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MiscellaneousCure andBondbreakerSure-Lift (J-6) Premium Cure BondbreakerMiscellaneous andChemical Productsthe casting slab surface as well as a weakened and overlyporous slab surface.SPRAY EQUIPMENTThe (J-6) Bondbreaker must be applied by a highquality “low-pressure pump-up type sprayer” such asmanufactured by Hudson, Chapin or others. The tip sizemust be able to produce a well atomized spray pattern. Thesprayer must be kept under sufficient pressure to correctlyatomize the (J-6) without streaming, tailing, or spitting. A1/2 (0.5) gal. /minute tip is generally recommended formost applications. The use of an improper sprayer, a dirtysprayer, lower than adequate pressures or wrong tip canresult in an uneven application, and either over or underapplication.First Bondbreaker CoatThe casting bed should be free of all foreign material,salts, laitance and the (J-6) protected, while drying, fromall contaminants or particulate matter (i.e., dust, dirt,etc.). Just prior to placing the reinforcing steel, and withintwo weeks of pouring the panels, spray apply the firstbondbreaker application of (J-6) at 400 ft²/gal. (9.8m²/L)to the point of rejection. Spray at right angles to curingcompound spray pattern. Specific site conditions maydictate coverage rates other than the normal recommendedcoverage rates. Adjust the actual applied rates accordingly.Second Bondbreaker CoatWait until first coat dries, approximately 2 hours dependingon temperature and humidity, and apply a second coat atright angles to the previous coat. Coverage for the secondcoat will typically be 550 to 700 ft²/gal. (13.5-17.2 m²/L).If light or white spots appear within 10-40 minutes afterspraying, those areas are extra porous and should befogged with water followed by a reapplication of the (J-6) at550 to 700 ft²/gal. (13.5-17.2 m²/L). Specific site conditionsmay dictate coverage rates other than the normalrecommended coverage rates. Adjust the actual appliedrates accordingly.The number of bondbreaker coats and coverage ratesnecessary to achieve a complete uniform coverage ishighly dependant on the concrete casting slab mix designas well as its inherent porosity, finishing techniques, and otherrelated site specific ambient conditions. Adequatebondbreaker application is in large part dependant upondevelopment of a uniform soap like feel of the bondbreakertreated surface as well as beading of water. Bondbreakercan also be checked by rolling up a small ball like amountunder thumb pressure.Extremely porous or rough casting slabs will necessitatesuccessive additional coats of bondbreaker to achieve aconsistent uniform membrane of the correct coverage rateand membrane thickness. Extremely porous or otherwiseabsorptive slabs can also be fogged with water to asaturated surface dry (SSD) condition prior to application ofbondbreaker.BONDBREAKER TESTTo verify the integrity of the bondbreaker coat, sprinklewater on the casting bed. (Water should bead up as ona freshly waxed automobile). The applied, dried materialshould have a soap like feel, uniformly over the substrate.The application should appear uniform and continuous, withlight areas requiring re-application. Failure to verify properuniform application and coverage rates can result in panelsticking. Testing must be performed over a large enoughsurface area in an adequate testing frequency to provideaccurate and meaningful results.112 02-09PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONSURE LIFT (J-6) is a reactive and membrane formingbondbreaker for use in tilt wall construction. (J-6) is aspecial formula of polymers and propriety ingredientsdesigned to provide clean, easy lifting of tilt panels. (J-6) has a fugitive dye for ease of visual inspection duringapplication and is also available without the dye uponspecial request.USE(J-6) is designed to allow for easy lifting of tilt wall panelsfrom properly designed, finished and cured concretecasting beds.BENEFITS• Chemically reactive• Good resistance to rain and weather• Panels lift cleanly• Minimal panel residue• Resists construction foot trafficNOTE:Prior to application, read, and follow all current (verifyliterature is current) literature instructions, limitations, andprecautions in this data sheet, on the MSDS, and on thelabel of the container prior to use.The instructions provided by this technical data sheet applyto general average site conditions such as concrete mixdesigns, finishing techniques, and