that the world is on fire. and man and machine burnthrough largely the same respiratory process, through largely the samechemical transformations. (the gasifier being the stomach in allthis. the v-8 being the lungs and blood.)but as we don't treat our "energy needs" as a raw energy problem, butrather as the creative idiom of "cuisine" in all its forms, whereby wefind sensual pleasure, sociality, relationship to land and distantcultures, etc etc, it seems that we should show our machines the samerespect, and enjoy the pleasures of better fuels with them, instead ofsuffering with the junk we usually feed them. that as we powerourselves with pleasure, we should also power our machines withpleasure. we could all eat gruel and live. but who does? no one.therefore it seems there is an opportunity in the biodiesel industryto sell scented fules. fuel alcohols as well. (4 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:16:56]

Untitled Documentimagine that when you were buying your biodiesel, you had a choice of"indian", "thai", "italian", "sushi", etc. that you could choose theoil base of the fuel you were buying, and have to pay differentlydepending on what it was, and how pleasant it is to smell while youare driving. instead of different octane grades, you have choices ofsmell. with all the jokes and play that follows.smell is one of the few direct sensory returns from fuel, other thanones in the imagination (which maybe are mostly of interest to me), sosmell seems the place to differentiate them.the smell industry is giant. the car customization industry is soon as there is opportunity for vanity and distinguishing oneselfthrough customization, people will pay. and in doing so often pursuethings of greater quality and creativity in the process.which is the critical turn we need to make with fuels.fuel should not be an invisible need fulfillment problem. a zero sumgame of solving a problem so we can forget about it, only concernedwith economic optimization. but rather relearning it as an expressivemedium, whereby we can get past zero and into other areas of interestwith it. pleasure, play, learning, humor, community, etc.and thereby release fuels from their raw btu/$ calculus, and open theminto a realm where much more than btus are being transacted. when wasthe last time you saw food in the market costed by the calorie? i'venever seen a food label that said, "these noodles are 10cal/cent."which is essentially how we label the food for our mechanical seems to me that the personal meaning and opportunities of fuel forour machines are as rich as food for ourselves- which long ago leftthe realm of raw starch and burned meat.but currently there is no where to buy such "otherwise" distinguishedfuels. hmmm . . .j--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:16:56]

Untitled Documentimagine that when you were buying your biodiesel, you had a choice of"indian", "thai", "italian", "sushi", etc. that you could choose theoil base of the fuel you were buying, and have to pay differentlydepending on what it was, and how pleasant it is to smell while youare driving. instead of different octane grades, you have choices ofsmell. with all the jokes and play that follows.smell is one of the few direct sensory returns from fuel, other thanones in the imagination (which maybe are mostly of interest to me), sosmell seems the place to differentiate them.the smell industry is giant. the car customization industry is soon as there is opportunity for vanity and distinguishing oneselfthrough customization, people will pay. and in doing so often pursuethings of greater quality and creativity in the process.which is the critical turn we need to make with fuels.fuel should not be an invisible need fulfillment problem. a zero sumgame of solving a problem so we can forget about it, only concernedwith economic optimization. but rather relearning it as an expressivemedium, whereby we can get past zero and into other areas of interestwith it. pleasure, play, learning, humor, community, etc.and thereby release fuels from their raw btu/$ calculus, and open theminto a realm where much more than btus are being transacted. when wasthe last time you saw food in the market costed by the calorie? i'venever seen a food label that said, "these noodles are 10cal/cent."which is essentially how we label the food for our mechanical seems to me that the personal meaning and opportunities of fuel forour machines are as rich as food for ourselves- which long ago leftthe realm of raw starch and burned meat.but currently there is no where to buy such "otherwise" distinguishedfuels. hmmm . . .j--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5 of 9) [10/9/2008 08:16:56]

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