site ambient conditions.Test applications should always be made by the enduser/purchaser prior to overall use of the bondbreaker.This is at a minimum necessary to verify that the amountsof bondbreaker purchased and anticipated to be appliedis sufficient to result in the correct application coveragerates and end performance of the product based upon thespecific site conditions.The concrete casting slab, waste slabs and tilt wallpanels must be properly designed, finished and curedin accordance with industry standards and guidelinesincluding those of ACI and TCA.APPLICATIONCure CoatConcrete casting slabs must be smooth, dense, sound,of adequate thickness, and well cured. Improperor inadequate curing or finishing will increase slabpermeability and decrease bondbreaker effectiveness.(J-6) can be used as an effective curing aid under limitedenvironmental conditions. However, it is recommendedper ACI & ASTM to cure the concrete in accordance withASTM C-309. The use of the J-20 or J-22 Cure & Sealsor other approved Dayton Superior solvent-based curingcompounds meeting ASTM C-309 is recommended.Curing membranes must be allowed to fully dry prior toapplication of the bond breaker coats. Contact DaytonSuperior Technical Services for additional information andrecommendations.Always apply the cure coat IMMEDIATELY after completionof toweling and final finishing and after the surface waterhas disappeared. In extremely hot windy or dry weatherlightly fog the slab with clean water prior to cure coat.If and when (J-6) is used as the cure coat, apply uniformly@ 200 ft²/gal (4.9 m²/L). Over application of the (J-6)cure coat may result in delays due to longer drying time forthe cure coat, panel discoloration and/or excessive bondbreaker transfer to the panel surface. Under applicationof the (J-6) cure coat can result in crazing or cracking of

MiscellaneousCure andBondbreakerSure-Lift (J-6) Premium Cure Bondbreaker - continuedIt is entirely the contractor’s responsibility to verify that thebondbreaker has been evenly and uniformly applied at therecommended application/coverage rates given the variousconcrete mix design, densities, finishes, and porosityconditions on each projectHOT WEATHER PROCEDURESIn hot weather, the casting slab must be flooded withwater to reduce its porosity and cool it down prior to thefirst bond breaker application of (J-6). Thoroughly saturatethe slab with water, and then squeegee off the excess,removing all the free standing water from the surface, thenimmediately proceed with applying the first applicationof the (J-6). Delaying the application of the bondbreakerafter wetting of the slab will result in over penetration andlessen bondbreaker effectiveness and panel sticking mayresult. Prior to concrete placement wet down the castingslab with cool water; excessive water should be blown outimmediately prior to the concrete placement. Take carewhen placing concrete to avoid abrading or scouring thebond breaker on the casting bed as braded or scouredspots or areas may result in stuck panels. Discharge theconcrete into previously placed fresh concrete.DRY TIMEApproximately 2 hours at 70°F (21°C). Coolertemperatures higher humidity and thicker bondbreakercoats will extend the dry time.CLEAN UPFor Tools & Equipment Use Mineral Spirits, Naphtha orXylolWASTE DISPOSALDispose of waste material and empty packaging inaccordance with all Federal, State and Local requirements.Refer to product’s MSDS for further information.ESTIMATED COVERAGE• Cure Coat: 200 ft 2 /gal (4.9m 2 /l)• Bondbreaker Coats:First Coat: 400 ft²/gal. (9.8 m²/L)Second Coat: 550-700 ft²/gal (13.5-17.2 m²/l)The above recommended coverage rates are averagesbased on average site and concrete conditions.Complete and uniform coverage of the casting slab variesconsiderably with variations in the placing, curing, concretemix design, density, finishing, and site specific ambientconditions. It is not possible for the recommendationsprovided by this data sheet to accommodate and accountfor all variables associated with the coverage rate andapplication of the bondbreaker. It is the contractor’sresponsibility to verify that the applied coverage rates andoverall application of the bondbreaker is commensuratewith the specific site variables and conditions.PACKAGINGItem # Package SizeGals Liter69233 Pails 5 18.969231 Drums 55 208STORAGEThe (J-6) should be stored in a tightly secured originalfactory container. Store in the horizontal position to preventmoisture accumulation on the drum head. Keep fromfreezing.LIMITATIONSAvoid contamination by storing containers in clean, dryarea and keeping lids tightly sealed. The shelf life of (J-6) is 12 months when properly stored. Do not spray onreinforcing steel.Not recommended when concrete mix designs using fly ashor other pozzolonic materials without first contacting theTechnical Services Dept. for specific recommendations. Flyash can result in slower concrete strength development.Failure to observe specific application rates and proceduresmay lead to sticking panels.Not recommended for application to broom finished orotherwise rough, porous or weak unsound concrete.Do not apply in rain or if rain is forecast within 12 hours ofthe application. Casting slab surfaces exposed to rain mayrequire reapplication of the bondbreaker at a coverage rateat 550-700 ft²/gal (13.5-17.2 m²/l).Do not apply below 40°F(4°C) or when ambient temperatures are expected to fallbelow 40°F (4°C) within 12 hours.Not recommended for application to casting slabconcrete that has been cured with curing blankets orplastic coverings without first removing the salts from theconcrete’s surface before application of the bondbreaker.Surface salts can result in surface defects.Application of the bondbreaker as a cure coat during coolweather or when a moisture barrier has been used willresult in longer than normal drying times. Application intwo thin coats rather than one thick coat will reduce the drytime.Properly applied, casting beds and tilt panels can normallybe coated or sealed after appropriate cleaning and orsurface preparation of the surfaces. The manufacture ofthe coating, paint, sealer, adhesive or other subsequenttreatments should be consulted for specific substratecleaning and preparation requirements and instructionsprior to painting.The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) Tilt Tips “PaintingTilt-Up Panels” document should be understood andfollowed if painting of the tilt panels is anticipated. Overapplication can lead to excessive transfer to the panels andpotentially cause problems with subsequent paint adhesion.A mock up test panel of any subsequent application ofpaint/coatings or other membrane forming treatmentsshould always be applied and tested to verify propercoating adhesion and adequate cleaning and surfacepreparation of the tilt panels.Improper concrete mix designs, overly porous or weakcasting slab concrete, failure to properly finish and/or curethe concrete and/or uneven or improper application andinsufficient mixing of the bondbreaker can lead to panelsticking.Miscellaneous andChemical Products02-09113

MiscellaneousCure andBondbreakerSure-Lift (J-6) Premium Cure BondbreakerMiscellaneous andChemical Productsthe casting slab surface as well as a weakened and overlyporous slab surface.SPRAY EQUIPMENTThe (J-6) Bondbreaker must be applied by a highquality “low-pressure pump-up type sprayer” such asmanufactured by Hudson, Chapin or others. The tip sizemust be able to produce a well atomized spray pattern. Thesprayer must be kept under sufficient pressure to correctlyatomize the (J-6) without streaming, tailing, or spitting. A1/2 (0.5) gal. /minute tip is generally recommended formost applications. The use of an improper sprayer, a dirtysprayer, lower than adequate pressures or wrong tip canresult in an uneven application, and either over or underapplication.First Bondbreaker CoatThe casting bed should be free of all foreign material,salts, laitance and the (J-6) protected, while drying, fromall contaminants or particulate matter (i.e., dust, dirt,etc.). Just prior to placing the reinforcing steel, and withintwo weeks of pouring the panels, spray apply the firstbondbreaker application of (J-6) at 400 ft²/gal. (9.8m²/L)to the point of rejection. Spray at right angles to curingcompound spray pattern. Specific site conditions maydictate coverage rates other than the normal recommendedcoverage rates. Adjust the actual applied rates accordingly.Second Bondbreaker CoatWait until first coat dries, approximately 2 hours dependingon temperature and humidity, and apply a second coat atright angles to the previous coat. Coverage for the secondcoat will typically be 550 to 700 ft²/gal. (13.5-17.2 m²/L).If light or white spots appear within 10-40 minutes afterspraying, those areas are extra porous and should befogged with water followed by a reapplication of the (J-6) at550 to 700 ft²/gal. (13.5-17.2 m²/L). Specific site conditionsmay dictate coverage rates other than the normalrecommended coverage rates. Adjust the actual appliedrates accordingly.The number of bondbreaker coats and coverage ratesnecessary to achieve a complete uniform coverage ishighly dependant on the concrete casting slab mix designas well as its inherent porosity, finishing techniques, and otherrelated site specific ambient conditions. Adequatebondbreaker application is in large part dependant upondevelopment of a uniform soap like feel of the bondbreakertreated surface as well as beading of water. Bondbreakercan also be checked by rolling up a small ball like amountunder thumb pressure.Extremely porous or rough casting slabs will necessitatesuccessive additional coats of bondbreaker to achieve aconsistent uniform membrane of the correct coverage rateand membrane thickness. Extremely porous or otherwiseabsorptive slabs can also be fogged with water to asaturated surface dry (SSD) condition prior to application ofbondbreaker.BONDBREAKER TESTTo verify the integrity of the bondbreaker coat, sprinklewater on the casting bed. (Water should bead up as ona freshly waxed automobile). The applied, dried materialshould have a soap like feel, uniformly over the substrate.The application should appear uniform and continuous, withlight areas requiring re-application. Failure to verify properuniform application and coverage rates can result in panelsticking. Testing must be performed over a large enoughsurface area in an adequate testing frequency to provideaccurate and meaningful results.112 02-09PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONSURE LIFT (J-6) is a reactive and membrane formingbondbreaker for use in tilt wall construction. (J-6) is aspecial formula of polymers and propriety ingredientsdesigned to provide clean, easy lifting of tilt panels. (J-6) has a fugitive dye for ease of visual inspection duringapplication and is also available without the dye uponspecial request.USE(J-6) is designed to allow for easy lifting of tilt wall panelsfrom properly designed, finished and cured concretecasting beds.BENEFITS• Chemically reactive• Good resistance to rain and weather• Panels lift cleanly• Minimal panel residue• Resists construction foot trafficNOTE:Prior to application, read, and follow all current (verifyliterature is current) literature instructions, limitations, andprecautions in this data sheet, on the MSDS, and on thelabel of the container prior to use.The instructions provided by this technical data sheet applyto general average site conditions such as concrete mixdesigns, finishing techniques, and site ambient conditions.Test applications should always be made by the enduser/purchaser prior to overall use of the bondbreaker.This is at a minimum necessary to verify that the amountsof bondbreaker purchased and anticipated to be appliedis sufficient to result in the correct application coveragerates and end performance of the product based upon thespecific site conditions.The concrete casting slab, waste slabs and tilt wallpanels must be properly designed, finished and curedin accordance with industry standards and guidelinesincluding those of ACI and TCA.APPLICATIONCure CoatConcrete casting slabs must be smooth, dense, sound,of adequate thickness, and well cured. Improperor inadequate curing or finishing will increase slabpermeability and decrease bondbreaker effectiveness.(J-6) can be used as an effective curing aid under limitedenvironmental conditions. However, it is recommendedper ACI & ASTM to cure the concrete in accordance withASTM C-309. The use of the J-20 or J-22 Cure & Sealsor other approved Dayton Superior solvent-based curingcompounds meeting ASTM C-309 is recommended.Curing membranes must be allowed to fully dry prior toapplication of the bond breaker coats. Contact DaytonSuperior Technical Services for additional information andrecommendations.Always apply the cure coat IMMEDIATELY after completionof toweling and final finishing and after the surface waterhas disappeared. In extremely hot windy or dry weatherlightly fog the slab with clean water prior to cure coat.If and when (J-6) is used as the cure coat, apply uniformly@ 200 ft²/gal (4.9 m²/L). Over application of the (J-6)cure coat may result in delays due to longer drying time forthe cure coat, panel discoloration and/or excessive bondbreaker transfer to the panel surface. Under applicationof the (J-6) cure coat can result in crazing or cracking of

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